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The Bkk Governor Candidates

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They are all over Bangkok and the first on the scene I believe was...

#15 - Chewit is it? ...He looks like a little dictator with that tache and he's got THREE different photo billboards now, the best one being the aggressive post where he's pointing, another with a pen behind his ear and one of him looking really nasty, but I think I'd vote for him as he looks like he means business.

#19 Is wearing no tie and has his blue shirt hanging out and is the ugliest son-of-a-bitch I have ever seen - he should sort himself out iof he wants to stand a chance.

#1 Looks like a nice guy but one who has just started college.

#21 has an odd looking square haid with plastic looking hair and looks a little too much like Thaksin for my liking.

#7 Is a lady and she's pretty.

I know we farang can't vote but if we could, who would we vote for and stupid as it may sound - many people in the world, especially Americans, go for looks and personality before policy so by that rationale, looking at all the candidates who would you vote for or don't any of you spend three hours a day looking out of bus windows?

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#7 for obvious reasons.


Why you reckon the photo was taken yesterday?

Not quite but her sister was a Miss Universe i understand.

Khun Paveena i believe has the unofficial support of TRT

nbr 1 is the Democrats nominee

And nbr 3 is the dreaded Khun Chalerm of Club 20 fame

How many are standing?

The highest number i have seen is 21

Well if it is down to who has the most posters/billboars it will be Khun Chuwit in a landslide but methinks not

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#19 Is wearing no tie and has his blue shirt hanging out and is the ugliest son-of-a-bitch I have ever seen - he should sort himself out iof he wants to stand a chance.

Dr.Pichit, I think he was very good BKK governor before. Atleast, he is better than who is the governor now :o

So, for me he is too old to be a governor in this time. I think i will vote for number 1 'coz he is not supported by TRT 100% but No.7, No.21 may be have something behind :D

However, if we have only 2 choices, No.3 and No.15 which one do u will vote. :D


born, raise and living in BKK

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#19 Is wearing no tie and has his blue shirt hanging out and is the ugliest son-of-a-bitch I have ever seen - he should sort himself out iof he wants to stand a chance.

As one previous poster has stated Candidate nbr 19 was Bangkok governor just prior to the current incumbent. He did not stand last time as he stated he was tired so did not lose the election.

Obviously batteries recharged he is now standing again. He was quite a popular BG

Thus political advisor/strategist can join proof reader as career moves that should not be made by TGS

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Dr.Pichit, I think he was very good BKK governor before. Atleast, he is better than who is the governor now :o

Yes I think he was quite popular and not just with yourself. He did not stand last time as he said the job had tired him. I think he wanted to try his hand at national politics no? He did have a small party behind him but he got swept away by TRT.

The current governor I only see with his chefs hat on. Perhaps some restaurant will hire him after the election.

He does not impress me not that i count

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I think i will vote for number 1 'coz he is not supported by TRT

So if this board is any indication of how the vote will go the men will vote 7 and the ladies 1.

You mention that he is not 100% supported by TRT. I thought he was the Democrats nominee. I would be interested to hear more

I know 7 lobied quite hard for the TRT nomination. Did she not get it?

Or is the system for these governorships that the main political parties can not have official candidates and that everyone should nominally be independent.

I would be interestd to hear your comments.

In any event if yesterday is anything to go by nbr 1 has an uphill task as someone needs to tell him where Bangkok is. The TV showed him campaigning up at Rangsit Uni which is in Pathumthani is it not? Perhaps that is part of his election campaign - to annexe neighbouring provinces

Roll on the 29th

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I think i will vote for number 1 'coz he is not supported by TRT

You mention that he is not 100% supported by TRT. I thought he was the Democrats nominee. I would be interested to hear more

I think she means that Aphirak (no 1) is the only one that you can be 100% sure of NOT having anything to do with TRT, as he is a Democrat.

I know 7 lobied quite hard for the TRT nomination. Did she not get it?

Or is the system for these governorships that the main political parties can not have official candidates and that everyone should nominally be independent.

Is no. 7 Pavina? If it is, then she is supposed to be independent, but you just wait and see. Should she win, my bet is that TRT will arrange a big victory party and make official that she is TRT.

TRT chickened out of the race cause they fear that their candidate would loose and that would be a hard blow for the upcoming national election. Even worse if the official TRT candidate lost to Aphirak, the official Democrat candidate.

That's why they are playing this game of not supporting anyone openly. But it is said they support a whole bunch of candidates financially, even if they stand no realistic chance to win, just to draw votes from Aphirak... :o

In any event if yesterday is anything to go by nbr 1 has an uphill task as someone needs to tell him where Bangkok is. The TV showed him campaigning up at Rangsit Uni which is in Pathumthani is it not? Perhaps that is part of his election campaign - to annexe neighbouring provinces

You don't have to live in Rangsit to study at the uni. I guess most of the students can vote in the upcoming election.

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You don't have to live in Rangsit to study at the uni. I guess most of the students can vote in the upcoming election.

Thanks for your input Swe.

Yes nbr 7is Pavina.

Yes one has to be seen on a winner.

It is like many of the US companies handing out donations to both the Democrats and Repubicans at the same time. It must be a bit of a bummer when there are 20 odd candidates.

No doubt legislation will be brought in to restrict the number of candidates in future elections. Heck a political party could go bankrupt supporting independent candidates

I would have thought that there were more productive locations to canvass support than up in Rangsit.

Perhaps we can expect a visit from Bush and Kerry later in the year

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TRT chickened out of the race cause they fear that their candidate would loose and that would be a hard blow for the upcoming national election. Even worse if the official TRT candidate lost to Aphirak, the official Democrat candidate.

ha ha ha That's right, Exectly!!!! 1000 %

for further information, people who lives in BKK knows his game. However not all of us. :D

If u can read pantip web board u will know what's going on.

Nbr 3 Nrb 7 and Nbr 21, they might all have back up by TRT.

for Nrb 5 i'm not sure 'coz he is supported by Chamlong but u now Chamlong was with Taksin before may be they have some relation. Think about it.

and number 19 i heard he has a relation with someone in TRT. However, he has it or not i won't vote for him the first reason he was the governor before the second reason is he goes older now and the last reason i think it's one of TRT game Pichit never mention before that he wanna be a candidate, why he change his mind? think about it, so if Pichit is one of governor candidate vote of Apirak will go down.

Anyway, i might be only one here who can vote. So ur destiny is in my hands now :o

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#19 Is wearing no tie and has his blue shirt hanging out and is the ugliest son-of-a-bitch I have ever seen - he should sort himself out iof he wants to stand a chance.

Dr.Pichit, I think he was very good BKK governor before. Atleast, he is better than who is the governor now :o

So, for me he is too old to be a governor in this time. I think i will vote for number 1 'coz he is not supported by TRT 100% but No.7, No.21 may be have something behind :D

However, if we have only 2 choices, No.3 and No.15 which one do u will vote. :D


born, raise and living in BKK

Hello all, Scampy here - live from Centre One at Victory Monument.

I have just seen a new billboard of Dr #19 and it's a picture of him barefoot in beige shorts and his usual blue shirt (again hanging out on one side) and he's standing on a motorbike with his back to the camera but turning to look over his shoulder at another man who is out of shot but is pointing at something on the floor.

This is very funny, I think I'll vote for him.

On second thoughts I'll vote for No.1 as he looks like a nice bloke and isn't a member of TRT.

Having said that, I can't vote so forget everything I just said.

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If like me you're no where near Bangkok at the moment and want to see what Scampi's whittering on about, then the posters can be seen at this website; and very pretty they look too!

The 2004 Bangkok Governor candidates

all the posters make me smile but number fifteen in particuar, because it is extra-ordinary.. like good advertising. I think number fifteen would get quite a few votes from the farang community jn Bangkok , because of his background.

for me it is -arai kodai-

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I ,like a lot of my farang friends, also like Khun Chuwit and his no-nonsense political style. (If you want nonsense go to one of his bubbly establishments.) I think he's got the balls to tell the boss of TRT where to take his mobile phone and Shuvit too.

He must have an awareness of the value of a vibrant nightlife in Bangkok and I am sure he will be the man to keep Bangkok on the list of most exciting cities in the world.

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Apirak Kosayothin #1 - is my boss' nephew so he'd get my vote if I had one. :D :D


Did Apirak change his name from Abisit or are we talking someone else? :o

The Democratic candidate for Governor of Bangkok is 43 year old Apirak Kosayothin, former TA Orange chief executive, one of his supporters is the MP Abhisit Vejjajiva - is that who you mean? They are not the same person.

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I ,like a lot of my farang friends, also like Khun Chuwit and his no-nonsense political style. (If you want nonsense go to one of his bubbly establishments.) I think he's got the balls to tell the boss of TRT where to take his mobile phone and Shuvit too.

He must have an awareness of the value of a vibrant nightlife in Bangkok and I am sure he will be the man to keep Bangkok on the list of most exciting cities in the world.

Now we are talking about Khu Chuwit oF Davis Group fame.

He owned 6 massage palours I am led to believe and since embarking on the campaign for Bangkok governor has sold 3 with the other 3 on the block.

Also the same Khun Chuwit allegedly behind or involved in the demoilition of a whole city block at Sukhumvit soi 10.

Wasn't it this affair which created the tension between himself and TRT.

Well if so he certainly would get my vote

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The Democratic candidate for Governor of Bangkok is 43 year old Apirak Kosayothin, former TA Orange chief executive, one of his supporters is the MP Abhisit Vejjajiva - is that who you mean? They are not the same person.

Stocky....Thanks :o

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