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Hi all,have tried uploading and have failed,as i was not at the front of the queue when the brains where given out can anyone guide me?

Did what was asked but nothing has gone through!

many thanks.


Hi Arnie

The first you you do is to size your photographs to a reasonable level i.e. 100-250k.

Save the image to (say) your desktop.

When posting a "new topic" you'll see just outside and at the bottom of the text box "browse" - click this, locate your image off the desktop, and then click "upload" Then just click "add reply" and you're there.

Hope this helps


Click browse to retrieve the pic from wherever it is stored...double click on the pic in your file when you find it....click upload next to browse....wait for it to finish loading (photos need to be under a certain size, I find that if you reduce it to around 800kb it will be fine...then when it is loaded it will pop up in the 'manage current attachments' box just above the browse box....click on the left thingy to load it into your post.....should be in the post and then click 'add rely'.

hope helps

Read this post for full instructions.

Got to 9 and ctlr-c lost me???.i also tried the attatchment way but just came up with uploading for twenty mins,managed to do it but how i don"t know.


If uploads are taking 20 minutes then, either the file is too large,

or you have a very slow or poor link.

I only have a 128K link and an upload takes 2-3 minutes.

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