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Thai Farang Fights


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Being 5 foot nothing and 9 stone i'm not really worth the hassel of beating up! I consider myself to be fortunate in that respect. I am proud to say i'v never been in a "proper" fight and have never wittnessed one either.

Sounds like some of you guys have a rather unhealthy view of violence. Sorry it ain't cool to inflict pain on another human being even if you happen to think they deserve it.

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Narowly missed being involved in a brawl at Penny Black Bar in soi Cowboy, must be around a year ago now. It was 4am or thereabouts. The bar was not very full: some girls from bars on the soi and a few people playing pool. One girl in particular was pretty loud and was playing pool with a rather drunk young Brit who was there with 3 mates.

There must have been a wager on the game and possibly previous games as well because when she won she was very outspoken about her victory, especially to the young Brit she just beat. At this point and for whatever reason she came and sat with me. Things were fine for about 5 minutes until the young Brit at the next table decides he wants to try and win his money back. The girl said she doesn't want to play.

Next the Brit starts ripping into me with insults and badmouthing the girl. I didn't know her so I didn't really care but she didn't like it at all. With a few of her girlfriends to back her up she let loose verbally at the Brit.

At this point I offered to play the Brit at pool for 500Bt thinking that he would leave the girl alone and everything would settle down. Somehow, through his alcohol fuzzed logic, this was seen by the Brit as offensive and he refused, resumes insulting me and trying to provoke a response. Now the girl is telling to <deleted> off and things are getting heated. He picks up a pool cue and heads over to the girl who is by now keeping the pool table between the Brit and herself. I'm still seated at the table thinking that any movement could be regarded as threatening and escalate the situation. Play it cool and wait. One of them will back down, surely.

Everything now seems to happen in slow motion. I'm talking to the Brit telling him to relax. His mates have moved in to back him up. He's now yelling at me to "p!ss off". All the girls are now screaming at him and his mates. There's 3 or 4 girls, plus the bar staff, the Brits and me. Things are getting close to being out of control.

One of the Brit's mates is also trying to calm things down. Between us we seem to be making some progress. Just at that point about 4 young Thai guys bolt up the stairs. Seems that someone, probably one of the girls, has called in the soi's vigilantes. Each Thai guy is holding a nice length of timber. And they're not smiling.

There's only seconds to prevent what seems inevitable. By now I'm in between the Thai guys and the group of Brits. 4 Thai guys with 4 pieces of wood and one Brit holding a pool queue. With the help of the Brit who also wants to avoid a fight we quickly managed to prevent the other 2 as yet unarmed Brits from picking up a pool queue or any of the girls or staff for that matter (some went down the stairs, others went across the room out of reach). I even managed to get 3 of the Thais to put down their pieces of timber, although they remained within reach.

So now it just remained to get the young, drunk Brit to put down the pool queue and it would all be over. At this point I honestly thought the fight would be avoided. That is, up until the point the young Brit rushed at one of the Thais. From that moment on, and perhaps for only a minute or two, the Brits had the sh!t beaten out of them. The Brits were never in the fight. Stupidly, after a few blows to the body and legs to put them down these guys got up to carry on. Second time the Thais really let them have it with blows to the head. They didn't get up again.

I thought the Thais had been pretty good about it. First they appeared with superior force which should have made the Brits back down. When it came to fighting they went for the body first, again giving the Brits the option staying down and out, but when it came to finishing the fight they were very methodical about it and there was no doubt about what the end result would be.

All except the Brit who helped me try to keep the peace were hospital cases. I've never see so much blood. These guy's clothes, shirt, jeans and all, were completely soaked in blood. The calm Brit didn't get hurt much, mostly incidental injuries from trying to protect his mates. The Thai guys didn't attack him or me directly. They didn't have a scratch on them either.

I couldn't immediately figure out why I wasn't attacked in the mayhem . How would the Thai guys know I wasn't with the Brits ? Then I realised the girls had been yelling at the Thai guys not to hit me, that I was ok and I'd been sticking up for the girl who the Brit was picking on.

It was a very bizarre situation being in the very middle of complete carnage and yet seeming to be invisible. The Brit's were seriously hurt but if they'd been a bit smarter it could have been easily avoided. Seemed to me they were probably tourists. I can't imagine expats who know how Thais fight getting into this situation.

The calm Brit walked up to me at the end, looked around at his mates on the floor and said "I think you'd better go now". And I did, before the BIB arrived.

sibeymai - thanks for an excellent post - deserves wider readership - rather than hidden away on this thread.

No disrespects - but you were lucky NOT TO also have the shxx beaten out of you because of your appearance and association with the culprits.

In the UK these Thai guys would have been looking at custodial sentences in any court of law there - nasty - vicious thugs!


Good effort to try to diffuse the situation. Lucky you didn't get caught i the cross fire... :o

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About ten years ago two Katoeys tried to pick my pocket on beach road in Pattaya as I was walking to my hotel about 4:00 AM.

As I pushed one away he/ she fell to the ground the other pulled a knife out.

Fortunately there was a nice piece of wood, like a 2x4, in the gutter.

I quickly picked it up gave the one with the knife a good solid shot on the head and she fell to the side walk.

It didn't look split open so I gave it one more shot for good measure.

The other one got up and ran down the street.

I threw the board sort of like a spear, got lucky, and caught the other one with a nice shot in the mid thoracic spine. She kept on running.

Training gleaned from just another day in the ghetto town of my birth in Newark, New Jersey.

I still have the knife to this day ... :o

somehow im not surprised to find you spend your time in a gutter.


That is intended as an insult. One of the mods should ream your ass out with tiger balm on their pecker.

However you're correct. When I'm not seeing patients, involved in teaching or research I am in the gutter.

Well at least my mind is. Any spare time I have is spent responding to asshls like you... :D

yeah uh ...touche. my knees are knockin..not. ur still what u are and i am happy for that.

Edited by longway
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About ten years ago two Katoeys tried to pick my pocket on beach road in Pattaya as I was walking to my hotel about 4:00 AM.

As I pushed one away he/ she fell to the ground the other pulled a knife out.

Fortunately there was a nice piece of wood, like a 2x4, in the gutter.

I quickly picked it up gave the one with the knife a good solid shot on the head and she fell to the side walk.

It didn't look split open so I gave it one more shot for good measure.

The other one got up and ran down the street.

I threw the board sort of like a spear, got lucky, and caught the other one with a nice shot in the mid thoracic spine. She kept on running.

Training gleaned from just another day in the ghetto town of my birth in Newark, New Jersey.

I still have the knife to this day ... :o

somehow im not surprised to find you spend your time in a gutter.


That is intended as an insult. One of the mods should ream your ass out with tiger balm on their pecker.

However you're correct. When I'm not seeing patients, involved in teaching or research I am in the gutter.

Well at least my mind is. Any spare time I have is spent responding to asshls like you... :D

yeah uh ...touche. yeah my knees are knockin..not. ur still what u are and i am happy for that.


What the fck is your problem. Your knees are knockin. Why? I never threatened you. You jumped in and insulted me without provocation.

What would your play be if someone stuck a knife in your face at 4:00 AM on a deserted road.

I still am what I am? I needed a little entertainment today but I think that will do.

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What the fck is your problem. Your knees are knockin. Why? I never threatened you. You jumped in and insulted me without provocation

ok ok let it go. enough of the hissy fits.

What would your play be if someone stuck a knife in your face at 4:00 AM on a deserted road.

tbh i detect the distinct odour of hs. i dont believe a word of it.

I still am what I am? I needed a little entertainment today but I think that will do.

yes it certainly will.

Edited by longway
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Pepe' you always say people are insulting you, you like to talk it up, rubbish other people and insult them but you cry like a little kid when you get a bit of it back.

Jog on. :o


Can you be specific?

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If someone raped my sister I would be honour bound to deal with him personally and alone regardless of his size or skills, Not saying I wouldn't jump him by surprise, just wouldn't want any help. But that is just me.... a falang with silly ridiculous falang ethics and morals and codes that I live by. I recognise that there is a cultural difference that makes me think differently from Thais in a similar situation, I am not saying it is because they are cowardly, they honestly think it's acceptable behaviour due to culture. But to ignore or deny the cutural differences is foolish and naive.


don't confuse morals and ethics with your ego. you sound like you most be one of those farang muay that fighters who only wear tank tops. am i right?

Well I'm not calm! haha, it's not that I despise those tank top wearing tourist thai boxers, I actually have a couple of friends that dress that way and hold world champion thai boxer titles and I've TRIED to get them to dress differently but nope.... anyway,

FarangNoi21.....No you're not right Jerkypants, I am an actor here, ALWAYS dress nice and also own and operate my own martial arts school in Bangkok. Did you read the posts that were relevant to my response? Someone used the example of "if someone big and strong raped your sister wouldnt you get a group of friends to smash him?" and I responded with how I would want to respond and that it certainly didnt involve getting a bunch of people to gang beat the man. If it's my sister it's my responsibility and I shouldnt be trying to get a bunch of other people involved and in trouble. Explain the whole ego thing... I'm too stupid to understand... I'm egotistical if I wanted to punish the guy who violently raped my sister? I think that's a pretty normal emotion. After you insulted me you went on to annoy more people... are you just an A-hole or do you have an axe to grind or what's your beef man?


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I don't usually post, but the egos in some of the posts on this thread are too much. I wonder how many fights are truly unavoidable by just walking away? Maybe like 1% or something like that?

The truth is a certain number of people seem to want to get in fights. They seem to feel some kind of need for them. And then alcohol unleashes their demons.

I also doubt Pepe's story. It has the air of exaggeration. But as told it's more about the 'from the streets fighting physician' proving himself than a reasonable response to a threat. My 'play,' as Pepe says (geesh, is this the Godfather), would have been, assuming that there was truly a threat that couldn't have been avoided by being kinder and less aggressive, would have been to pay the money, not risk death or serious injury to myself or the two katoeys over what-- a few thousand baht? And the second blow--he didn't present that as necessary or out of the heat of the moment, but instead as a calculated move to inflict serious injury (or even death--who knows with heavy blows to the head).

Damian- in the rape of your sister hypothetical, your response makes it about you. It shouldn't be. It should be about her--and so it doesn't make any sense to put your own sense of honor or whatever over justice for your sister.

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If someone raped my sister I would be honour bound to deal with him personally and alone regardless of his size or skills, Not saying I wouldn't jump him by surprise, just wouldn't want any help. But that is just me.... a falang with silly ridiculous falang ethics and morals and codes that I live by. I recognise that there is a cultural difference that makes me think differently from Thais in a similar situation, I am not saying it is because they are cowardly, they honestly think it's acceptable behaviour due to culture. But to ignore or deny the cutural differences is foolish and naive.


I've seen a really nasty gang-up of around 4 Thais on one Thai - an older guy. And similar to the other stories, a big piece of steal (like a re-bar or something) was used to really finish the guy off. They bashed the shit out of his Toyota Hilux utility pick-up truck too..The police came and the guys were still at it, then they camly walked away. The polcie waited in their little pick-up truck for the guys to leave. Now there's cowardry for ya..

As for the differences here versus Canada or other Western countries, it's a classic case of Collectivist Society versus Individualst Society. There are dozens and dozens of books on this. Goolge if you're interested - it explains a lot about the way people in Thailand, Japan and other group-culture societies think and operate. Enlightening..and worth it if you want to try to understand the way Thai people think. Pasuk Pongpaichit is another good writer/academic that holds no 'punches' on Thai society and the patronistic collectivist system.

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Unfortunately, I've seen a couple of Thai "fights" and there's always been a 4-6 against 1 ratio involved. The worst one was in Pattaya just off 3rd Road. While I was waiting for a traffic light to change near 3rd Road, I heard a girl scream, and when I looked to see what was going on there were at least 6 Thai guys (late teens to early twenties) kicking another young Thai man while he was on the ground. The girl (his GF I assume) was being held by one of these a--holes. She was frantic and eventually broke free from his grasp. By this time, the poor guy on the ground had suffered what must have been a broken nose (blood smeared all over his face) and probably some broken ribs, judging by the force he was being kicked. The girl threw herself on top of her boyfriend in an attempt to protect him, but that didn't stop these gutless jerks. They just carried on with their brutal assault, kicking her as well. It was a horrible thing to see and reminded me that one should be very careful about getting into a fight with a Thai. I'm really convinced that there is no such thing as a fair 1 to1 fight in this country. Strange for a culture that seems to put so much value on saving face. How much face can one save when they know they're being a spineless coward?
The thais dont roll up their sleeves and spit on their hands,.on the news yesterday a guy had his bmw modified by a shop in naklua, he didnt like the work and demanded his money back,the owner didnt oblige so a warning shot was sent by sms, it was ignored so later 2 men on a motorbike rode by and tossed in a grenade ! lucky for the owner it failed to go off, ( it was live and was taken by the bomb squad and blown up ).how will he sleep at night ,. you guys must always remember you are more likely to lose the war even if you win the battle,..i have a family that depend on me, i will always take the live coward over the dead hero approach ! ,.
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If someone raped my sister I would be honour bound to deal with him personally and alone regardless of his size or skills, Not saying I wouldn't jump him by surprise, just wouldn't want any help. But that is just me.... a falang with silly ridiculous falang ethics and morals and codes that I live by. I recognise that there is a cultural difference that makes me think differently from Thais in a similar situation, I am not saying it is because they are cowardly, they honestly think it's acceptable behaviour due to culture. But to ignore or deny the cutural differences is foolish and naive.


I've seen a really nasty gang-up of around 4 Thais on one Thai - an older guy. And similar to the other stories, a big piece of steal (like a re-bar or something) was used to really finish the guy off. They bashed the shit out of his Toyota Hilux utility pick-up truck too..The police came and the guys were still at it, then they camly walked away. The polcie waited in their little pick-up truck for the guys to leave. Now there's cowardry for ya..

As for the differences here versus Canada or other Western countries, it's a classic case of Collectivist Society versus Individualst Society. There are dozens and dozens of books on this. Goolge if you're interested - it explains a lot about the way people in Thailand, Japan and other group-culture societies think and operate. Enlightening..and worth it if you want to try to understand the way Thai people think. Pasuk Pongpaichit is another good writer/academic that holds no 'punches' on Thai society and the patronistic collectivist system.

Hey thanks man, I'll look into that.

Damian Mavis

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I don't usually post, but the egos in some of the posts on this thread are too much. I wonder how many fights are truly unavoidable by just walking away? Maybe like 1% or something like that?

The truth is a certain number of people seem to want to get in fights. They seem to feel some kind of need for them. And then alcohol unleashes their demons.

I also doubt Pepe's story. It has the air of exaggeration. But as told it's more about the 'from the streets fighting physician' proving himself than a reasonable response to a threat. My 'play,' as Pepe says (geesh, is this the Godfather), would have been, assuming that there was truly a threat that couldn't have been avoided by being kinder and less aggressive, would have been to pay the money, not risk death or serious injury to myself or the two katoeys over what-- a few thousand baht? And the second blow--he didn't present that as necessary or out of the heat of the moment, but instead as a calculated move to inflict serious injury (or even death--who knows with heavy blows to the head).

Damian- in the rape of your sister hypothetical, your response makes it about you. It shouldn't be. It should be about her--and so it doesn't make any sense to put your own sense of honor or whatever over justice for your sister.

Ya sure, but I think that is a normal feeling, we all want to selfishly do something about someting like that out of rage, pain etc. I answered based on how I've felt my whole life not being able to act in similar situations because I didnt know who the culprit was, lucky for me maybe.

Damian Mavis

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Orig thought this topic was of another sort... so I'll still post my story of another sort. It's about Farang vs Thai in a relationship. I'm very happily just out of a relat with a Farang girl who was waaaay to jai rawn to cut it here, and so now she's gone back to her island down under. Thank goodness. Too much yelling and fighting. I know however that this is not specific to Farangs, and you find a crazy one of either gender on any continent.

For example, I have this one Aussie friend who is a teacher here and cannot/ refuses to break up with his tgf despite the fact that she's usually miserable and annoying to him and to others around them in public together. She's super hi maintenance. One night I was at a restaurant and met up with him and a bunch of other friends. he was shifting in his seat alot. He kept re-adjusting his shirt too. When we finally pursued that and his off-center mood, he recounted the truth of his relationship. He had just had another fight with her. We all knew she cries and yells easily, but this one involved lots of throwing chairs, vases, and books. Then when he tried to stop her and hold her still, the clothes got torn and out came the claws. She keeps those nails nice n long, and ######! if he wasn't scratched up like a kitty play toy! Holy mackerel! His chest and back looked like hel_l. She went nuts. All I could think is he's crazy. I ask him why not break up and he conceded 1) the crazy girls have the best skills in the sack, and 2) that if he breaks up with her she may kill herself, or him, and/or torch his apartment and computer. No not the computer !!! Sacrilege! Anyway, he's not the sharpest tool in the shed and as I feel generally works its way out here, he's got what he deserves. Plus with all the bs and (uninformed) worldly opinions that come out of his mouth, I'm sure he drives her to madness at times all too easily. He can't fight back and just indulges his crazy little princess. And the friends n I have a good laugh about it all when he's not there.

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I also doubt Pepe's story. It has the air of exaggeration. But as told it's more about the 'from the streets fighting physician' proving himself than a reasonable response to a threat. My 'play,' as Pepe says (geesh, is this the Godfather), would have been, assuming that there was truly a threat that couldn't have been avoided by being kinder and less aggressive, would have been to pay the money, not risk death or serious injury to myself or the two katoeys over what-- a few thousand baht? And the second blow--he didn't present that as necessary or out of the heat of the moment, but instead as a calculated move to inflict serious injury (or even death--who knows with heavy blows to the head).

Two ladyboys tried to rob Pepe and he instinctually pushed them off of him and one pulled a knife. Sounds pretty real to me.

He saw a piece of wood nearbye and bashed the criminal scum in the head and got away. He hit one twice to make sure that the maggot didn't get up and come after him again.

Sure he could be lying, but things like this happen every day and you either try to defend yourself by any means neccesary or lie down and lift your butt in the air to get it over with.

My guess is that he's telling the truth. :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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When I was a kid we lived in a very bad area of manchester. My father was a decent man and that did not fit in with the local scum. I learned to fight grown men from the age of 16!

Things then got very unreasonable and I ended up being shot at ( 45 years ago ---a a rarity) I use pick axe shafts and sawn of shot guns from a very early age.

Later I joined the army then left as the Congolese war was on and a guy called Bob Dunard was paying very good money for experienced squaddies.

My life has been ruined buy constant violence!

I am old now and cannot fight thank god!

I still occasionally get some very bad dreams and memories that I would rather forget.

I used to think my European father in law was a whimp-he could not fight for tuppence!

Nowadays I remember him as one of the bravest most principalled guys I ever knew!

Ther really is no mileage in being a tough guy like some of these posters---we can all pull a trigger IF we have to

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Any stories where you have gotten into a fight with a Thai and the locals haven't ganged up on you the police have arrived and the Thai was arrested.......... or is this a flying pig story??

i was in a bar once when a group of thais took strong offence to my presence.

Now , I've been in quite a few straightners in my time and know what the score is , and i knew that it was a thai bird I had to thank for locking me up in a cellar that stopped me from getting a good hiding.

Young thai men and alchahol - for the most part keep your distance :o , but then again I'd rather have them than the hoodies back in blighty.

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I love to hang around the locals when I am in Thailand. I think they are just as curious about me as I am about them.

Once when I was in Pattaya, I was walking along the beach on the pavers headed from my hotel to catch a baht bus. On my way, there was a group of Thai guys, drinking and having fun" they gestured for me to join them and take part in arm wrestling and there was good feelings and laughter... After I got a few feet from them, I turned around and headed back towards the guy who beat me. The fun stopped and all eyes were on me. I reached into my pocket and gave him 100 baht winnings for beating me in Arm Wrestling. Then a cheer rung out and all the guys rubbed and patted my shoulders trying to make me feel as if I did good and was one of the crowd.

Later that night on my way back to my hotel, I came across a group of guys who were drunk or getting drunk.. I don't know if it was the same group or not.. Anyway... They were in a good mood and were asking me questions about the USA, My hotel, where I went today, why I like Thailand and on and on... Before I could answer one question a different guy would but in and ask a new question. I began to feel uneasy when the questions were no so good natured.

The road we were on was not well lit and there were many trees... If I had a problem, I would have to be a good runner...

They one guy who seem to be a nice guy talking to me most would turn to a few of the other guys and speak to them in Thai in a stern voice as they were talking to him in a stern voice also... He would then turn to me and and ask another drunken question.

I felt it was best for me to exit.... And with luck a motorbike taxi pulled-up and in a drunken slur asked me if I needed a taxi... I said yes, got on the back of the bike and had him drive me to my hotel!

What would have happened if I had stayed with the drunk guys? I don't know but I am glad to be out of that situation.

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<br />When I was a kid we lived in a very bad area of manchester. My father was a decent man and that did not fit in with the local scum. I learned to fight grown men from the age of 16! <br />Things then got very unreasonable and I ended up being shot at ( 45 years ago ---a a rarity) I use pick axe shafts and sawn of shot guns from a very early age.<br />Later I joined the army then left as the Congolese war was on and a guy called Bob Dunard was paying very good money for experienced squaddies.<br />My life has been ruined buy constant violence!<br /> I am old now and cannot fight thank god!<br />I still occasionally get some very bad dreams and memories that I would rather forget.<br />I used to think my European father in law was a whimp-he could not fight for tuppence!<br /> Nowadays I remember him as one of the bravest most principalled guys I ever knew!<br />Ther really is no mileage in being a tough guy like some of these posters---we can all pull a trigger IF we have to<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Ive always thought this the real tough guys are the ones who work 14 hours a day for years to suport their families or usually in wars keep quiet and wont or dont talk about their experiences but will do the most daring things when necessary. Like you say anyone can pull a gun doesnt matter how tough you are try catching a bullet !!

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I don't usually post, but the egos in some of the posts on this thread are too much. I wonder how many fights are truly unavoidable by just walking away? Maybe like 1% or something like that?

The truth is a certain number of people seem to want to get in fights. They seem to feel some kind of need for them. And then alcohol unleashes their demons.

I also doubt Pepe's story. It has the air of exaggeration. But as told it's more about the 'from the streets fighting physician' proving himself than a reasonable response to a threat. My 'play,' as Pepe says (geesh, is this the Godfather), would have been, assuming that there was truly a threat that couldn't have been avoided by being kinder and less aggressive, would have been to pay the money, not risk death or serious injury to myself or the two katoeys over what-- a few thousand baht? And the second blow--he didn't present that as necessary or out of the heat of the moment, but instead as a calculated move to inflict serious injury (or even death--who knows with heavy blows to the head).

Damian- in the rape of your sister hypothetical, your response makes it about you. It shouldn't be. It should be about her--and so it doesn't make any sense to put your own sense of honor or whatever over justice for your sister.

Ya sure, but I think that is a normal feeling, we all want to selfishly do something about someting like that out of rage, pain etc. I answered based on how I've felt my whole life not being able to act in similar situations because I didnt know who the culprit was, lucky for me maybe.

Damian Mavis

Damian - the culprit is your barber. Go get him pal! Just kiddin - he, he,...actually your 'Do' looks pretty cool.

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