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Hi all,

we have our new webpresents up and running - a few minor kinks ro be corrected - click onto our banner above to pay us a visit,

best regards


John the site looks very appealing and should serve you well, nicely done - all the best with it.

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w/ all respect, get someone to make you a website instead of using the one you made yourself. i am sure you can get it done reasonably on thaivisa or in thailand.

Havinf seen a lot of so called "Professionally made" websites and raeding your comment, I would be interested in what is wrong with it ????

It is to the point, no frills but easy accessible informaton with, I think decent pictures -


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I don't have a problem with the website. It isn't full of slow loading graphics or even worse those java/flash pages that take forever to load on a slow connection. Pictures are good, descriptions are clear. That's all I need.

Only thing you forgot to mention is your shipping range--ie where in Thailand you are willing to ship to.

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I don't have a problem with the website. It isn't full of slow loading graphics or even worse those java/flash pages that take forever to load on a slow connection. Pictures are good, descriptions are clear. That's all I need.

Only thing you forgot to mention is your shipping range--ie where in Thailand you are willing to ship to.

Thank you very much JBK - I also hate websites where things ar jiggling all over the place and java files that load very slow, even with ASDL,, and they add noting to the ease of use - I want information and not be entertained by fallng. flying or jumping whatever,



p.s. the webshop will be opened during this wekend - its for wholesale though with min. orders of 5KG for sausages for the whole of Thailand

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I have friends in Minburi, are people able to call in to your place there and buy produce?

Site looks okay by-the-way, few spelling mistakes and words without spaces between them though, maybe if you have time you should read through the text again.

Great tasty looking food in the pictures and very easy to use the site.

Good luck with everything, if the food tastes as good as it looks and sounds you won't need much luck though.


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I have friends in Minburi, are people able to call in to your place there and buy produce?

Site looks okay by-the-way, few spelling mistakes and words without spaces between them though, maybe if you have time you should read through the text again.

Great tasty looking food in the pictures and very easy to use the site.

Good luck with everything, if the food tastes as good as it looks and sounds you won't need much luck though.


Hi Chloe,

thank you for your kind comments ..... send me an e-mail and I can see what we can do about picing up some stuff......... the spelling errors etc.. should have been cleaned up


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Well i went to Villa today so decided to buy a couple of your products.

I bought some German Liver Pate, some curry sauce and some Vindaloo with chicken and a warning saying 'SERIOUSLY HOT'. :o

Hi Cloe,

hope you'll enjoy it all :D but trust me, the Vindaloo IS seriously hot :D a Thai was eating it the other day and startet to sweat profusely while uttering .. arroy hmmm ... ohhhhhh pet ohh pet .... hmmmmm arroy he finished the lot and said ... ahan aroy mack maak .. pet ching ching ..... - SUGGEST YOU HAVE SOME GROUND, DRY COCONUT ON THE READY

the Curry sauce which is less hot, marinade some cubed Chicken with it and than cook on slow heat until done - instant Cully Chicken or Fish or Beef - if using Beef, slice it really thin,


p.s. our on-line shop is now open

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w/ all respect, get someone to make you a website instead of using the one you made yourself. i am sure you can get it done reasonably on thaivisa or in thailand.

Havinf seen a lot of so called "Professionally made" websites and raeding your comment, I would be interested in what is wrong with it ????

It is to the point, no frills but easy accessible informaton with, I think decent pictures -


Sorry but he is right, design/graphics are not professional and your website also won't be well indexed in Google because of the page names (untitled document).

Also, when you write CARCUTERIE, do you mean CHARCUTERIE ?


Look at Fauchon and Lenotre websites:



Hope it helps.

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Well Tony and French,

have looked at those sites, besides the fact that they take ages to load, I still believe in simple and straight forward design, we are not selling websites but great food - and our customers comments were so far extremely positive - an Executive Chef of a 5 Star Hotel is usually very busy and has not got the time to wait 5 minutes for a website to load despite ADSL.

Please do refrain from gouging out your eyes, just don't visit our site and save your eyesite instead,

best regards


p.s. the typing error has been corrected, thank you for pointing it out

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I agree with John. I don't think the people that the website is aimed at will be that concerned about how aesthetically pleasing to the eye the website is and will be placing more value in the quality of product and service they receive.


P.S. The pate was great!

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Hello JohnBKKK -- just bought a jar of both your Leberwurst Pat'e (very rich) and your Klopse dumplings (haven't tried them yet) at the Villa33 in BKK this past week. 'Had a bit of trouble finding the jars as they were stored in the refrigerator opposite side of the room from where they keep your sauasages.

'Will wait until after all the holiday crunch and maybe try to place a website order then... a case of cassoulet?

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i guess its just a generation thing. maybe your customer base will not care so its not worth the money but when i look at your website i want to gouge out my eyes with a ball point pen.

Carry on, no one here will stop you !


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Hi Jazzbo,

glad you enjoyed the pate - oh yes it is a bit rich, but than again one can endulge from time to time - when you make the Koenisger Klopse, they are best enjoyed with some boiled Potatoes but are also nice with some rice.

johnh and zorro - lol - you guys are cruel .. :o

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Well Tony and French,

have looked at those sites, besides the fact that they take ages to load, I still believe in simple and straight forward design, we are not selling websites but great food - and our customers comments were so far extremely positive - an Executive Chef of a 5 Star Hotel is usually very busy and has not got the time to wait 5 minutes for a website to load despite ADSL.

Please do refrain from gouging out your eyes, just don't visit our site and save your eyesite instead,

best regards


p.s. the typing error has been corrected, thank you for pointing it out

I found your website refreshingly fast. It told me what I wanted to know right away.

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I have dealt with other 400 web site designs over the past 7 years - Depending on the niche/product/service, we sometimes design sites that look very "amateurish" as sometimes they "connect" with the visitors a little better. The does exactly what it's meant to do - good luck!

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I have dealt with other 400 web site designs over the past 7 years - Depending on the niche/product/service, we sometimes design sites that look very "amateurish" as sometimes they "connect" with the visitors a little better. The does exactly what it's meant to do - good luck!


thank you for the positive as well as critical comments. What it boils down too I believe is, we are selling Gourmet Sausages and Food items and NOT hi-tech equipment - our customers want quick and easy access to our program to get information and being able to order whatever they need in a unceremonious and simple manner since time is usually of the essence if you can imagine the stress in a 5 star Hotel kitchen or even in a good restaurant kitchen.

Thanks all


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