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Bar girls are good

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They are a blast to be around in a bar. Their sense of humor alone is a sign of greatness considering where they work. Do you think you could walk into a strip club in Vegas or New York and have as much fun as a bar in Patpong or Nana?

I don't think so. Why do you guys think that all we want to do is prong them? Some of them for me are old friends who are just fun to hang around with and take the piss. They are good as long as you don't let YOURSELF lose control.

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my wife and i spent most evenings in the gogos with our friends (gogo girls and farangs) and we have a great laugh, they are fun to be with.

my wife went on her hen night with my mum, auntie, family friends etc and about 10 gogo/bg mates, i asked my mum if she had a good time and she loved it, my mum is 62 and very decent (if you know what i mean) she said they made her feel very welcome and made sure she did'nt feel too old or out of place.

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Here's a complete abridged history of a bar girl.

I lived in Thailand for 7 years in the late 80's, early 90's. I was (and still am) married to a Thai woman. We were visiting my wife's sister's farm near Rayong. I was talking to a neighber of theirs - a pretty 25 year old girl, Daeng. Daeng lived on a nearby farm with her brother and her 2 young sons. They were in truly dire financial staights - were about to lose the farm, due to bad luck (Daeng's 2 boyfriends deserting her leaving behind a kid each), 2 real bad years for tapioca, and some medical expenses.

Daeng basically said this to my wife and I: "I'm tired of being poor, we're about to lose our land, I like sex 'a lot', I'm attracted to farang men. Would you take me to Bangok and help me get started in prostitution." Daeng was a smart, charming woman with nine years of schooling, and she was determined to do this whether we helped or not.

My wife had to stay with her sick grandmother for a few weeks, so she decided to keep our son there, and asked me to take Daeng back to Bangkok and get her "set up". I, reluctantly, did this. And looking back on this (14 years later), it was hilarious. The 2nd night back I took her to the Beer Garden - we went there for a few nights, but she was WAY too shy to talk to anybody. I'd bring guys over to meet her, but she'd just look at her shoes and tremble and they'd lose interest. She said: "I'm really really afraid, and excited, and horney, and ashamed of my feelings." She also didn't like the place because she said the other girls were unfriendly to her because: "they're all jealous I'm Thai and they'er Lao."

After 4 nights of no business, I brought her to a Patpong bar where they made her a waitress. This was just what she needed, a cute little uniform, something to do (clean ashtrays), and an excuse to talk to men: "which one do you like, sir?" She actually stayed at my apartment for 3 weeks, and I was worried sick the first night she didn't come home. (And strangely jealous - even though there was nothing sexual going on between us.)

Anyway, Daeng did this for about 2 years and really did send almost all of the money home. She met a German guy who married her and took her and her 2 sons to Germany. After 8 years they got divorced, and Daeng moved back to her farm in Rayong, but her kids are staying with their step-dad in Germany. The reason for the divorce is her husband fell in love with a younger bar girl!

I saw Daeng this year for the first time since she moved to Germany. She seems pretty happy with her choices. Her kids have a better chance for a good future in Germany than the did on the farm, she still has the farm, she's fat and sassy, and looking for another Farang boyfriend.

The reason I posted this isn't because Daeng's story is typical, or that special either. It's simply a story of one person. I'm reading these posts and the amount of generalization bothers me. It's a subtle form of racism. There are 6 million stories in the Naked City, and Daeng's is just one.

I have a feeling that the people with the strongest opinions don't speak very good Thai, and haven't actually spent much time talking (shagging doesn't count) with these girls.

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Yeah, good story FarangYaawYaaw.

Look you guys, what matters is the individual, not the fact she's a 'bar girl'. The case has been made many times here already about poverty in Isaan and the North. There's plenty of incentive for these girls.

Grinding poverty, boring village life, violent uneducated lazy husbands (just watch a Thai soap to see how ingrained domestic violence is here). So with the average grade six education the girls can continue to put up with that, or jump the queue to the fast track of post-college-level income (a secretary in DT Bangkok earns eight to twelve thousand baht per month) but made through having sex. Would it be any better if she was wearing number 29 in a Thai massage parlour and shagging a rich Thai doctor?

My wife was working in a bar when I met her. Now we have two kids and I'm very happy..and think she is too (little doubt, but I don 't presume to speak for her).

Sorry to spoil the stereo-types, but we're not all fat old men. I wouldn't trade my life in the City of Angels for anything. I hope to retire here one day (maybe Hua Hin, etc). For you moral-high-ground types, continue to live your sad little lives in cold wherever-ville. The rest of us here will just give a quite smile. I'm going to play with my thai-farang kids now.

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One more note on the above story. I just showed it to a friend, and he said I should have been ashamed of myself for leading this girl into sexual servitude. That I was no better than a "ghetto pimp".

First off - I don't really qualify as a pimp - I didn't get any of the money.

Secondly - this girl had really explored all her options and had made her mind up that this was what she was going to do. I actually tried quite hard to talk her out of it, but she wasn't listening. So, my options were to help her or let her fend for herself. I chose to help her - maybe I was wrong, but it seemed like the best thing at the time.

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One more note on the above story. I just showed it to a friend, and he said I should have been ashamed of myself for leading this girl into sexual servitude. That I was no better than a "ghetto pimp".

First off - I don't really qualify as a pimp - I didn't get any of the money.

Secondly - this girl had really explored all her options and had made her mind up that this was what she was going to do. I actually tried quite hard to talk her out of it, but she wasn't listening. So, my options were to help her or let her fend for herself. I chose to help her - maybe I was wrong, but it seemed like the best thing at the time.

Very nice post ( the previous one) the average anti-BG poster doesn't bother to realise that these are all decent people without choices , at least at the beginning.

How they develop usually has little to do with their choices , rather how they react to situations along the way.

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Farang yaaw yaai can you give a list of options that the girl tried and also a list of options that you might have been able to suggest ? Seems a very suspicious story to me.

>Farang yaaw yaai can you give a list of options that the girl tried and also a list of options that you might have been able to suggest ? Seems a very suspicious story to me.

I am wondering about that too. The story is to me obviously a story.

When I told to a bg that going to school is an option I would support her with, she jumped on it.

She fast tracked from year 6 to full High school and is now in her second year of studies in marketing.

Speaks and writes good English, knows all one has to know about computers to level up with regular students, types faster than me and even finished 3 month course in Japanese.

By now she could be better educated than good deal of board members.

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I meant when I met her she didn't feel she had any better options. After she got married she was a co-owner of a Thai restaurant in Germany - made enough money to build a house in Thailand and buy a truck and save some money.

When I told to a bg that going to school is an option I would support her with, she jumped on it.

She fast tracked from year 6 to full High school and is now in her second year of studies in marketing.

Speaks and writes good English, knows all one has to know about computers to level up with regular students, types faster than me and even finished 3 month course in Japanese.

I guess you're saying I should have funded this girl's education. I'm actually quite generous, but that wasn't possible. I had a pregnant wife, a 9 year old boy, and a sick mother-in-law at the time - my money was spent before I made it.

Anyway, this looks like a fun message board - I've only posted once and 3 people have already called me a liar!

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When I told to a bg that going to school is an option I would support her with, she jumped on it.

She fast tracked from year 6 to full High school and is now in her second year of studies in marketing.

Speaks and writes good English, knows all one has to know about computers to level up with regular students, types faster than me and even finished 3 month course in Japanese.

Thats a great post !!

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When I told to a bg that going to school is an option I would support her with, she jumped on it.

She fast tracked from year 6 to full High school and is now in her second year of studies in marketing.

Speaks and writes good English, knows all one has to know about computers to level up with regular students, types faster than me and even finished 3 month course in Japanese.

Thats a great post !!

It seems that you are only happy with what you want to hear.

This is an ugly world, sometimes or always to some people.(the fact that lots of women worldwide are forced to provide sexual services to survive)

You are very lucky that there is no need for you to even REALIZE IT to survive.

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One more note on the above story. I just showed it to a friend, and he said I should have been ashamed of myself for leading this girl into sexual servitude. That I was no better than a "ghetto pimp".

First off - I don't really qualify as a pimp - I didn't get any of the money.

Secondly - this girl had really explored all her options and had made her mind up that this was what she was going to do. I actually tried quite hard to talk her out of it, but she wasn't listening. So, my options were to help her or let her fend for herself. I chose to help her - maybe I was wrong, but it seemed like the best thing at the time.

You were just helping her and most importantly it was her choice. You should have nothing to be ashamed of.

Who knows what was best for the girl? She could've been dead if she didn't do it! Who knows?

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<font color='#000000'>Hey

If all of you pricks above want to disrespect These Thai Girls that work for the welfare of the family then why dont you take a look at real victim invovled in all this, The girl. Imagine your children boys or girls having dirty old men crawling all over them treating them like shit, abusing them with sick sexual fantasies. To support the family. Are you lot stupid '' Where is the sin in that '' Most of you moaning old boys cant pull a lady anything like the girls you have been with in LOS.

Also another point, If you had the same money you have as expendable income in LOS to qual or similar amount in England or wherever you are from then im am sure you would find lots of girls matching your nationality ready to help you spend your money i have seen it here in england. See how rich men always have a girl friend regarding looks and age, the gildfreind is always pretty and in most cases younger. Funny hey. The only thing is as for English girls they are stupid they will do all the loving for nothing at the end when they have spent your money and srewed your mates then they are happy to be left with nothing. Where Thais do it and gain in some way, Good luck to them. They benifit from your ignorance.

I have been lucky with my Thai wife she is from Buriram, very poor family. We help them by sending £100.00 per month to them. She was a bar girl. But always remember we all have a heart. But the harder you life is the harder the shell is that buids up around your heart. One thing I know for sure is give me a thai wife rather than some European Trash any day.

There are lots of great Thais that are longing to get involved in relationships with men and ladies alike. Good luck with it. Choose carfully. Avoid the ladies that enjoy smoking and drinking. Take a little time and dont expect an easy ride it is never easy especially when you dont speak the same language.</font>

Thats fine but tell it to a chappy who just parted with his life savings out of ignorance and got conned (and that's what it is its a con game) .

Better still tell it to his mother when she hears her son was just found in a

Thai hotel room with a plastic bag over his head .

A lot of innocent well meaning men go to Thailand for an honest relationship

and get stung badly. The ones who abuse know the system mostly the

others find it out too late.

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<font color='#000000'>Hey

If all of you pricks above want to disrespect These Thai Girls that work for the welfare of the family then why dont you take a look at real victim invovled in all this, The girl. Imagine your children boys or girls having dirty old men crawling all over them treating them like shit, abusing them with sick sexual fantasies. To support the family. Are you lot stupid '' Where is the sin in that '' Most of you moaning old boys cant pull a lady anything like the girls you have been with in LOS.

Also another point, If you had the same money you have as expendable income in LOS to qual or similar amount in England or wherever you are from then im am sure you would find lots of girls matching your nationality ready to help you spend your money i have seen it here in england. See how rich men always have a girl friend regarding looks and age, the gildfreind is always pretty and in most cases younger. Funny hey. The only thing is as for English girls they are stupid they will do all the loving for nothing at the end when they have spent your money and srewed your mates then they are happy to be left with nothing. Where Thais do it and gain in some way, Good luck to them. They benifit from your ignorance.

I have been lucky with my Thai wife she is from Buriram, very poor family. We help them by sending £100.00 per month to them. She was a bar girl. But always remember we all have a heart. But the harder you life is the harder the shell is that buids up around your heart. One thing I know for sure is give me a thai wife rather than some European Trash any day.

There are lots of great Thais that are longing to get involved in relationships with men and ladies alike. Good luck with it. Choose carfully. Avoid the ladies that enjoy smoking and drinking. Take a little time and dont expect an easy ride it is never easy especially when you dont speak the same language.</font>

Thats fine but tell it to a chappy who just parted with his life savings out of ignorance and got conned (and that's what it is its a con game) .

Better still tell it to his mother when she hears her son was just found in a

Thai hotel room with a plastic bag over his head .

A lot of innocent well meaning men go to Thailand for an honest relationship

and get stung badly. The ones who abuse know the system mostly the

others find it out too late.

What can u tell to the chappy who parted with his life savings? That he is an idiot, that's all you can tell him.

What to tell to his mother?

How did she raise him?

Why did he think he suddenly became attractive, desirable and loved when he met a bg in Bangkok? What was he missing in his life? Who played the bigger role - his mother, his family or last night's bar fine? Why was that?

IMO, no wrong doing on bgs' side. In their search for security and stability, they also process people who want to be processed.

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If all of you pricks above want to disrespect These Thai Girls that work for the welfare of the family then why dont you take a look at real victim invovled in all this, The girl. Imagine your children boys or girls having dirty old men crawling all over them treating them like shit, abusing them with sick sexual fantasies. To support the family. Are you lot stupid '' Where is the sin in that '' Most of you moaning old boys cant pull a lady anything like the girls you have been with in LOS.

Also another point, If you had the same money you have as expendable income in LOS to qual or similar amount in England or wherever you are from then im am sure you would find lots of girls matching your nationality ready to help you spend your money i have seen it here in england. See how rich men always have a girl friend regarding looks and age, the gildfreind is always pretty and in most cases younger. Funny hey. The only thing is as for English girls they are stupid they will do all the loving for nothing at the end when they have spent your money and srewed your mates then they are happy to be left with nothing. Where Thais do it and gain in some way, Good luck to them. They benifit from your ignorance.

I have been lucky with my Thai wife she is from Buriram, very poor family. We help them by sending £100.00 per month to them. She was a bar girl. But always remember we all have a heart. But the harder you life is the harder the shell is that buids up around your heart. One thing I know for sure is give me a thai wife rather than some European Trash any day.

There are lots of great Thais that are longing to get involved in relationships with men and ladies alike. Good luck with it. Choose carfully. Avoid the ladies that enjoy smoking and drinking. Take a little time and dont expect an easy ride it is never easy especially when you dont speak the same language.

Thats fine but tell it to a chappy who just parted with his life savings out of ignorance and got conned (and that's what it is its a con game) .

Better still tell it to his mother when she hears her son was just found in a

Thai hotel room with a plastic bag over his head .

A lot of innocent well meaning men go to Thailand for an honest relationship

and get stung badly. The ones who abuse know the system mostly the

others find it out too late.

What can u tell to the chappy who parted with his life savings? That he is an idiot, that's all you can tell him.

What to tell to his mother?

How did she raise him?

Why did he think he suddenly became attractive, desirable and loved when he met a bg in Bangkok? What was he missing in his life? Who played the bigger role - his mother, his family or last night's bar fine? Why was that?

IMO, no wrong doing on bgs' side. In their search for security and stability, they also process people who want to be processed.

Each is trying to con the other. The winner is the better conner. :o

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Each is trying to con the other. The winner is the better conner. :o

I don't think love smitten farang is capable of conning anyone, especially not a Thai girl half or third his age and weight.

If it's a conning game, it's an one-sided one. The loser is known, upfront. Strangely, the clear winner is not. But the girl will never lose. She may only win less than she possibly could.

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Each is trying to con the other. The winner is the better conner.  :o

I don't think love smitten farang is capable of conning anyone, especially not a Thai girl half or third his age and weight.

If it's a conning game, it's an one-sided one. The loser is known, upfront. Strangely, the clear winner is not. But the girl will never lose. She may only win less than she possibly could.

I cannot agree. The foreign punter actually believes the BG's bullsh, about how suave and handsome he is.

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Each is trying to con the other. The winner is the better conner.   :o

I don't think love smitten farang is capable of conning anyone, especially not a Thai girl half or third his age and weight.

If it's a conning game, it's an one-sided one. The loser is known, upfront. Strangely, the clear winner is not. But the girl will never lose. She may only win less than she possibly could.

I cannot agree. The foreign punter actually believes the BG's bullsh, about how suave and handsome he is.

Exactly. That makes the game "one sided". He is drugged, she is fully concious.

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Each is trying to con the other. The winner is the better conner.   :D

I don't think love smitten farang is capable of conning anyone, especially not a Thai girl half or third his age and weight.

If it's a conning game, it's an one-sided one. The loser is known, upfront. Strangely, the clear winner is not. But the girl will never lose. She may only win less than she possibly could.

I cannot agree. The foreign punter actually believes the BG's bullsh, about how suave and handsome he is.

Exactly. That makes the game "one sided". He is drugged, she is fully concious.

you guys think too much :o

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Each is trying to con the other. The winner is the better conner.   :D

I don't think love smitten farang is capable of conning anyone, especially not a Thai girl half or third his age and weight.

If it's a conning game, it's an one-sided one. The loser is known, upfront. Strangely, the clear winner is not. But the girl will never lose. She may only win less than she possibly could.

I cannot agree. The foreign punter actually believes the BG's bullsh, about how suave and handsome he is.

Exactly. That makes the game "one sided". He is drugged, she is fully concious.

you guys think too much :o

Isn't this the Chess forum Bronco? :D

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Each is trying to con the other. The winner is the better conner.   :D

I don't think love smitten farang is capable of conning anyone, especially not a Thai girl half or third his age and weight.

If it's a conning game, it's an one-sided one. The loser is known, upfront. Strangely, the clear winner is not. But the girl will never lose. She may only win less than she possibly could.

I cannot agree. The foreign punter actually believes the BG's bullsh, about how suave and handsome he is.

Exactly. That makes the game "one sided". He is drugged, she is fully concious.

you guys think too much :o

Isn't this the Chess forum Bronco? :D

some sort of game anyway chonabot, bring back the mamaries! :D

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