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Hi all,

The bird is ringed (both legs) red and silver tags with numbers.

Now I know these are also held to do races with am I right?

How/where to find out where it belongs?

It seems to be lost or tired as it is now sleeping in my living room, ha ha.

Bought some food and gave it some water which was very much appreciated by the litlle fellow.


How/where to find out where it belongs?

Hmm.. could be a long distance racer from outside Thailand

try looking on the rings for address/phone number/email


hold the bird in your hand and open out its wings, i do believe some racers 'ink stamp' their details on one of the flight feathers

(most owners offer rewards for lost birds, could be an earner for you particularly if it's a valuable breed)


(most owners offer rewards for lost birds, could be an earner for you particularly if it's a valuable breed)

OK after reading that I directly closed my balcony door just incase it wants to fly away. :o

I will look for further details onces it is awake again, she/he sleeping now.

Bino I was thinking about that too... :D


Band numbers are: 9995 and 02995, other markings are on the rings: Cha, Lamd

Tried on several websites to trace the bird but no succes.

No (Ink) marking on the inside of the wings.

Also tried to call the number 029959995 but no succes.

What to do?


let it rest, then release it..

chances are it was en-route back to where ever it was supposed to be going and, due to pure exhaustion, simply took a break on your balcony


AlexLah, You are Dutch right?

I found the following link in Dutch: http://www.sierduif.nl/opgevangen_duiven.htm

They may be able to advice you further.

Years ago there was an Italian man in CM who had long distance race pigeons. So, I assume there must be an organisation in Thailand as well. You also may consider contacting Bambina for this. She might know or find out for you.

Pretty interesting though, please give us an update as soon as you know more. :D


edit/ after google: pigeon registration Asia

another link: http://www.asiapacificracingpigeon2006.com/news.php

Oh, gosh, more ... after clicking on the banner of the Thai Homing Pigeon federation: (sure enough didn't sleep well last night :o)


let it rest, then release it..

chances are it was en-route back to where ever it was supposed to be going and, due to pure exhaustion, simply took a break on your balcony

No I am sure it has lost it's way as it sits on my balcony, lifts of to make a few rounds and comes back to my balcony.

Thanks Nienke for the link. I have send an e-mail to them, so will report back as soon as I know more.

The big question is: Why did it choose my balcony? :o

let it rest, then release it..

chances are it was en-route back to where ever it was supposed to be going and, due to pure exhaustion, simply took a break on your balcony

No I am sure it has lost it's way as it sits on my balcony, lifts of to make a few rounds and comes back to my balcony.

of course it will, because you've given it shelter and started to feed it..!! why would it leave now? you've imprinted on it... :o

really you should have just left it alone the moment it landed, ignored it, and after it had rested it would have continued its flight. believe me...

a racing pigeon's innate sense of where it was born and raised or 'calls home' is truly remarkable. They never lose their way, they only succome to diversions...

let it rest, then release it..

chances are it was en-route back to where ever it was supposed to be going and, due to pure exhaustion, simply took a break on your balcony

No I am sure it has lost it's way as it sits on my balcony, lifts of to make a few rounds and comes back to my balcony.

of course it will, because you've given it shelter and started to feed it..!! why would it leave now? you've imprinted on it... :o

really you should have just left it alone the moment it landed, ignored it, and after it had rested it would have continued its flight. believe me...

a racing pigeon's innate sense of where it was born and raised or 'calls home' is truly remarkable. They never lose their way, they only succome to diversions...

You state they never loose their way so why is it that there are websites for lost and missing birds?

For example and there are many more: http://www.teranetsystems.com/911PAContact/

[You state they never loose their way so why is it that there are websites for lost and missing birds?


Correct. There are sites for 'lost' and 'missing' birds, i'm well aware of them because i've used them myself in the past to recover birds of my own - pigeons, coincidently. (now i breed hawks & falcons and have not 'lost' one yet.. touch wood)

i think you misunderstood my statement "They never lose their way, they only succome to diversions..."

let me try and make it clearer for you...

a bird does not get lost as you think. It knows exactly where it came from (birth, home, coup etc) and will without a shadow of a doubt return there from virtually anywhere (in some cases, the globe)

they don't 'forget' - hmm.. should i have taken a left or a right at the big lake... They seem to know exactly where they're going. It's in-built, it' programmed, full stop

This remains one of the great mysteries in avian science, some say they use the earths magnetic field but no-one really understands it as yet.. its work in progress

The 'lost' in the websites you've seen refers to it being 'lost' to its owner and of course, he wants it back. Why is it lost to its owner? Because it was diverted from it's natural urge and instinct to return 'home'

How was it diverted from it's natural urge and instinct to return home? Well it could have been killed, trapped, injured, stranded, exhausted, externally influenced (blown off course), starved etc.. etc..

"They never lose their way, they only succome to diversions..." read it carefully, hopefully you can see now...



Ok I understand and appreciate your response.

So what do you suggest I do?

I stopped feeding it and put it on my balcony hoping she continue flight.

Should I just throw it of my balcony forcing it to fly?

Please help, as I did not get any response on my e-mail.

I stopped feeding it and put it on my balcony hoping she continue flight.

good start, once it realises it's not on an easy meal ticket from you anymore it may take flight due to hunger and resume it's flight

Should I just throw it of my balcony forcing it to fly?

i would do this sooner rather than later.. a hungry bird is a weak bird

So what do you suggest I do?

if it won't go of it's own accord, would be better to simply take it to your local park/open area and let it go...

The longer you keep it, the slimmer it's chances of successfully returning 'home'


Ok this morning the bird was still there so I decided to have a litlle talk with it.

I explained that it was really time to go back home and it will no longer get food and drink from me.

The bird nodded and made one more walk on the balcony looked at me and lifted off.


The bird is back!

The picture I posted earlier is a Cornish Game Hen. Lots of recipes online that should work out nicely!

I stopped feeding it and put it on my balcony hoping she continue flight.

good start, once it realises it's not on an easy meal ticket from you anymore it may take flight due to hunger and resume it's flight

Are you talking about a bar girl, a bird or both?

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