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drunken monkey

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I am going to surprise my gf by turning up unexpected on her birthday next month, I am thinking about telling her mom that I will be arriving a month ealier than My gf thinks. But will she be able to keep her mouth shut??????

My gf is not a bg and has never been in the game, so any comments in that regard is not welcome.

Any posetive response is very welcome.

Plus any birthday present suggestions?? she will be 22.

thanks..... the monkey

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Dear Monkey,

definately dont tell her mum.she will be telling her daughter before you hang up the phone.


as for a present....i gave my girlfriend a nice shiny pearl necklace last night.should have seen the smile on her face.

she loved it so much that she fell asleep wearing it.in the morning when she woke up it was stuck to her skin.

she really loves me.

good luck with the girlfriend.


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I agree, don't tell anyone! Just make sure somehow that she will actually be home when you arrive. No good arriving if she's gone on a trip upcountry or something.

I told my wife once that I wanted to buy a bicycle for my step-daughter and wondered what colour she would like. I told her that I wanted it to be a surprise and to try and find out what colour she prefers, blue or red.

Within seconds she said to her daughter. "Tomorrow Daddie's buying you a bicycle. What colour do you want, red or blue?". :o


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One thing valuable tolearn about livingin Thailand is how to get a message across to others without appearing to make demands or whatever........just blab something to someone nearby inrealtion to the topic.......within hours everyone will know about it. This is how I make changes at my office.......works like a marvel. The direct approach however.......is much less succesful. :o

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Dear Monkey,

definately dont tell her mum.she will be telling her daughter before you hang up the phone.


as for a present....i gave my girlfriend a nice shiny pearl necklace last night.should have seen the smile on her face.

she loved it so much that she fell asleep wearing it.in the morning when she woke up it was stuck to her skin.

she really loves me.

good luck with the girlfriend.


Monkey, I suggest you ignore disgusting comments like the one above - this guy is obviously a picklestabber.

Good luck with the surprise anyway - you have a romantic outlook on life which will take you far.

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Jewlery (read gold), watch (not fake) or handbags (also not fake).

My wife has a thing abouit handbags and shoes - when I moved a few months back, I had two packing cases full of her handbags and shoes alone - these were big cases. I wrote Emelda Marcos on the lable above the address - she didn't get the joke though.

Woman love anything that sparkles - the whole world over.

If you buy gold, get it from a red'n'gold, that way she can take it back and change ot for one that she likes. Elsewise, tell her you are going to buy her an x baht neck-chain/bracelet/etc and let her take you (tell her the Bhartage first though!!!). She'll enjoy the shopping as much as the prize, and saves you picking out something that she doesn't like much too.

I would not tell her either. Say you will phone and send flowers or something on her birthday, that way she will be at home - especially if you give her the time. You could also turn up with the flowers at her door.

Good luck. :o

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Dear Monkey,

definately dont tell her mum.she will be telling her daughter before you hang up the phone.


as for a present....i gave my girlfriend a nice shiny pearl necklace last night.should have seen the smile on her face.

she loved it so much that she fell asleep wearing it.in the morning when she woke up it was stuck to her skin.

she really loves me.

good luck with the girlfriend.

:o  :D

Monkey, I suggest you ignore disgusting comments like the one above - this guy is obviously a picklestabber.

Good luck with the surprise anyway - you have a romantic outlook on life which will take you far.




never heard that one before.

dont know what it means ,but its funny.

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But will she be able to keep her mouth shut??????

Plus any birthday present suggestions?? she will be 22.

On the first count ... no ... but that's not just a Thai thing. If I want to get the word out about something in my family, all I have to do is tell my mother or one of my sisters a "secret."

On the second, the best gift is something you know that she likes, but either cannot afford or would never think to buy for herself.

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Plus any birthday present suggestions?? she will be 22.

take her to the airport, get on the plane, fly to somewhere outside of Bangkok :o then arrange a romantic candlelit dinner :D simple, classic, yet unforgettable.

This is a good option. Both Air Asia and Nok Air (both have online booking facilities) are offering budget flights all over the country.

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