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Bad Experiences At Embassies


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I am from Norway. I have been at the norwegian embassy in Thailand only twice. I had the same bad experience both times. All the personell that worked with regular citizens such as myself were Thai, and they could not speak norwegian, only thai and english. They could not answer all my questions - which were standard questions for someone wishing to get married to a thai woman. I had to go on the net find the answers to many of the questions myself - and these were questions about Norway not about Thailand. It is possible to get to speak with a norwegian employee, but only after a lot of hassle. Most norwegians speak english, but many are not strong enough that they can conduct advanced conversations.

Embassies around the world were created to deal with foreign goverments and to help big companies do business abroad. This is where the prestige lies for the employees of the embassy. Dealing with mere citizens is a chore and a very low-prestige job - and is therefore farmed out to locals in each country as much as possible.

And if you REALLY need help because you are broke and ill and without ensurance or something similar: don't expect any help from your local embassy. There was this old norwegian sailor who had settled in Bangkok because he had managed to get some disability pension. He didn't know he had to travel back to Norway when he was 67 years old to switch his pension to old age pension. When next month came around and no money came from Norway, he was broke enough that he could not afford an airline ticket home to Norway. He got evicted from his condo, his girlfriend left him - and he started sleeping on the street outside the norwegian embassy. The embassy refused to help him, with money or an airline ticket. He slept for several months on the sidewalk - until his story made the papers in Norway. Still, the embassy and the government in Norway refused to help him! An old norwegian shipping-millionaire finally stepped up and wired enough money for an airline ticket to the embassy in Bangkok - and the man was able to go to Oslo and fix his pension again. This man had no familiy in Norway who could help him.

So come well prepared when you visit a norwegian embassy - an brush up on your english, because they don't speak norwegian much...

Anyone else have any stories about visiting your own county's embassy - and being treated badly or disrespectfully?


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This is a terrible story and I hope the gentleman concerned got things sorted out in the end.

Having had to deal with the British Embassy in Bangkok, and their Consulate in Chiang Mai in the last year, I am of the opinion that, unless there is a major newsworthy problem, they can appear to be self-serving, revenue generating organisations with little concept of public service to their countrymen.


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I am from Norway. I have been at the norwegian embassy in Thailand only twice. I had the same bad experience both times. All the personell that worked with regular citizens such as myself were Thai, and they could not speak norwegian, only thai and english. They could not answer all my questions - which were standard questions for someone wishing to get married to a thai woman. I had to go on the net find the answers to many of the questions myself - and these were questions about Norway not about Thailand. It is possible to get to speak with a norwegian employee, but only after a lot of hassle. Most norwegians speak english, but many are not strong enough that they can conduct advanced conversations.

Embassies around the world were created to deal with foreign goverments and to help big companies do business abroad. This is where the prestige lies for the employees of the embassy. Dealing with mere citizens is a chore and a very low-prestige job - and is therefore farmed out to locals in each country as much as possible.

And if you REALLY need help because you are broke and ill and without ensurance or something similar: don't expect any help from your local embassy. There was this old norwegian sailor who had settled in Bangkok because he had managed to get some disability pension. He didn't know he had to travel back to Norway when he was 67 years old to switch his pension to old age pension. When next month came around and no money came from Norway, he was broke enough that he could not afford an airline ticket home to Norway. He got evicted from his condo, his girlfriend left him - and he started sleeping on the street outside the norwegian embassy. The embassy refused to help him, with money or an airline ticket. He slept for several months on the sidewalk - until his story made the papers in Norway. Still, the embassy and the government in Norway refused to help him! An old norwegian shipping-millionaire finally stepped up and wired enough money for an airline ticket to the embassy in Bangkok - and the man was able to go to Oslo and fix his pension again. This man had no familiy in Norway who could help him.

So come well prepared when you visit a norwegian embassy - an brush up on your english, because they don't speak norwegian much...

Anyone else have any stories about visiting your own county's embassy - and being treated badly or disrespectfully?


In my experience it seems like embassy employees, nomatter country the embassy belongs to, are quite arrogant in the way they treat people.

Only once have I had problems in the Norwegian embassy in BKK. I created a scene by raising my voice. All the Thais looked with big eyes, all the Norwegians smiled, and voila I got to talk to a Norwegian employee immediately. Problem solved within 2 minutes.

I remember the story about the older guy.

Of course, the news papers only printed one side of the story. We know how the papers normally love to slam public offices, etc.

I never actually read any statement from the embassy.

Had a feeling it was more to it then only this old poor guy's story.

Have read and heard about numerous of stories where the embassy issue a ticket, and then just get the money back by taking it from the person's pension, welfare money, salary, etc.

Should not be a problem.

I never felt sorry for that guy as I felt he had put himself into this situation. Living as a rich man here, depending upon that the next batch of money will come next month, with not even thinking about having enough on his bank account for a return ticket.

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I have to say that I have never had any problems when dealing with my Embassy (South African), the ladies in the office are a pure pleasure to deal with.

I emailed them to get a "Confirmation of address" letter, so that I could get my drivers license, and they emailed me back within an hour to tell me that I could pick it up the next day at no cost. It also only took them 3 days to prepare my "Affirmation to marry" letter. I've heard stories of Embasies charging thousands for these letters and often taking months to get them.

So it's 100% thumbs up for me.

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I would just ilke to say that in my 20 years here in Thailand I have never had anything but good service from the British Embassy in Bangkok. Prompt and efficient.

Its a bit pricey and it should be cheaper because the Thai staff are not paid UK rates.

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Never had any problems at the US Embassy. All the people working there seem efficient in doing their work. Of course I haven't tried asking for money or airplane tickets, nor do I go there to socialize.

On the other hand, I think some sort of service should be available for people who run into trouble. A service, which would enable these people to be able to get a ticket home ( like in the case of the Norwegian man ), to be repaid at a later date. Then again this might already be available at a US Embassy.

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The only rude Thai woman I have met in the 30 years I have lived here was at my Embassy

Perhaps it was the same woman I encountered :D

But I have to say that in my limited experiences with my embassy the Consular staff have always been helpful and friendly. Only ever got a bad attitude from an older Thai clerk who decided that we weren't there on the right day and so had to leave (had rescheduled by email, apparently something she did not know). I made it clear that we weren't going to be bullied and she backed off. The consular officer, on the other hand, was very friendly and helpful and gave my husband a 10 year visa when we hadn't asked for one. "So you don't have to go through this again for awhile" she said :o

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As an American, my experiences with the embassy and consulate have been excellent. Including the day my neighbor happened to be at the next station, explaining how he was ten years overstayed in Thailand, so the police took his passport away! The officer helped all that he could. Another example: when I applied for Social Security, the American employee in the consulate put my application into the diplomatic pouch to be sent to Manila. I was going to tell her to put it into a manila envelope, but....

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The only rude Thai woman I have met in the 30 years I have lived here was at my Embassy

Perhaps it was the same woman I encountered :D

But I have to say that in my limited experiences with my embassy the Consular staff have always been helpful and friendly. Only ever got a bad attitude from an older Thai clerk who decided that we weren't there on the right day and so had to leave (had rescheduled by email, apparently something she did not know). I made it clear that we weren't going to be bullied and she backed off. The consular officer, on the other hand, was very friendly and helpful and gave my husband a 10 year visa when we hadn't asked for one. "So you don't have to go through this again for awhile" she said :o

I would guess that your husband got his 10 year visa some time back. Things HAVE changed much for the worse. It's a long story but I fit in no defined category. The embassy wouldn't speak to me concerning a visa and I was told I had to buy a PIN to talk to someone on the phone. I bought the PIN. I talked to someone on the phone and learned NOTHING. The situation is that Thailand is our home and we have no intension of ever moving to the US. My parents are both 86 years old and I want a visa for my wife only in case of an emergency. I have no doubt that I can get a visa for her BUT how long will it take? I specifically asked about a 10 year visa because a normal visa would no doubt expire before we would use it. I was told it was not likely that they would give her a 10 year visa. Repeated emails to them get canned answers. That part of our embassy STINKS. We live way up country so it's not like I can walk across the street for an appointment. Other services have been fine. Whoever is in charge of the visa section should be fired.

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American Embbassy has always been very cordial to me, and they do have to put up with not only a lot of people but a lot of grieg

26-27 years ago or so, when times were VERY different and I had met my first wife, I wanted to bring her with me on a vacation home with me. I was and dumb and had no idea about visa and stuff. Anyway, I had a small window to get her the visa and we were sitting in the consulate waiting for our number to be called when in walked a staffer who went to a door to get to his office, in he went and before the closed I jumped up and got the door and went inside! Explained my situation and he asked me to bring my g/f inside and he kicked me out and interviewed her, called me back in and told us to come back in the p.m., we had our visa.

Very different times

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I have had bad experiences at the British Embassy but totally understandable for the staff involved.

The worst part of visiting the British Embassy is the other Brits. Every single time I've been there I've been approached by travellers with hard luck stories about how their passport and money was stolen and could they just have some money to make a phone call or get a room or get to the airport or whatever it is. I gave 500 Baht to a few people before I realised I couldn't tell the scammers from the genuine unlucky ones and was just encouraging scammers to keep trying it.

Plus, seeing the tatooed football hooligans in cut away vests with their non-english speaking tatooed "fiance" getting irate at the staff for questioning their true love and right to be married and go to the UK. The funniest thing is always the bored and disdainful look on the TGs face as her darling tries to explain how unreasonable the Embassy is being and how he's going to get a lawyer and contact the newspapers.

The main bad experience with the staff is their suspicion that you're trying to scam them. As soon as they realise you're just there for a passport renewal and have your old passport with you they're fine. But that initial first question about what you want can be quite antagonistic.

And I once lost a passport in the US but had another one. The "spare" passport was only about a year from expiry so I wanted a new one. I was told by phone by the British Embassy in Washington that if the other passport hadn't been recalled it was valid and I could travel on it and to just get a new passport in Bangkok if I was travelling there in a few days.

On arrival at the British Embassy in Bangkok they were very suspicious that I was some kind of passport trafficer or something and took my passport from me and said I couldn't get it back or a new one until they'd checked out my story with the Washington Embassy. I protested that I couldn't cash travellers checks without a passport, but they didn't care. I couldn't keep my legal and valid passport while they checked out my story. Luckily I'd taken a note of the name of the person I'd spoken to in Washington, but it was 3-4 days until they got hold of her and issued me a new passport.

I was wondering what they were planning to do if my story hadn't checked out. Could they have taken my legal and valid passport and left me stranded in Thailand without a passport?

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Never had any problems at the US Embassy. All the people working there seem efficient in doing their work. Of course I haven't tried asking for money or airplane tickets, nor do I go there to socialize.

On the other hand, I think some sort of service should be available for people who run into trouble. A service, which would enable these people to be able to get a ticket home ( like in the case of the Norwegian man ), to be repaid at a later date. Then again this might already be available at a US Embassy.

I'm in the same boat, never any bad experiences either here or any other US embassy around the world for that matter. I'm hoping it would be the same service in case of an emergency.

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The worst part of visiting the British Embassy is the other Brits.

Plus, seeing the tatooed football hooligans in cut away vests with their non-english speaking tatooed "fiance" getting irate at the staff for questioning their true love and right to be married and go to the UK. The funniest thing is always the bored and disdainful look on the TGs face as her darling tries to explain how unreasonable the Embassy is being and how he's going to get a lawyer and contact the newspapers.

You missed out the complaints about their Human Rights being VIOLATED !

I couldn't keep my legal and valid passport while they checked out my story.

Could they have taken my legal and valid passport and left me stranded in Thailand without a passport?

The passport is and always remains, the property of HM Government.

Edited by stevemiddie
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The worst part of visiting the British Embassy is the other Brits.

Plus, seeing the tatooed football hooligans in cut away vests with their non-english speaking tatooed "fiance" getting irate at the staff for questioning their true love and right to be married and go to the UK. The funniest thing is always the bored and disdainful look on the TGs face as her darling tries to explain how unreasonable the Embassy is being and how he's going to get a lawyer and contact the newspapers.

You missed out the complaints about their Human Rights being VIOLATED !

I couldn't keep my legal and valid passport while they checked out my story.

Could they have taken my legal and valid passport and left me stranded in Thailand without a passport?

The passport is and always remains, the property of HM Government.

Technically true. But I had a legal and valid passport. They had no reason for taking it away. If they had taken it away I would have been unable to leave Thailand.

Doesn't exactly seem the kind of service the Embassy should be performing. Taking away legal passports to strand its tax paying citizens

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Trying to get a non nonresident visa for a Thai girl to live & work in the U.S. is a joke. If you did it a couple of years ago you were lucky, I have heard from other Brit's their country is opting to be more & more like the U.S. & close the doors to poor immigrants. I had help from Hawaii's governor & the most I could get out of the situation was if I am filthy rich & she is filthy rich, our chances would be decent. Unfortunately I could not come up with the papers- or remember where what state or county my divorce took place in the U.S. 32 years ago as all I cared about at age 20 was throwing a whopping divorce party. The U.S. Govn that can tell you what color & how many times a day you take a crap. claims unless I am willing to spend upward of 3-5 million baht to do a county by county state by state search, I am never going to get the visa. At the time Linda Lingle (governor of Hawaai) Sonoma county mayors office & a couple affluent other people along with Gary Hacker(the Pattaya's emissary's to the American conciliate) Acording to Hawaii's Honolulu conciliate only 2 people in Hawaii got Visas according to Linda Lingle. We are very good friends & has never lied to me. All American offices in BKK. Los Angeles & Honolulu basically indicated if she were Mexican cart blanch . An easy flight to TJ Mexico & walk across the Saint Ynes turn off & she is in. Unfortunately for me I am too (stupid-Honest) to try to cheat my way in & have to hide from the government where I do hold some clout & respect! I used to live in Sandiego & would watch the illegals walk across the freeway in Droves.

It is a travesty that my country I am proud of, my own embassies is worthless. I spent 4 hours in Los Angelo & 2 days in Honolulu to no avail 2 years back. It is a shame the people who are willing to do the right thing -pay the money-wait the time can't get a visa. I could marry here, but same problem the other way as well. I even got a hookup with the supervisor in Bkk via Pattaya & was told they wanted to help but their hands are tied!

Other than that although they are slow, it was easy getting my statement of facts.The notary was 6 times a U.S. notary, but I expect to pay more living here. It is way easier to forget the marriage & not get upset. I would say 2 thumbs down as they are polite at the American embassy, but absolutely worthless in important issues. At least in Honolulu they went over 5 possible scenarios to get it going,but to the same demise no ticket no laundry. And I am not the only American that can't get my girl in! I apologize if this seems like a rant, but it is more disgust for the American Embassy here & abroad.

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The only rude Thai woman I have met in the 30 years I have lived here was at my Embassy

Perhaps it was the same woman I encountered :D

But I have to say that in my limited experiences with my embassy the Consular staff have always been helpful and friendly. Only ever got a bad attitude from an older Thai clerk who decided that we weren't there on the right day and so had to leave (had rescheduled by email, apparently something she did not know). I made it clear that we weren't going to be bullied and she backed off. The consular officer, on the other hand, was very friendly and helpful and gave my husband a 10 year visa when we hadn't asked for one. "So you don't have to go through this again for awhile" she said :o

I would guess that your husband got his 10 year visa some time back. Things HAVE changed much for the worse. It's a long story but I fit in no defined category. The embassy wouldn't speak to me concerning a visa and I was told I had to buy a PIN to talk to someone on the phone. I bought the PIN. I talked to someone on the phone and learned NOTHING. The situation is that Thailand is our home and we have no intension of ever moving to the US. My parents are both 86 years old and I want a visa for my wife only in case of an emergency. I have no doubt that I can get a visa for her BUT how long will it take? I specifically asked about a 10 year visa because a normal visa would no doubt expire before we would use it. I was told it was not likely that they would give her a 10 year visa. Repeated emails to them get canned answers. That part of our embassy STINKS. We live way up country so it's not like I can walk across the street for an appointment. Other services have been fine. Whoever is in charge of the visa section should be fired.


I had the same experience with the pin number & standard form letters sent back. dealing with Katheryn (the embassy supervisor) same old tune. I don't get it why lie. Just say no way end of story!

Enclosed is the usual response back about any question you have. Including how to use the stupid pin number you have to drive 2 hours to go get.


Thank you for using the Visa Information Service. Your user name and password have been successfully created. For security reasons, your password is not displayed here.

User name: ******

Please note that your account will be closed in 10 days if you do not purchase a PIN. In addition, your account will be closed 30 days after your PIN expires if you do not purchase a new PIN. If your account closes, you must create a new user name and password to access the Visa Information Service again.

Thank you,

The Visa Information Service Team

Got this back for the first 11 inquiries.


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There's always a chance that one of our useless public servants is reading the forum. Since it appears the whole visa section is run via computer they have to be doing something during working hours. There was a time when you could go to the embassy and actually talk to someone. I'll bet they have more staff now than when that was possible.

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As a Yank, I'll chime in.

The US Embassy is for the promotion of trade, relations, etc.

I understand this.

But generally, they are very unhelpful and not suppportive, and yes they are financed by the taxpayer.

The US Embassy's behavoir after the Tsuanami in Phuket was criticiaed heavily.

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I completely agree with AG (OP) . No problem with your english at all >>The problem is with most of the european & lots of other embassies in Thailand, is that they employ ultra imbecile (not sure if spelled correctly,but probably beter if not :o ) thai staff, who cannot cope with anything more, than basic pre-programmed questions.. And are completely incapable of answering any "complicated' questions, which non thai staff of any embassy can answer in a jiffy .. But those cockblocks prevent you from reaching the Real embassy staff !! in case of any emergency , it can be dangerous, in all other cases extremely annoying !!!

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Trying to get a non nonresident visa for a Thai girl to live & work in the U.S. is a joke. If you did it a couple of years ago you were lucky, I have heard from other Brit's their country is opting to be more & more like the U.S. & close the doors to poor immigrants. I had help from Hawaii's governor & the most I could get out of the situation was if I am filthy rich & she is filthy rich, our chances would be decent. Unfortunately I could not come up with the papers- or remember where what state or county my divorce took place in the U.S. 32 years ago as all I cared about at age 20 was throwing a whopping divorce party. The U.S. Govn that can tell you what color & how many times a day you take a crap. claims unless I am willing to spend upward of 3-5 million baht to do a county by county state by state search, I am never going to get the visa. At the time Linda Lingle (governor of Hawaai) Sonoma county mayors office & a couple affluent other people along with Gary Hacker(the Pattaya's emissary's to the American conciliate) Acording to Hawaii's Honolulu conciliate only 2 people in Hawaii got Visas according to Linda Lingle. We are very good friends & has never lied to me. All American offices in BKK. Los Angeles & Honolulu basically indicated if she were Mexican cart blanch . An easy flight to TJ Mexico & walk across the Saint Ynes turn off & she is in. Unfortunately for me I am too (stupid-Honest) to try to cheat my way in & have to hide from the government where I do hold some clout & respect! I used to live in Sandiego & would watch the illegals walk across the freeway in Droves.

It is a travesty that my country I am proud of, my own embassies is worthless. I spent 4 hours in Los Angelo & 2 days in Honolulu to no avail 2 years back. It is a shame the people who are willing to do the right thing -pay the money-wait the time can't get a visa. I could marry here, but same problem the other way as well. I even got a hookup with the supervisor in Bkk via Pattaya & was told they wanted to help but their hands are tied!

Other than that although they are slow, it was easy getting my statement of facts.The notary was 6 times a U.S. notary, but I expect to pay more living here. It is way easier to forget the marriage & not get upset. I would say 2 thumbs down as they are polite at the American embassy, but absolutely worthless in important issues. At least in Honolulu they went over 5 possible scenarios to get it going,but to the same demise no ticket no laundry. And I am not the only American that can't get my girl in! I apologize if this seems like a rant, but it is more disgust for the American Embassy here & abroad.

This is an amazing example of refusing to accept responsibility for your own life. You can’t remember what state you got divorced in and it is the governments fault they can’t tell you?

My wife as gotten 2 US tourist visas with no hassles, many of my friends wives have US tourist visas with no problems and another friend of mine went through the entire immigrant visa process for his wife in 3 months.

The issue is not the government, the issue is you and your lack of personal responsibility (to say nothing of your [lack of] writing skills).

Grow up


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I find that if your paperwork is 100% in order then you have no problems, I have used the US and UK embassies in BKK and both were OK. Don't know what it would have been like if there was a difficult question needed answering though. We also have to remember the staff are usually low paid civil servants so you can't expect too much from them as in all parts of the service industry, they are just too busy and ill informed, sad but true these days.

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I'm going to defend the non-US employees of the American embassy and consulate, based on my own experiences there, as a retired civil servant and manager who's professionally trained to evaluate them. The lady at the window in Bangkok was great, and so was the young man in Chiang Mai: alert, competent, knowledgeable, speaking clearly enough, solving my problem, asking pertinent follow-up questions, showing respect for me.

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Well guys to join the chime, i've had quite a good experience with UK emb. here, but the thread is NOT about the english speaking embassies, but those from more "exotic" locales, that tend to employ incompetent staff..

Actually the bright example of it would be OZ visa section, which is 'outsorced' to some private thai company running the show in Thai CC tower on Sathon .. Now has anyone tried getting throu to Australian staff at all ?!?

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