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Northern Girls Being Lured Into Porn


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I thought that only Isaan girls are being lured so. :o

Northern girls being lured into porn: report

The incidence of human tracking in the North provinces is worsening.

Published on October 7, 2007

And, it has emerged some women there are being lured to Japan and then into pornography.

The Anti-Trafficking Coordination Unit Northern Thailand, or Trafcord, revealed other young women had been lured to karaoke bars and restaurants in Malaysia and Taiwan.

Trafcord manager Suriya Kasemsirisawasdi said women from North villages are tricked into pornography and prostitution after marrying Japanese men and moving to their country.

"We found, too, that many girls aged just 12 or 13 are sent to work in Malaysia by their parents," said Suriya.

Trafcord recently completed an investigation into human trafficking in communities in Chiang Mai, Lampang and Phayao.

Suriya said the government needed to make human trafficking in the North a national-agenda item.

The unit discovered the culture of violence among juveniles was worsening and leading these teenagers into a life of crime.

Deputy director of Suanprung Psychiatric Hospital Dr Parithud Silpakij said teenagers were turning to violence as a way to solve problems because they saw it in the cinema and television.

He cited instances of girls brawling in public and senior students beating a first-year student.

Parithud said violence was a symptom of teenage neglect caused by economic factors that demanded parents work long hours outside the home.

Parithud blamed war and violence in movies or television, too.

Over the past few years, the Mental Health Department and the Education Ministry have established mechanisms to help students with mental-health problems.

Where signs of problems are found, teachers counsel the students and visit their homes.

The ministry hopes this will help teenagers and reduce their violent behaviour.

Parithud said all schools were not covered by this service yet and help was needed in areas without this care.

Pichaiyong Mayeukoo,

Khwandao Jitrpana

The Nation

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Northern girls being lured into porn: report
The incidence of human tracking in the North provinces is worsening.

Published on October 7, 2007

And, it has emerged some women there are being lured to Japan and then into pornography.

Parithud blamed war and violence in movies or television, too.

The Nation

Of course, that's the reason isn't it.

Living in an oppressed society with little chance of escape or betterment has nothing to do with it.

Let's all join the ruling class chant.

"it's not our fault, it's not our fault"

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Girls in any society will always be vulnerable to smooth talking guys waving money. There are reports of it happening in the UK with Middle Eastern men seducing young girls then forcing them into prostitution.

Coming from a low income society like Thailand makes them even more vulnerable and many consider the bars as the only way of ever realising a decent income.

I think support groups are vital in this situation to educate the girls in a non-judgmental manner about the dangers of their chosen profession, particularly if they choose to leave the country.

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The NGO group EMPOWER is great. They teach the girls English and coping skills for free and look at prostitution as a lucrative and needed profession, rather than something sinful and low.

It's too bad more religious people and feminists don't share their attitudes. The world would be a better place! :o

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"I thought that only Isaan girls are being lured so."

Uh come on guys didn't I cruised this site a couple months back and you had an old timers thread up for regulars to troll? Obviously not that old eh :o

Before Isaan - Northern Thailand was the tiow puying capital of Thailand. It was also the heatland OF "BONDED PROSTITUTION". Girls sold for a period of service in a brothel. You could almost say it was traditional. At least the aids scourge of the early 90's wrecked that beyond repair.

You know buried away somewhere in a storage locker are notes of some village in Chiang Rai - rural but with suprisingly (for the times) nice homes and low and behold, a bank was too! This was early to mid 90's when a bank in a a village in thailand was AMAZING. The reason ? The girls from that village had a tradition of working in Japan, that is why the houses and that is why the bank was there, to would handle transfers and other money transactions. A lot of money to be made in that little two water buffalo town.

Obviously recruiting is harder these days

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Before Isaan - Northern Thailand was the tiow puying capital of Thailand. It was also the heatland OF "BONDED PROSTITUTION". Girls sold for a period of service in a brothel. You could almost say it was traditional. At least the aids scourge of the early 90's wrecked that beyond repair.

Actually, it was the very serious police crack-downs in 1995 that put most of those places out of business. :o

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REMINDER FOR NEXT Informal Northern Thai Group (INTG) MEETING :

Tuesday, October 16th 2007 - 295th Meeting

At the Alliance Française - Charoen Prathet Road, Chiang Mai - 7:30 pm


"Sacrifice" - The Story of Child Prostitutes from Burma

2nd Showing

A talk and film presentation by Hseng Noung of the Shan Women's Action

Network (SWAN)

"Sacrifice" (1998) is a 50-minute documentary produced and directed by

Ellen Bruno.

Each year thousands of young girls are recruited from rural Burmese

villages to work in the sex industry in neighboring Thailand. Held for

years in debt bondage in illegal Thai brothels, they suffer extreme abuse

by pimps, clients, and the police.

The trafficking of Burmese girls has soared in recent years as a direct

result of political repression in Burma. Human rights abuses, war and

ethnic discrimination has displaced hundreds of thousands of families,

leaving families with no means of livelihood. An offer of employment in

Thailand is a rare chance for many families to escape extreme poverty.

Sacrifice examines the social, cultural, and economic forces at work in the

trafficking of Burmese girls into prostitution in Thailand. It is the story

of the valuation and sale of human beings, and the efforts of teenage girls

to survive a personal crisis born of economic and political repression.

Awards: Gold Apple - National Educational Film Festival - Grand Prize -

Religion Today Film Festival, Italy - Golden Spire Award - San Francisco

International Film Festival - Documentary Film Competition - Sundance Film

Festival - Jury Award - Charlotte Film Festival

This is the second showing of "Sacrifice" by the INTG. Because of the huge

number of people who came to see the first showing last month, and the

large number of people who where unable to physically get into the room to

see the film, Hseng Noung has graciously agreed to come back to the INTG

for a second time.

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Spent a few months in Udon last year, in the main shopping centre there's a coffee shop where you go to relax and read the paper in the morning. A few older (s)expats hang out there. Every day young girls of a questionable age (still in highschool) come over and offer themselves to you for a bit of B. Not just a few, LOTS. Every day.

They aint so innocent ya know.

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They aint so innocent ya know.

I am wondering what this comment means. Is the intention to suggest that the underage kids have some form of adult maturity, or what ?

Do you mean to suggest that if the "older (s)expats" form liaisons with the school kids, this is to be condoned ??


and the name of this dreadful place is.......................................? Just so I don't find myself in there.

You wish to suggest your interest in such a liaison ???

Edited by WaiWai
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^ nah, just that there isn't the same kind of sexual guilt thing going on like in most western countries. Sex is natural and great and should be enjoyed by all anyway you please. As opposed to it's dirty and naughty and you should deny your sexual feelings. Good way to be brought up IMO.

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^ nah, just that there isn't the same kind of sexual guilt thing going on like in most western countries. Sex is natural and great and should be enjoyed by all anyway you please. As opposed to it's dirty and naughty and you should deny your sexual feelings. Good way to be brought up IMO.

See what you mean, but don't you think that's rather a rosy view ? There's a need for self-esteem and other kinds of awareness, too.

I don't see school kids offering to sell themselves to sexpats as healthy & natural, do you ?

The "sexpats" evidently don't experience guilt. Perhaps they could do with a dose of it, in the absence of other values or forms of self-constraint.

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