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Last night as I was roaming through my storrage room I was stupid enough to kick a sharp metal object... I sliced one of my toes in half, dont really need that toe.

I started bleeding and I tried to use tissue paper to slow it down, also cold water but to no avail, it was hospital, or wait, I do have some superglue. My girlfriend that thought I went mad was pleeing to go to the hospital but I told her that they invented superglue to glue the wounds of soldiers during the war (WW1 i think)

I applied the superglue (a little bit) and I stopped bleeding. (GOOD STUFF)

Has anyone done somthing simmilar before?

The toe looks good today so I guess I am in the clear?

What else can you use superglue for?


Bit dumb ...

.... since the late 70s, the manufacturers have been adding Chlorylamaphasatenitrium and Nitrosulphuricacetonics amongst other similair chemicals to make the bonding process stronger. Highly poisonous if taken internally.



A piece of Cloth wrapped around...simple band Aid or even sticky tape, insulation tape would have done the job MUCH better then using super glue.. ahhh well it's you testing grounds...!


Make sure your foot doesn't get stuck to the gas pedal...

Now you'll be able to stick like glue to the car in front...

And don't forget the tetanus shot or you might become permanently unstuck...


My little snowflake, i know your toe might feel good BUT how do you feel?? any hot sweats?? numbness in your foot?? serious headaches?? itchyness in the groin region?? if not then you should be in the clear :o:D


Well I do have this problem with my willy, it seems to get stuck in girls all the time, what can I do? it goes in very nicely but out is more difficult....

Besides the cold I am having, sore throat (started before the superglue) I feel very well.

Now do remeber that The superglue project was not touching any of my inners. The deep cut was glued together. Not much glue, just a small layer...

I can not see the cut anymore (have not looked today), I can not feel it anymore.

When I was in the army we were told that they invented superglue to stop bleeding during a war, I asked my brother who is an emergency nurse (dont ask) he laughed and said as long as you do not touch your inners and this is for the skin (SKIN IS VERY DEEP IT HAS SEVERAL LAYERS) I should be ok...

It worked for me but decide if you want to test it yourself...

To those of you who says that superglue is dangeorus, what happens when you glue something and your fingers get stuck? do you die, or do you live? You use water and rinse it away or you just pull your fingers apart... It's not dangerous unless you EAT it or GET IT IN YOUR EYES. your skin will tolerate it.


My brother-in-law (a former medic in the Vietnam War) has always sworn by superglue --and he is, amazingly, still alive today. So far so good, but I'll be sure to let you know if he pops off any time soon due to unregulated use of superglue for wound repair :o

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