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Please Help, I Dont Know Where Else To Post

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Can someone please help!

My wife would like to get her daughter here so she can take care of her and i was wondering how to go about it. The only problem is.....well read below.

When my wife got pregnant with her previous Thai boyfriend, he panicked and did a runner. She then gave birth to the child by herself and tried to bring her up alone. She was struggling for money and went to work. She left her daughter with her family in Korat after only having her for three months. She was then called two months after by her father in Korat saying that the ex boyfriend had come and taken her daughter. She was furious and called him straight away and asked him what the hel_l he was thinking. He replied with “give me 20,000 baht and i will give your daughter back ". She then called me and I said ok I will get the money for you and we will get your daughter back. She then called him and said that she would get the money and he replied “I want 1 million baht now ". This is obviously out of our reach and didn't know what to do. After speaking with his parents she then found out that he gave her daughter to his mother to take care. My wife was then sending money to the mother for her to take care of her own daughter. She spoke to the mother and asked if she could have her daughter back and she replied “I can not as I can not give you all the papers".

Her daughter is now 2 years old and my wife has not seen her since she was three months old. She is now in England living with me and calls the mother of the father on a weekly basis to check how her daughter is. The problem being now is that the mother is saying that she can not afford to take care of the little girl and wants my wife to have her. The only problem is that the father will not give her back.

So there is my problem. What should I do? Basically he wants my wife back. But he doesn't even take care of the little girl, his mother does. But all I understand is that I can not get her here without him signing sole custody of the daughter over to my wife.

My wife is getting very upset now as she knows she can give her a better life than he can but he will not give her up. What rights do we have in this matter?

I would appreciate any help on this.


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Before you even start the UK visa application process, you will need to sort out the custody situation in Thailand. Even with that sorted out, in order to get the visa you will need to demonstrate that it is you wife who has had sole responsibility for her daughter's upbringing, which may be difficult when for the majority of her life she has lived with her paternal family.

The first stage is to get hold of a competent Thai lawyer to advise on the custody issues.


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