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Where Is My Extention Lead!


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Have to air this, wanted to sit in the garden with some lights, a few beers. I need our usual extention lead to power the strip light. Where is it? Mighty fine question. No-where to be seen, searched all over the house to no avail.

Does anyone else have their wives hiding stuff or is it just me? :o

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Have to air this, wanted to sit in the garden with some lights, a few beers. I need our usual extention lead to power the strip light. Where is it? Mighty fine question. No-where to be seen, searched all over the house to no avail.

Does anyone else have their wives hiding stuff or is it just me? :D

I did hide my wife.... now i cannot walk around the house without stumbling all over the extension cords :o

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It is not always the wife's fault.

I have the knack of loosing, or not being able to find, all my work tools withing 2m of where I am working! :o

This usually leads to McEnroe like tantrums that gets all my staff into fits of laughter. :D

"Psssst. Here.... Come quickly..... You don't want to miss this... The farang is about to make a noise like a monkey & turn red again!"

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My girlfriend always puts my things in the most ramdom places. For example I couldn't find my new trainers. After looking for 5 minutes I asked her if she'd seen them, she just tutted and got them out from under our sink as if thats where all the shoes are kept.

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Have to air this, wanted to sit in the garden with some lights, a few beers. I need our usual extention lead to power the strip light. Where is it? Mighty fine question. No-where to be seen, searched all over the house to no avail.

Does anyone else have their wives hiding stuff or is it just me? :D

Surely you have more than one spare extension lead?? :o

I keep half a dozen or more in the store room for all my unplanned electrical needs.

So if the maids or the wife spirit one or two away for their own nerfarious purposes, I still have some left.

When the supply gets uncomfortably low, I re-stock :D

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You must have married my wife's sister.

There is an upside to the disappearing items. Every once and a while you discover some long lost thing, like your favorite shirt or some tools, and it is a little like Christmas all year long.

I love this aspect of it as well. One exGf was very good at this. Coupled with her ability to shop even a year after she'd moved out I was finding things in drawers and cupboards and being delighted to know I owned it.

Oooh a dejuicer. Oooh a powerful flashlight. Oooh a set of pastry cutters. Never knew I had these.

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Have to air this, wanted to sit in the garden with some lights, a few beers. I need our usual extention lead to power the strip light. Where is it? Mighty fine question. No-where to be seen, searched all over the house to no avail.

Does anyone else have their wives hiding stuff or is it just me? :D

Surely you have more than one spare extension lead?? :o

I keep half a dozen or more in the store room for all my unplanned electrical needs.

So if the maids or the wife spirit one or two away for their own nerfarious purposes, I still have some left.

When the supply gets uncomfortably low, I re-stock :D

She went out shopping, for several hours, garden quite big so had to join 3 together

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My girlfriend always puts my things in the most ramdom places. For example I couldn't find my new trainers. After looking for 5 minutes I asked her if she'd seen them, she just tutted and got them out from under our sink as if thats where all the shoes are kept.

It get's better :bah:

Had nice laydee in my Condo from Monday until Friday afternoon a few weeks ago. I return from school, at 3.45pm. Laydee meets me near 7/11, to carry my bag (methinks this is unusual) :D . Gives me a kiss, turns to me and says 'Loom not same darrrrlink, loom no same'.

One shudders, imagining how a fire started :o I say to her ' Why? Has there been a fire?' 'No, darrrrlink', she says, as we go at at more speedy walk, than prior to her opeinng her mouth., ' Youuuu see darrrrrlink, loom no same!.

(One shudders some more), .......steadily and surely ,edging up the floors in the lift to the 8th floor, all I hear is 'Loom noooo same darrrlink'.

As lady turns the key in the lock of my condo door,, once again, I hear those words, 'LOOM NO SAME DARRRLINK!,(turning to me, with even a bigger grin on her face, (as proud as punch), the door opens, I peek in the loom (sorry, erm.... ROOM).

What do I see. The 'L' shaped sofa and chairs gone! Removed to the verandah, apart from two chairs! The wardrobe moved, to the far corner of the loom , (sollee... room), (only the left hand side door will open), the right hand side door, SLAMMING into to my newly acquired Epson Printer! ;)

I said , 'Where is the plug socket?' She say ' Behind lordlobe. It beggared belief! :D

I say 'Wha yoouuuuuu doooooo?!%*&! :D She say 'Look, more loom darlrrrink ,more looooooooom! :bah:

Result? Ended up with more dancing area than xCite Disco :D in Pattaya!

Why did she do this? Anyone able to tell me ??? Pretty please?? :o

I left it as it was, no time to start furniture moving............ until I return on New Year's Eve :D

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Surely you have more than one spare extension lead?? :D

I keep half a dozen or more in the store room for all my unplanned electrical needs.

So if the maids or the wife spirit one or two away for their own nerfarious purposes, I still have some left.

When the supply gets uncomfortably low, I re-stock :D

You sound like one of my mates there mobi.

He plans ahead for pilferage of household items simply because in share housing there isn't much one can do about "borrowed" items that are never "returned".

Needs one lead (or pencil or torch or paint brush) - keeps a stock of ten! :o

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My girlfriend always puts my things in the most ramdom places. For example I couldn't find my new trainers. After looking for 5 minutes I asked her if she'd seen them, she just tutted and got them out from under our sink as if thats where all the shoes are kept.

It get's better :bah:

Had nice laydee in my Condo from Monday until Friday afternoon a few weeks ago. I return from school, at 3.45pm. Laydee meets me near 7/11, to carry my bag (methinks this is unusual) :D . Gives me a kiss, turns to me and says 'Loom not same darrrrlink, loom no same'.

One shudders, imagining how a fire started :o I say to her ' Why? Has there been a fire?' 'No, darrrrlink', she says, as we go at at more speedy walk, than prior to her opeinng her mouth., ' Youuuu see darrrrrlink, loom no same!.

(One shudders some more), .......steadily and surely ,edging up the floors in the lift to the 8th floor, all I hear is 'Loom noooo same darrrlink'.

As lady turns the key in the lock of my condo door,, once again, I hear those words, 'LOOM NO SAME DARRRLINK!,(turning to me, with even a bigger grin on her face, (as proud as punch), the door opens, I peek in the loom (sorry, erm.... ROOM).

What do I see. The 'L' shaped sofa and chairs gone! Removed to the verandah, apart from two chairs! The wardrobe moved, to the far corner of the loom , (sollee... room), (only the left hand side door will open), the right hand side door, SLAMMING into to my newly acquired Epson Printer! ;)

I said , 'Where is the plug socket?' She say ' Behind lordlobe. It beggared belief! :D

I say 'Wha yoouuuuuu doooooo?!%*&! :D She say 'Look, more loom darlrrrink ,more looooooooom! :bah:

Result? Ended up with more dancing area than xCite Disco :D in Pattaya!

Why did she do this? Anyone able to tell me ??? Pretty please?? :o

I left it as it was, no time to start furniture moving............ until I return on New Year's Eve :D

I've had similar. At the time I didn't even notice the layout as I was still trying to figure out how a 40kg woman, who normally reacted as if her arms were being ripped from their sockets when trying to pick up anything heavier than jewellry, had managed to maneuvre and manhandle large and heavy pieces of furniture that I would have struggled with. This included a sofa bed that must have weighed in excess of 50kgs being moved from the ground floor to the first floor without a mark on the walls!

I still can't figure out how she did it and her only reply was, "I just carry it"

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Have to air this, wanted to sit in the garden with some lights, a few beers. I need our usual extention lead to power the strip light. Where is it? Mighty fine question. No-where to be seen, searched all over the house to no avail.

Does anyone else have their wives hiding stuff or is it just me? :D

Ok Time of year for Panto So maybe?








Seasons Greatings to all


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And I thought it was just me... I mean extension leads AND the wife/GF. I have to say that I like to put everthing back in it's proper place, you know? All very ship-shape... Ok, I admit it; I need help. Anyway, she puts things in the oddest of places and considering that she's lived in the tropics all her life, she seems to be remarkably casual about spilling stuff on the worktop and not cleaning it up. Result, an army of little friends in the morning at the Chonnabot all-you-can-eat. Or, she bungs leftovers in Tupperware, slings it in the fridge and treasures it, more or less, forever. Now and then I'll have a clear-out in the fridge and some of the things I've found... Shudder. But I don't mind as she's a wonderful cook, sigh...

Edited by micksterbs
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It is not always the wife's fault.

I have the knack of loosing, or not being able to find, all my work tools withing 2m of where I am working! :D

This usually leads to McEnroe like tantrums that gets all my staff into fits of laughter. :D

"Psssst. Here.... Come quickly..... You don't want to miss this... The farang is about to make a noise like a monkey & turn red again!"

Within two metres seems so far away, I can be sitting and using tools and cannot find something I just set down. Eventually I do find it by standing up and searching, and oft I find it under something I just set down. No staff laughs at me, but my wife does and somehow thats worse. :o

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Have to air this, wanted to sit in the garden with some lights, a few beers. I need our usual extention lead to power the strip light. Where is it? Mighty fine question. No-where to be seen, searched all over the house to no avail.

Does anyone else have their wives hiding stuff or is it just me? :o

You cannot feel alone, my wife puts things in the oddest places, you cannot fathom why she would. But when questioned her answer in wifespeak makes a weird convoluted kind of sense, kinda. :D

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Have to air this, wanted to sit in the garden with some lights, a few beers. I need our usual extention lead to power the strip light. Where is it? Mighty fine question. No-where to be seen, searched all over the house to no avail.

Does anyone else have their wives hiding stuff or is it just me? :D

You cannot feel alone, my wife puts things in the oddest places, you cannot fathom why she would. But when questioned her answer in wifespeak makes a weird convoluted kind of sense, kinda. :D

She arrived back, hey presto, in a cupboard under some stuff or other. I'll never fathom the thought that goes into hiding stuff used on a regular basis.

Maybe I'm getting paranoid in my old age. :o

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By the looks of it, its not just extension leads then.......teaspoons, i must have bought at lest 24 of them and they always keep dissapearing never to be seen again :D is there a black market I dont know about?

Also looks like most thai women do the same things when 'tyding' up, I try to keep medicines, pills etc in one place....yeh...they end up all over the place then when shes got a headache she asks wheres me pills!!

Best is in the shops she spots a bootiful basket maybe for fruit for the table....7 days later its full of crap (maybe I should check I might find some of my teaspoons :o )

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Now globeliner. It is not hiding stuff...... it is called putting it away. Instead of on the floor :o

Now SBK, I don't buy into this for a moment. In this beautiful land we live in there are many possible reasons, some common to the Kingdom, others universal... read on :-)

1. The neighbour is using the said cord to power his entire house... Action... follow all power leads running out of the house and across fences. Unplug and retrieve if necessay. Let him keep using it if he helps with gardening or baby sitting!!

2. It is being used to hang up Uncles "singing bird" cage... Action...kill bird and retrieve cord.

3. The new clothes line from Mango tree to fence post is looking somewhat familiar... Action...leave it there if you want to keep the boss happy.

4. Your teenage daughter is using it to power a 1800W sterio, an ipod nano, a hair straightening wand, an MP3 player in addition to the ipod, a bright light for study, a soft light for mood, an electronic mosquito burner, a TV, a video play, a CD casset player, Playstation 2, a Wii, charging her mobile phone and running a fan... Action.. don't set foot inside the room unless you want to see an explosion of the atomic relm (no physical explosion, just a verbal one from your daughter).

5. The ultimate reality is the extension cord is now retired to the BLACK HOLE of house hold items. The extension cord is now in good company (in the black hole) of:

  • single socks, the other still in your sock draw,
  • all working pens and sharp pencils,
  • sticky tape of ANY sort,
  • string of any type,
  • working batteries,
  • the television remote,
  • bath plugs,
  • measuring rules or tapes
  • hand towels of any description,
  • mosquito spray cans with aerosol still in it!,
  • mobile phone chargers,
  • one of your old wallets (still with money in it),
  • tennis balls,
  • your entire golf club set,
  • the longest watering hose you used to have,
  • a ladder,
  • and 2 and half million keys..........


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I have learned never to have a spare "anything". If we have something that we are not using then it follows that someone else can have a permanent loan of it for any purpose they chose. Better to go and buy new as and when required than find your back up thingy has been used as an essential upgrade for daddy's cowshed!

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Why did she do this? Anyone able to tell me ??? Pretty please?? :o

All women know that they know, better than any man, how to organise things, regardless of all the evidence to-the-contrary. :D

Wise Man, he will understand, that her heart was in the right place. :D

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Reminds me strongly of one of the cartoons in Pattaya Mail some time back:

Darling, I'd love to explain Thai logic to you - but I'm scared your brain would explode.

(enlarged to A4 & on the fridge)

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Reminds me strongly of one of the cartoons in Pattaya Mail some time back:

Darling, I'd love to explain Thai logic to you - but I'm scared your brain would explode.

(enlarged to A4 & on the fridge)

Any chance of scanning it so i can have a copy? I am sure it will help next time i have a sense of humour failure. :o

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I regularly lose favorite T shirts and shorts. I know where to find them now. The wife needed a new mop rag and I can find them on the end of her mop handle. They were only frayed a little and the holes were really small.

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I regularly lose favorite T shirts and shorts. I know where to find them now. The wife needed a new mop rag and I can find them on the end of her mop handle. They were only frayed a little and the holes were really small.

I used to use old pairs of undies as rags for cleaning my bikes. My wife freaked out when she saw this. Apparently they are "dirty" so can be used for rags!

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I’ve got all these important documents: - house, bank, insurance, that sort of thing. And they all seem to end up in my girlfriend’s panty drawer. Trouble is she’s got like about 10 drawers full of panties, jewellery and bits and pieces of my stuff. One weekend I just freaked out, I could find nothing, absolutely nothing. Since then I have insisted on a drawer of my own and no documents in panty drawers.

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