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Ba In Thai?

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The school of Oriental and African Studies in the University of London offers a course entitled a BA Thai which consist's of basically lots of Thai language learning and lots of Thai history with the third year in a thai university also

What would a farang get out of a BA in thai when he brings his degree to Thailand...

would he get a simple job teaching in the goverment primary school also ??

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I know a guy who studied something very similar if not the same course. This is going back 10 years now and he spent his final year in CM.

He was the first guy who I saw who as far as I could tell was totally fluent.

I still see him around town ever so often and he is "suited and booted" now with quite a good job in the Hotel Industry - not the paper boy salary position.

It probably took him a few years to get there but he always seemed to be doing OK on his way.

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My boyfriend said that sometimes foreigners want to study Thai in another country because they're able to communicate effectively in their own language.

He said, if you can speak Thai, you'll get more money compared to other foreigners, because of your ability to communicate well with the locals.

If you can speak English + Thai and have a degree such as BA, you might be valuable to an international company or government agency.

Good luck.

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My boyfriend said that sometimes foreigners want to study Thai in another country because they're able to communicate effectively in their own language.

He said, if you can speak Thai, you'll get more money compared to other foreigners, because of your ability to communicate well with the locals.

If you can speak English + Thai and have a degree such as BA, you might be valuable to an international company or government agency.

Good luck.

Yes - we pay our Thai nationals with oversea's degree's at starting salary of about 40K - they have English good enough for a major MNC whose business and industry language is English but they need to communicate with medical staff in Thai too.

We hope we pay them more than they would get elsewhere as they get rises quite quickly but the salary is not exactly eather shattering is it. Its a good local salary for new graduates.

I doubt you will get much more for speaking Thai at a MNC - my salary would be exactly the same in Thailand as it is in Singapore

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