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Hey all, just wanted to say HI. :o I got into Bangkok a few days ago and am staying at a Thai friend's house for a week or so before moving into my apt. LOVE this place so far... although I am going to be so sad when I don't have a Thai with me 24/7 to talk for me. LoL My Thai is ok, but I have a long way to go before I'm gonna be having any meaningful conversations. I'm not living near the normal tourist spot, although I did see several farang around the condo I'm renting so maybe I'll get to talk english once in a while. =P

Anyway, yea, HI and hope to see some of you around. :D

BTW... I'm totally paranoid now about diseases, not STDs, just moquito diseases like malaria and other stuff... I went to Bumrungrad yesterday and got hepatitis shot and a tetanus booster... anything else I really need right away? Should I take anti-malarials if I go to Laos?


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Should I take anti-malarials if I go to Laos?

It would largely depend on which areas of Laos you intend to visit I think. If you're going off trekking into the jungle then it's more likely than if you stick to the main towns. Best bet is to consult a doctor though. I'm pretty sure you don't need anti-malarials for anywhere in Thailand though.

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Should I take anti-malarials if I go to Laos?

Yes, you should (given you go for a short trip only) Have lost several friends to falciparum. They made the mistake of going to a local hospital first. However, there was a WHO warning against taking certain kinds of anti-malaria drugs for Laos (well, this warning exists for all countries). There is a lot of immunity around already. Best is to try to google or ask your practitioner in Bkk what is best to take and what would be useless for Laos because of immunity.

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Welcome to BKK,

The advice I often give to new arrivals that are worried about malaria is to not take the pills as some are not effective, some have side affects, and when taking these pills you tend to get a false sense of security when it comes to being bitten. this is where you have to think of Dengue Fever. Tho not a problem in BKK, outside and in Cambodia /Lao it is some concern. The best is to use a DEET spray taking special attention at dawn and dusk and using mosquito netting at night.

Again Welcome to BKK and the Thai Visa forum.

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