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Awww, jeeez mate, I didn't meet to upset your delicate constitution. It was just the feeling of shlock and more at seeing an old buddy, back on the forum, after all this time. Where you been? Earning the big Saudi dinar's or just laying low in NS for a while? That's what made me think you'd been lurkin' around for a bit, but comparing you to Erco, was a bit below the belt I admit. But hey, it could've been worse, I might've likened you to Mr Vietnam! :D

Anyways, no hard feelings I hope, and yeah, that was the pond I was referring to. Been a lot of water and fattened ducks through that pond since we kicked off this stuttering dialogue, eh? Did you ever get the shrimps in the ponds, by the way, or did the thought of alternative feathered friend motives for the Mrs put you off in the end? :o

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Plachon, old fish...I was just jivin' around per usual. I got 'you hurt my feelings' from a friend's 4 year old who used to tug at the heart strings when uttered.

I'm back at work in the Gulf area so I didn't post for awhile until I got my own computer at the office. I don't plan to get an internet connection at home...too expensive. So my output won't be as prolific as before as I won't be up late nights with Sang Som bashing away at the keyboard like before.

All the best...

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Yeah, I guessed you were, but you can't be too sure in these days of PCness on Thaivisa! And anyway, who would want to be compared with Erco? Have you noticed how everything has been toned down and sanitised on this board since: a/ they put in the Bearpit; b/ moved it off to the boondocks where Boonmee can post to himself all day to his hearts content and c/ the Mods became draconian with the "no handbags at dawn" rule. Result seems to be a rather dull shadow of its former self, but still some lively exchanges now n'again, such as the recent tale of woe from Kringle and the oneman "you should be ashamed at your age and should have known better" attack and 10 page reply. :o

So, good luck in the Gulf, keep your head below the parapet and look forward to seeing you posting now and again, until your back in LOS next time around for a good blast. I'll put aside a bottle of vintage Saeng Som in my cellar, should you ever decide to come up to Isaan for a visit. :D

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