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They really do make things difficult, luckily we are in Korat and going to BKK tomorrow and have not filled in the 40 & 47 as yet so will hop on the BTS and head to the 34th floor again.

Be interested to see if they have the updated version/s as yet!!!!

Still toying with the idea of going directly to the Embassy with the goods. Not quite ready to submit as yet and would hate to phone for an appointment and get it quite soon and not be ready at our end.

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Am in an Internet Cafe, so will try to get a good print of this updated 40SP.

I take it this would be okay to use, or do you need to get it from the Dept?

Okay, the print is done and very good quality, but one sided of course!?


Yes, understand that the forms do change and for a new application the latest version must be used.

But I was just checking here if the version that you download and print out, in the main being one sided and twice the thickness of the Imm.Dept. issued one, is quite acceptable.

We are experiencing more each day how fussy some of these departments are getting, particularly BKK!

Another quick question: How did some of you "ExApps" address the personal response letter from the Applicant and Sponsor? Such as............."To whom it may concern" etc etc


Gday fishooks,

Keep us posted as to what you do about submitting you application directly to the embassy. I am there in about 3 weeks and will arrive there with everything ready to submit bar the thai/english translations. The wife and kids have today finished the medicals and next week she goes down for the police check.

If it turns out to be an advantage to get an appointment and submit it directly to the embassy I might give it a go.

Good luck to all



Sorry, I got the 'design Date' correct, but i read it as August 2007 not January 2008 :S should have been sleeping instead of posting!

You can hand in the earlier version of 40sp or 47sp you have filled out even if there is an updated version, but this is to allow them to continue processing the visa until they receive the most up-to-date version of the form which you will have to fill out. But preferably check the website again just before you submit your application so you can just copy the bulk of what you filled out on the old forms and add extra to the updated sections of the new forms.

We printed the 40sp and 47sp forms straight from the immi website one sided, it doesn't matter either way as far as I know, they said nothing about it to us.

We addressed our statements to the Embassy at the top and "To whom it may concern".


They will not accept an outdated application form....the current ones need to be used. I dont think the application process will start unless the correct forms are used....I had to redo mine from Oz printed out from the site and posted up to her, it didnt go past the VFS office until the correct forms were in it.

One sided print outs are acceptable.

"To whom it may concern" is the correct way to address the personal letter.

They will not accept an outdated application form....the current ones need to be used.

Hi gburns!

What will happen with the 888 stat dec forms if they are renewed ...does that mean one have to do it again which could be very problematic sometimes if not impossible (timewise if you are ready to lodge)?

They will not accept an outdated application form....the current ones need to be used.

Hi gburns!

What will happen with the 888 stat dec forms if they are renewed ...does that mean one have to do it again which could be very problematic sometimes if not impossible (time wise if you are ready to lodge)?

Could I get confirmation that by attaching a copy of the passport where the the profile (name and picture) is shown is sufficient or does that copy has to be certified? This is in relation to form 888 where it asked for evidence of the persons Australian citizenship.


The 888 forms would not change that often and even if they did they would probably accept an old one if it were not too old....the changes to the form would be minimal....

The application forms are usually updated to reflect changing laws and requirements....usually the questions change or questions are added....This, I would think, is why they wont accept older forms.

Could I get confirmation that by attaching a copy of the passport where the the profile (name and picture) is shown is sufficient or does that copy has to be certified? This is in relation to form 888 where it asked for evidence of the persons Australian citizenship.

All copies of Documents need to be certified.....including the passport one for the 888 form.


If docs are lodged at the Visa Office, rather than the Embassy, is there an additional fee for them other than the $1390 application fee?

I thought I read this somewhere!

If docs are lodged at the Visa Office, rather than the Embassy, is there an additional fee for them other than the $1390 application fee?

I thought I read this somewhere!

Sorry fishooks, but nothing is for free in the migration business : VFS Fees that should answer all your questions. I keep you informed how I go directly with the Embassy early next month.

If docs are lodged at the Visa Office, rather than the Embassy, is there an additional fee for them other than the $1390 application fee?

I thought I read this somewhere!

Druckman is right but the fees are not exorbitant


So, no matter how much, but is there a listing of this additional fee other than the application fee, just interested to know?

Could not find any figures by following the above link (VFS Fees)

Further to that, if you are lucky enough to score an appointment directly at the Embassy, I guess you dodge this fee!


From the VFS site....

A service charge of 500 THB plus 7% VAT is applicable per passport.For children below 12 years a service charge of 350 THB plus 7% VAT per passport is applicable. Additional charges apply for courier services. Payment by credit cards is not accepted.

This can be paid in cash at the VFS.....they prefer the correct amount and are not geared for giving change.

If you dont use the VFS office then you dont pay their fees.

From the VFS site....

A service charge of 500 THB plus 7% VAT is applicable per passport.For children below 12 years a service charge of 350 THB plus 7% VAT per passport is applicable. Additional charges apply for courier services. Payment by credit cards is not accepted.

This can be paid in cash at the VFS.....they prefer the correct amount and are not geared for giving change.

If you dont use the VFS office then you dont pay their fees.

They only accept THB in cash but one can obtain a bank cheque which is safer, about 20THB at a Thai bank.


Most people dont require a bank cheque for 535THB

The VFS fee is paid separate to the application fee....the VFS office will issue bank cheques for the application fee....Or you can obtain one from a bank.

The VFS didnt charge for the bank cheque when my wife did hers.


Okay, thanks for that, must have been too tired when following the VFS links, hadn't been drinking!

So the VFS Fee is paid in advance when you hand in the 'stuff' and like the Application Fee is gone and forgotten also, regardless of the outcome?

How do they store all of the goods, like huge photo album and a mountain of paperwork. Someone mentioned earlier I think, that he went to the Embassy with a "Milk Crate"!

And!....... Just to reiterate as I haven't enquired yet: Are we as AUS Citizens entitled to go direct to the Embassy if we are actually in Bangkok with our partner, or can they put you off and "suggest" or "require" you go through VFS. I imagine the easiest cop out on the Embassys' part would be to only grant you an appointment a long way into the future!!!

Okay, thanks for that, must have been too tired when following the VFS links, hadn't been drinking!

So the VFS Fee is paid in advance when you hand in the 'stuff' and like the Application Fee is gone and forgotten also, regardless of the outcome?

How do they store all of the goods, like huge photo album and a mountain of paperwork. Someone mentioned earlier I think, that he went to the Embassy with a "Milk Crate"!

And!....... Just to reiterate as I haven't enquired yet: Are we as AUS Citizens entitled to go direct to the Embassy if we are actually in Bangkok with our partner, or can they put you off and "suggest" or "require" you go through VFS. I imagine the easiest cop out on the Embassys' part would be to only grant you an appointment a long way into the future!!!

Yep....once paid thats it....if refused you lose the dosh.....

They dont store all the docs.....certain docs such as photos will be returned to the applicant. They will keep the docs that are required for the application....not so much the evidence.

As I have read it here, you ring and ask for an interview....they give you a date and time and you go there....I dont think that they can demand you go to the VFS office....but they can suggest it. My wife and I didnt go through the Embassy direct as we were not under any time constraints.

From reports here the interview is usually granted about 2 weeks after you ring them, but I cant verify that.


Most people dont require a bank cheque for 535THB

The VFS fee is paid separate to the application fee....the VFS office will issue bank cheques for the application fee....Or you can obtain one from a bank.

The VFS didnt charge for the bank cheque when my wife did hers.


The bank cheque was for the visa application fee, the courier fee is paid in cash and your documents are at the Embassy the next working day. Bangkok Bank charge about 20 THB for a cheque, other banks will be about the same.

Very good advice.

My wife's spouse visa was approved 28 hours after it was lodged. Based on our experience, although it was a year ago now, here are some more tips.

1- Make sure you lodge a complete application. As the OP said, get the police and medical checks completed before you lodge, then, if you have a good application, the case officer will most likely want to get it approved quicker and start on the next. Not having a complete application means that your application will most likely be moved down to the bottom of the pile.

2- Don't lodge your application at the VFS, only lodge it at the embassy (together with your partner if possible). This will put you at an advantage from the start, because the staff there are more knowledgeable and will be able to answer your questions better; you don't have to wait for the application to be sent there from the VFS; more importantly, you get to meet your case officer face to face. If your relationship is genuine, they will most likely see that, so impress them and then like us, you might not even need to be interviewed.

Those are just two easy tips I learnt from my experience.

Good luck.

Yes, a processing time of 3.5 working days is feasable in certain application cases, you may have been applying for a spouse 100 visa as you may have been exempted from the temporary spouse 309 visa for the very fact that you had lived and worked in Thailand for a lengthy period (more than 2 years) as a legally married couple.

From reports here the interview is usually granted about 2 weeks after you ring them, but I cant verify that.

If you are persistent enough to make the appointment for the Embassy yes it will take about 14 days but it depends who you talk to. From my experience you make sure that you get your point across that you are not going to the VFS (very difficult because Officers are instructed to push the VFS as an additional buffer to ensure that the application is complete) and try to call on different days and time till you find an operator who is cooperative and get you a convenient time.

Just keep in mind that the Embassy is closed today to celebrate Australia Day today! icon10.gif

From reports here the interview is usually granted about 2 weeks after you ring them, but I cant verify that.

If you are persistent enough to make the appointment for the Embassy yes it will take about 14 days but it depends who you talk to. From my experience you make sure that you get your point across that you are not going to the VFS (very difficult because Officers are instructed to push the VFS as an additional buffer to ensure that the application is complete) and try to call on different days and time till you find an operator who is cooperative and get you a convenient time.

Just keep in mind that the Embassy is closed today to celebrate Australia Day today! icon10.gif

At the Australian Embassy in person

Applications for Migration Visas can be lodged either at the Australian Visa Application Centre or by appointment at the Australian Embassy.

An appointment can be arranged by calling

- 02 344 6449 for family migration visa applications

- 02 344 6400 for other visa applications

14:30 to 16:30 hrs, Monday-Friday, except public holidays

I got this off the Oz embassy website. I will be calling them tomorrow arvo to try and arrange an appointment for when I am in Bangkok next month.


Let us know how you go with the appointment sezzo.

I've been a bit shy to call them yet as I'm not quite ready and don't want to committ to an exact date.

Anyone know if you call the appointment line: Do you get an Ozzy or Thai?

Let us know how you go with the appointment sezzo.

I've been a bit shy to call them yet as I'm not quite ready and don't want to committ to an exact date.

Anyone know if you call the appointment line: Do you get an Ozzy or Thai?

I will let you know this arvo as Im calling today


Just called Embassy an hour ago, they do have appointments starting FEB 13.

As I thought, operator did try to push the Visa Office option, saying that if one goes to that office and the application docs are correct, the application will hit the Embassy the very next day!

So I guess it's a matter of weighing up if that advice is correct, together with if you are ready before FEB 13, will the application be "in train" earlier?

Or is the Embassy a better option anyway and worth waiting to go there directly!



Just got off the phone to the embassy. Spoke with a thai lady who was very helpful and spoke excellant english. I was also told not to worry so much about making an appointment directly with the embassy. She said that the interview process is for the applicant and there is really no need for the sponsor to be there. Whether or not this is true we will see. She said any additional information from me can be done by email or phone call back in Oz.

I got very good clear answers in relation to the requirement for the kids visas and this was very helpful. A good point she brought up was that if the translation is done through one of the translation agencies in the area there is no need for it to be verified at the MFA building. I pointed out that I had used the agency in the hotel next to the embassy before and she said that this ones work would be accepted without verification.

Definately worthwhile making that particular phone call as it has eased my mind on a couple of things.


My wife lodged her application at the VFS in Jan 2007 and had her interview at the Embassy exactly 1 week later. In my opinion, people who wish to go directly through the embassy are the same type of people who would try to pinch your spot in the queue for grand final tickets


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