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Car Stuck In Airport Plaza Carpark


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A few months ago, on a saturday, i went to Airport Plaza for a lunch appointment. After lunch, i returned to the car park and opps,it's blocked by a row of vehicles parked vertically in front of my vehicle. Although some of the vehicle were on neutral, there was no space to push them forward or backwards. Since then, i've avoided Airport plaza on weekends. Any advice, folks?

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A few months ago, on a saturday, i went to Airport Plaza for a lunch appointment. After lunch, i returned to the car park and opps,it's blocked by a row of vehicles parked vertically in front of my vehicle. Although some of the vehicle were on neutral, there was no space to push them forward or backwards. Since then, i've avoided Airport plaza on weekends. Any advice, folks?

Before lunchtime is shortly after it opens so then I drive up to the top levels which have not filled in at all yet, amusing to see people preferring to double park than climb one more level. Parking outside is pretty reliable but with a hot car on return.

Other than that I have always been lucky that double parkers have arrived fairly soon after we return, except once in a mountain market half way to Chiang Rai, but even then a complicated shuffle and tight turning got us out.

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That's where it would be good to have a big 4X4 with four inch pipe bumpers. Just drop it in low range and push everything out of your way. :o

Seriously, I have been upset enough at times to actually try something like that. I really, REALLY have wanted to do it.

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Two recommendations:

(1) NEVER, never go on a Sat or Sun

(2) You can always be one of those ___holes and block someone else in -- teach them a lesson at the same time.

Do u also avoid Airport plazas on weekends? I'll try not to let others do weight training with my vehicle. :o

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That's where it would be good to have a big 4X4 with four inch pipe bumpers. Just drop it in low range and push everything out of your way. :o

Seriously, I have been upset enough at times to actually try something like that. I really, REALLY have wanted to do it.

Has your vehicle ever been stucked at Airport plaza too?

A monster truck with 66 inch diameter tires will be useful in your scenario but your insurance company will be over-inundated with too many claims.

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Never, never, never go to ANY mall on the weekend. During the weekdays, when I go, I solve the problem of double parkers by not putting the whole car into the parking spot but leave half of it out so no one can double park in front of me,

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I'm not really used to riding motorbikes.

Since Airport Plaza is the hottest place on the CM planet on weekends,

maybe i'll ride a yellow songthaew there if i really have to go there, after parking nearby.

Hmm.. Dont think anyone enjoy staying at home throughout the weekends, when half of the CM province folks get to enjoy the therapeutic malls (Airport Plaza, Kad SuanKaew, Carrefour,BIg-C etc) on weekends. Hey we need more malls in CM!

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We have been to Airport Plaza on the majority of weekends, both Sat and Sunday for the past many years. We have never failed to either find a parking place or had any trouble leaving. We normally arrive at lunch time because my wife's office is there and she normally has meetings starting at 1 or 2pm.

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another example of poor planning when they built that horrible mall. i avoid the covered parking in the spiral maize because it's just too cramped for a pick-up with racks on top. so, i only go there when i have to [and save money]. also too many hi-so wanna-be's for my taste.

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We have been to Airport Plaza on the majority of weekends, both Sat and Sunday for the past many years. We have never failed to either find a parking place or had any trouble leaving. We normally arrive at lunch time because my wife's office is there and she normally has meetings starting at 1 or 2pm.

Do u have a special parking lot?

Well, after finding my car stuck then, the only wise choice was to go back to Airport Plaza. I caught a movie & enjoyed the eye candy in the therapeutic L-shaped shopping mall. When i came out in the evening, some of the vehicles that parked vertically had cleared, so only need to push 1 pickup truck parked in neutral, out of the way and adios.

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Never, never, never go to ANY mall on the weekend. During the weekdays, when I go, I solve the problem of double parkers by not putting the whole car into the parking spot but leave half of it out so no one can double park in front of me,

Well, for those who are busy on weekdays, weekends is the only time for window/shopping therapy.

Anyway, if u leave half your body sticking out, wouldnt it be tempting for lesser skilled drivers to nick ur bumper or 2?

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