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How Much Allowance Do You Give Your Thai Gf


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I too give 10,000 Bt/month.

She did work in a bar (as a waitress) and during the time in the bar before I met her (3+ years) went with customers a total of 5 times (I saw her little green book where the doctors stamp they are disease free; a requirement for working if they ever go with a customer).

Was with her 2 years then made her quit her job at the bar (due to one of her co-workers being killed in a motorcycle accident). It was after I made her quit that I started giving her an "allowance". Before that she asked for money only once; 500 Baht to pay a phone bill. After a couple of months she got another job (not in a bar) but I still keep on giving her 10k per month.

I see nothing wrong with this; she uses the money to make her family's life better.....and she spends some of it on upkeep for our apartment on things I used to pay for.

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Every time we get a thread on "allowances for wives/gf's" the replies are immediately polarised into two camps.

We have the horror/shock/outrage camp, who claim they never give their wives an allowances - if you do so she must be a whore - my wife is a respectable, working girl from a good family and has no need of my money - blah. blah blah.

In the other camp are those who accept the reality of having to provide funds to their partner if she is not working (regardless of what 'profession' she came from when she became his partner), and then have an acrimonious debate about how much is the right amount, which seems to be anything from 3,000 to 50,000 Baht , or more, a month.

There is no right or wrong amount to pay your partner. It will all depend on your individual circumstances: How much you can afford, and how much does she need, taking into account your lifestyle, and the number of family/kids who rely on her for their daily existence.

The best post in this threat.Thanks Moby

I too give her 10 000 a month.

I pay her studies too.and next year she goes to university.Will need a car.Total expected budget for these 2 posts is between 250 000 and 300 000

At least she will have a better life later

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Never give an allowance imo, tell them to get a job if they havn't already and they won't require an allowance. With Uni students who can't work I don't mind giving 200 or 300 baht a day, as u get rewarded in kind. :o

If cash is required for their fees/bills etc then thats a different matter, which would need to be discussed. And verified of course.

Every man to his own though I guess, but I for one wouldn't feel to comfortable with some bird holding her hand out @ the start of every month... :D

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Every time we get a thread on "allowances for wives/gf's" the replies are immediately polarised into two camps.

We have the horror/shock/outrage camp, who claim they never give their wives an allowances - if you do so she must be a whore - my wife is a respectable, working girl from a good family and has no need of my money - blah. blah blah.

In the other camp are those who accept the reality of having to provide funds to their partner if she is not working (regardless of what 'profession' she came from when she became his partner), and then have an acrimonious debate about how much is the right amount, which seems to be anything from 3,000 to 50,000 Baht , or more, a month.

There is no right or wrong amount to pay your partner. It will all depend on your individual circumstances: How much you can afford, and how much does she need, taking into account your lifestyle, and the number of family/kids who rely on her for their daily existence.

Well put Mobi!


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Every time we get a thread on "allowances for wives/gf's" the replies are immediately polarised into two camps.

We have the horror/shock/outrage camp, who claim they never give their wives an allowances - if you do so she must be a whore - my wife is a respectable, working girl from a good family and has no need of my money - blah. blah blah.

In the other camp are those who accept the reality of having to provide funds to their partner if she is not working (regardless of what 'profession' she came from when she became his partner), and then have an acrimonious debate about how much is the right amount, which seems to be anything from 3,000 to 50,000 Baht , or more, a month.

There is no right or wrong amount to pay your partner. It will all depend on your individual circumstances: How much you can afford, and how much does she need, taking into account your lifestyle, and the number of family/kids who rely on her for their daily existence.

Well put Mobi!


iam probly a bit naive and won't bee retirig to LOS for another 15 months but my thoghts are that if I give a GF an allowance I can say when hit on for more for her family or any other reason that she can use the money I have already provided maybe 10,000 to 15,000 it's within my budget and is cheaper than buterflying. I would have to have feelings for the girl and wouldn't just jump in to the situation. I would also explain at the start the situation and thereby encourage her saving. I did say at the start I may be naiveand tonight i'm drunk hic Bob

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Every time we get a thread on "allowances for wives/gf's" the replies are immediately polarised into two camps.

We have the horror/shock/outrage camp, who claim they never give their wives an allowances - if you do so she must be a whore - my wife is a respectable, working girl from a good family and has no need of my money - blah. blah blah.

In the other camp are those who accept the reality of having to provide funds to their partner if she is not working (regardless of what 'profession' she came from when she became his partner), and then have an acrimonious debate about how much is the right amount, which seems to be anything from 3,000 to 50,000 Baht , or more, a month.

There is no right or wrong amount to pay your partner. It will all depend on your individual circumstances: How much you can afford, and how much does she need, taking into account your lifestyle, and the number of family/kids who rely on her for their daily existence.

But I hate to see guys defend giving them say Bt50,000 because they say she needs it. That is impossible. If she had a lifestyle which required that amount then she would be from a well off family and would have her own money. If she is the daughter of a penniless Issan rice picker then she may well get through Bt50,000 per month but she does not need it nor does she value it. Have these guys actually seen how these village girls spend large sums of money ? it is not pretty and actually embarassing sometimes.

Guys seem to rationalise it according to their income but the fact is that if they are paying for everything, then she reall has no bills and just needs some pocket money. Mama does not need Bt10k per month but her Thai husband might !

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I'm married to a thai woman [7yrs] and in the beginning, i gave her most of MY allowance, expecting her to budget our family living expenses, but it quickly became apparent that she learned her budgeting skills from her family. her father retired from the govmt [salery 25kbhatt/mo] penniless and in debt. drinking and gambling and poor planning did it.

if given any large sum of bhatt, it just disapears on clothes, mama and papa's upkeep, junk food for kids etc.

so, now i pay the bills and make sure we have enough to last us thru the month. i give her some 'fun money' for phone cards and make-up etc and i do let her dip into my pocket when she needs it and still help the family when the buffalo gets sick, but with limits as i find it hard to have pitty for the poor when they just piss it away!!

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Every time we get a thread on "allowances for wives/gf's" the replies are immediately polarised into two camps.

We have the horror/shock/outrage camp, who claim they never give their wives an allowances - if you do so she must be a whore - my wife is a respectable, working girl from a good family and has no need of my money - blah. blah blah.

In the other camp are those who accept the reality of having to provide funds to their partner if she is not working (regardless of what 'profession' she came from when she became his partner), and then have an acrimonious debate about how much is the right amount, which seems to be anything from 3,000 to 50,000 Baht , or more, a month.

There is no right or wrong amount to pay your partner. It will all depend on your individual circumstances: How much you can afford, and how much does she need, taking into account your lifestyle, and the number of family/kids who rely on her for their daily existence.

But I hate to see guys defend giving them say Bt50,000 because they say she needs it. That is impossible. If she had a lifestyle which required that amount then she would be from a well off family and would have her own money. If she is the daughter of a penniless Issan rice picker then she may well get through Bt50,000 per month but she does not need it nor does she value it. Have these guys actually seen how these village girls spend large sums of money ? it is not pretty and actually embarassing sometimes.

Guys seem to rationalise it according to their income but the fact is that if they are paying for everything, then she reall has no bills and just needs some pocket money. Mama does not need Bt10k per month but her Thai husband might !

Apparently maintaining a gik can be an expensive hobby :o

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Seems to be a mixed bag of replies. At the moment she hasn't asked for money and I haven't offered we have just been getting on with me giving her some cash if she goes to buy food or if she says she needs something which seems a whole lot better way of how I used to do it with the ex. Like somebody else mentioned theres nothing worse than the hand coming out at the start of a month asking wheres the cash, it does make you feel like your still whoring.

The biggest outlay so far was a trip back to Korat for Mama and Papa to give me their approval which cost about 10000 baht in booze and food, never seen so many dam_n cousins in all my life :o

Somebody also mentioned if I was scared she was trying to rip me off but she seems more concerned in saving me money as she needed to go to hospital so I took her to the Memorial hospital and she said that she won't go there because it's expensive so I had to take her to Banglamung hospital, now if she wants to save my money so Mama and Papa hove more to grab at only time will tell.

I think if she does ask for a monthly allowance seems 10000 baht is the average which considering there are no bills for her to worry about should be adequate monthly spending money for a Thai girl considering some of the salary's thai workers get.

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What you don't give them they will sneak out on the shopping.

I know of many married for years that contribute to the thai wives family.

10K seems to be a fair trade off.

This type of thing would not even be considered in the west and would be a blantant insult.

Signed ATM

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Every time we get a thread on "allowances for wives/gf's" the replies are immediately polarised into two camps.

We have the horror/shock/outrage camp, who claim they never give their wives an allowances - if you do so she must be a whore - my wife is a respectable, working girl from a good family and has no need of my money - blah. blah blah.

In the other camp are those who accept the reality of having to provide funds to their partner if she is not working (regardless of what 'profession' she came from when she became his partner), and then have an acrimonious debate about how much is the right amount, which seems to be anything from 3,000 to 50,000 Baht , or more, a month.

There is no right or wrong amount to pay your partner. It will all depend on your individual circumstances: How much you can afford, and how much does she need, taking into account your lifestyle, and the number of family/kids who rely on her for their daily existence.

But I hate to see guys defend giving them say Bt50,000 because they say she needs it. That is impossible. If she had a lifestyle which required that amount then she would be from a well off family and would have her own money. If she is the daughter of a penniless Issan rice picker then she may well get through Bt50,000 per month but she does not need it nor does she value it. Have these guys actually seen how these village girls spend large sums of money ? it is not pretty and actually embarassing sometimes.

Guys seem to rationalise it according to their income but the fact is that if they are paying for everything, then she reall has no bills and just needs some pocket money. Mama does not need Bt10k per month but her Thai husband might !

I think you will find it a loss of earnings related allowance, some of these busy girls in the go gos etc can earn up to 100k a month ! so, if you fall for one them you will have a fairly large expense every month to keep her out of the bar !. on the other hand if its a beach road lady the cost should be consideably lower :o
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I think you will find it a loss of earnings related allowance, some of these busy girls in the go gos etc can earn up to 100k a month !

I hope thats not your 100k Mike :D

No , not me im an overnight vampire, im gone before dawn !..borrow not buy is my motto ! or was im happily married now :o
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Allowance, salary, housekeeping or spending money. It's all the same thing regardless of what you want to call it. My wife gets 25,000 baht per month and as long as the bills are paid and she doesn't scrimp on my food she can do whatever she likes with what is left. We do have UBC Gold TV, I have Ipstar satellite Internet and we have air conditioning in the bedroom. We live in her house and pay no rent. She ALWAYS has money left to put in her savings account every month. Last March I started collecting Social Security so it went from 20,000 to 25,000 per month. This works very well for us. I NEVER ask her what she does with the surplus.

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I give my wife 42K per month, she pays all the monthly bills, food, etc, plus sends 10k to the parents, and whatevers left she does as she pleases.Works well for us, she doesnt feel she needs to ask me for cash all the time and I dont feel like Im having to put my hand in my pocket all the time.

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Well, becouse of my egoism my wife is not working. So I have to provide the household budget. How much is my own business, but from that she pays our bills, food and fun, and there is a chunk left over that she can put in her bank, give to the fairies, bury in the garden, burn, or squander. I simply do not care what she spends it on. Once it leaves my pocket it's hers, and more often than not it ends up in her bank where she have a nice little nestegg saved up from long before she bumped into me.

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I give my girl 5000 baht a month & cover all living costs.I bought 4& 1/2 rai which she will get in the end.

The money i give her is pocket money. None or very little goes to mama & papa as i have told her there is enough for her & I. & she needs to get a job if she wants to send her folks money back home(I do kick a small bit down to her home...very little)

She makes my dinner Hand washes my clothes & takes care of just about all my needs.

In addition to all the household work on the place we rent(I do of course all the repairs on everything) she busts her arse on our property & works harder than any girl I have ever been with.sometimes 12 hrs. a day on the land & then chores at home,which she does willingly. Never once called me a cheap charlie. The neighbors give their bar girls up to 40,000 baht a month & they never get their clothes hand washed & it is like pulling teeth for them to get a home cooked meal(not Balah).

I have spent well over $50,000 U.S. a year on girlfriends back home & have not gotten jack back & never once got hand washed clothes!

I guess it is all a point of view. The way I see it we all need pocket money to roll with & I do not see it as a liability but rather an asset for the amount of joy she gives me in return!.

Don't get me wrong we argue & she occassionaly will call me a quai. But my girlfriends I have had in the U.S. Were very expensive & not to appreciative as I was expected to pay $1300 for a clutch job & a radiator rod out I could have done for $220.00 if I was home when away on business.

Lets see $1300 a year with appreciation or $50,000+++ a year & being called a cheap fck in the U.S.

Still a good deal here. She was making 5000 baht when I met her & I built her a beauty salon (which she made 8000 baht after expenses & worked 15 hrs. a day) she asked me if I would help her with pocket money & I was glad to have her company again. P.S. actually in all honesty it was I that offered her the same 5000 baht she was making -cause I missed her!


Edited by Beardog
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All the posts make some point depending where they stand. My GF gets 10,000 a month and full run of my house when I am away. Leave the same amount for utilities/UBC etc. (Work 4wks on/off offshore).

Also help out her family with 3-5000bt every few months.

Whenever I visit her parents farm I notice new item/s every time. Obvious were her money is going. Her parents are eldery and can no longer work the fields,

Not easy work, I thought I could work the fields easy, easy.

After two days fell ill and did nothing for three??

For the average white guy living here, in possesion of a European wage and in a long term relationship. I think we are a bunch of lucky sod's. What I get in return domestically, emotionaly and sustenace wise?

Yeh, I would pay 50k a month (not told her??). But she says she is happy??icon1.gif

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