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Dogs On The Beach

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I am also convinced that ChaiRorn isn't Thai, or if he is, he is ethnic Thai brought up in an English-speaking country (but not America). I am not sure that that sullies his argument, but it does indicate that he is not truthful (hang on…maybe he IS Thai after all).

I notice that ChaiRorn never confirms or denies being Thai; rather, he argues about the ability to write English based on nationality.

Reading ChaiRorn's first post carefully, I am left with little actual information on what the complaint is. Aside from never revealing what beach he or she is referring to, in spite of being asked, ChaiRorn only says that "ridiculous amounts (sic) of dogs"…are allowed to "roam freely, fight each other and in general be an annoyance to most people." ChaiRorn says, "People's kids feel threatened by a bunch of dogs scrapping it out on the beach."

I don't see anything here that speaks to a close personal encounter or something that would be picked up on my personal radar of concern. For example, how would you file a complaint with the authorities over this situation? Dogs are fighting, or playing or just roaming around on the beach in the vicinity of children and …and what? Where is the rub? Do ChaiRorn's children feel threatened? Apparently. Whether this is due to an actual threat or by the fact that the parents haven't educated them not to be afraid of dogs isn't clear. But by "people's kids," does he mean that he has made an actual study of this, and asked other children and their parents how they feel? Or is this a case of "I think my kids are spooked so I assume that every kid on the beach is similarly upset"?

I have lived on Lamai for over two years now and visit the beach nearly every day. I have seen a few dogs here and there, and very occasionally there will be a short chase when one strays into the territory of another (or others), but never have I seen anything "threatening" either to me, other adults or children. This doesn't mean it never happens, just like I have never seen a cash-strapped ladyboy rob a late-night beach stroller, although I have been told it occurs from time to time.

Seriously, what beach are we talking about (the "beach in question")? And wherever it is, I can tell you that if there should be some "hot zone" of wild-ass dogs out there, there are kilometers of beaches without any animals.


And as for this: "Please respect all life, not just human life."

Fine, but if people can't respect my childrens (sic) right to have a day out on the beach without being threatened by dogs whose owners can't even be bothered to make the effort with a lead, then I consider that disrespectful to human life for the sake of a dog, and me and other people will react accordingly.

So dog owners with animals without a leash must respect your kids' right to have a "day out on the beach" without feeling threatened, or else you will kill their dogs. Is that about the long and short of it?

In fact, you seem to have identified the real culprits here by naming dog "owners [who] can't even be bothered to make the effort with a lead." Why would you even consider "acting accordingly" and giving a dog "an interesting snack"? Don't blame a dumb animal; go after the human owners. If they can't respect you and your children and your right to not be around dogs that are unleashed and frolicking and otherwise doing whatever dogs do naturally, you should give the human owners "an interesting snack," because as you said, "See if I give a s**t."

Have you gone to the Western owners and chatted with them about this? I mean their dogs, not your intent to poison them. What do they say?

How often do you go the beach and have some dog situation? Be specific. One in fifty? Or are you like some magnet for dogs off leashes who happen to be straying into another dog's territory on the exact time that a foreigner comes with his animal?

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I am a westerner with two gorgeous german shepherds that are very obediant and I hope well trained.

They too love the beach and swimming in the sea, however the only beach I ever dare take them to is the deserted beach just outside Bophut. I dont go anywhere near a popular tourist beach because there are always restaurants and therefore always many thai dogs who go mad when they spy a strange dog invading their territory. Although these dogs wouldnt dare mix it with my two, the noise they make and the disturbance to the beach in general makes me feel uncomfortable so I just keep away. I have seen a few western dog owners visit the beaches, and I have to admit that each and every one of them had their dog on a lead and kept them under control, although all had to run the gauntlet too.

I have yet to see a westerner with a pedigree dog let it run amok, after all there are not too many of us here anyway.

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I tried swimming my dogs on a lead, not an easy feat let me tell you.But then I also have to get rid of all the critters that threaten me, like spiders & lizzards, how dare they roam free.

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Yeah Happylarry makes a good point, I have 2 dogs that I look after but they were given to me by Thai's who had unwanted puppies so these dags (cha like dags) were born from a roaming dog and will die roaming dogs. I have no right to tie them up on a lead as the politically correct brigade would like.

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I have always enjoyed taking my young children to a day out on the beach, recently though it is becoming more difficult due to the ridiculous amounts of dogs seemingly allowed to roam freely, fight each other and in general be an annoyance to most people who have gone there to relax. It's not as if these are strays, on the beach in question most of the dogs were owned by Westerners.

Give us a break.

People's kids feel threatened by a bunch of dogs scrapping it out on the beach. Take them for a walk elsewhere and if you insist on p*****g everyone off then a least keep them under control & away from other people & their children.

There's not a lot on Samui for kids to do as it is.

The next dog that even comes close to my children will getting an interesting snack. See if I give a s**t.

Presume that "snack" means that you will poison any dog that comes "close" to your children? What sort of distance does your self -proclaimed mutt exclusion zone have?

It might be worth considering that some people love their dogs more than humans (sometimes justified). So unless you wish to hide behind the anonymity of the post, you really should identify yourself when you are on the beach, before carrying out your "corrective" measures. This will give errant dog owners a chance to take preventative action. You might also wish to consider the affect a dog writhing in agony in its final death throes, having been tempted by one of your "snacks", will have on your children. On which beaches will these summary executions take place? :o

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I have always enjoyed taking my young children to a day out on the beach, recently though it is becoming more difficult due to the ridiculous amounts of dogs seemingly allowed to roam freely, fight each other and in general be an annoyance to most people who have gone there to relax. It's not as if these are strays, on the beach in question most of the dogs were owned by Westerners.

Give us a break.

People's kids feel threatened by a bunch of dogs scrapping it out on the beach. Take them for a walk elsewhere and if you insist on p*****g everyone off then a least keep them under control & away from other people & their children.

There's not a lot on Samui for kids to do as it is.

The next dog that even comes close to my children will getting an interesting snack. See if I give a s**t.

Presume that "snack" means that you will poison any dog that comes "close" to your children? What sort of distance does your self -proclaimed mutt exclusion zone have?

It might be worth considering that some people love their dogs more than humans (sometimes justified). So unless you wish to hide behind the anonymity of the post, you really should identify yourself when you are on the beach, before carrying out your "corrective" measures. This will give errant dog owners a chance to take preventative action. You might also wish to consider the affect a dog writhing in agony in its final death throes, having been tempted by one of your "snacks", will have on your children. On which beaches will these summary executions take place? :o

I suspect if Chairorn were to poison a dog in view of any dog lovers his balls would be rapidly diminished.

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Dog Owner myself .....well my wife has a rat dog thing.... :o

I have to admit that free dogs on a beach tearing about particularly in packs friendly or not can be intimidating.

I have seen Medium/large dogs left to their own devices on Phang ghan and Tao.

I fully understand the concern of parents with letting their kids run about on such beaches.

The last time I looked the beach in Thailand is crown property to be enjoyed by all not just buy inconsiderate dog owners who feel that there pets have more rights than other people.

However with a responsible owner taking care and watching over there pets there is no reason why dogs cant go to the beach either.

As for the scruffy itchy looking beach dogs they are just part of the scenery and generally are to scared to come near anyone.

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I walked the central beach area in Lamai yesterday evening before sunset. There was one golden retriever playing with (SHOCK) a little girl! Oddly, she was not being mauled nor was she afraid of the dog (named Pepsi, it seemed). There was another shepard mix sitting sphinx-like in front of Lamai Wanta (poised, no doubt, to assail a small child at the first chance). That was it.

So where is this beach from hel_l that sparked this thread?

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I have always enjoyed taking my young children to a day out on the beach, recently though it is becoming more difficult due to the ridiculous amounts of dogs seemingly allowed to roam freely, fight each other and in general be an annoyance to most people who have gone there to relax. It's not as if these are strays, on the beach in question most of the dogs were owned by Westerners.

Give us a break.

People's kids feel threatened by a bunch of dogs scrapping it out on the beach. Take them for a walk elsewhere and if you insist on p*****g everyone off then a least keep them under control & away from other people & their children.

There's not a lot on Samui for kids to do as it is.

The next dog that even comes close to my children will getting an interesting snack. See if I give a s**t.

i reckon that all dog owners should have colors on thier dogs and dog tags and have rabi cards. or be executed. i wouldnot want my kid to die from a dog bite.

Edited by BigC
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I have always enjoyed taking my young children to a day out on the beach, recently though it is becoming more difficult due to the ridiculous amounts of dogs seemingly allowed to roam freely, fight each other and in general be an annoyance to most people who have gone there to relax. It's not as if these are strays, on the beach in question most of the dogs were owned by Westerners.

Give us a break.

People's kids feel threatened by a bunch of dogs scrapping it out on the beach. Take them for a walk elsewhere and if you insist on p*****g everyone off then a least keep them under control & away from other people & their children.

There's not a lot on Samui for kids to do as it is.

The next dog that even comes close to my children will getting an interesting snack. See if I give a s**t.

i reckon that all dog owners should have colors on thier dogs and dog tags and have rabi cards. or be executed. i wouldnot want my kid to die from a dog bite.

Execute the dog owners? Seems a tad unreasonable. By the way how would you go about colour coding the dogs? Will there be a choice of colours? If so, my dog would like tartan. :o

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I have always enjoyed taking my young children to a day out on the beach, recently though it is becoming more difficult due to the ridiculous amounts of dogs seemingly allowed to roam freely, fight each other and in general be an annoyance to most people who have gone there to relax. It's not as if these are strays, on the beach in question most of the dogs were owned by Westerners.

Give us a break.

People's kids feel threatened by a bunch of dogs scrapping it out on the beach. Take them for a walk elsewhere and if you insist on p*****g everyone off then a least keep them under control & away from other people & their children.

There's not a lot on Samui for kids to do as it is.

The next dog that even comes close to my children will getting an interesting snack. See if I give a s**t.

i reckon that all dog owners should have colors on thier dogs and dog tags and have rabi cards. or be executed. i wouldnot want my kid to die from a dog bite.

Execute the dog owners? Seems a tad unreasonable. By the way how would you go about colour coding the dogs? Will there be a choice of colours? If so, my dog would like tartan. :o

Black Watch would suit the little fella.

and a tamoshanter to match!

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I have two lovely darling little Shitzus about 12 months old, very loving they just want to kiss you and tell you your beautiful, they dont go out much as a bigger dog playing would probably break their backs with one bite, poor little darlings, I cant take them to the beach because of all your crazy unleashed dogs :o , I have taken them to jungle club and they get on with the 3 girl dogs up there.

But if and when i take them to the beach i use an electric stun gun, you know the bigger one that you get in BKK.

So if your dog has not been trained and looks nasty at my beautiful little darling, loving babies, ill Zapp the SH_t out of it until it throffs at the mouth in uncontrolable agony, maybe then when you get your next dog you might have that one under control, and if you make a problem with me for killing your animal ill Zapp you too for being a bad parent .

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I have two lovely darling little Shitzus about 12 months old, very loving they just want to kiss you and tell you your beautiful, they dont go out much as a bigger dog playing would probably break their backs with one bite, poor little darlings, I cant take them to the beach because of all your crazy unleashed dogs :o , I have taken them to jungle club and they get on with the 3 girl dogs up there.

But if and when i take them to the beach i use an electric stun gun, you know the bigger one that you get in BKK.

So if your dog has not been trained and looks nasty at my beautiful little darling, loving babies, ill Zapp the SH_t out of it until it throffs at the mouth in uncontrolable agony, maybe then when you get your next dog you might have that one under control, and if you make a problem with me for killing your animal ill Zapp you too for being a bad parent .

Which begs the question - Should dingojoe be allowed on the beach unleashed?

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So if your dog has not been trained and looks nasty at my beautiful little darling, loving babies, ill Zapp the SH_t out of it until it throffs at the mouth in uncontrolable agony.

I hate little "cute" dogs, particularly shit*zoo dogs. I have taken to carrying a speargun to the beach to ward off these obnoxious critters. I do have to say, however, they barbecue up nicely.

(All this talk...I thought the only pissing contests were from the dogs.)

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Dogs simply should not be left unsurpervised with children there is too much that can go wrong.

Might be miss informed but believe the Dogfather was seriously mauled this morning by two Rottweilers. These things should be on a lead and muzzled.

Within a country mile of my kids and i would break the fuc_kin neck of the owner!

Edited by leemond
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Dogs simply should not be left unsurpervised with children there is too much that can go wrong.

Might be miss informed but believe the Dogfather was seriously mauled this morning by two Rottweilers. These things should be on a lead and muzzled.

Within a country mile of my kids and i would break the fuc_kin neck of the owner!

I don't disagree with your first para but...

A Country Mile!!!

I think a Bit OTT. How is someone to know that they are within 1 Country mile (whatever that is) of your kids?. Are we all to live in fear that an enraged Farang will rush up and exercise a rabbit chop whilst taking Rover out for a spot of exercise?

Sounds as though you may be a bit of a Rottweiller yourself. :o

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Apologies, but only protective of my children. I dont feel potentially dangerous dogs should be a threat to anybody and should be properly surpervised and managed by their owners.

What I should have said is that if my children felt threatened so would the dog owner, apologies for any confusion.

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The problem some kids just have an unhealthy fear of dogs, example I took my 2 dogs to a quiet beach on Sunday and a family walked along, my dogs love kids and one of them trotted up tail wagging to one of the kids who was about 9 or 10 I'd say. The kid literally shat her self and started crying and screaming "daddy daddy daddy", of course then the "daddy" gave me a dirty look to which I ignored and went about my business. Funny thing was just down the beach where the Thai restaurants are there are about 10 beach dogs and I watched in amusement as she once again shat herself and screamed for her life. It's a dog not a f'ing T-Rex. I blame the parents personally.

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  • 2 weeks later...
heh? are those your dogs?

We take care of three of these guys - the other two are neighbours' pets.

BTW, we didn't really want three dogs, but it was either take care of them or let them die.

One guy was a half-dead 4-week old pup (from TNP!) when we took him from Thongsala temple, another was the only survivor from a poisoning that killed her mother and six siblings, and one was left to fend for herself under the Raja ferry pier after mothering six pups there.

jose '-)

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thanks for taking care of them :o

Thanks, Elfe, but all gratitude must go to PhaNgan Animal Care (PAC), an all volunteer, donation-dependant animal clinic. Without them, this island's dog population will revert back to the sorry state of a few years ago, where packs of poorly-kept soi dogs roamed the streets and mass poisoning and shooting of all dogs was common.

It's in everyone's interest in KPG that PAC survives, and anything anyone can do to help them out in this time of need would be greatly appreciated.

jose '-)

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