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My Friends Inappropriate Post


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Dear all I recently intruduced my friend ( a Thai lady ) to a forum which has a protected area for Thai speakers mostly ladies to chat. The purpose was so she could chat to Thai ladies in relationships with foreigners.

This is what she posted.

I understand the Thai ladies on the forum think that the post is not appropriate and it is currently removed and I am asked to have a word about forum ettiqette.

Could someone translate the post for me please.

What on earth has she said that people are not happy with.

Thanks Richard

Edited by Pattaya_Fox
removal of non English language.
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My wife ( Thai) has had a look at this and she informs me it say" I know some word, I never have farang boyfriend before but he is coming here next month. Can you give advice on what he may or may not like. Thank you" That'sprobably not a word perfect translations as she just quickly glanced at it. Hope it helps...

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Ah sorry mods I did not realise I cant use Thai language here feel free to remove the Thai script again my appologies for replacing it.

I will try another forum .

Thank you Judas for your help. Does not seem obfectionable to me unless its been taken in sexual context.

Roll on next month, :o


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Firstly it is against the forum rules to post in this forum in a language other than English so the two sentences which the OP states have already been deemed to be offensive have been removed.

Secondly as the basis of your topic has been removed then there is little point in continuing this excecise.

Topic closed.

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