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Dsl Provider For Voip


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nowadays there seem to be many cheap DSL ISPs. Just starting in BKK, I am looking for a good one with reliable international throughput / low delays.

I want to use it for my Internet Telephone.

1) Are there any port blocks to block telephony (SIP)?

2) Is it illegal to connect an IP telephone?

3) Which provider would you suggest? I am afraid TOT and the like are more probable to take action against private VoIP.

4) The prices are sometimes a bit unclear. Are the rates by e.g. TRUE flat rates?

Thanks for any hint!



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Hey Stefan:

I've been using VoIP in Thailand for 2 years. I was using iConnectHere via dial-up and despite some minor lag and occassional 5 second cut out's, it worked well and saved me a ton of money. I graduated to DSL in June and used iConnectHere with no problems...though they sometimes had problems with call quality....but that was what they were known for.

So I was using CSLoxinfo ADSL. It was expensive and good downloads from western servers. I decided to switch to Packet8 (http://www.packet8.net) because they had a flat $19.99 US rate for unlimited incoming and outgoing phone calls to US and Canada and could use it overseas. When I got it, I used it over my CSLoxinfo and it sucked! It was bad. I did some IP traces and saw that I was hopping up to 8 times within CSLoxinfo's network before getting out to the US (Level3) and to their servers (ping -t proxy.packet8.net). In addition, every 3rd ping was lost...which explained my poor call quality.

I took a gamble, kept Packet8, but switched providers to True (better pricing too). Now, phone calls are flawless.

So, in conclusion...I recommend True (don't get anything more than 1024/512, because anything more is waste of money...plus, myself and 4 other people I know were given 4 Mb service even though we signed up for 1Mb....and we're being charged for 1Mb too. I think they just give everyone the same..but I don't know for sure.

So get True and sign up for Packet8. They have OK customer service...but chances are you wont have to call them. Since VoIP is still not FCC regulated...outages are still happening (about 2 hours of an outage per month, but it is generally during off peak times for us in Thailand...peak time in the US).

If you have any questions about details, PM me or post here.

Good luck!

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Hi StrongView,

thanks a lot for sharing your experience!

I have been working in Thailand around 1996 already and remember quite strict regulations. You could not even freely exchange your mobile phone, every serial number was registered in the network.

Also I read something about people being jailed for reselling VoIP phone calls. But this was reselling without a license. So I considered port blocking possible in Thailand not because of used bandwidth but to enforce possible regulations and secure market shares for the phone companies.

It seems that things have changed dramatically. So will probably try TRUE. Are there any restrictions concerning the fixed line operator (e.g. some ISPs can be used only via certain fixed operators lines)?

Best regards


By the way: I am using sipgate.de. They offer free phone numbers out of the normal public numbering space in Germany, UK and Austria. Incoming calls are free, for outgoing calls you have to fill up your account using a credit card.

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I have heard on other threads that CAT was pissed off because people were making low cost (or free) VoIP calls over the internet, and were avoiding the long distance provider. So, they asked ISP's to block VoIP ports. I understand that people on here ( ChiangMaiThai ) have been having problems using front-runner VoIP provider Vonage in Thailand, however people have had luck with Skype, Packet8, iConnectHere and some others in the kingdom.

I think that restrictions have either loosened or are not being enforced. Either way, I'll be using VoIP until I get direct notice to seize.

Concerning the "fixed line operator" question, I believe I understand what you are asking. Basically, I have a TOT line and have True as my ADSL provider eventhough TOT also provides ADSL service. Because I am not a True phone customer, I paid a 1,000 baht installation charge and 100 baht surcharge on my ADSL monthly bill (instead of 890 baht, i pay 990 baht). Did I understand your question? Good luck!

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I've been using NIKOTEL for one year with TRUE (512kbps) :Very good quality (specially if you use a USB VOIP phone) ,cheap and very reliable No problem with credit card

China, USA, Spain, UK, Austria, France, Norway, Netherlands, Germany..:2.9c/mn

Belgium, Greece, Japan, Luxembourg, Finland, Denmark, Switzerland, Portugal, Italy, Poland... : 3.9c/mn


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