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'dry Ice' In Small Quantities? Where In Cm?


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The subject says it all. Where in Chiang Mai can I purchase 'dry ice' in small quantities? I need to send a frozen package overseas, UPS or FedEx next day delivery, and want to pack it in dry ice. I only need about a 'shoe box' full.

All suggestions welcomed.


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Just a thought....... Dry ice is frozen carbon dioxide which is toxic (depending on your definition) and can also "burn" skin on contact. Have you checked with UPS/Fedex that they will accept it? If they do, I'd expect there to be specific requirements on how it was packaged.

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The subject says it all. Where in Chiang Mai can I purchase 'dry ice' in small quantities? I need to send a frozen package overseas, UPS or FedEx next day delivery, and want to pack it in dry ice. I only need about a 'shoe box' full.

All suggestions welcomed.


I used to buy Dry Ice at the Snow Ice Cream Factory, at the market near the US embassy.

the price should not be more than 30 THB/KG

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Just a thought....... Dry ice is frozen carbon dioxide which is toxic (depending on your definition) and can also "burn" skin on contact. Have you checked with UPS/Fedex that they will accept it? If they do, I'd expect there to be specific requirements on how it was packaged.

Dry Ice is classed as dangerous goods

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It's right up there with mercury, lead acid batteries, and solvents. You just cannot use it in shipping with any overseas freight. However, some freight companies do offer a refrigerated service for food stuffs, but will not ship without a food export licence.

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Just a thought....... Dry ice is frozen carbon dioxide which is toxic (depending on your definition) and can also "burn" skin on contact. Have you checked with UPS/Fedex that they will accept it? If they do, I'd expect there to be specific requirements on how it was packaged.

Dry Ice is classed as dangerous goods

Thanks for all your replies, folks. I was able to find several sources selling it by the kilo.

As to shipping it.... that's another matter. While FedEx will accept dry ice, they won't accept what I want to ship with it!!! There are very specific requirements for packaging, 'IATA Packing instruction 650, but that is easy to meet.

I need to send a feline blood serum sample for quarantine testing, to be sure there are rabies antibodies present in the blood serum. FedEx will not ship animal blood, (even serum) from Thailand. The receiver says that I ought to be able to send it via regular post office EMS, and it doesn't have to remain frozen the entire trip. It just has to arrive without any mold growing in the sample. Starting frozen and packed in dry ice, and taking 4-5 days to get to the destination, and it 'should' be OK. This is assuming that the post office will take it.

Thanks again for all your suggestions. :o

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