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Who Ages Best ?


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Im not sure whether i would agree or not but ill be sure to keep an eye out and make a note..but if that is the case then i would say it's probably something to do with Westerners take care of their body more ie.. eat better, use facial stuff, exercise that type of stuff where average thai's dont and it shows later in life...

but then i think about it and i would say that thai's are better all ages...<snip>

/Mod Edit - Religious or racial slurs, rude and degrading comments towards women, or extremely negative views of Thailand will not be tolerated. - from the Forum Rules.

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Even if I was to agree with your opinion, which I dont, it would hardly be down to a better diet.

Prepacked/processed/high fat as opposed to rice, fish, chicken, fruit etc. That is very generalised in terms of diet, admittedly.

I imagine that because you use the term "beautiful" you are referring to women? Perhaps not. How many bald old paunchy thai men do you see?

Genetics, working environment and sun exposure may, perhaps, be more important factors in the ageing process.

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i'm half thai and its definitely my fairer 1/2 farang skin that is causing me to age more quickly than my Thai compatriots. These crows feet are seriously beginning to diminish my beautiful looks :o

my vote is for farangs aging worse (especially due to sun aging).

but i guess you are referring to Thai women (as you mentioned the word beautiful)? i've seen plenty of hi-so Thai ladies who look great at 50 (big hairdos aside). but venture out into the sticks and people worry less about their appearance as they get older.

I think if you compared well-to-do Thai ladies with European/American ladies from a similar social/economic class there wouldn't be much difference in how well they maintain their appearance in spite of age.

if you want to compare rural Thais or those from low income groups, there isn't really a direct comparison in most of Europe. maybe somewhere like Romania where many people still perform manual labour and live off the land.

i'm not sure what role ethnicity would have in this except those with more melanin will be better protected against UV aging, (which can be offset if you can afford face creams/make up with sun screen).

Edited by tom yum goong
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I have seen some absolute stunners in their 50's who are Thai, I've seen some looking old in their 30's who are Caucasian. My wife might not fit into the 1st anology in other peoples eyes, but to me she is beautiful.

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How can you tell the ages of Thai women?? I am lost. If they are in school uniform or university uniform I can narrow them down but after that 25 35 or 45 I have no idea generally. But back in the UK I can tell down to their birth sign usually!! :o

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Generaly I think Europeans / Americans tend to age better than Thais , who although very beautiful when young , seem to go down hill after 40/50 ? Any reasons ? better diet , or something else .

It's because the men find other women and the old ones let themselves go and get big asses - especially Indians.

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I think a lot of it is the mentality of older Thais.

My (Thai) wife still can't believe my 80 year old grandmother drives around doing stuff all day.

Most of my wife's older family members (60+) look like they are knocking on heavens door.

Totally agree with the OP; up to about 40 years old Thais look really young, then all of a sudden bam!

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Generaly I think Europeans / Americans tend to age better than Thais , who although very beautiful when young , seem to go down hill after 40/50 ? Any reasons ? better diet , or something else .

Great question...Personally, I don't think that thai or farang people age that well. I've often wondered what happened to the older thai people in Bangkok. I've heard that most just move back home to the country. Perhaps those who remain in the city are the working class, who are outdoors all the time, or the hi-so who have a good cushy life and tend to get pudgy. As my thai language manual says, "When in doubt, ask a thai person."

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Even if I was to agree with your opinion, which I dont, it would hardly be down to a better diet.

Prepacked/processed/high fat as opposed to rice, fish, chicken, fruit etc. That is very generalised in terms of diet, admittedly.

I imagine that because you use the term "beautiful" you are referring to women? Perhaps not. How many bald old paunchy thai men do you see?

Genetics, working environment and sun exposure may, perhaps, be more important factors in the ageing process.

The Asian diet also has it's versions of high-caloric, unhealthy food, such as pig fat in SEA and high salt content in Japan.

I have seen some absolute stunners in their 50's who are Thai, I've seen some looking old in their 30's who are Caucasian. My wife might not fit into the 1st anology in other peoples eyes, but to me she is beautiful.

You can easily turn your statement around in the other direction as well.

Admittedly, I am at a bit of a lost as to this question, because it has changed somewhat. At some point I may have agreed with the statement that Asians generally look younger than Westerners, but I think it is a bit overstated. I think it comes down to their naturally slim bodies and the fact that smoking cigarettes is not as prevalent. However, once you find foreigners that also do not smoke and are slim, the comparisons are very much the same; I am not sure if is "better". However, I think there is more of an opportunity among health conscious Westerners to eat organic food, and live in less polluted environments.

I think the whole thing of "Asian young and Westerners look old" is a bit of a stereotype, when you eliminate the conditions of obesity and poor health maintenance as I mentioned above. I have to tell you that I lived in Thailand for 4 years, and Thais and foreigners alike were usually stunned when they learned my age, and I regularly am perceived as being 10-15 years younger than I am, and sometimes even younger (flame away; it's true). I am of mixed heritage genes though, although I look white my genes are still mixed. I am 44 years old and still do not have visible wrinkles, and I enjoy sunbathing. However, I have friends and roommates who currently are in the 35-42 year old range who also look extraordinarily young: one is a fair Italian, and one is medium-skinned complexion *(Italian).

So, go figure.


** I also want to add that the signs of aging may be different. White westerners may be prone to wrinkles, but Asians and darker-skinned people are more prone to moles and dark spots which muddy their complexion, which is why lasers and whitening creams are so popular. I am susceptible to the moles and "muddying".

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Kat these people that say you look so young are trying to get in your underwear, either that or youre a genuine &lt;deleted&gt;.

For some reason i think that when i see white women in Asia they dont look as pretty as back home, and then when i see an Oriental lady in England she doesnt look as good as what she would back home.

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Nope, you're wrong. I hear this from EVERYONE, including women who don't want to get into my underwear, and people who would much rather report that I look like an old hag, like many men from this site.

Deal with it.

*I don't know what you mean by "&lt;deleted&gt;". If it means what I think it does, I'm not a mother, or have ever given birth, which also ages women.

Edited by kat
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Nope, you're wrong. I hear this from EVERYONE, including women who don't want to get into my underwear, and people who would much rather report that I look like an old hag, like many men from this site.

Deal with it.

Precious im sure your devine, nothing gives me more pleasure then looking at a fine mature women, well only one thing does.

*I don't know what you mean by "&lt;deleted&gt;". If it means what I think it does, I'm not a mother, or have ever given birth, which also ages women.
So you do know what it means.

Dont be so defensive my little chicken wing.

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Nope, you're wrong. I hear this from EVERYONE, including women who don't want to get into my underwear, and people who would much rather report that I look like an old hag, like many men from this site.

Deal with it.

Precious im sure your devine, nothing gives me more pleasure then looking at a fine mature women, well only one thing does.

*I don't know what you mean by "&lt;deleted&gt;". If it means what I think it does, I'm not a mother, or have ever given birth, which also ages women.
So you do know what it means.

Dont be so defensive my little chicken wing.

I'm not defensive, I'm just honest. And, I think I am too intellectual to be considered "precious." The brain in fact has aged. :o

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Aging can be national/ethnic/racial to a degree I think, but lifestyle and nutrition, and family genes, and job play a major role.

Do Thais age better or worse then Europeans, and vice-versa?

Honestly, I cannot say.

I've seen positives and negative on both side.

Cannot judge.

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Nope, you're wrong. I hear this from EVERYONE, including women who don't want to get into my underwear, and people who would much rather report that I look like an old hag, like many men from this site.

Deal with it.

Precious im sure your devine, nothing gives me more pleasure then looking at a fine mature women, well only one thing does.

*I don't know what you mean by "&lt;deleted&gt;". If it means what I think it does, I'm not a mother, or have ever given birth, which also ages women.
So you do know what it means.

Dont be so defensive my little chicken wing.

I'm not defensive, I'm just honest. And, I think I am too intellectual to be considered "precious." The brain in fact has aged. :o

Nice series of posts kat. I also don't know what &lt;deleted&gt; stands for!?!

edit I have just googled it, now I know and I think it's horrible!

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The Don I think you are panicking as in another thread you spoke of only being in your twenties and already

ready and willing to settle down with an asian beauty (you may be concerned that this beauty won't last).

You may be one of the lucky ones and can look forward to a long life with a woman who never ages.

For my part I am European and, like Kat, was always told I looked much younger. That was before I started

to holiday a lot in Thailand and moreso since reading TV. I have now become such a nervous wreck that I avoid mirrors like the plague.

Maybe mai pen rai has a lot to do with it.

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Ive seen a picture of Kat and I'm shocked to find out she's 44! I put her at 30..... woops.

Ya ok.... here's a side question. I moved here at 29 and still looked like 19..... but after 4 years here I've collected a horrifying array of wrinkles around my eyes. I dont smoke, I dont drink, I dont do drugs...... but I dont always sleep so well either. Anyway, my question is: Does living in Bangkok give me these wrinkles faster than normal (pollution or sun which I avoid or aircon?) or do most whities suddenly get wrinkles right when they turn 30 and I shouldnt blame Thailand for my own normal aging?


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To keep this scientific, aging would have to be related to the average life expentancy at birth in each individual nation.

Thailand ranks 109th in that department with life expectancy = 72.55 years

The US comes in at 78.0 years.

UK = 78.7

Australia = 80.62

Japan = 82.02

Andorra = 83.52 (not a large population to go on though)

Macau = 82.27 (2nd to Andorra)

Singapore = 81.8

Hong Kong = 81.68

Basically the countries with the highest life expectancies are wealthy nations where people can afford the best health care.

For example, an 82 year old Japanese person would be looking a lot better than a 82 year old Thai. :o - about 10 years younger on average.

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