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Jpg File Recovery To Same Hard Drive As Deleted Files?

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I tried to rid my PC of all yahoo files,and somehow ALL my jpg and media files got erased.

I have just spent 50 USD for a file recovery prog. which AFTER buying/download says:

"Do not recover files to same disk or you may damage disk"

Anyone have any suggestions?

Very sad to lose all my pics from Thailand.I know I should have backed up everything.

:o Mel

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You should be able recover to the same disk - normally file recovery is used for damaged hard drives - in this case you only deleted files so there should be nothing to worry about.


Perhaps a stupid question....but did you check your recycle bin. Thats where all your deleted files go...until you empty it. So chances are all you have to do is copy your files from there. No need for any extra software...


Any activity to the drive that needs to have files recovered will make it that much less likely not to be damaged - if he removed them and they are not in the trash anything written to that drive can overwrite what he wants to recover.

Any activity to the drive that needs to have files recovered will make it that much less likely not to be damaged - if he removed them and they are not in the trash anything written to that drive can overwrite what he wants to recover.

True but did the OP check the trash? (Recycle bin?)

I dont know how computer litterate you are mel2surf, but nice if you sound off about that, and if you dont know what the heck I am talking about, I can attempt to guide you to it :o

You should be able recover to the same disk - normally file recovery is used for damaged hard drives - in this case you only deleted files so there should be nothing to worry about.

This is dangerously WRONG thinking.

No attempts should be made to write ANYTHING to the project drive. Do not load a recovery application or recover files to the project drive. Otherwise, you could be writing over the same data that you're trying to recover.


Does this mean I need to buy a zip drive or other external drive to attempt to direct recovered files into?

I'd like to know what is the use of my having the D: drive then if I can't put NTSC files into FAT32?

It's like 32G of wasted space?

Does this mean I need to buy a zip drive or other external drive to attempt to direct recovered files into?

I'd like to know what is the use of my having the D: drive then if I can't put NTSC files into FAT32?

It's like 32G of wasted space?

I think you must mean NTFS (nor NTSC).

This begs the question: Why do you have a 32 GB FAT32 drive / partition?


Sorry you are correct sir NTSF and I'm not sure why it's partitioned evenly

38G on C: (NTSF) and

38G on D: (FAT32) The guy at the ITCOM place in Pattaya

set it up for me. :o

recovery program won't allow to recover FROM the C: Drive TO the D: Drive

The only thing I can think of is that it must be the limitation of your recovery software.

You can easily covert the FAT32 partition to NTFS. It is pretty simple and no data loss should occur when you convert it. However, at this stage, I would not recommend it until after you have recovered your files or exhausted all options. Someone else in this forum might have the knowledge to tell you if converting your drive to NTFS (so that you can use the recovery program on that drive) could cause you to permanently lose the deleted files tha you're attempting to recover. I am uncertain that converting the partition at this point could jeopardize your efforts.

If the files you're trying to recover were on the C: drive, then convert the D drive and run the software.

NOTE: If the files were on C:, and you installed the recovery application on C, then you may have overwritten some or all of the data you're trying to get back.


Thanks Rice King. The program is called R-Studio NTFS

I'm not very "geek"minded when it comes to PC's but I have done

re-installs and re-partitions,but it was over 2 yrs ago on Win ME with the book.

Being in LOS on XP without the book,not sure of my abilities.

The R-Studio program seems well built,but not too user friendly.Maybe I'll

just have to chance it and try to recover to any drive I can?

Thanks for your help.


The program is called R-Studio NTFS

I think the name says it all mel. I don't think R-Studio NTFS recognizes your FAT32 partition.

Like I said in the previous post, if the lost files are on C, go ahead and convert the FAT32 drive so that you can use R-Studio. If the lost files are on D, then I would take a more cautious approach since converting the drive now might hurt your recovery efforts.

To convert an existing FAT or FAT32 volume to NTFS, follow these steps:

1.Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Accessories, and then click Command Prompt.

2.At the command prompt, type the following, where drive letter is the drive that you want to convert:convert drive letter: /fs:ntfs

For example, type the following command to convert drive E to NTFS: convert e: /fs:ntfs

reference: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/307881

Does this mean I need to buy a zip drive or other external drive to attempt to direct recovered files into?

I'd like to know what is the use of my having the D: drive then if I can't put NTSC files into FAT32?

It's like 32G of wasted space?

there are no specific "NTFS" files and neither do "FAT32" files exist. you can swap files without any problems between an NTFS and a FAT32 partition.

Cheers guys!

I don't have "command prompt" after "Accessories"

Just click start and write "cmd" in the text box and hit the enter button, and you will get to the coomand prompt as you call it

ok..it says "enter current volume label" what do i enter?

This is the name of your drive. Look in Windows Explorer to see what your drive is named.


Thanks Rice!

Well, after about an hour and a half of "recovery" my spiffy new D: drive

was populated with 20 some gigs of files,so the program did SOMETHING.

However,trying to find jpgs in the mess is proving very difficult.

I've narrowed search parameters down,and i THINK I get jpgs but then they are

in ASSININE Microsoft-secret coded files which cannot be opened using any of the

usual pic opening programs.I tried changing the properties too..to no avail.

So that's where I'm at after a late night with popcorn and Chang til I fell asleep.

Is there a software prog.I can download that will de-code the frickin Microsoft

double-secret-ultra-mysterious-goddamnannoying coded files?




I have been using Restoration to get back all the files that I have accidentally deleted.

I got it from http://www.snapfiles.com/get/restoration.html

It's a free download but it's best to run it from a flash drive to avoid writing over the data that you want to recover.

It has a search option that lets you search for a specific file type.

Happy new year!


Thanks Sensei. I may have already overwritten files.I think

I'm coming to the fateful conclusion: I f__ked up and lost

all my memories.I'm still unsure HOW though. What I MEANT to do was:

Rid my PC of ALL yahoo left behind files,so I could re-download a fresh

yahoo messenger without conflict.So,I did a search "all files and folders"

putting "Yahoo" in the search box,then erasing all the resulting files.

Then, when I opened My Documents everything was gone! MP3's,jpg..

everything. :o

...Well I certainly learned a lesson.

cheers guys

it's still "Took yong dee"

in LOS despite. Happy New year!


You've got nothing to lose here, c'mon just give it a try. Files don't just go away when you delete them. They just sit there somewhere, it's just removed from the index of "searchable" files. This is wheere Restoration comes to play. It has the ability to snoop around for those files that are just sitting there. Thrust me, you could still salvage some JPGs if you search for those files using Restoration. The only time you won't see anything anymore is when you use Eraser. That's a tough cleaner of deleted files.


Thanks Sensei. I may have already overwritten files.I think

I'm coming to the fateful conclusion: I f__ked up and lost

all my memories.I'm still unsure HOW though. What I MEANT to do was:

Rid my PC of ALL yahoo left behind files,so I could re-download a fresh

yahoo messenger without conflict.So,I did a search "all files and folders"

putting "Yahoo" in the search box,then erasing all the resulting files.

Then, when I opened My Documents everything was gone! MP3's,jpg..

everything. :o

...Well I certainly learned a lesson.

cheers guys

it's still "Took yong dee"

in LOS despite. Happy New year!

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