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Based On Gentleman Scamps Lovely


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description of his new love:

Now all girls would love their man to talk about them as you have her, if i was ning and read that i would be so flattered it would make me love you 100x more.

Now, due to this i was wondering:

What is it that makes you men go weak at the knees for a ladie/girlfriend?

I don't mean purly in a sexual way, but the things that make you fall in love with her.

The part where Gentleman Scamp describes ning doing a little dance for her,well i can totally see why this would be sweet and alluring but i also know alot of girls wouldnt have the confidence to do this....

Opinions please :o

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description of his new love:

Now all girls would love their man to talk about them as you have her, if i was ning and read that i would be so flattered it would make me love you 100x more.

Now, due to this i was wondering:

What is it that makes you men go weak at the knees for a ladie/girlfriend?

I don't mean purly in a sexual way, but the things that make you fall in love with her.

The part where Gentleman Scamp describes ning doing a little dance for her,well i can totally see why this would be sweet and alluring but i also know alot of girls wouldnt have the confidence to do this....

Opinions please :o

What is it that makes you men go weak at the knees for a ladie/girlfriend?

I don't mean purly in a sexual way, but the things that make you fall in love with her.

Love is a strange and wonderful thing; beauty is also in the eyes of the beholder.

A woman brings out the best in a man .His tender side comes out his passionate side



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...What is it that makes you men go weak at the knees for a ladie/girlfriend? ...

It was her smile - the way she would smile at me was as if I was the only love of her life.

It took me 8 months to discover that I was not the only recipient of that smile... :o

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She's a bit older than me so a while back after sex I ask her what happen when you really get old and you don't feel like making love with me anymore.

Out of the blue she replies " no poblem, I buy girl for you"

That did me in basically. We'll see after ten years or so if she meant it. :o

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look kitty... it's a simple as this... if a girl is willing to scub the gussets of my dirty y-fonts (the washine machine is busted) then she's the one for me :D

i don't need someone dancing up a pole or doing nasty things with balloons...

Thats quite possibily the funniest thing i've heard you say.


For me, its just the warm feeling i get when i'm close to her :o

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She's a bit older than me so a while back after sex I ask her what happen when you really get old and you don't feel like making love with me anymore.

Out of the blue she replies " no poblem, I buy girl for you"

That did me in basically. We'll see after ten years or so if she meant it. :o

:D Lucky bastard :D

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She's a bit older than me so a while back after sex I ask her what happen when you really get old and you don't feel like making love with me anymore.

Out of the blue she replies " no poblem, I buy girl for you"

That did me in basically. We'll see after ten years or so if she meant it. :o

:D Lucky bastard :D

She must really LOVE HIM :D yeah Lloyd He is :D

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She's a bit older than me so a while back after sex I ask her what happen when you really get old and you don't feel like making love with me anymore.

Out of the blue she replies " no poblem, I buy girl for you"

That did me in basically. We'll see after ten years or so if she meant it. :D

:D Lucky bastard :D

She must really LOVE HIM :wub: yeah Lloyd He is :D

200K/month pocket money probably helps :o

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She thinks it won't last and that I'm too good for her - that makes me think, "Ahhhh, the poor thing", whatever sort of a55hole is she used to?

Young, rich, drug taking Sweedish DJ's who have never been hurt and who get angry if they can't get a blow job - that's who.

I don't 'fall' in love, it's more of a crawl or a timid climb 'into' love, a bit like this morning when I was getting into the swimming pool for the first time under the cloudy sky and there was a bit of a breeze.

It's a slow process for me but I suppose it's a process that started when Ning asked me if I would be angry that we couldn't have sex because it was her TOTM.

Regarding recent posts on the subject: If there's stuff she hasn't told me then she hasn't done so because she fears she would lose me if she did.

Do I need to tell her all of my secrets? Of course not, but I know that I could and she's slowly beginning to understand that she could also - and no, I wouldn't make them public if she did.

I love her because she's a hurt soul the same as I am and she understands that life is bloody, downright difficult.

As much as I'd like to, I'd never be suited to a 'normal' girl, Thai or otherwise - they would bore the <deleted> out of me.

You're not normal Kitty, not in the boring sense... You're alright you are. :o

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Kitty,

Somebody else already posted something about it depending upon who your with, each person makes one feel differant.

I´d like to add to that, with a passage from a story I wrote a few years ago. This is an approximate quote from that book.

"When I walked into this place I saw only her. There was no-one else in the room full of people.

She smiled from the reception desk a smile of a thousand suns, and I melted. I melted knowing that there is no justification for someone like her to even think twice about me. I´m just another guest in just another guest house in the city of angels.

I checked in at her little reception desk and my hands trembled. I shook all over, for nowhere in all the places I´d been in my life had I ever felt this ridiculous stupid terrifying anxiety, this feeling of being in the presence of the woman I wanted to do silly things with, like hold hands, or see her smile. Buy her roses and chocolates or even just to win a stupid cuddly toy at a fair.

I hadn´t know her for two minutes - heck, I didn´t know her att all and I could see our babies smiling up at us from their buggies.

I went upstairs and had a cold shower, and tried to put her out of my mind.

A couple of hours later I dared to venture downstairs to the lobby and there she was, putting on some mascara, apparently leaving.

She turned to me and said, "There you are! I finished nearly an hour ago. John (the owner of the guest house and friend of mine) said you guys were going for a drink."

I was mesmerised by her big brown eyes, as she continued, "I thought I might join you for a little while."

"euhm, yeah, that sounds great!" I tried to sound casual.

The hours passed and we enjoyed every moment.

John left early, leaving us to it, and she would drink a small Singha in exactly the time it took me to finish a large. Several drinks later and midnight came and went and she didn´t turn into a pumpkin, or whatever it is cinderella turns into at the witching hour.

We went for a walk and I tentativly held her hand. She clutched it like I was saving her from the sheer pull of a waterfall. The shivers of anxiety turned to warm glows of contentedness and I basked in the rays of the midnight moon.

"Was this real?"


** Yes this was all real, in BKK about three years ago.

She was nothing special to anyone, but I felt such a magnetic attraction to her.

We lasted two and a half years (until I found out she had a husband, but that story is somewhere in another thread)

and she was absolutely perfect.

It is hard to describe what makes a man go weak at the knees, and it IS individual, there´s no hand book for all.

Right, I´m feeling melancholic now, so I´m off to the Jokes section.

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Thanks for sharing that Kayo..

If a man ever feels like that for me i will melt...

It's so great that you've experience that kind of attraction/love.

I hope one day I'll have a man who feels the same.

sorry to change the subject :D

I asked you in another post then forgot where it was :o (i can act a bit blonde)

In the picutre on your avator, are you in The Cross in Kings Cross London?

Now you may have answered already and i could of possibly replied but my memory is the equivilent to a gold fish's...seriously. :D


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U didn't answer my Question in both.lol....

Was the picture takin in the cross in kings cross london hun? :D

Hi Kitty,


Sorry darling, Completely neglected your question...

No! I´ve no idea what the Cross, and I´ve not been to King´s Cross for years... Just wondering though, why you thought so, if I may ask?!

It was taken in Kanchanaburi, place where "you Kan Win" and I always drank our beers at the weekends.

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