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Inhumane Treatment Of Dogs


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When in Cambodia, I noticed they had far fewer dogs than in Thailand - when I mentioned this to my driver he said.."No, here we eat dogs" - now if only .........

AFAIK my sister has never made love to a dog. However I have woke up next to some. :o

Edited by Mosha
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Gerald (The Traveling Soi Dog) just phoned me, he was sobbing uncontrollably :o

It's very sad, but 1) people do go to great lengths to eat & 2) what death of a domesticated animal for consumption is *truely* humane

Anyways, i got some hugging to do.

the way some village thai's are brought up they know no different ,in there eyes it the same as us eating buffalo or cows .

There is no difference. Cows are also a domesticated animal. Animals are animals and it is up to the individual as to what they feel OK eating. It is just a cultural thing and you just have to chock it up to that. Some people have pet rabbits, but other people eat rabbit. Some people keep pet pigeons, others eat them. Some keep pet dogs, others eat them.

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of course there is no need for eating dogs, there are other meats and people eat too much meat anyway.

For every dog that is eaten, that same amount of meat from pig or cow or chicken is not eaten. It still all comes from an animal, so what makes the dog so special that it cannot be eaten, but the pig is fair game? Save the life of a chicken, eat a dog.

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I never understand vegetarians, theyr'e nuts, they will not kill any animal for food fair enough but if they drive down the road in their car they will more than likely kill a million insects on their windscreens, tread on ants as they walk, or if gardening spear a worm when digging. I never see any difference from ripping a potato out of the ground or killing a cow. One has nervous system and squeaks a bit.<br />I do not approve of animal cruelty however. If your'e going to eat it take care of it well and kill it quickly.
<br />I dont understand meat eaters, they're nuts, they quite happily eat any animal for food but not consider how the their (most often highly-seasoned) animal part lived and died before arrive on their plates. Some are unable to comprehend the concept of lower life forms and why vegetarians choose to gain sustenance from foods which suffer less. Some often use ridiculous cliche's as a basis for insults against people who choose to not eat meat when no-one actually asked for their uninformed opinion in any case. <br /><br /><b>But of course, all that is written above, would be a ridiculous cliched concept of meat eaters, and their opinions of vegitarians. Not something I would ever spout off in reality. </b><br /><br />;P<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Ther you see you have classed vegetables as a "lower" life form. I class all living things as equal, you seem to want to divide them up. At what point does a vegetarian decide a lower life form from an upper life form. Its nervous system? Is a carrot alive or not? If you eat it are you killing it, if you fertilise it so it becomes huge are you not stuffing it with food fattening it up for slaughter?

How about hydropinically grown could be the equivalent of cage for a carrot.

Ah so if someone killed your daughter, or a beloved pet, rather than 'killing' a prized Onion you were growing..you would feel equal upset? Ridiculous example of course, but only as a retort of equal measure to the example you offered.


They are all living things! Same same!

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<br />
<br />
I never understand vegetarians, theyr'e nuts, they will not kill any animal for food fair enough but if they drive down the road in their car they will more than likely kill a million insects on their windscreens, tread on ants as they walk, or if gardening spear a worm when digging. I never see any difference from ripping a potato out of the ground or killing a cow. One has nervous system and squeaks a bit.<br />I do not approve of animal cruelty however. If your'e going to eat it take care of it well and kill it quickly.
<br />I dont understand meat eaters, they're nuts, they quite happily eat any animal for food but not consider how the their (most often highly-seasoned) animal part lived and died before arrive on their plates. Some are unable to comprehend the concept of lower life forms and why vegetarians choose to gain sustenance from foods which suffer less. Some often use ridiculous cliche's as a basis for insults against people who choose to not eat meat when no-one actually asked for their uninformed opinion in any case. <br /><br /><b>But of course, all that is written above, would be a ridiculous cliched concept of meat eaters, and their opinions of vegitarians. Not something I would ever spout off in reality. </b><br /><br />;P<br />
<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Ther you see you have classed vegetables as a "lower" life form. I class all living things as equal, you seem to want to divide them up. At what point does a vegetarian decide a lower life form from an upper life form. Its nervous system? Is a carrot alive or not? If you eat it are you killing it, if you fertilise it so it becomes huge are you not stuffing it with food fattening it up for slaughter?<br />How about hydropinically grown could be the equivalent of cage for a carrot.<br />
<br />Ah so if someone killed your daughter, or a beloved pet, rather than 'killing' a prized Onion you were growing..you would feel equal upset? Ridiculous example of course, but only as a retort of equal measure to the example you offered.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

But I believe we are talking about eating meat in general as opposed to vegetables. I dont see the vegetarians standpoint sorry!!

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The day humans behave like dogs the world will be a better place :o

What you mean like,eating out of bins,lying in the middle of the road,having sex with your sister,& licking your balls? :D

OK - I"M convinced! :D

The "licking my own balls" bit sounds tempting. The single vertebrae actually (physically) stopping me doing so has cost me a lot of money over the years... :D

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When a thoroughbred falls, breaks its legs the owner usually has to make the fateful decision to euthanize the animal. Then what happens? The animal is placed into a pit and buried?

To the eyes of some people, that would be almost like a criminal waste of good meat.

As for purebred dogs that were bred for beauty - well isn't it that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. To dog eating people, a Saint Bernard might look more "beautiful/desireble" that a Toy Terrier.

Oh! By the way - what is it that they put in Spam anyway?

Edited by toybits
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Yeah, and guess what: I value the suffering of a pig no different than a dog.

Why didn't you state that opinion instead of your previous idiotic post then?

It's not a debate on how to make a potato salad, it's a debate on should dogs be eaten in this world and general animal suffering to satisfy human palates. That was obviously over your head, so go back to your burger and beer and keep it quiet.

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Life is Life and should not be wasted just for entertainment. To kill animals in a humane way for food is a way of life. It gets me upset that some people treat animals better than humans. If you want to save life then go to Africa and make a big difference. Saving one human life in Africa is worth more than saving a thousand animals.

I like dogs and have feelings for them. But they are Dogs, get it?


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Would loooove to have a discussion about Whailing with some of your Americans.

But thats for another day (and another Forum).

Many say that the dogs are so smart.

Smart, maybe, but compare to what? To fish?

Here is a theory I once heard.

If all humans on this planet were vegetarians.

How many are we now? 6-7 Billion?

Would we not then compete with all the animals for the food?

Im pretty sure who would win that competition.

And what would happen to the losing part (the animals).

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Yeah, and guess what: I value the suffering of a pig no different than a dog.

Why didn't you state that opinion instead of your previous idiotic post then?

It's not a debate on how to make a potato salad, it's a debate on should dogs be eaten in this world and general animal suffering to satisfy human palates. That was obviously over your head, so go back to your burger and beer and keep it quiet.

Of course dogs should be eaten, it's personal freedom to decide what you stick in your mouth innit! Are you now food-police trying to get people to eat his but not eat something else.. Come on, it's the Third Millennium, time to flush your Western-centric hang-ups down the toilet.

And then 'keep quiet'.. .LOL.. Go apply at the Council for National Security, they can use people like you.

And seeing that the winter is coming up, I for one will have some dog meat again this winter. Warms you up.

Edited by TheEmperorOfTheNorth
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Of course dogs should be eaten, it's personal freedom to decide what you stick in your mouth innit!

Not according to laws. If you think you're within your rights to scoff an endangered species "just because you can" tell me about it. If you'd like to eat dog or bush meat in England, tell me about it too. Happily, in more western-centric (more civilised, more humane?) countries slaughtering techniques are better, the killing of an animal by yourself is outlawed and the scoffing of dogs/cats and exotic animals illegal.

I like the argument "of course" dogs should be eaten. Do you have pets, or is your mindset so typically "banok" that you'll eat anything that moves?

Keep warm this winter by eating food that's trapped and beaten to death with a stick "innit".

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Life is Life and should not be wasted just for entertainment. To kill animals in a humane way for food is a way of life. It gets me upset that some people treat animals better than humans. If you want to save life then go to Africa and make a big difference. Saving one human life in Africa is worth more than saving a thousand animals.

I like dogs and have feelings for them. But they are Dogs, get it?


Strangely if there was a dog and a human being both in danger, I will save the dog first unless I know the person. And I like people who treat animals better than humans.

Dogs in most cases are better than humans.

I don't mind if you call me a dog but if you call me human I am offended.

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Would loooove to have a discussion about Whailing with some of your Americans.

But thats for another day (and another Forum).

Many say that the dogs are so smart.

Smart, maybe, but compare to what? To fish?

Here is a theory I once heard.

If all humans on this planet were vegetarians.

How many are we now? 6-7 Billion?

Would we not then compete with all the animals for the food?

Im pretty sure who would win that competition.

And what would happen to the losing part (the animals).

As far as I can see, no one here had ever asked anyone here to become vegetarian. So you can feel free to look for another thread if you want to discuss.

We are talking about creating the least pain we can when we eat. If we want to believe that we are smarter than lions and hyhennas, than don't use a way of eating sometimes even worse than they use.

My take is if people can't understand their(animals) sufferings just because they are not capable of telling us, those people have a very low IQ.

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Happily, in more western-centric (more civilised, more humane?) countries slaughtering techniques are better, the killing of an animal by yourself is outlawed and the scoffing of dogs/cats and exotic animals illegal.


Have a look at

if you are strong enough to face reality.

There are a lot more on youtube you can look at them yourself.

I would say the least suffering cows were those that were slaugtered at a thai village by villagers themselves. They endure the least pain before they are killed. And they actually live a much happier life than their western counterparts.

So, Carl, you will have to be more realistic if you really care about animals. I can never see the logic of condoning eating cows but not dogs.

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Life is Life and should not be wasted just for entertainment. To kill animals in a humane way for food is a way of life. It gets me upset that some people treat animals better than humans. If you want to save life then go to Africa and make a big difference. Saving one human life in Africa is worth more than saving a thousand animals.

I like dogs and have feelings for them. But they are Dogs, get it?


Strangely if there was a dog and a human being both in danger, I will save the dog first unless I know the person. And I like people who treat animals better than humans.

Dogs in most cases are better than humans.

I don't mind if you call me a dog but if you call me human I am offended.

"Strangely if there was a dog and a human being both in danger, I will save the dog first unless I know the person. And I like people who treat animals better than humans."

So let me get this straight. If you were in danger and a rescue worker showed up and saved the dog first and you died because you were attended to second, that would be OK with you?

"Dogs in most cases are better than humans."

Is it because you can talk all kinds of nonsence and they just wag their tail or is it more of a bonding experience for you?

"I don't mind if you call me a dog but if you call me human I am offended."

I dont mind if you think your at the same level as a dog but I draw the line when you start to smell my bottom! :o

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