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What a depressing thread... remind me never to pop in here again... :D

You gotta love a trolling thread in which the OP manages to build the ever-welcome mantra of "If you don't like it here go home!!!!" right into the thread sub-title and then watches the inevitable back-and-forth flaming occur. :o

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Have I missed the point here?

It seems to me that the threads which get most replies are the contenious ones, which is generally someone moaning about something. So lets face it guys you love it!!!!! Otherwise you would not answer.

If you take away all the threads that feature a whinge then you would be left with a brilliant forum full of good advice BUT with little in the way of light relief.

Brits (and I include myself in this) are by their nature fond of a good moan, it vents the spleen and is generally harmless. Yes we then get the whingeing Pom stuff but hey we are also experts in laughing about ourselves. However when a crisis occurs we stop moaning and get on with it, backs to the wall. Having lived through 30 years of the IRA bombing my home town and now AL Queda you can see that spirit anytime a crisis occurs(we call it the Dunkirk spirit).

So carry on whingeing all you whingers out there and carry on telling them to go home if they don't like it all you happy clappys. We need a balance!! And since I am currently working up to 15 hours a day I need a bit of light relief :o

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The use of the word "git" puts the OP up as a Pom.....they are all whingers anyway......

Surprise, surprise a Skip.

you forgot the 'ponce' bit too.

Been around quite a few Oz whingers too in my time, yet they call it 'why I'm right, why he's wrong'.

arent they ????? :o

BTW.....me 51.....my wife 32 going on 33......pretty close to the 1/2 + 7 rule.....works for us.

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Well Moldy I don't think I am a closet whinger, When it comes to whinging I'm one of the fortunates that truly enjoys life and find people more interesting than annoying. I try to look at the good side of most things, even a mistake can be used as a example of how not to do something. My wife and I both tend to forget about the bad sh-it that happens to us and remember the good. I know, I know it is probably a birth defect and maybe is curable with help from a shrink. With real practice we might get to be good whingers. So tell me how do you decide what a really good whinge requires. Is it typically about people or can it be about money (the lack of it) I have noticed that the stock market does bring on some very powerful whinges. It seems strange that some feel so strongly regarding how other people handle their money. I guess part of the problem is that some of these people have so much money it keeps them so busy it distracts from their whinging time. Then they have to whinge really hard because they don't have much time to whinge and miss it. Besides they feel a certain obligation to get all these screwed up traders to follow their directions and do it right. That requires some really powerful whinging. :o I don't know but I think I might fall in the to old to teach new tricks category.


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Well Moldy I don't think I am a closet whinger, When it comes to whinging I'm one of the fortunates that truly enjoys life and find people more interesting than annoying. I try to look at the good side of most things, even a mistake can be used as a example of how not to do something. My wife and I both tend to forget about the bad sh-it that happens to us and remember the good. I know, I know it is probably a birth defect and maybe is curable with help from a shrink. With real practice we might get to be good whingers. So tell me how do you decide what a really good whinge requires. Is it typically about people or can it be about money (the lack of it) I have noticed that the stock market does bring on some very powerful whinges. It seems strange that some feel so strongly regarding how other people handle their money. I guess part of the problem is that some of these people have so much money it keeps them so busy it distracts from their whinging time. Then they have to whinge really hard because they don't have much time to whinge and miss it. Besides they feel a certain obligation to get all these screwed up traders to follow their directions and do it right. That requires some really powerful whinging. :o I don't know but I think I might fall in the to old to teach new tricks category.


Long may you and your wife remain whinge free.

In all honesty I think it's a bad habit from childhood that gets out of hand. I'd say the biggest cause is losing in a game or some life opportunity, overdoing something (called booze in most countries, known as cat's pee in certain new land continents), pain, boredom, and oddly not having much to whinge about. :D I don't know why some people pack up their troubles while others droop.

One of the biggest dangers is the person who really should whinge but doesn't. Also, one of my friends is at it 24/7 at the moment and yet declares himself blissfully free of this trait.

One remedy is having a ruddy good laugh in my view :D

(Incidentally, whoever made that half plus 7 years rule got it spot on. that's incredible that) :D

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I wonder how many others out there conform to the 1/2 your age and add 7 years theory?

Personally, I subscribe to the 1/4 my age and add 5-7 years theory and it goes down 1 year annually. :o

yes that's a good one. I started out like that but now it's 1/3 + 8; not a good trend. If I'm the OP I would certainly not be proud

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where are all these articles unless he's a cr@p journo?

I, too, would like to see some of the OP's work.

For someone who claims to have spent most of his life in journalism, his command of his native language isn't too impressive - for a start, he doesn't see too comfortable with the use of the apostrophe, capitals or punctuation.

And one has to wonder why he feels it necessary to name a particular individual.

It seems to me he has an even bigger chip on his shoulder than the people about whom he complains.

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Moldy I have really noticed the whinging since I joined TV and spend a fair bit of time reading the post. I do have a serious hearing deficiency that causes me to tune out of conversations when there is to much background noise (not much is to much) or if the speaker is a quiet spoken talker. Since I guess at much of what is being said I tend to get things screwed up sometimes. So maybe I miss much of the real life whinging. Do you suppose my wife is whinging at me and I'm not hearing it? But I miss much of the really annoying sounds that bug other people. Gosh do you suppose this could be classified as whinging? Maybe I'm catching on. :o

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For someone who claims to have spent most of his life in journalism, his command of his native language isn't too impressive - for a start, he doesn't see too comfortable with the use of the apostrophe, capitals or punctuation.

Tristan Jones - a pretty famous writer - used to write letters to the Bangkok Post all the time and besides the grammar being almost incomprehensible, his punctuation was terrible! :o

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Who needs rose tinted spectacles when you've got Chang beer? ;o)

Most need to chill out a bit in this thread. The way I look at other people that are always moaning or saying something nasty is that it's their problem, not mine.

I say be happy in yourself, don't take life too seriously and try to make your dreams happen. If the people around you are happy you'll be happy and visa versa.

Edited by chameleon1977
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I am 70 years old and I complain about nothing. There is nothing to complain about. I have a beautiful home, am maried to a beautiful woman,Thai, have plenty enought money.

I am here by choice, not chance.

I love Thailand.

I love my wife. Even if she is 1/2 my age plus only 1. :o:D

I love Jesus.

And No, I am not old. And Yes, IMO the OP is nothing but a troll.

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Moldy I have really noticed the whinging since I joined TV and spend a fair bit of time reading the post. I do have a serious hearing deficiency that causes me to tune out of conversations when there is to much background noise (not much is to much) or if the speaker is a quiet spoken talker. Since I guess at much of what is being said I tend to get things screwed up sometimes. So maybe I miss much of the real life whinging. Do you suppose my wife is whinging at me and I'm not hearing it? But I miss much of the really annoying sounds that bug other people. Gosh do you suppose this could be classified as whinging? Maybe I'm catching on. :o

No, way to go yet.

If you're really determined to get the hang, start small, maybe a minor gripe about the weather, price of rice. For that truly primal experience try barking at the moon. Ever considered a field trip to the UK ?, widely regarded by our OZ cousins chums as the mother of all whingers.

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I suspect bubbaba is correct rimbung, but if you are serious...if the whinging you speak of 'winds' you up, then you are whinging. (If so, I can't begin to imagine why).

Many people, regardless of age, who consider themselves settled in a place, tend to take their good circumstances for granted, and project trivial annoyances outwards. Some are occasional whingers, like most of us, some chronic. I 'hear' the 'occasionals', out of kindness, but usually end up avoiding the 'chronics', for personal mental health reasons. I like a whinge occasionally, but just to see a sympathetic response, not for remedial reasons - I prefer my inner resources mostly.

Reading this thread has been like watching an oscilloscope, so much so that I can't take it too seriously. Some of the responses have been brilliant.

Oh gosh, I'm boring myself. I'll get out of your way. :o Good heavens it's 2.10am! :D

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I think the OP has a point but it was is agressivness that put himself down, although it's not just the fogies that moan and groan. I'm 35, although most Thai people think i'm only 28 which is nice, but i have put that down to the fact that most older farangs tell their girls/woman they are ten years younger. That backfired on a guy in the UK when she was knocking a younger guy off in the local pub. Anyway, my point is that when i first came here i moaned and groaned about drivers, the smell, and various things. Rergarding driving i would be quite aggressive myself if someone cut me up, but after being here for 2 years now i am much more relaxed and take everything with a pinch of salt. The drains outside my apartment in the evening now smell like a be of roses.

All I have to say is anyone that complains about living in Thailand should go and live in China for a while. Everything that people complain about is 10 times worse in China. Thailand is like heaven for me, if I ever go back to China it will be too soon.

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For someone who claims to have spent most of his life in journalism, his command of his native language isn't too impressive - for a start, he doesn't see too comfortable with the use of the apostrophe, capitals or punctuation.

Tristan Jones - a pretty famous writer - used to write letters to the Bangkok Post all the time and besides the grammar being almost incomprehensible, his punctuation was terrible! :o

Although he wrote some amazing books about solo-sailing, he was eventually exposed as a fantasist, and spent the last few years of his life down in Phuket, I read a biography last year, but would still re-read the books again, even knowing that they're mostly not true ! He also liked a drink or two - which may explain the grammar and punctuation. :D

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I hear my share of whining from old(er) retiree's and ex-pats here in the glorious "Land 'O Thais" but. .. Given the context, the subject matter, and their overall outlook on all things crazy, wacky and wonderful here I usually take it with a grain of salt. Holding in things you find objectionable, not venting or whining about the injustice of it all can be far worse for you. As was pointed out in a previous post; there are no end of things a person can find very different living in; of all places, a 'different' country, thus making the list for whining exponentially larger.

Living in ANY pissant shit-hole yet ‘developing’ third world country can be taxing on a person. Firstly there is the language barrier; which many long term residents cannot breach. That in turn contributes to limited social interaction, which only increases a person's perception of the idiosyncratic often oxymoronic cultural differences which can further divide a first worlder's ideals from the third world inhabitants here. The very things which many people initially found so endearing turn out to be very wearing after the rose colored glasses come off.

I state again for the record, I live here by choice not chance. I tolerate the people here solely because it’s their country; not for any other reason. I am NOT endeared to, enamored with or enchanted by the ever smiling "Borg-like" yet diminutive inhabitants here in the glorious "Land 'O Thais". That being said; I sometimes have a lower opinion (if that is even possible) of the ex-pat's I meet. At the very least; I often find them equally unsavory. I think with the limited exposure some ex-pats get from living in a very small circle of acquaintances, whether it be with their (in)significant other, her extended family, rural areas, or the small circle of other ex-pats where they live, it can make small things seem larger than they really are.

I hate hearing the all too familiar rant or chant of the rose colored glasses group; people I call the "we-b-thai faction”. However it does boil down to an attitude/mind set you have to have of acceptance, or at the very least tolerate it. If you can’t do that there are not a lot of other choices left.

GrantBKK did have some good points in his post (although after the third time it was posted I though it had lost a LOT of its initial appeal). This is truly the rule to live by; "Periodic review of your lifestyle and situation is critical to a less stressful life. Venting (bitching) has its moments but positive steps should be taken in cases where your life or lifestyle becomes untenable." Here’s to everyone’s life becoming more tenable.

I sincerely apologize for posting my comment three times. I'm old and it can only be explained as a mistake involving a technical error made by the operator during a fit IT overload. I know it would happen to me someday as I dislike to see multiple posts here at TV. I will try not to let it happen again.

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After five years together, that 1/2 my age plus 7 formula finally works for us, but I could always trade that one in for 1/5 my age plus 7. I had an American/American stunner for 20 years, and she's still a nice lady. It's beside the point. Life here is too good and too short to waste more than ten minutes per day complaining about it. I see my ten minutes is up, it is a beautiful day, and I have better things to do....

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Many of us now live in the developing country called Thailand. Rule of law is really just a concept unless you have connections then you can become the law in specific cases. I've heard or read about every reason one comes to the Land of Smiles but a common thread seems to be a male, 35 to 60+, single or newly single with no money to decent money looking for a certain lifestyle. People who say they come because of the kind Thai people with great smiles I think are trying to fool their friends and relatives back home. From this group we exclude the couples who retire to villas in Phuket and other high-end resorts.

Logic reveals that it boils down simply to cheap fun with the same or opposite sex without the constraints of law and rules that the visitor or retiree thinks "messed up his show" in his country of origin. The sense of awe at the freedom and inexpensive housing to say nothing of eating off street vendors for Bt100 a day stays with the guy for a long time. Now we have the freedom, lower cost of living and a lifestyle everyone with a functioning mind would covet. But then reality sets in. You find the girl or woman of your dreams at a beer bar or walking the corridors of The Paragon Mall. You hook up and begin to establish the same life here that you had back in the home country. Sure its cheaper and the your mate hasn't gotten fat yet but in the back of your mind you begin to realize that something is missing. Where are one of those 250,000 police officers when you need one? Why can't I own property here? What if I want to upgrade after a few years? Is my mate going to take all that I, or my parents, worked so had for? Will she have me killed? Why isn't ANYTHING in my name? If we have an argument who are the police going to side with?

After a while we would like a little insurance and first world protection when it comes with laws and rules. It seems to be a vicious circle that many posters mention after years of living the dream. What you first loved about Thailand later makes you grow to hate some aspects of life in the jungle.

Personally, I love Bangkok and take precautions that improve my chances of living happily here for years to come. Periodic review of your lifestyle and situation is critical to a less stressful life. Venting (bitching) has its moments but positive steps should be taken in cases where your life or lifestyle becomes untenable.

Holy Sh_t. This may be the post of the century.

Grant, you walk on water. :o


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All I have to say is anyone that complains about living in Thailand should go and live in China for a while. Everything that people complain about is 10 times worse in China. Thailand is like heaven for me, if I ever go back to China it will be too soon.

Amazing! Just shows how different we all are. I am working with some guys who have lived and worked in China. Some of them have Chinese wives and have bought property there (yes foreigners can own property in China) and they all love the place. :D

Nowhere in the world is perfect and anybody who says Thailand is the ultimate nirvana is lacking something called a brain. All places have faults and we lucky few who have a choice are free to choose that place where the good parts outweigh the bad. There's nothing wrong with having a whinge about what irks you as long as you keep in mind that you are wherever you are by that free choice. Next time you see one of lifes unfortunates scratching around the garbage tip for an existance ask yourself "what choice does he/she have?" and then see how important that 50 Baht ripoff becomes.

Feel free to whinge for you are lucky to be able to do so but don't take life too seriously, nobody gets out alive anyway. :o

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Many of us now live in the developing country called Thailand. Rule of law is really just a concept unless you have connections then you can become the law in specific cases. I've heard or read about every reason one comes to the Land of Smiles but a common thread seems to be a male, 35 to 60+, single or newly single with no money to decent money looking for a certain lifestyle. People who say they come because of the kind Thai people with great smiles I think are trying to fool their friends and relatives back home. From this group we exclude the couples who retire to villas in Phuket and other high-end resorts.

Logic reveals that it boils down simply to cheap fun with the same or opposite sex without the constraints of law and rules that the visitor or retiree thinks "messed up his show" in his country of origin. The sense of awe at the freedom and inexpensive housing to say nothing of eating off street vendors for Bt100 a day stays with the guy for a long time. Now we have the freedom, lower cost of living and a lifestyle everyone with a functioning mind would covet. But then reality sets in. You find the girl or woman of your dreams at a beer bar or walking the corridors of The Paragon Mall. You hook up and begin to establish the same life here that you had back in the home country. Sure its cheaper and the your mate hasn't gotten fat yet but in the back of your mind you begin to realize that something is missing. Where are one of those 250,000 police officers when you need one? Why can't I own property here? What if I want to upgrade after a few years? Is my mate going to take all that I, or my parents, worked so had for? Will she have me killed? Why isn't ANYTHING in my name? If we have an argument who are the police going to side with?

After a while we would like a little insurance and first world protection when it comes with laws and rules. It seems to be a vicious circle that many posters mention after years of living the dream. What you first loved about Thailand later makes you grow to hate some aspects of life in the jungle.

Personally, I love Bangkok and take precautions that improve my chances of living happily here for years to come. Periodic review of your lifestyle and situation is critical to a less stressful life. Venting (bitching) has its moments but positive steps should be taken in cases where your life or lifestyle becomes untenable.

Holy Sh_t. This may be the post of the century.

Grant, you walk on water. :o



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Hmm, yeah, a bit boring now. I reckon most of us just have a quick decko at this post to catch the OP's response. If he ever has the nerve to put his head over the parapet, that is... :o

:D which in itself is a bit of a whinge.

Personally, I've learnt a lot from this thread, troll or not. Good to see a troll post backfire.

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