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Police Ready To Arrest Breakers Of Smoking Ban From Feb 10


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So they are soooo concerned about getting exposed to second-hand smoke WHILE GETTING DRUNK IN THE PUB.

Logical, no???

I am for a TOTAL BAN ON ALCOHOL, STARTING IMMEDIATELY. And leave the smokers in peace, they do NOT cause accidents, fights etc.


Thanh (non-smoker by the way but don't mind it the least bit)

I have to agree with you. Smoking turns you into a person who smells (and slowly but quietly dies of cancer).

But alcohol turns people into...... well look around at what you saw on your last night out...

As a son of two parents who smoked heavily and who are now in the U.K. with smoking related diseases. I am against smoking. This story will beat all of yours ..... I was on a small green bus on Ramkhamhaeng Road when the driver lit up a cigarette right next to a large no smoking sign. As he was driving mind you. I asked my neighbour about it and he did not seem to mind as he said it was normal. There fore I asked the driver if i was wearing dark glasses and carrying a cane. He said no. I replied well then I can't be blind. He said you ( meaning me) are not. i said that must be a cigarette in your month and he replied YES. Aparently sarcasm doesn't work ummmmm

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Does it start today?

Well all seems normal on soi 4 and sukhumvit so far tonight..

just went for a bite to eat at my local place indor/outdoor bar and there was no problem with lighting upinside or outside.

then stopped in Nana plaza for a happy hour drink and no problem there either.

we will see if anything changes but I did ask a service girl i know about smoking in the bar and she brought me another ashtray. :o

maybe in a few days there will be some sort of notice givin to the bars around.Lets see..


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They passed the same stupid law last year in Arizona where I live, thank goodness that it doesn't apply to private clubs. They tried and failed to keep us from smoking in the American Legion posts (a private club for US combat veterans).

What I am wondering is where am I going to light one up when I go to the Chatuchak Weekend Market? Do they have marked smoking areas? And did they ban the smoking lounges at the airport. They did that here, and it really sucks. If they just setup rooms like at the airports in Manila, Taipei, and most international airports you think that would be satisfactory. And that rule about not smoking in public parks is not new. After I got off the Metro line on a trip to Chatuchak Weekend Market back in 2006 I saw the no smoking sign at the entrance of the park. Lucky for me I saw it and avoided the fine.

As for secondhand smoke, privately owned business should be allowed to accommodate their customers. If there was a huge market for smoke free bars and nightclubs, I guarantee some shrewd businessman would be making a mint on smoke free clubs. As for restaurants I don't smoke while I eat and don't have a problem with them being smoke free. And weren't 99% of all places in Bangkok already smoke free?

And having lived in California and with Arizona following along their lead, I have noticed that most bars just end up doing most of their business on an outdoor patio. There used to be a time when you expected smoke to billow out of a bar. Welcome to the nanny state, what will they ban next? Twinkies? Big Macs?



The idea for 'smoking bars and clubs' is a good one. I hate inhaling the poison you puff in my face. Hope they can find somewhere to build one big club and you can all go there and enjoy the aroma.

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This law will be very difficult if not impossible to effectively enforce, very much like the not talk on your cell phone while driving. No doubt they will hit the farang hard at first, then the tourism game will kick in. All we can do is wait and watch for noe. enough said. :D:D:o:D

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Not only trucks and buses, well... check this out...does anyone have the e-mail address of the Health Ministry?


it is a ferry leaving Don Sak Pier for Ko Samui, on a daily base, several times a day and they ALL are this bad....what are these hypocrites all about, I wonder?

These fumes ARE highly toxic .... malignant!

Where are the Smoking-ban hypocrite's here?

or is it all ONLY about smoke free entertainment, eating and drinking? Looks like....

Nice try, but it wont wash, is this REALLY what you think, ? if so show me where the hospital is with people on life saving machines from breathing this in, i can certainly show you hospital wards with people dying from cigarrettes,.,.you know what the more i read from smokers trying to justify their habit the more scary it is for me as this must be one very potent drug you are on to be so defensive of an awul HABIT,
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Joke, smoking bad for health, Ok for 4 or even 5 on a motor bike, Ok for 30 in the back of a pick up ok ok for children being used as beggers on the streets and bars, Dont they know they are a lot of years behind the West and theire stupid rules of dictatorship. Yes that is exactly what it is Dictatorship in so called democratic countries. Compromise is not on the cards. Most of my clients come on holiday and nearly all of them are smokers enjoying the freedom taken away from them back home. So good idea to look to Cambodia, they are hungry for Tourism. This is my place and I qwant to smoke, you dont have to come here if you dont like it or it offends you. I wont enter your house if smoking is not allowed. By the way I hate smoking but I am an addict to it tried every way to quite but can not, give you 50,000 if you got the majic cure and I know many others with the same problem,

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Last night I did a walk through 2 nightlife venue areas. The first was Soi Cowboy and by 9:00 the bars were in full compliance. Even the bars that cater to Japanese customers were smoke free. The second area was RCA and again I found the same that the night clubs were in full compliance. I seems reality has finally hit for the smokers in Thailand.

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By the way I hate smoking but I am an addict to it tried every way to quite but can not, give you 50,000 if you got the majic cure and I know many others with the same problem,

You have already taken the first step - you hate smoking.

Mate, it took me many many times of trying before I was able to quit, but finally I managed to quit 2 years ago. Lost count how many times I tried and failed, but one thing never changed - I never stopped hating my addiction and that kept me trying to stop, again and again.

Look at the I want to quit smoking forum. Lots of advice and support there. Quitting is one of the most difficult things to do, and probably the very best thing you will ever do for yourself.

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Most of my clients come on holiday and nearly all of them are smokers enjoying the freedom taken away from them back home. So good idea to look to Cambodia, they are hungry for Tourism. This is my place and I qwant to smoke, you dont have to come here if you dont like it or it offends you. I wont enter your house if smoking is not allowed. By the way I hate smoking but I am an addict to it tried every way to quite but can not, give you 50,000 if you got the majic cure and I know many others with the same problem,

Au contraire . This is NOT your place, and YOU dont have to come here if you dont like it! Cambodia sounds great for you so choose to go there and smoke

. This is my place and I qwant to smoke, you dont have to come here if you dont like it or it offends you. I wont enter your house if smoking is not allowed.

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Joke, smoking bad for health, Ok for 4 or even 5 on a motor bike, Ok for 30 in the back of a pick up ok ok for children being used as beggers on the streets and bars, Dont they know they are a lot of years behind the West and theire stupid rules of dictatorship. Yes that is exactly what it is Dictatorship in so called democratic countries. Compromise is not on the cards. Most of my clients come on holiday and nearly all of them are smokers enjoying the freedom taken away from them back home. So good idea to look to Cambodia, they are hungry for Tourism. This is my place and I qwant to smoke, you dont have to come here if you dont like it or it offends you. I wont enter your house if smoking is not allowed. By the way I hate smoking but I am an addict to it tried every way to quite but can not, give you 50,000 if you got the majic cure and I know many others with the same problem,

What a waste for your very first post on this forum. "Dictatorship".... :o

No law has banned smoking. You are still able to smoke as many cigarettes as you want. The new regulations merely make some establishments off limits to smoking.

If you are inside one of these establishments and the urge to smoke is too great to resist, you only need to walk outside to indulge in your habit. Surely that is not too much to ask.

It is interesting that you hate smoking and you want to quit. With determination, you can quit. There are various methods available. You may need to try a few to find one that works for you.

We non-smokers also hate breathing what you smokers blow into our nostrils. Each time you light up you are virtually forcing everybody in the vicinity to share your filthy addiction.

Many smokers are considerate of those around them however, we have amongst us some arrogant smokers (many have been identified in this thread) who don't give a tinkers cuss about anybody else except themselves. Hopefully, these new restrictions will force them to take their toxins elsewhere.

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Last night I did a walk through 2 nightlife venue areas. The first was Soi Cowboy and by 9:00 the bars were in full compliance. Even the bars that cater to Japanese customers were smoke free. The second area was RCA and again I found the same that the night clubs were in full compliance. I seems reality has finally hit for the smokers in Thailand.
And ill bet it was no less busy :o
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Last night I did a walk through 2 nightlife venue areas. The first was Soi Cowboy and by 9:00 the bars were in full compliance. Even the bars that cater to Japanese customers were smoke free. The second area was RCA and again I found the same that the night clubs were in full compliance. I seems reality has finally hit for the smokers in Thailand.
And ill bet it was no less busy :o

Yes you are absolutely right on that. Seeing is Soi cowboy is just a few minutes away I decided to go and see again last night. I deliberately went into Baccara for a beer as I fully expected that bar to be the worst oftener. At 9:00 pm the bar was packed I could not find a seat and ended up sitting right at the dance floor. The bar was free of smoke and the only butts I saw were well rounded.

Seeing as that bar caters to Japanese and Japanese have a much higher percentage of smokers in their population, the smoking ban seems to be having no effect on baccara’s bottom line at the end of the night. I suspect the ban is here to stay.

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The Questions.

Does the police give the good example?

Does the police arrest smoking collegues?

Does the police enforce this law?

And so on

And so on

And so on

In one day saw policemen smoking in Pattaya, Krung Thep and Khon Kaen.

Or, maybe I had some smoke in my eyes?

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I remember in Los angeles a few years back the bar owners saying how it would hurt business not being able to smoke in the bar. What a bunch on BS. It did not hurt business at all.

Smoking is a rude as it gets!

And I remember in Dublin a few years back, the bars reported increased sales when they banned smoking .... all the non smokers suddenly started to go to the Pub. That lasted all of three months untill the novelty wore off and they returned to their non smoking living rooms to watch their favorite soap opera on TV. Now ask the Pub owners if it's had an effect ...........especially the 40% who are now seeking other employment due to pub closures since the ban!!

Smokers seem to forget they are the minority and yes the pubs will have more customers as the non smokers will be able to go with the kids and have no fear of passive smoking, if you want private smokers clubs go ahead,im sure none of us non smokers have a problem with that,

What type of irresponsible loser takes kids to a bar to indoctrinate them into the world of booze, hookers, drugs and fights?

In modern responsible countries this is illegal and for good reason. You should be jailed and heavily fined for child endangerment and corruption of a minor.

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Whilst I agree with your point, the experience in the UK is that everyone ends up outside, as when the smoking party go out for a puff there are only a few people left in the bar, and no conversation.

You are still focused upon the here and now - and the recent past.

After another 20 years of smokers being banished from bars, do you still think that the majority of bar patrons will be huddled outside with the other nicotine addicts? Or will smoking rates have declined?

I certainly don't know for sure. I'm just guessing that the smoking restrictions will serve the purpose of discouraging more young people from starting smoking.

Wrong. Kids are rebellious and this will encourage them to take up smoking as the rising rates of smoking amongst college kids (best and brightest?) and especially young women in the West shows.

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It should be up to the owner of the establishment. I believe there is room for both smoke-free and smoke-filled pubs, bars, and discos. If as a business owner prefers a smoke-free environment and feels that enough potential customers do as well, then by all means enforce such a rule, but it's not right for the government to shove it down everyone's throat -- especially here in Thailand, where the air is often so filled with smoke from the absolutely irresponsible and constant burning of garbage, it's sometimes hard to breath. It would be nice to see the lawmakers here get their heads out of the clouds (smoke clouds, I assume) for once and actually tackle some sensible issues or do something about the laws that exist. I consistently see 10 to 15-year-old children speeding on their motor scooters with no helmet on while going against traffic . They fly by a BIB and he doesn't even bat an eye. They smash into a car driven by a farang, and it's the farang's fault. It would be nice to see the elected representatives in government actually earn their pay and make laws that will benefit the people who pay their salaries and put pressure on the police to enforce the ones that already exist.

It is not about health or capitalism or personal responsibility or logic. It is about getting the sheep to blindly follow rules and remain under control. Step out of line with the powers that be and they have another way to come after people. Divide and conquer. Get the sheep all worked up into a feverish hatred of Muslims or farangs or blacks or smokers or drinkers (last year) or illegals or whatever. Doesn’t really matter what as it is easy to sell the sheep on anything as this board clearly shows.

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I remember in Los angeles a few years back the bar owners saying how it would hurt business not being able to smoke in the bar. What a bunch on BS. It did not hurt business at all.

Smoking is a rude as it gets!

And I remember in Dublin a few years back, the bars reported increased sales when they banned smoking .... all the non smokers suddenly started to go to the Pub. That lasted all of three months untill the novelty wore off and they returned to their non smoking living rooms to watch their favorite soap opera on TV. Now ask the Pub owners if it's had an effect ...........especially the 40% who are now seeking other employment due to pub closures since the ban!!

Smokers seem to forget they are the minority and yes the pubs will have more customers as the non smokers will be able to go with the kids and have no fear of passive smoking, if you want private smokers clubs go ahead,im sure none of us non smokers have a problem with that,

What type of irresponsible loser takes kids to a bar to indoctrinate them into the world of booze, hookers, drugs and fights?

In modern responsible countries this is illegal and for good reason. You should be jailed and heavily fined for child endangerment and corruption of a minor.

I can't agree that exposing children to the pub scene is wrong. It seem to me that when we lock them out and create a mystique about these places, it makes young people even more eager to sneak in when under age and indulge in drinking. They then do it without the benefit of a parent's guidance about drinking responsibly, and they also expose themselves to the chance of being charged for breaking the law. I think it would be much more civilized and socially beneficial to allow children to enter pubs with their parents. -- they would realize that a pub isn't such a big deal after all (and drinking isn't such a great pastime.)

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And I remember in Dublin a few years back, the bars reported increased sales when they banned smoking .... all the non smokers suddenly started to go to the Pub. That lasted all of three months untill the novelty wore off and they returned to their non smoking living rooms to watch their favorite soap opera on TV. Now ask the Pub owners if it's had an effect ...........especially the 40% who are now seeking other employment due to pub closures since the ban!!

Smokers seem to forget they are the minority and yes the pubs will have more customers as the non smokers will be able to go with the kids and have no fear of passive smoking, if you want private smokers clubs go ahead,im sure none of us non smokers have a problem with that,

What type of irresponsible loser takes kids to a bar to indoctrinate them into the world of booze, hookers, drugs and fights?

In modern responsible countries this is illegal and for good reason. You should be jailed and heavily fined for child endangerment and corruption of a minor.

I can't agree that exposing children to the pub scene is wrong. It seem to me that when we lock them out and create a mystique about these places, it makes young people even more eager to sneak in when under age and indulge in drinking. They then do it without the benefit of a parent's guidance about drinking responsibly, and they also expose themselves to the chance of being charged for breaking the law. I think it would be much more civilized and socially beneficial to allow children to enter pubs with their parents. -- they would realize that a pub isn't such a big deal after all (and drinking isn't such a great pastime.)

I for one would not subject my kids to watching drunk limeys fight over hookers but to each his own.

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And I remember in Dublin a few years back, the bars reported increased sales when they banned smoking .... all the non smokers suddenly started to go to the Pub. That lasted all of three months untill the novelty wore off and they returned to their non smoking living rooms to watch their favorite soap opera on TV. Now ask the Pub owners if it's had an effect ...........especially the 40% who are now seeking other employment due to pub closures since the ban!!

Smokers seem to forget they are the minority and yes the pubs will have more customers as the non smokers will be able to go with the kids and have no fear of passive smoking, if you want private smokers clubs go ahead,im sure none of us non smokers have a problem with that,

What type of irresponsible loser takes kids to a bar to indoctrinate them into the world of booze, hookers, drugs and fights?

In modern responsible countries this is illegal and for good reason. You should be jailed and heavily fined for child endangerment and corruption of a minor.

I can't agree that exposing children to the pub scene is wrong. It seem to me that when we lock them out and create a mystique about these places, it makes young people even more eager to sneak in when under age and indulge in drinking. They then do it without the benefit of a parent's guidance about drinking responsibly, and they also expose themselves to the chance of being charged for breaking the law. I think it would be much more civilized and socially beneficial to allow children to enter pubs with their parents. -- they would realize that a pub isn't such a big deal after all (and drinking isn't such a great pastime.)

I for one would not subject my kids to watching drunk limeys fight over hookers but to each his own.

I didn't know that brawls and hookers were so predominate in British pubs -- never been to one. If that's that case, then I agree, it's not a wholesome environment for younger people -- actually, it sounds like a socially terrible environment for anyone. I'm thinking of the peaceful and relaxing pubs I've encountered when I lived in Canada (or those quaint pubs I've seen in British flicks) where a bunch of drunks fighting over hookers doesn't seem to happen.

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It is not about health or capitalism or personal responsibility or logic. It is about getting the sheep to blindly follow rules and remain under control. Step out of line with the powers that be and they have another way to come after people. Divide and conquer. Get the sheep all worked up into a feverish hatred of Muslims or farangs or blacks or smokers or drinkers (last year) or illegals or whatever. Doesn't really matter what as it is easy to sell the sheep on anything as this board clearly shows.

I always thought this thread was about smokers being upset about the new rules and non-smokers pretty much cheering the rules.

Now I see it is much larger than that, its a battle against the dark forces of oppression.


Can a light sabre light a cigarette?

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I for one would not subject my kids to watching drunk limeys fight over hookers but to each his own.

No...you'd rather sit in a crowded room let your kids inhale the toxic chemicals that you and your friends exhale.

This is Thailand and in Pattaya, I've seen many parents take their kids to the Walking Street bars. The girls fight over the kids to see who can cuddle them first. The huge smiles on the faces of the kids says it all. They love the attention that they get in the bars. The kids are then taken back to their hotel at a reasonable hour.

I suppose some unfortunate kids have to grow up being raised by miserable, narrow minded parents, who would prefer lock their kids inside the house/hotel rather than allow them to see the sights of the foreign country they are visiting.

Whatever happened to parental guidance?

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Well i dont know but i have been at nana the last 2 nights (r1, r4 mainly) and the ashtrays were out and people were smoking, so..... what is the deal?

one m-san told me they have 3 months to adjust, then the rule will be enforced.

<deleted> is that?

Last night I did a walk through 2 nightlife venue areas. The first was Soi Cowboy and by 9:00 the bars were in full compliance. Even the bars that cater to Japanese customers were smoke free. The second area was RCA and again I found the same that the night clubs were in full compliance. I seems reality has finally hit for the smokers in Thailand.
And ill bet it was no less busy :o

Yes you are absolutely right on that. Seeing is Soi cowboy is just a few minutes away I decided to go and see again last night. I deliberately went into Baccara for a beer as I fully expected that bar to be the worst oftener. At 9:00 pm the bar was packed I could not find a seat and ended up sitting right at the dance floor. The bar was free of smoke and the only butts I saw were well rounded.

Seeing as that bar caters to Japanese and Japanese have a much higher percentage of smokers in their population, the smoking ban seems to be having no effect on baccara’s bottom line at the end of the night. I suspect the ban is here to stay.

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It is not about health or capitalism or personal responsibility or logic. It is about getting the sheep to blindly follow rules and remain under control. Step out of line with the powers that be and they have another way to come after people. Divide and conquer. Get the sheep all worked up into a feverish hatred of Muslims or farangs or blacks or smokers or drinkers (last year) or illegals or whatever. Doesn't really matter what as it is easy to sell the sheep on anything as this board clearly shows.

I always thought this thread was about smokers being upset about the new rules and non-smokers pretty much cheering the rules.

Now I see it is much larger than that, its a battle against the dark forces of oppression.


Can a light sabre light a cigarette?

ROFL - the use of the word limey's puts this guy at 70 year old at least - a throwback!

The farang nutter is alive and well in Thailand :o

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[...] Economists have shown that worldwide, governments (except for one country) make more from tobacco tax then they spend on health care. In general, it is in the best interest for any government that pays for health care if its citizens die as soon as possible after they retire. Smoking helps this.

There was an official statement from the Swiss government the other day, saying that:

a) the number of cigarettes sold in 2007 had gone down significantly -- something like 7%, if I remember correctly

:o the price for cigarettes would go up by some 10% "to make smoking less attractive/financially viable for even more people"

c) on grounds of continuous price hikes, income on cigs towards social security (quite a slice) had actually increased

As a side note, Switzerland subsidizes its [cigar] tobacco growing industry with income from tax on smokes...

Whenever there's an issue that is guaranteed to be emotionally loaded, governments see a golden opportunity to cash in on it. Always been like that, always will be. Is it emotionally loaded? Jeez -- look at this thread...

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