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Thai Farang Fights


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I am a Thai and I fought with an imbecilic American at Monterey.

Me and my swiss friends parked our car at the proper place. The imbecile just had a huge argument with his GF via phone .He was the guy who worked in the minimart. He started blaming us as he claimed we parked at the handicapped 's carpark ,obviously not!!

I yelled him as... !@!~@#@%

(he told me and my friend as..look! my gf' s mother want us to break up and she think so..I told him.."serve you right fukwit u need to learn more about manner anyway. u thicko "

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<br />When I was a kid we lived in a very bad area of manchester. My father was a decent man and that did not fit in with the local scum. I learned to fight grown men from the age of 16! <br />Things then got very unreasonable and I ended up being shot at ( 45 years ago ---a a rarity) I use pick axe shafts and sawn of shot guns from a very early age.<br />Later I joined the army then left as the Congolese war was on and a guy called Bob Dunard was paying very good money for experienced squaddies.<br />My life has been ruined buy constant violence!<br /> I am old now and cannot fight thank god!<br />I still occasionally get some very bad dreams and memories that I would rather forget.<br />I used to think my European father in law was a whimp-he could not fight for tuppence!<br /> Nowadays I remember him as one of the bravest most principalled guys I ever knew!<br />Ther really is no mileage in being a tough guy like some of these posters---we can all pull a trigger IF we have to<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Ive always thought this the real tough guys are the ones who work 14 hours a day for years to suport their families or usually in wars keep quiet and wont or dont talk about their experiences but will do the most daring things when necessary. Like you say anyone can pull a gun doesnt matter how tough you are try catching a bullet !!

I lived in moss side at age 16, it was awful ,you definatly didnt take a knife to a gunfight there ! ,.being tough and loud in thailand is a dangerous combination,. i personally know of 2 men that fit that bill and have mysteriously dissapeared here in thailand,.my advise, keep a low profile and avoid any kind of confrontation or your life could change dramatiacally,.
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I don't usually post, but the egos in some of the posts on this thread are too much. I wonder how many fights are truly unavoidable by just walking away? Maybe like 1% or something like that?

The truth is a certain number of people seem to want to get in fights. They seem to feel some kind of need for them. And then alcohol unleashes their demons.

I also doubt Pepe's story. It has the air of exaggeration. But as told it's more about the 'from the streets fighting physician' proving himself than a reasonable response to a threat. My 'play,' as Pepe says (geesh, is this the Godfather), would have been, assuming that there was truly a threat that couldn't have been avoided by being kinder and less aggressive, would have been to pay the money, not risk death or serious injury to myself or the two katoeys over what-- a few thousand baht? And the second blow--he didn't present that as necessary or out of the heat of the moment, but instead as a calculated move to inflict serious injury (or even death--who knows with heavy blows to the head).

Damian- in the rape of your sister hypothetical, your response makes it about you. It shouldn't be. It should be about her--and so it doesn't make any sense to put your own sense of honor or whatever over justice for your sister.

Ya sure, but I think that is a normal feeling, we all want to selfishly do something about someting like that out of rage, pain etc. I answered based on how I've felt my whole life not being able to act in similar situations because I didnt know who the culprit was, lucky for me maybe.

Damian Mavis

Damian - the culprit is your barber. Go get him pal! Just kiddin - he, he,...actually your 'Do' looks pretty cool.

Hehe, that is just a pic of me in costume for one of the characters I've played. The most interesting looking one. Ususally I look like a clean cut business man!


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My friends first time in Thailand ended in him getting jumped by 3 Thais in a fight THEY started. He was pissy drunk and they were notorious for starting fights with drunken foreigners. He was pretty good at boxing and managed two of them for a bit. I wasn't there and no locals jumped in because they knew the Thais were a bunch of trouble making punks. He only had a few cuts and bruises though.

Been in a few scrapes my scrapes myself but only with foreigners and not serious. One example was this Israeli guy who went around telling everybody in the local bars that I was a yabaa dealer and my GF was a whore which she most certainly was not. Thing is I didn't even know who the hel_l he was or why he thought this :D

Another time a drunken cockney (who I had been drinking with the previous night) lunged at me in the street, utterly convinced that I had been doing it with his GF. This was solely based on the fact that she HAD been doing it with someone else who also happened to hail from Scotland. I know there is not too many Scots in the world but that was just ridiculous ! I gave him a couple of jabs for his trouble, much to the delight of an off duty policeman who was having a beer nearby :D He apologized to me the next time we met.

Lets see..... I had this really crazy Thai friend (acquaintance more like) who was always getting into fights with farang. He would just get drunk and constantly wind people up for his own amusement. He would often take on more than one at a time and sometimes win, sometimes not. He was more crazy than bad if you know what I mean, but entertaining none the less !

AND MY ALL TIME FAVORITE SCRAP was between a small African chap and a skinny Thai chap with dreadlocks. It was arranged between them in the bar and everyone went outside to watch, referees and all. It was the most pathetic excuse for a fight ever and nobody got hurt. Apart from one fat English girl who was crying because of "the barbarity of it all", or something. She couldn't understand why I was splitting my sides laughing (especially when they were lobbing plastic chairs about and missing each other constantly) and kept yelling at me "It's not funny! Somebody help !" etc. Both guys were heavily stoned and the fight was in slow mo


Apart from that I have seen a lot of Thai v Thai fights. Most drunken, but always vicious !

Take care out there people...............


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Thai falang one on one.

Never seen it.

Only a pack of thais go for the one guy Thai or Falang.

Pack animal fighting.

yea it was an interesting when me and a few mates were over here tho. There were 7 of us and apart from one of us we're all reasonable sized blokes even by NZ standards eh..

Anyway we were all in one of those gogo bars in Patong when this drunk thai cu*t started mouthing off at Jamie cos apparently Jamie had accidentally spilt a drink on him (for which he quite rightly apologied).. the guy still tried to start shit but cos there were 7 of us against him he obviously backed off pretty quick.. at least until Jamie and Nate left with a couple of girls..

The cowardly bastard got like at least 8 of his "boys" to come down armed with metal rods and knives and shit.. They pretty much just went for Jamie at first and ignored Nate.. Jamie got smacked with those rods and when Nate started smashing those guys he got the mean cut down his arm.. I was like having a drink at the bar when I saw ppl moving outside and heard shouting..

We all pretty much walked out to see what was up and got involved as soon as we saw what was happening.. Chad (absolutely massive guy.. 6'5" and built like a tank) knocked out one of those little bastards and we reckon he broke anothers jaw , Olly got stabbed in the shoulder and Jamie got bottled (he was still standing!!!) as well as sustaining heaps of cuts and bruises from those rods.. I got out with just a bloody sore back, had the mean welts from those steel rods eh.. After the rest of us got involved tho they backed off pretty quick.. That guy who was knocked out was arrested when the cops finally arrived as well as a couple of them who we restrained and beat unconscious.. hav to say Jamie might have overreacted a bit.. he pretty much stood over one of the guys and repeatedly smashed his face in with one of their rods.. im assuming he was hospitalised.. and we couldn't personally press charges because it was not possible to prove who started the fight so they would have been released.. disappointing..

Had to get Jamie stitched up at the hopital as well as Olly and Nate.. His arm required 31 stitches! Jamie got off with just a few to his cheek amazingly.. and Olly got several as well.. Everyone else was sweet tho, couple of bandaids sorted them out lol

Conclusion: smash little Thai man before he can run and get friends haha

but on a more serious note Jamie was bloody lucky..

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I also doubt Pepe's story. It has the air of exaggeration. But as told it's more about the 'from the streets fighting physician' proving himself than a reasonable response to a threat. My 'play,' as Pepe says (geesh, is this the Godfather), would have been, assuming that there was truly a threat that couldn't have been avoided by being kinder and less aggressive, would have been to pay the money, not risk death or serious injury to myself or the two katoeys over what-- a few thousand baht? And the second blow--he didn't present that as necessary or out of the heat of the moment, but instead as a calculated move to inflict serious injury (or even death--who knows with heavy blows to the head).

Two ladyboys tried to rob Pepe and he instinctually pushed them off of him and one pulled a knife. Sounds pretty real to me.

He saw a piece of wood nearbye and bashed the criminal scum in the head and got away. He hit one twice to make sure that the maggot didn't get up and come after him again.

Sure he could be lying, but things like this happen every day and you either try to defend yourself by any means neccesary or lie down and lift your butt in the air to get it over with.

My guess is that he's telling the truth. :o

maybe it is true. what i find interesting is how after seeing the knife welding kathoey right beside him (after being jumped on and pushing off by one of them at least), he had the time to bend down to pick up the very conveniently located 2 by 4, pick it up, stand up, and then take a swing at the kathoey's head, while she was doing....? just standing there like a statue? he did even get cut, she didnt even try to protect her head. he got straight thru with one swing and knocked her cold..? (i cant remember now and cant be bothered to look it up), then a carefully calculated cool as a cucumber second swing to split her head open.

then comes the cherry

then our street fighting physician gets lucky again when he turns around and sees the second kathoey he swaps his grip and changes stance in one smooth movement and throws the aforementioned 2 by 4 like a spear hitting the second fleeing kathoy square in the back as she flees.

it just might have some elements of the truth in it; it could even be true...for me i cant help sniggering. im sorry but i just cant buy it. one thing for sure t'was a lyrical account by our street fighting doctaire mr pepe.

i thought it was a pretty nasty kind of post to write if you are making things up.

ive had a guy pull a knife on me, i did get him away eventually but the instinct was to grab the knife weiding arm and its not that easy to hold on to it either...

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My first instinct when threatened is to run if I feel that gives me a good chance to escape and look for any kind of a weapon that might equalize things if I can't get away. There is usually a stick or bottle or rock or something handy.

The one time I almost got into a fight with a Thai guy here, he had pushed up against me when I was walking on the sidewalk and badly hurt my wrist where I have very painful arthritis. I didn't think about anything but the pain, but being huge and fat, I simply nudged him with my hip to get him off of my hand and he flew out into the street on his hands and knees. By the time he jumped up he had picked up a long piece of broken glass.

We were surrounded by thousands of Thai people as it was at the mouth of Walking Street in Chiang Mai during high season, but he was strange and dirty looking and no one took his side, however, I was very afraid that someone else would get involved against the foreigner.

I had a collapsable steel billy club in my pocket as I had recently had threats from business competitors, so I took it out and held it ready to use and just looked at him without any hostility to see what he was going to do.

He looked at me for a few seconds and then quickly scampered off with the glass still in his hand.

I was paranoid for a few days, but thankfully never saw him again.

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UG you can believe him if u want, who knows he just maybe the cool in a crisis kind of guy you want at your side when things get messy...along with batman. :o

i forgot, the thing that actually got me to see red with his post was that he maintains that after his exploits with the kathoeys, he had the presence of mind to find and pick up the knife as a little memento, before he (perhaps) put his hands in his pockets and sauntered home.

i like a story as much as the next guy, but i dislike this kind of story. i dont know why..he puts me off for some reason.

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Maybe extra English lessons would have been a better choice than your trip to Thailand.
You sound like a nice group. Maybe you will think twice about starting fights next time you come here (or hopefully you just wont return).

What the hel_l? Let me get this straight, a Thai man wants to start a fight over spilled drink, gets an apology but still wants a pound of flesh, then gets 8 men to try to KILL the man (knives, sticks) OVER A SPILLED DRINK and the falangs defend themselves righteously and somehow THEY ARE IN THE WRONG? Not saying Jamie didnt go overboard, but if someone tried to kill me I might lose it too.

Bloody fracking hel_l how do peeople see the world so differently?

Damian Mavis

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UG you can believe him if u want, who knows he just maybe the cool in a crisis kind of guy you want at your side when things get messy...along with batman. :o

i forgot, the thing that actually got me to see red with his post was that he maintains that after his exploits with the kathoeys, he had the presence of mind to find and pick up the knife as a little memento, before he (perhaps) put his hands in his pockets and sauntered home.

i like a story as much as the next guy, but i dislike this kind of story. i dont know why..he puts me off for some reason.

I am not sure if he is telling the truth, or not, but what he says is certainly possible and growing up on the streets of certain cities might make one a little more prepared for such situations.

I have to agree with you about picking up the knife however, I would have gotten away as quickly as possible; I wouldn't have stopped to pick it up either. :D

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What the hel_l? Let me get this straight, a Thai man wants to start a fight over spilled drink, gets an apology but still wants a pound of flesh, then gets 8 men to try to KILL the man (knives, sticks) OVER A SPILLED DRINK and the falangs defend themselves righteously and somehow THEY ARE IN THE WRONG? Not saying Jamie didnt go overboard, but if someone tried to kill me I might lose it too.

the thing is in these internet stories that only one side is presented. we've all heard of the stories of the crazy thais, and some are proabably true. but who knows for sure, unless you were there and saw it all?

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Normally I never run into problems anywhere in the world.

In my experience it is better to

If I see someone is looking for a fight I just go away, however the first time I went to Thailand with my (ex) GF a problem occured.

A friend of me went to Thailand a few months before and had some "romantic" time with a Thai lady and he asked me to say hello and give his regards to her.

Me very naive and not having any idea on BG I went there and said hello to the girl and gave regards from my friend that she did not remember.

My GF and I had a drink with the lady and just chit chat a bit when suddenly a Thai guy appeared screaming and cursing (I think).

The Thai girl said whe had to go as this guy was very dangerous and drunk.

That guy came to us and kept yelling, I just smiled and did not pay attention to him too much but my radar was on.

From the corner of my eyes I saw him getting a large piece of wood and approaching me from behind.

So I turned my chair to see him in the face.

And then he tried to hit me with the piece of wood he was carrying.

I was able to block his attack and remove the piece of wood he carried, leaving him on the ground.

I then walked away after looking him in the eyes.

In my experience it is better to disarm your opponant and let them know you just did.

No need for beating up untill they are almost dead.

Best is to just walk away whenever you feel there are some people looking for a fight, and yes it is mostly UK people that are looking for it.

Kind regards,


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In my experience it is better to disarm your opponant and let them know you just did.

No need for beating up untill they are almost dead.

If someone attacks me with a weapon for no reason, I am going to make sure that they are not capable of doing it to anyone else for a long time, if I am able! :o

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What the hel_l? Let me get this straight, a Thai man wants to start a fight over spilled drink, gets an apology but still wants a pound of flesh, then gets 8 men to try to KILL the man (knives, sticks) OVER A SPILLED DRINK and the falangs defend themselves righteously and somehow THEY ARE IN THE WRONG? Not saying Jamie didnt go overboard, but if someone tried to kill me I might lose it too.

the thing is in these internet stories that only one side is presented. we've all heard of the stories of the crazy thais, and some are proabably true. but who knows for sure, unless you were there and saw it all?

Yes of course but based on the story presented they were judging them as wrong.... almost feels like the Thai attitude I get when I catch someone trying to steal from me and they get upset at me! Like it is my duty to just let people victimise me and how dare I resist? Guess those guys should have just died like good falangs heh.

Damian Mavis

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I tell you, it is better to let them understand you are the omne in control

That will work in SOME circumstances ( I have done exactly that too) but trying to make it sound like a blanket strategy for all life threatening self defence situations is extremely risky and naive. And inferring that anyone that actually fights past the "disarm" stage is going too far is silly.

Damian Mavis

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AlexLah Posted Today, 2007-10-08 20:05:51

I tell you, it is better to let them understand you are the omne in control

I'm not Superman and I'm not Kung &lt;deleted&gt;, if I was to win such a fight at my age, it would mostly be luck. Most likely, I wouldn't be in control.

The azz-kicking I would give him would be for scaring the sh*t out of me and because the w*nker deserves it! :o

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UG you can believe him if u want, who knows he just maybe the cool in a crisis kind of guy you want at your side when things get messy...along with batman. :D

i forgot, the thing that actually got me to see red with his post was that he maintains that after his exploits with the kathoeys, he had the presence of mind to find and pick up the knife as a little memento, before he (perhaps) put his hands in his pockets and sauntered home.

i like a story as much as the next guy, but i dislike this kind of story. i dont know why..he puts me off for some reason.

I am not sure if he is telling the truth, or not, but what he says is certainly possible and growing up on the streets of certain cities might make one a little more prepared for such situations.

I have to agree with you about picking up the knife however, I would have gotten away as quickly as possible; I wouldn't have stopped to pick it up either. :D

there are plenty of tough agressive guys who could have blown those 2 kathoeys away. presumably they picked him coz looked like easy meat. well whatever. ive discussed more than enough. even im beginning to lose interest. :D

What the hel_l? Let me get this straight, a Thai man wants to start a fight over spilled drink, gets an apology but still wants a pound of flesh, then gets 8 men to try to KILL the man (knives, sticks) OVER A SPILLED DRINK and the falangs defend themselves righteously and somehow THEY ARE IN THE WRONG? Not saying Jamie didnt go overboard, but if someone tried to kill me I might lose it too.

the thing is in these internet stories that only one side is presented. we've all heard of the stories of the crazy thais, and some are proabably true. but who knows for sure, unless you were there and saw it all?

Yes of course but based on the story presented they were judging them as wrong.... almost feels like the Thai attitude I get when I catch someone trying to steal from me and they get upset at me! Like it is my duty to just let people victimise me and how dare I resist? Guess those guys should have just died like good falangs heh.

Damian Mavis

call me cynical but i would have assumed that it was more than a spilled drink that sparked it off. i would say it would have been the first in a series of escalating exchanges that led to the final confrontation.

and catching someone stealing and them being upset, its not just a thai attitude, they are just trying to front it and blow smoke to confuse the issue somehow. :o

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Exactly my point longway, they provoked the situation and when it backfired they come crying. They should have just left or paid for the guys drink etc.. Im not saying what the thai guys did was right (it wasnt) but if they want to play at threatening someone so they back off they should be willing to pay the price.

DM, you may have met me but you don’t know the slightest thing about me so please back off. There are plenty of things I could have mentioned about your self indulged egotistical posts, but I don’t, so why don’t you do the same.

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Exactly my point longway, they provoked the situation and when it backfired they come crying. They should have just left or paid for the guys drink etc.. Im not saying what the thai guys did was right (it wasnt) but if they want to play at threatening someone so they back off they should be willing to pay the price.

well i dont know what happened. but when i hear someone say that 8 guys came after him with tire irons after he spilt a guy's drink and apologised. i assume he's leaving some thing out. :o

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This is the part that leads me to believe they provoked the situation, could be wrong of course. Need to hear both sides of the story first.

"there were 7 of us against him he obviously backed off pretty quick"

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So you're just assuming he's not telling the truth instead of taking the story at face value, lousy way to judge people. Just ASSUMING?

Madjbs, it's hard to take you seriously when you have all the life experience of a teenager to back up your opinions but go ahead my wise friend, tell me how egotistical and self indulgent I am.

Damian Mavis

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So you're just assuming he's not telling the truth instead of taking the story at face value, lousy way to judge people. Just ASSUMING?

Damian Mavis

Seems to me you are just ASSUMING that I dont know anything because you are older than me. Dont you think that ASSUMING is a lousy way to judge people.

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So you're just assuming he's not telling the truth instead of taking the story at face value, lousy way to judge people. Just ASSUMING?

i always take people at face value, but it doesnt mean i cant excercise critical judgement on what they say. i believe what u write and u say u are a you are in the movies and are a martial arts expert with ur own school. :o

but with the 8 thai and 7 nz confrontation its very hard to believe that it transpired exactly how it was portrayed.

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So you're just assuming he's not telling the truth instead of taking the story at face value, lousy way to judge people. Just ASSUMING?

Damian Mavis

Seems to me you are just ASSUMING that I dont know anything because you are older than me. Dont you think that ASSUMING is a lousy way to judge people.

Touche and fair enough! And you do seem like a really intelligent young guy. You just seem pretty harsh in your judgements of other falangs in this country from some of your posts.

Ok, seriously now though:

"apparently Jamie had accidentally spilt a drink on him (for which he quite rightly apologied).. the guy still tried to start shit but cos there were 7 of us against him he obviously backed off pretty quick"

I think the problem here is you guys aren't reading the post quite closely enough? And that was NOT a jab at anyones intelligence or anything like that. As you can see from the quote he said the guy tried to applogise, THEN the Thai man still wanted to hurt someone, THEN took off when instead of sitting quietly and letting the man have his way with Jamie they make a unified stand. From the story, they have done nothing but honourable actions, which is why I find some of your attitudes flabbergasting.

Damian Mavis

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