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I came across this Tuesday October 9;


# NovoNordisk is discontinuing Mixtard 10, 20, 40 and 50 penfill 3ml cartridges for commercial reasons. These forms of Mixtard will be unavailable from 31 December 2007. If you currently use one of these Mixtard preparations, you will need to transfer to an alternative insulin before this time. You should make a non-urgent appointment with your doctor or diabetes specialist so that your insulin treatment can be reviewed and this can be arranged.

# Your insulin should only be changed on your doctor's advice. If you are transferred to a different insulin, eg different type (short, intermediate or long acting), different species (human or animal), different brand, or different strength of insulin, your doctor may need to alter your dose, and your warning symptoms of low blood sugar may be slightly different.


I take Humalog fast acting insulin before meals and Humalin M slow acting insulin overnight.

Both seem to be doing a reasonable job, and my specialists here are happy for me to use these products.

I used to use Lantus for overnight, but it is extremely expensive here, and Humalin M seems to work just as well.

Both Humalog and Humlin M are manufactured by Lilley and are distributed here under licence and widely available. I pay 1800 Baht for a box of Humalog (5 x 300Ml penfills) and 1020 for the same quantity of Humalin M.

Of course any changes to your medication should be discussed with your specialist, but you could mention the above products to him/her on your next visit.

I came across this Tuesday October 9;


# NovoNordisk is discontinuing Mixtard 10, 20, 40 and 50 penfill 3ml cartridges for commercial reasons. These forms of Mixtard will be unavailable from 31 December 2007. If you currently use one of these Mixtard preparations, you will need to transfer to an alternative insulin before this time. You should make a non-urgent appointment with your doctor or diabetes specialist so that your insulin treatment can be reviewed and this can be arranged.

# Your insulin should only be changed on your doctor's advice. If you are transferred to a different insulin, eg different type (short, intermediate or long acting), different species (human or animal), different brand, or different strength of insulin, your doctor may need to alter your dose, and your warning symptoms of low blood sugar may be slightly different.

As discussed in this thread http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?sh...=144639&hl=

There is no mention of Mixtard 30 being discontinued.


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