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How Much Allowance Do You Give Your Thai Gf


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How much allowance do people give their Thai GF's and are they happy. I had a GF for 3 years and gave her 10000 baht a month allowance, I paid for all the food and entertainment if she was going out with me. The allowance was for clothes, salon etc and any drinking or eating for when I was not around.

She constantly said that I was a cheap Charlie and that her friends with falang husbands or boyfriends all got a bigger allowance though despite being a "cheap Charlie" she hung around for 3 years and then kicked up a huge fuss when I told her it was time to finish things, guess I wasn't such a cheap Charlie after all. Anyway just thought I'd would be intersesting too see what other guys are giving their gals before I discuss the allowance with the new girl.

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She's giving me a 1000 baht/day for booze & sigarettes.

You obviously do it right, but is it enough?

Well this thread sounds strange. If it is your real GF it is not about money. But ok, we are in Pattaya after all..... :o

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She's giving me a 1000 baht/day for booze & sigarettes.

You obviously do it right, but is it enough?

Well this thread sounds strange. If it is your real GF it is not about money. But ok, we are in Pattaya after all..... :o

It's never enough and after the last increase in the price of sigarettes by a couple of baht I'm really at a loss what to do. I could ask her for more but I don't want to loose face. Guess I just have to go along and find a way to make the money last longer. Somebody told me roll it yourself tobacco is only 5 baht and you can get 20 sigs out of that so I might give it a try.

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How much allowance do people give their Thai GF's and are they happy. I had a GF for 3 years and gave her 10000 baht a month allowance, I paid for all the food and entertainment if she was going out with me. The allowance was for clothes, salon etc and any drinking or eating for when I was not around.

She constantly said that I was a cheap Charlie and that her friends with falang husbands or boyfriends all got a bigger allowance though despite being a "cheap Charlie" she hung around for 3 years and then kicked up a huge fuss when I told her it was time to finish things, guess I wasn't such a cheap Charlie after all. Anyway just thought I'd would be intersesting too see what other guys are giving their gals before I discuss the allowance with the new girl.

You should have kicked her out the first time she said that. Surely you could have found another GF somewhere in Thailand?

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Allowances ? so what does she do ? nothing ? then how did she survive before you ? bar ?

My missus was working when I met her but after a couple of months when we started to basically live together I asked if she would help in my businesses. In the beginning I gave her a salary and she kept her old apartment, then she didn't renew the lease and say after about 6 months, she largely took over one business so I just worked out a salary / profit share / performance related pay. In that respect I was lucky.

If you just pay a girl to "be with you" then you're paying for "it" which most guys do in one way or another whether it has a price tag attached or not.

If she is working in a normal job, i.e. not a hooker, and has responsibilities, then your covering those needs if she gives up her job to spend time with you (most likely you are retired in this sense) is fair as is some salary compensating allowance.

I think girls with a career would rather continue to work whilst those with a "job" such as waitress, shop worker etc. would rather do nothing. Hookers would of course need feeding money wise.

As to how much, then you can swing a cat at it. As replacement income, if she lives with you, then her salary will give her more free income as she has no rent and little food or household expenses. Don't go potty and start giving them tens of thousands as you'd be better off with a bar room hooker you can set free when it suits you.

Edited by torrenova
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Now for the wife its 200 baht a day.

But she better come back with a hot dog from 7-11 each time

or will get a proper slap.

For 200 baht a day she is probably letting the soi dogs lick the hot dog before giving it to you. :D

My wife would never let you or your friends near my hot dogs :o

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I thought allowances were for lil ones??? :o

Every family should have a budget. Her "allowance" is the amount of money set aside for her in the family budget. I do the same thing. It just sounds bad when you call it an allowance.

I guess I shouldn't have called it an allowance but I'm sure almost every falang in Thailand who has a Thai wife or girlfriend has demands made on them from a monetary standpoint. eg need money to send home to mama and papa.

The new GF has only been living with me for 2 months and hasn't mentioned money yet, but I'm sure it will come. She stopped working as a witress as MK in Samui to come and live with me in Pattaya, now I make in 1 month what she would have got for working for 4 years in MK so I think it's only fair she's comfortable but in Thailand it seems to be how long is a piece of string for these girls, I know if you keep giving they will certainly keep taking so it's about trying to find a happy medium.

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She constantly said that I was a cheap Charlie and that her friends with falang husbands or boyfriends all got a bigger allowance

My ex used to say the same thing about the her child support but would never back it up with facts. :o Not that I cared anyway :D

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She constantly said that I was a cheap Charlie and that her friends with falang husbands or boyfriends all got a bigger allowance

My ex used to say the same thing about the her child support but would never back it up with facts. :o Not that I cared anyway :D

You didn't care about supporting your child?

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She constantly said that I was a cheap Charlie and that her friends with falang husbands or boyfriends all got a bigger allowance

My ex used to say the same thing about the her child support but would never back it up with facts. :o Not that I cared anyway :D

You didn't care about supporting your child?

I cared very much. I paid her a lot and I never missed a single payment for over ten years. I just didn't care about her attitude.

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I thought allowances were for lil ones??? :o

Every family should have a budget. Her "allowance" is the amount of money set aside for her in the family budget. I do the same thing. It just sounds bad when you call it an allowance.

I guess I shouldn't have called it an allowance but I'm sure almost every falang in Thailand who has a Thai wife or girlfriend has demands made on them from a monetary standpoint. eg need money to send home to mama and papa.

The new GF has only been living with me for 2 months and hasn't mentioned money yet, but I'm sure it will come. She stopped working as a witress as MK in Samui to come and live with me in Pattaya, now I make in 1 month what she would have got for working for 4 years in MK so I think it's only fair she's comfortable but in Thailand it seems to be how long is a piece of string for these girls, I know if you keep giving they will certainly keep taking so it's about trying to find a happy medium.

Didn't get many straight answers to what is a perfectly normal question here in Thailand! Contrary lot!

I give mine 20k a month to do with as she pleases.


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I thought allowances were for lil ones??? :o

Every family should have a budget. Her "allowance" is the amount of money set aside for her in the family budget. I do the same thing. It just sounds bad when you call it an allowance.

I guess I shouldn't have called it an allowance but I'm sure almost every falang in Thailand who has a Thai wife or girlfriend has demands made on them from a monetary standpoint. eg need money to send home to mama and papa.

The new GF has only been living with me for 2 months and hasn't mentioned money yet, but I'm sure it will come. She stopped working as a witress as MK in Samui to come and live with me in Pattaya, now I make in 1 month what she would have got for working for 4 years in MK so I think it's only fair she's comfortable but in Thailand it seems to be how long is a piece of string for these girls, I know if you keep giving they will certainly keep taking so it's about trying to find a happy medium.

Didn't get many straight answers to what is a perfectly normal question here in Thailand! Contrary lot!

I give mine 20k a month to do with as she pleases.


I don't give my wife any allowance.

Myself, my wife, and my son live on 25,000 THB a month.

Your allowance seems very generous, but if you have it you may as well spend it.

Edited by garro
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Every time we get a thread on "allowances for wives/gf's" the replies are immediately polarised into two camps.

We have the horror/shock/outrage camp, who claim they never give their wives an allowances - if you do so she must be a whore - my wife is a respectable, working girl from a good family and has no need of my money - blah. blah blah.

In the other camp are those who accept the reality of having to provide funds to their partner if she is not working (regardless of what 'profession' she came from when she became his partner), and then have an acrimonious debate about how much is the right amount, which seems to be anything from 3,000 to 50,000 Baht , or more, a month.

There is no right or wrong amount to pay your partner. It will all depend on your individual circumstances: How much you can afford, and how much does she need, taking into account your lifestyle, and the number of family/kids who rely on her for their daily existence.

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My gf makes her own dosh, why would I give her an allowance? :o
Brit, i have to agree, imagine that question being asked on a forum about english women .mine earns her own, of course i earn more and cover our exs but as for an allowance nah,.,i have never been asked by any of my exs or my current wife !
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How much allowance do people give their Thai GF's and are they happy. I had a GF for 3 years and gave her 10000 baht a month allowance, I paid for all the food and entertainment if she was going out with me. The allowance was for clothes, salon etc and any drinking or eating for when I was not around.

She constantly said that I was a cheap Charlie and that her friends with falang husbands or boyfriends all got a bigger allowance though despite being a "cheap Charlie" she hung around for 3 years and then kicked up a huge fuss when I told her it was time to finish things, guess I wasn't such a cheap Charlie after all. Anyway just thought I'd would be intersesting too see what other guys are giving their gals before I discuss the allowance with the new girl.

Back home its called housekeeping money ! , you give the wife money for that and when you get divorced she gets to keep the house ! :o
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As others have mentioned this subject would never arise in relation to western women; unless I'm missing something.

There is another thread on the forum where posters are complaining that people in the west frown on them for having a Thai partner, yet on this one thread we are discussing how much their partner's allowance should be.

I don't care what how much money people give to their significant other nor where they met them. Why should I care?

I do think though that the OP would be better asking his gf how much she needs instead of strangers on a public forum. Or is he afraid that she wants to rip him off?

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Then the "my gf/wife never worked bar" crowd get all holier than thou and the other group get all indignant, leading to much wailing and gnashing of teeth and the thread is invariably closed. Nothing wrong with the term allowance; I recall going to the post office with mum where she picked up the government issued "Family Allowance".

Generalising into the two camps possibly ignores those relationships where the male is the primary child care giver at home and the female is the breadwinner in the workplace or the group where one or other of the partners is a fultime student. I believe as Thailand embraces westernised values and mores, more families will realise a need for 2 incomes which unfortunately is a bit of a blight on the traditional family group.

To the OP, rather than get an opinion on what other forum members consider a 'fair market price' rather like a commodity, ask your significant other what she needs. Give what you feel comfortable with but keep in mind that 10,000 baht doesn't get a whole helluva lot these days.

My wife can have up to 12000 baht/day.

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