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Energy Minister Is Decietful

Hog Head

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The Ministry of Energy is using the Oil Fund Levy to get the oil traders to do their dirty work for them in eliminating petrol 95 from the market.

As of Nov 5. 07 , with the exception of petrol 95, the levy for all fuels was reduced by 40 stang per litre. The pump price to the Consumer remains the same, and this 40 stang goes right into the pockets of the oil traders. Margins on oil trading have become very thin, and this move means that the oil companies earn 40 stang per litre less on petrol 95. This is a very strong economic incentive, and as stated by the President of Bangkok Petroleum, will force oil traders to drop petrol 95 from the market. .

The government has had a long standing policy to remove petrol 95 from the market and backed off on this policy after the car manufacturers would not certify that their vehicles are 100% gasohol compliant. The fact that there are vehicles in use that cannot use gasohol is undisputable, While I take exception to the governments position that this numbers 500,00 vehicles, the fact remains that a considerable number of Thais simply cannot use gasohol.

Energy Minister, Piysavasti Amranand, promised to make petrol 95 available as long as vehicles incapable of using gasohol were in operation. The Energy Minister is fully aware of the economic squeeze he has put the oil traders in. His current economic disincentive is simply a well thought through means to achieve the governments goal of removing petrol 95, while he can claim to keep his hands clean and maintain his promise.

Mr Energy Minister, be honest in your approach, and think of the Thai consumers that must have petrol 95.

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I have an Idea:-)

We can let all the people with cars that can not run on Gassohol borrow more money at 18% interest so that they can buy a newer and more expensive car than the one they already have. This will also help the Thai GDP by consumer index pricing going up and more people will be richer (The ones that is already rich) further it will give the poor people a chance to drive a nice car for a while until the bank or finiance company will reposses the the car and sell it cheap on the 2nd hand market...

I have an even better Idea:-))

Let us just have 95, pollute more since some scientists says that we need more CO2 and some says we need less... Until they can figure it out, let us be alone and have 95, I like it... Helps me up in the morning...

PS... For all of you who thinks I am not joking, I am not joking...

Thai Politics are a joke, lets cut the feet off the poor people, the ones that can not get what the rich has... They do not have a touch of compassion for the less fortunate than themselves...

Thais are filled with "First myself, then myself, myself some more, and if any, more to myself,,, crubles and sloppy seconds are for the poor...

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I have an Idea:-)

We can let all the people with cars that can not run on Gassohol borrow more money at 18% interest so that they can buy a newer and more expensive car than the one they already have. This will also help the Thai GDP by consumer index pricing going up and more people will be richer (The ones that is already rich)

A brand new 30 million + Ferrari will not run on gasohol. Hopefully one of those selfish rich Thais you refer to has just bought one and has more clout than you or I. Then again maybe he owns the ethanol companies and is laughing all the way to the bank.

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