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After years of promises the village is getting the phone on. The lines are strung and the phone arrived last week.

This gives me other options regarding the internet connection, I'm paying 1500B a month for satellite now. Any suggestions on alternatives?

After years of promises the village is getting the phone on. The lines are strung and the phone arrived last week.

This gives me other options regarding the internet connection, I'm paying 1500B a month for satellite now. Any suggestions on alternatives?

Dear sceadugenga,

Which village are you in ?

Or if that is too personal,which ampher ?

:o Wiley Coyote

Hoysan, about 2 or 3 Kms from Mai Lao. If your coming to beat me up watch out for the dog, he's small but tough.

Thank You

I live the other side of the tracks ,Chiang Saen

No ,I promise I won't beat you up .

Look after your dog,he sounds an asset.

Ours make a noise,then hide in the house !

Thank You

:o Wiley Coyote

Hoysan, about 2 or 3 Kms from Mai Lao. If your coming to beat me up watch out for the dog, he's small but tough.

Thank You

I live the other side of the tracks ,Chiang Saen

No ,I promise I won't beat you up .

Look after your dog,he sounds an asset.

Ours make a noise,then hide in the house !

Thank You

:o Wiley Coyote

I was down there last week, had meal in one of the riverfront restaurants. More details on my ThaiVisa blog.


They have strung our lines but it is unlikely we will be offered phones until sometime next year. I'm using IPStar from TOT but would switch to ADSL in a heartbeat. Use True ADSL in Bangkok and it is much faster and there isn't the latency problem so get great sound quality on Skype. I'm not sure what company options may exist in your area.


To get ADSL you need to be within a spwecific distance from your exchange (as well as the exchange being equiped). Been a number of years since I worked on a fixed line exchange so can't remember the exact distances. Best advice I can give is to call the company (TOT?) and check if you can get ADSL.

If you know that already sorry for stating the obvious.



I've just taken a house in Chiang Rai and looking into internet possibilities is the first priority. I was going to drop in on TT&T (which is how I proceeded in Chiang Mai). But you are saying I should be visiting TOT?


I've just taken a house in Chiang Rai and looking into internet possibilities is the first priority. I was going to drop in on TT&T (which is how I proceeded in Chiang Mai). But you are saying I should be visiting TOT?

In my area TOT is top dog. Don't know about your area. Shouldn't be too hard to work out.


I've never had a problem with TOT Ipstar in six months. I suppose 1500B a month isn't bad, but I like to fiddle with the accounts and would settle for a similar dial up service at a reduced rate.

I'll certainly be looking at ADSL.


no ones mentioned CMDA or EDGE internet wireless through the mobile phone network.

never having been to chiang rai myself, im guessing the network coverage around the province is not good .

if there is coverage in your area, it might be an option.


Hi well from someone who used to give out about Maxnet from TTand T, I am now very happy with the service.

631 baht a month for 1.0Mbps. This a test of speed which I am after doing.

Test Time : 2007-10-01 23:39:26

Your IP Address :

Your current bandwidth reading : 1028.50kbps

which means you can download at 128.56 KB/sec. from our servers.

33.6 kbps dial-up

56 kbps ISDN

128 kbps ISDN

384 kbps DSL

768 kbps DSL

1000 kbps DSL

1028.5 kbps YOU

1500 kbps DSL/T1/Cable Modem


[ Traceroute ] [ Ping ]

BTW Thai Visa speed test seems to be closed down.


If your getting a Landline, Forget TOT.

In my experience its another Dinosaur of a Lame organisation specifically designed to Anoy farangs.

We have a telephone post outside our gate and have had for 10 years, I went to the TOT office and requested a connection Ten years ago and again last year. After a few weeks or months and lots of chasing, they came back to say we couldn't have a phone for some reason or another. Probably couldn't be bothered.

We went to Big C and enquired at TT&T and they installed a Phone in a few days, the Maxnet ADSL had to wait a few months but we now have it. Office said we could only get 256K because we are in the sticks. I managed eventually to get them to try 512K and now I'm getting around 420K on a speed test. Looks like TT&T are improving there infrastructure all the time.

I guess the Landline actually belongs to TOT anyway as I get a seperate bill for the Landline from TOT and Internet to TT&T.

TOT are Quick at installing Satelite IPSTAR but its expensive.

Go speak to TT&T you maybe lucky. If one staff says no then speak to another one, or phone the TT&T helpline, I get a different response/Answer to my questions everytime, even from the same person ;-)


Living out from town, there is no phone lines or cable to the house. Currently I am using a cellphone (of course), Dynasat/KXAI dish and receiver (44 channels) for TV, and CDMA with outside antenna for internet.

The TV situation is basically maddening and unacceptable due to the receiver instructions being only in Thai, and the exceptionally POOR service by the Thai provider (at the present - none!). I was able to watch TV only about 5 days last month and were it not for CD movies I would have been reduced to going to town to search for any entertainment available. Does anyone have suggestions as to a TV alternative? How reliable is UBC?

The internet connection I signed up for with CDMA is horribly slow even though there is a fairly close transmission tower (a barely useable but unacceptable delay when trying to use VOIP) and costs 699 baht per month. There was a faster, more expensive option called an "Air Card", but now I have already bought the antenna and digital receiver. I could bite the bullet and pay out again, but does anyone know of another alternative for "country folk"?


Living out from town, there is no phone lines or cable to the house. Currently I am using a cellphone (of course), Dynasat/KXAI dish and receiver (44 channels) for TV, and CDMA with outside antenna for internet.

The TV situation is basically maddening and unacceptable due to the receiver instructions being only in Thai, and the exceptionally POOR service by the Thai provider (at the present - none!). I was able to watch TV only about 5 days last month and were it not for CD movies I would have been reduced to going to town to search for any entertainment available. Does anyone have suggestions as to a TV alternative? How reliable is UBC?

The internet connection I signed up for with CDMA is horribly slow even though there is a fairly close transmission tower (a barely useable but unacceptable delay when trying to use VOIP) and costs 699 baht per month. There was a faster, more expensive option called an "Air Card", but now I have already bought the antenna and digital receiver. I could bite the bullet and pay out again, but does anyone know of another alternative for "country folk"?


The TOT Ipstar satellite connection has worked well for me. It cost 3200B for set up and 1500 a month.

We're not normally allowed to discuss Dynasat here but I'll PM you with some information.

Living out from town, there is no phone lines or cable to the house. Currently I am using a cellphone (of course), Dynasat/KXAI dish and receiver (44 channels) for TV, and CDMA with outside antenna for internet.

The TV situation is basically maddening and unacceptable due to the receiver instructions being only in Thai, and the exceptionally POOR service by the Thai provider (at the present - none!). I was able to watch TV only about 5 days last month and were it not for CD movies I would have been reduced to going to town to search for any entertainment available. Does anyone have suggestions as to a TV alternative? How reliable is UBC?

The internet connection I signed up for with CDMA is horribly slow even though there is a fairly close transmission tower (a barely useable but unacceptable delay when trying to use VOIP) and costs 699 baht per month. There was a faster, more expensive option called an "Air Card", but now I have already bought the antenna and digital receiver. I could bite the bullet and pay out again, but does anyone know of another alternative for "country folk"?


The TOT Ipstar satellite connection has worked well for me. It cost 3200B for set up and 1500 a month.

We're not normally allowed to discuss Dynasat here but I'll PM you with some information.

Living out from town, there is no phone lines or cable to the house. Currently I am using a cellphone (of course), Dynasat/KXAI dish and receiver (44 channels) for TV, and CDMA with outside antenna for internet.

The TV situation is basically maddening and unacceptable due to the receiver instructions being only in Thai, and the exceptionally POOR service by the Thai provider (at the present - none!). I was able to watch TV only about 5 days last month and were it not for CD movies I would have been reduced to going to town to search for any entertainment available. Does anyone have suggestions as to a TV alternative? How reliable is UBC?

The internet connection I signed up for with CDMA is horribly slow even though there is a fairly close transmission tower (a barely useable but unacceptable delay when trying to use VOIP) and costs 699 baht per month. There was a faster, more expensive option called an "Air Card", but now I have already bought the antenna and digital receiver. I could bite the bullet and pay out again, but does anyone know of another alternative for "country folk"?


The TOT Ipstar satellite connection has worked well for me. It cost 3200B for set up and 1500 a month.

We're not normally allowed to discuss Dynasat here but I'll PM you with some information.

Thank you for your responses, Sceadugengia.


After years of promises the village is getting the phone on. The lines are strung and the phone arrived last week.

This gives me other options regarding the internet connection, I'm paying 1500B a month for satellite now. Any suggestions on alternatives?

The phone arrived last Thursday, the guys arrived today and hard wired it from the front gate. They say they finish in the village tomorrow night and connection comes Monday or Tuesday.

It's all happening.

I must say I'm ashamed to admit I'm waiting for the "Thai factor" to cut in.


I was paying the Maxnet bill today in Big C and they had a sign 15% off.

Upon inquiring I was told that if you pay your Maxnet for a year in advance you get 15% off.

Seems like a good deal to me, now if only they could guarantee the service.

Tayto, always in search of a bargain.

I was paying the Maxnet bill today in Big C and they had a sign 15% off.

Upon inquiring I was told that if you pay your Maxnet for a year in advance you get 15% off.

Seems like a good deal to me, now if only they could guarantee the service.

Tayto, always in search of a bargain.

I suppose you could always ask them for a refund if it fell over. :o

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