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Do You Enjoy Trips Back To Your Country Of Birth?


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I thoroughly enjoy trips back to the old country, visiting friends and family. The countryside, the history and culture of the place and the sense of that being a part of who I am. It is a reminder of just how fortunate I was to have been born their with all the advantages in life the old counrtry offers.

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I go back every six months. Always very happy for the first two weeks, then it's time to go.

Same same here, after 5 months I had it, enough of this banana republic, (sorry, kingdom)

On my way out this Saturday.

Will vomit Europe within two weeks and be back soon (have a return ticket :o )

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I will be going on holidays to Ireland at the end of the month.

I am actually really looking forward to it.

This will be the my son's first trip to there, and it will also be my wife's; despite the fact that we have been together four years.

I have lived outside my country of birth for most of my life, but I enjoy my trips home.

I am not very nationalistic, but still home is home.

I can't wait for my family back there to meet my wife and son.

Do other ex-pats enjoy these trips?

How often do you take them?

No never go home and I never intend on visiting my country of birth again. Hate the place. My country of birth - Ireland

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Not been back for 18 years and only then because my mother was seriously ill. Have not been back since. Would I like to go back? Sure, but a little worried about culture shock. Probably go back in the next year or so to see my dad.

Like some have said, you lose contact with old friends if you are away for any length of time, so not many people left to catch up with. Only a short visit in order.

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It's nice to see my kids but they are adults and have their own families. My parents are still both living and that is my only reason for a visit. It's a duty visit. I'd actually as soon take a beating as to make that long trip. If I could take my wife with me, it would make it better but I'm not willing to jump through the gestapo US immigration hoops to be able to take her.

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I did not go back for more than 2 yrs. I do not feel homesick at all.

Only thing is, I would experience a few nice winter days again, some nice food I can't get here, but that's all about it. Furthermore I am kee neauw mak mak and don't like to waste my money for the air ticket (much better ways to spend the money here...).

My family usually comes down here once a year, so that's nice.


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I like it when an old thread is resurrected again. I needed to pay my home country another visit a couple of weeks ago as my father was very sick. I was only there for a few days, but enjoyed it despite the circumstance. I feel lucky because I like where I am now and where I came from.

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I still have a house in the U.S. which I haven't sold yet. It's currently being rented out but I have thought about taking a vacation back home. I haven't been back in over 3 years now. I really miss buying a good steak and having a backyard grill. I also miss the outdoor excursions around California. There's plenty to do and see there nature wise. Oh yeah and of course parents..my dog..and maybe a few friends who are still around.

All in all though i'd probably only last a couple weeks before getting bored.

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Yes and No :o

Yes would be nice in Hilton Hua Hin for a week, then take a train to Surat Thani to see my rubber plantage which i want to sell or its selling or Amari Samui hehehe.

No, I dont want to meet some family members who disagree about selling my plantage and says im stupid woman.

I still happy being here.

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