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2 Decembers back, Mumthai had 3 strokes on 10 days. This had her in hospital for 3 months & left her paralysed down one side. Before we were there last year, some of the $ sent over was used on a wheelchair. This is not a great one - really only suitable for inside use; which it will never see in the village.

What I am after is a reasonably strong wheelchair to send her. There's not much point in paying for in in Oz, then a packet to send it & 2 or 3 x it's price in (ahem) 'tax', so I require some assistance to source one in Thailand & the cost to have it sent to her near Chaiyaphum. I'm happy for whomever helps with this to tack in a carton or two of their favourite chang or similar.

I've had most of the past year out of work with injury, so there was no visit trip this year. Is anyone able to assist?

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