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Curse Of The Bunny


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Blazing bunny destroys English cricket club

Fri 13 Aug, 1:17 PM

LONDON (AFP) - A burning rabbit has destroyed a 150-year-old cricket club in England after being set on fire accidentally in a bundle of branches by two groundsmen, firemen said.

The men, working at Devizes Cricket Club ground in the west of England, saw the rabbit escape, trailing its burning tail with it.

Thirty minutes later, the club shed was on fire, and despite the best efforts of 11 firefighters, they were unable to salvage the shed or what it contained.

The club estimated that the unfortunate rabbit caused 60,000 pounds (89,000 euros, 110,000 dollars) of damage when the fire burnt the 12-metre (40-foot) long shed and all the material used for the upkeep of the club.

Devizes fire station commander Philip Flowers, 41, said on Friday that in over 20 years of service he had never fought a blaze caused by an burning animal.

"We're 99 percent confident it was the rabbit that caused the fire," he said. "It was either burnt to a cinder or it escaped through a small hole in the corner of the shed, but I imagine it perished and went to bunny heaven."

No remains of the rabbit were found, leaving a little hope it may have survived the inferno.

Flowers stressed jokingly that "extreme vigilance" was now being taken with all rabbits in his jurisdiction.

"We now know that even bunnies can create a lot of problems," he added.

- So be afraid, be very afraid! :o:D

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Had to happen in Devizes. My original home town...

At least the town now has two claims to fame, Blazing Bunnies and Wadworths, the best beer in the known universe, bar none.

I might have agreed with you 25 years ago, 6x was truly a fine pint, but the move toward making 6x a national brand has taken it down the same road as Pedigree and Bodingtons, two fine ales spoilt by attempting to capture too big a market. Fullers London Pride I fear is going the same way.

There are two breweries not far from Devizes that are favourites of mine when I'm in the UK, one is Freeminer from the Forest of Dean, 'Speculation Ale is splendid, and the other is the Wye Valley Brewery who produce several good beers of which 'Butty Bach' is my preference.

I quite fancy a pint, but will have to make do with a bottle of Stary Droug Russian for 'My Old Friend' which is about the best local beer I can get in Siberia.

Ho hum only 17 days remaining of this stint. :o

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Hobgoblin ale - now theres a nice one, rivalled only by the infamous "Christmas pudding ale"

ahh a good pint o warm british beer! feeling homesick now  :o

Wychwood Brewery heh!

Not partial to the Hobgoblin, a little too claggy for my tastes, don't mind the odd one, but I find the Shires a nicer pint, IMHO.

Not tried the Christmas Pudding Ale, though it sounds dangerous! :D

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Wychwood Brewery heh!

Not partial to the Hobgoblin, a little too claggy for my tastes, don't mind the odd one, but I find the Shires a nicer pint, IMHO.

Not tried the Christmas Pudding Ale, though it sounds dangerous! :D

Thats the name of the brewery, i tried to remember but failed :D

The Christmas pudding one was dangerous, the one time i remember encountering it was after a heavy session with a load of Uni boys, needless to say a few didnt make it home... :o

Everytime i saw it after that, i politely declined, with a wince.

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The Christmas pudding one was dangerous, the one time i remember encountering it was after a heavy session with a load of Uni boys, needless to say a few didnt make it home... :o

Haa... I remember that one... thought it was bloody revolting... :D

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Christmas Ales/Winter Warmers are often a strange brew.

The only one I can honestly say I looked forward to seeing on the tap was Young's Winter Warmer strong, but not a killer, the most dangerous I reckon was a beer called Red Nose from a pub called the Reindeer in Norwich, about 15yrs ago now.

I think I had a hangover for a week! Then again I do vaguely remember that it slipped down a treat; just crept up later and beat the crap out of you. :D

They later came up with a stronger Christmas brew called Sanity Claus, enough said! :o

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