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"thai Women Vs Farang Women"


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I'm stateside about a month out of each year and the gals look/sound/act/etc. just as good every year. Haven't noticed any kind of weight trend, course I'm in West Campus in Austin so it's mostly a younger crowd.


The average size in the UK is definately getting bigger

When I left school in the mid-70's the average was a size 10 with a few 8's about in my home town - of course there were some bigger but really in the minority

At Uni in the mid-80's the average was probably size 12

I bet its closer to 14 now - and i am talking the younger age group her

Why - my guess only - much better diet plus the wrong diet in many cases - much less active lifestyle from PE at school to not walking anywhere anytime.

Guys are just the same now though - last time I was in my home town the guy's seemed to fall into two categories - quite overweight guys and the others all steriod body builders

Edited by Prakanong
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(Someone here is telling us Thai women tend to be better in the 'Weight Department' - I wonder what he looks like?)


That's always what I wonder too when someone writes bull* like that, Guesthouse.

They have XXXL men's polo shirts in the BKK markets -- and somehow I doubt that they are bought by either farang women or Thai men. :o

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(Someone here is telling us Thai women tend to be better in the 'Weight Department' - I wonder what he looks like?)


That's always what I wonder too when someone writes bull* like that, Guesthouse.

They have XXXL men's polo shirts in the BKK markets -- and somehow I doubt that they are bought by either farang women or Thai men. :D

Most likely a normal XL - thai(s) seem to make clothing many sizes smaller than a western size. :o

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Its funny tho, isn't it? You rarely hear the women complain as vociferously or as nastily about western guys as some men do about western women. Regardless of how badly they've been treated by a man, the women seem to be able to make the distinction. I can't understand it myself. My dad is a western man and I love him dearly, as are my nephews, and they are good guys too. My ex is western and I have to say, despite our relationship issues, he was still a decent guy. Most of my very good friends are western men--they don't seem to have an issue with my being a western woman and, I suspect, enjoy our friendship precisely because I am a western woman. I guess I have a hard time understanding people who insist on painting every single person of a certain race or gender with a broad brush based on their own limited experiences.

I suspect the answer to the original post is that some people just have issues and feel the need to spew them on the open forum.

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Men come to Thailand for a reason.

Farang women are in Thailand for a reason.

The two are not the same and shouldn't cross the line.There is no competition,just.....difference.As a foreign woman you would have to have rocks in your head to think about a foreign guy.And as a foreign guy well you are not here for the exotic flora you are here for the local fauna.

Nothing to do with fatal attraction just geography.And Aussie girls are far more selective than to choose some burnt out farang alcho on his last legs than to be the trophy of some Thai and get him to spend all his money on the rellos in the hills buying buffolos and getting their shirt ripped off their back under the guise of love and marriage,then go through all the spouse visa stuff and ending up in their home country on the government pension because it 'just didn't work out'.

Boys will be boys and governments should set up a ' Been There Been Spat Out' league. Why should taxpayers pay for all you fools? How many 20 years later are still happily married in Thailand? Or where ever you have moved to?

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women are the same the world over - makes no difference to me. :o

In my experience, most Western women have minds of their own, are not subservient, do not like to be controlled by men, are not logical at times, are overly sensitive, can sometimes be real bitches (expecially at pms time), do not take criticism well, can stay mad for a long time over something very trivial, will argue over trite matters, and feel that they are totally capable living their life independently.

But guess what--the description above also fits my Thai wife ! She is a modern 30 year old highly educated Thai woman and I honestly do not see any difference between her and her western counterpart other than the fact that she stays slender regardless of how much she eats. As Bobby Dylan once said in one of his songs 'The times are a changin'. I think with the westernization of the world, when it comes to women, we are rapidly finding less and less difference between the Asian and Western culture. As the saying goes ' you can't live with them and you can't live without them' so IMHO as men we have to learn to go with the flow as the cultures become more alike.

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I was in Pattaya and sitting drinking with a mixed crowd of farangs. An Australian lady joined us. She was an attractive young lady and joined the conversation. It finally came to the point where she asked why the guys ignored her and preferred the Thai ladies. One brave guy told her that the Thai ladies were feminine and didn't join the men who were trading dirty jokes. We all felt bad the the Australian lady burst into tears.

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So, before it does so, a reminder to all posters of the forum rules:
3) Religious or racial slurs, rude and degrading comments towards women, or extremely negative views of Thailand will not be tolerated.

Remember to mind your manners.

Sbk, although I fully agree with rule #3, I think it should be amended as follows, trying to avoid discrimination...:

"3) Religious or racial slurs, rude and degrading comments towards women, men or third gender ,or extremely negative views of Thailand will not be tolerated"

If this rule/sentence would be only about 'men' I think women and third gender people could, would and should feel offended...

Something to consider ?

LaoPo :o

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Its funny tho, isn't it? You rarely hear the women complain as vociferously or as nastily about western guys as some men do about western women. Regardless of how badly they've been treated by a man, the women seem to be able to make the distinction. I can't understand it myself. My dad is a western man and I love him dearly, as are my nephews, and they are good guys too. My ex is western and I have to say, despite our relationship issues, he was still a decent guy. Most of my very good friends are western men--they don't seem to have an issue with my being a western woman and, I suspect, enjoy our friendship precisely because I am a western woman. I guess I have a hard time understanding people who insist on painting every single person of a certain race or gender with a broad brush based on their own limited experiences.

I suspect the answer to the original post is that some people just have issues and feel the need to spew them on the open forum.

Good point, sbk, this is very true.

Farang women also seem able to find Thai men attractive without having to slag off everything about Western men in the process.

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Lol Gary so you are saying farang women are not as feminine as Thai women.

Are Thai women that feminine?The most practical put on the airs and play all the games people in the world under the guise of 'I'm a virgin' 'I don't say bad things' 'I don't want anything from you handsum.'

Hahaha.Fact is farang guys like being pandered to,made to feel special,empathy for poor living conditions,family,bills,bad job,no money OK I'm generalising but no foreign woman would really want to have anything with a farang in Thailand (not one in her right mind).The Thai girls wrote a book about 'How to catch a Farang Man' here on this forum.

I have many friends who have been burnt both men and women alike and they end up back on the dole in Australia with no money,supporting family,no job prospects for the wife and then it all goes tits up and they end up with an expensive experience.

Compared to western countries where women like to be treated as equal,farang men who gravitate to Thailand do so for a reason.

Sure there are exceptions to the western women but sharing a few dirty jokes is not high on the lst of being unfeminine what are you guys? Missionaries?

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Farang women also seem able to find Thai men attractive without having to slag off everything about Western men in the process.

Not exactly true. I've also heard western ladies bashing the lads with equal vigor.... ugly, overweight, slobs, losers that can't find a western woman in their own country. I often wonder why the ladies think this way as much as the lads bashing western women. :o

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So OK jump forward a few years.

You have your Thai girl,married,maybe a child,move back to the motherland.

Passed the visa requirements so what does she do 'back home'? How does she fit in? Unless you've signed your life away on the yak ranch what are you doing there? If she is not overseas educated and in a good financial position what can she do to support you?

Youth and life passes quickly femininty gives way to old age.Will you throw her over for another dash to the 'Promised Land?'

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(Someone here is telling us Thai women tend to be better in the 'Weight Department' - I wonder what he looks like?)


That's always what I wonder too when someone writes bull* like that, Guesthouse.

They have XXXL men's polo shirts in the BKK markets -- and somehow I doubt that they are bought by either farang women or Thai men. :D

Most likely a normal XL - thai(s) seem to make clothing many sizes smaller than a western size. :o

While it's true that Thai clothing sizes are smaller, some of these things are like TENTS! You could have a pow-wow under those things, they're so huge.

I'm not trying to slagg off fat men -- but I've definitely observed that a non-trivial amount of farang men in BKK are overweight, which hardly puts them in a position to criticize the weight and appearance of farang women.

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Off track back to the OP.

It doesn't matter about the size,shape whatever.It takes all kinds to make a smoothie.

Actually there is no 'US' and 'THEM' syndrome when referring to farang women vs Thais.But definitely beware and nobody has answered my question about what happens when they get 'back home'.

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Farang women also seem able to find Thai men attractive without having to slag off everything about Western men in the process.

Not exactly true. I've also heard western ladies bashing the lads with equal vigor.... ugly, overweight, slobs, losers that can't find a western woman in their own country. I often wonder why the ladies think this way as much as the lads bashing western women. :o

You're confusing two different things.

Calling a spade a spade is not bashing ALL Western men. I'm rather fond of men, and of Western men in particular, but when a guy comes to me on this forum, spewing a bunch of racist and sexist bull* about women, has a crap attitude and seems unable to read, write or speak to anyone with the most basic of respect -- then yes, I do think he's most likely some bitter loser that can't find a girl in his own country through some combination of crappy appearance, crappy attitude and being damaged goods, and I might very well say so.

But this kind of man is not representative of ALL Western men, and thank god for that.

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THere's nothing wrong with a smart,sassy,feminine,independent foreign girl.Guys just feel threatened and love the doe eyes helpless Thais out there.What is that the Odeipus syndrome?

Mummy's boys.Go do some good in some impoverished coutry protecting the women and children.LOL

Edited by Momo8
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THere's nothing wrong with a smart,sassy,feminine,independent foreign girl.Guys just feel threatened and love the doe eyes helpless Thais out there.What is that the Odeipus syndrome?

Mummy's boys.Go do some good in some impoverished coutry protecting the women and children.LOL

Maybe if you spent some time analysing yourself instead of condeming others you may be able to find some happiness yourself!

Anybody is entitled to find anybody attractive for whatever reasons, however misguided, trivial or shallow. Thats life unfortunatly!

You are right, there is nothing wrong with a smart, sassy, femine, independent foreign girl. If that description fits you, why spew so much bile on here? Why not get on with your fantasic life and tell us all about it?

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I'm going to bed now but I really hope this thread doesn't turn ugly. Please don't attack eachother. I don't want this thread to get too personal.

If any of you feel negatively towards western women as a whole can you please say specificly why? Also if you prefer Thai/asian women what class is your wife/gf from and why?

I think there will be an absense of guys dating Thai women from the middle and upper class that also hate western women.

Also there was ain interesting post earlier about IT guys that come to Asia 'cause they like asian girls. I agree that they generally hook up with asian girls that are more attractive (to them) and probably suit them better than a lot of western women would (being a quiet sorta dorky guy is more accepted/ the norm (?) here) . I don't think these guys are the ones saying "I hate western women" though. Agree/disagree?

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I still think too many of you are downplaying the role of hip warping, knee breaking obesity in all this.

Not all, but many, many men the world over find obese and even significantly overweight women unattractive. And I'm not saying anyone is bad or anything like that, but let's be real, let's be honest. The percentage of reasonably thin Thai women is far higher than the percentage of reasonably thin American women, and the average Joe's chance of finding someone he can live with and make love to without having to fantasizie about some woman from television is just that much better in Thailand because of it, even if all other factors were equal.

So one could call me a 'western woman' bashing loser. But more accurately I'm just an 'obese western woman' bashing loser...

C-c-can I g-go on a-a-a d-date with you? [hands wringing nervously, while sweating heavily in 1970's style shirt that is several sizes too small]

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I try to be honest with myself and understand my attraction to Thai women. I think early on a lot of it was built on delusions, I then came to see what I felt was true and pursued it honestly. Early on I felt Thai women were more feminine in appearance and manner. This means less ball busting, more playful, affectionate and quirky. While I do think Thai culture at all levels creates a different type of woman than the west, the difference becomes less stark as you move up the economic ladder. As I got to know more Thais I learned a lot of the attention and what I felt were positive traits I was getting from Thai girls was based on economic disparity and myths they placed on my ability to take care. They were attracted to my wallet at the core but this does extend beyond me handing over baht. While no money no honey is at the core, I do feel they genuinely like me more than western woman, even poor western women who wouldn't be with me if I was handing out hundred dollar bills! My problem with western women is they have a problem with me. I am a social failure in the west. I cannot get a date or the attention of females no matter what I do. I am actually not that bad looking but am on the short side. I am definitely no alpha male in manner or appearance. It seems being farther down the pecking order of masculinity has not hurt me as much in Thailand. I have way more success getting dates and flirting with girls.

I don't have hang ups about my appearance and don't buy into the argument if I got over myself I could get girls here. The problem is they don't want me. No matter how confident I act my chances will only improve marginally, it's not worth the effort or the emotional drain and crippling effects of rejection after rejection to find the one girl who will give me the time of day and go for a walk in the park. I want sex and love like anyone and I can't get it here. Perhaps I am only getting sex and not love in Thailand as that baht is always lingering in the background but if it's a fantasy it sure feels a hel_l of a lot better than weekend after weekend alone in my apartment watching youtube instead of going out. So I don't like western women because they don't like me no matter what I may bring to the table or do to try to compensate for what I don't. Thai women are willing to give me the time of day. I find them physically appealing and it all seems to work out. It's true it's mostly the Isaan girls and not Bangkok Bed Super club girls but that doesn't bother me in the least. I don't want to be thrust in an arena with other guys competing to be rejected or deal with a what have you done for me lately women. The Isaan girls are humble and sexy to me. If it wasn't for them I wouldn't bother with Thailand.

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