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I Am So Envious!


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Seonai, what's all this about mouldy clothes? I've been here about 2 years now and never had mouldy clothes!

Went back to the UK in October with daytime temps of around 9 or 10 degrees c, which a couple of years ago would have been shirt and trousers weather for me, but I was wrapped up like an Arctic explorer - never felt so cold in my life.

It's amazing to me how quickly your body adapts and acclimatises to your surroundings. I haven't turned the aircon on for nearly a year now, just got used to it.

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.. I can see the sea from my doorstep and it's very comforting...

We never get weather like Canada though...

In South Texas :o, at the island campus of the University of Corpus Christi (UCC), they sold t-shirts that just said, YOU SEE SEA. :D My daughters now live in Brownsville, where it snows one centimeter per century. However, I trained for southernmost Mexico by going to my birthplace, Chicago, where we had 25 below zero (either scale) and 50 cm of fresh snow in 24 hours! We slept without heating....I fled to enjoy these tropical climates because, as Harry S Truman would have said, "If you can't stand the cold, get out of the freezer."
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At least the Oilers are still dominating the Northwest division... oh wait... Well, at least they still have Pronger... dam_n it! Have a pint at the Black Dog on Whyte and warm up with a donair!


Sorry BFD, Black Dog had a fire! Well, more smoke than flame but....

Black Dog had a fire?! Was someone just fed up with the cold and tried to create a little warmth? Man, there are easier ways to do it!

You say 'more smoke than fire', so my worry is alleviated a little bit. I hope it's in full working order by the time I visit in July.


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well, only barely hitting 0 here in jerusalem but u would think we were getting a five day blizzard with snow plows and rescue teams organizing...

i came home from work early to beat the supposed snow, with hubby calling constantly where am i....

he thought he could come to see the snow, as tel aviv its just raining... we have winds 120+ kph breaking branches; my poor chickens almost got blown away...

like thailand, people here are not prepared for cold. hypothermia has caused many deaths and near deaths among the beduins and also among the foreign workers.

we drove up north this saturday to give out used clothing that i was able to scrounge up from the kibbutz laundry closets: winter shirts/sweatshirts/jackets to thai workers; many are suffering from chillblains as they are working with water; no heating in bad bad inadequate housing... also, they try to heat themsleves up with drinking vodka, and then those that have space heaters or hot air blowers end up causing fires...

a thai friend of ours built himself a dog house of wood , thai hut style, with carton roof covered in plastic since the container he was living in has six men in it, no heat, and no room to move...

i'm not enjoying our cold spell at all........


dont know how to turn the pic right side up; it is the height of a child; and is sitting on a forklift wooden platform; u cant see it but the electricity is just wiring from the caravan on the left of the house strung over; the 'owner' of the house is very tall so he crawls in... its probably more airtight than some of the housing i saw in hubby's village, though. Mut likes it anyway, he's as snug as a bug in a rug....


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From my window over look the pond, two gators ( around 8 ft. and 16 ft., yes it's that big) are sunning themselves in a beautiful gorgeous day in Tampa, Forida, right now.

Most wild gators don't get much bigger than 13' 600 lbs. Biggest ever recorded was 18'2" caught in Louisiana early 1900's. But the critters can be impressively big.

Winter in Florida is paradise on earth. From December to April, the average temperature is around upper 60's.

I grew up on St. Pete Beach, but then it was a parsdise. Now its an overcrowded traffic jam with no beach to be seen.

After living most of my life in many countries: Tokyo, Taipei, Honolulu, L.A., Miami, NY, and finally retired in Tampa. I had grown to love cold weather. Can't go back to live in a hot-humid tropical heat anymore. It depresses me a great deal.

Really confused here, you state counties, then name cities with 5 of them in one country :o

For me, it's not a living if you have to keep yourself cool in an air conditioned room 24/7.

What an outdoors lover does to combat the heat if one has to live in tropical country ?

I'm still searching the cure, anyone cares to spill the secret ?

Think cool thoughts, live in Chang Mai in the winter and the big island (Hawaii) the rest of the year. The big island has possibly the greatest consistently comfortable temp.

Hi Mogoso,

Good to hear someone from Florida. Makes me feel like I'm talking to the neighbor.

THAT big gator is still up on the bank, it's been sunning itself for the past week now. I wish I could get up close and take a picture with a digital camera so I can share it with you guys. Unfortunately, the gators around my pond are quite shy for they are not used to encounter with people. Anytime when someone walk closer to get a better view of them, they just dash back into the water at the speed of the blink of the eyes.

Unlike some stories you heard about how they aggressively attacking people. That happened because they had lost natural fear of human.

I'm a gator-watcher, alway been fasinating with this significant creature. While living in Miami, I used to drive up to Gatorland in Kisssimme. I've been visiting 'Crocodiles Farm' in Samut-Prakarn about a dozen times since 1970. I could tell its size from looking through binocular. This one is really BIG.

I know what you mean about St. Pete had turned into semi-concret jungle. The past

several years, the big developers have been buying up waterfront trailer parks, phrase them out, and build hi-rise condos on these lands.

Sorry about the poor choice I use regarding the word 'countries' it should be 'places'.

But you know what some city names are more well known than the name of its country.

Then again the five cities in the U.S., I want to emphasized that I had lived in quite an extreme hot ( Miami) and extreme cold (NY).

It's nice to hear that you're doing superb in Chieng-Mai and The Big Island. I love the black sand beach, it's one of a kind, that's why it's so special.

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Hey Suegha how's you? Yeah I don't exactly enjoy being cold... like frozen to the bones... but I quite like wrapping up and braving the elements... went to the sea two days ago and in typical British style sat hugging a hot cup of tea while the wind blew a gale and the sea crashed up on the shore... I can see the sea from my doorstep and it's very comforting...

We never get weather like Canada though...

Yo seonai, how's you? And more importantly, where are you at the mo? You make it sound cold!

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At least the Oilers are still dominating the Northwest division... oh wait... Well, at least they still have Pronger... dam_n it! Have a pint at the Black Dog on Whyte and warm up with a donair!


Sorry BFD, Black Dog had a fire! Well, more smoke than flame but....

Black Dog had a fire?! Was someone just fed up with the cold and tried to create a little warmth? Man, there are easier ways to do it!

You say 'more smoke than fire', so my worry is alleviated a little bit. I hope it's in full working order by the time I visit in July.


Sorry, can't figure out how to pm this...


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Hi Sweet Chariot, when you live in the south of Thailand it is very humid and in a non concrete home clothes go mouldy!!! Yuch!!! Horrid smell and grey spots all over your clothing.

Tonite for me it is blowing a gale, raining and wild and I feel all cosy wrapped up in my scarves and a French cashmere/silk wrap :o

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