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Imagine having a drug habit, it doesn't get you high, it doesn't make you happy, it doesn't change your mood or perception in any way. You can't give it up because you're addicted, the people you buy the drug off know how addictive it is AND they know how harmful it is AND they know it has absolutely no benefits for you whatsoever, BUT they know that if they can get you to take just enough you will buy their product for the rest of your (shortened) life....imagine a business that does no good to anyone has a product that is so useless you might as well just burn it, and yet their customers are customers for life even though they know the product is harmful and they would rather not use it.

and the spin-off?....huge profits for the companies and massive health bills for all the users, relatives and anyone who has any medical insurance whether nationalised or private.

Surely only a complete idiot would fall for a scam like that????????

Imagine starting this habit because you imagine that you think you look cool with a nasty, stinky little white tube dangling from your lips giving you bad breath and smelling up everywhere you go.

Even an idiot should know better! :o

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I wonder how those defending smoking in public would react if someone was breaking the law & contaminating their land/water supply with Carcinogenic material. Just keep quiet, sit back and accept it?

most of the civilian population in Afghanistan and Iraq have no other choice than to keep quiet and sit back although their areas were polluted (for milleniae to come) with depleted uranium which is much more carcinogenic than the smoke of godzillions of cigarettes. please define "smoking in public".

I was talking more down the lines of i.e. the local farmer contaminating a nearby residential area where the residents have the full weight of the law behind them & can, if they wish, do something about it. Just as non-smokers now have the law behind them & can do something about smokers not obeying the law.

Smoking in public - where non-smokers are subject to tobacco smoke inhalation as a result of inconsiderate smokers, I'd also include the poor example it sets to youngsters who then seek to emulate the adults, but the anti-smoking laws in most countries only cover public places, rather than public. If you want to smoke fine but, do it out of sight, or amongst fellow smokers and certainly not in front of your children.

Imagine having a drug habit, it doesn't get you high, it doesn't make you happy, it doesn't change your mood or perception in any way. You can't give it up because you're addicted, the people you buy the drug off know how addictive it is AND they know how harmful it is AND they know it has absolutely no benefits for you whatsoever, BUT they know that if they can get you to take just enough you will buy their product for the rest of your (shortened) life....imagine a business that does no good to anyone has a product that is so useless you might as well just burn it, and yet their customers are customers for life even though they know the product is harmful and they would rather not use it.

and the spin-off?....huge profits for the companies and massive health bills for all the users, relatives and anyone who has any medical insurance whether nationalised or private.

Surely only a complete idiot would fall for a scam like that????????

Well said that man


I don't regard myself as a "pompous twit" and I certainly don't have a "bee in my bonnet" about smoking, but I have been waiting a long time for these laws to be introduced and now that they're here, I can now look forward to socializing in the various venues without having to inhale harmful cigarette toxins.

With regard to the other matters you raised, (mugging, prostitution) this thread is only about smoking, so I have structured my posts around that subject.

...and by the way...you didn't answer my question at the bottom of my last post.


I dont have any idea why a smoker cant go outside for a smoke, maybe you should go out to a bar and ask one or two

As I said in my previous posts, I dont have a problem with anyone smoking, in or outside of a bar

As you have 'structured' your posting and limit it to smoking, I shall expect to see a new thread posted by you about the dangers of muggings and prostitution very soon, and why not start a thread about religeon as well, may as well start a thread on the dangers of war as well, in fact start threads about anything you feel strongly about

Smokers are like gay blokes, they arent here long, so give em a break and get over it, you've ranted and raved enough, go to your smoke free bar, resturant, enjoy your meal and leave and go outside, take a deep breathe of the pollutants that the friendly drivers have put in the air, better than a cigarette any day (and probably kill you quicker any way)

Now give everyone a break, stop going on :o


:D well this has been shall we say interesting to read.. first of all i fess up im a smoker :D and to be totally honest I somewhat agree with the ban, by somewhat I mean indoors, ie bar, resturaunts...i mean even i who enjoys the odd cigarette (im just being honest) does not find smoke with my food appealing.

but..... going outside for a cigarette to me - personally is fine, we have to compramise, even when we are outside i make the concious effort to not blow my smoke in the faces of those non smokers around me, ill for example sit at the end of the table, not light up if their happens to be minors around.

i think smokers have now been steriotyped into smelly , yellow teethed sods who go around puffing in peoples faces, its not true - well i speak for myself here :D

its not illegal to smoke, and i think their are many other things that should be banned b4 this but this is my opinion, i think if we all meet half way then lets just get on with it...I know its bad for me and that may make me niave but if we took everything out of our lifes that was bad for us then where would we be eh?

right im going for a cig .. :o

outside of course

name='wilko' date='2008-02-22 14:36:26' post='1832421']

The truth is that smoking lessens both your sense of taste AND smell as well as erectile function...so why would anyone want to sit around in public waving a lit sign about that says...

"I can't smell properly, can't taste properly, can't breath properly, I'm going to die early and I can't get it up" ?????????

Now, if you carry on like that, you will give yourself a hart attack

Calm down and have a smoke mate. or a quick tug :D

I knew smoking caused heart disease AND brain disease so I guess it gives you dyslexia too....unless you think I might be attacked by a deer?

That was just nasty,

Yes I am dyslexic or just thick as we were called at school. :D

Sorry if I offended you or Mr Mouse, with a reference to masturbation.

But your ranting and your side kicks ranting in the

(Smokers Thread Antis Not Allowed) just seems to be over the top.

BTW im a Non smoker.

This is my last comment in this thread.

Good bye..


Don't be put off by the nastiness of another poster :o . This is a forum and you are entitled to your opinion and I have enjoyed reading your posts.

By the way, I prefer your Tommy Cooper avatar. :D


I dont have any idea why a smoker cant go outside for a smoke, maybe you should go out to a bar and ask one or two

That pretty much sums up all of your posts. :D

As I said in my previous posts, I dont have a problem with anyone smoking, in or outside of a bar

As you have 'structured' your posting and limit it to smoking, I shall expect to see a new thread posted by you about the dangers of muggings and prostitution very soon, and why not start a thread about religeon as well, may as well start a thread on the dangers of war as well, in fact start threads about anything you feel strongly about

It was you who brought up these other topics, not me. If they are so important to you, then you start a new thread. :D

Smokers are like gay blokes, they arent here long, so give em a break and get over it, you've ranted and raved enough, go to your smoke free bar, resturant, enjoy your meal and leave and go outside, take a deep breathe of the pollutants that the friendly drivers have put in the air, better than a cigarette any day (and probably kill you quicker any way)

"Smokers are like gay blokes"..... is that right? Well, I'll have to take your word for that cos I don't hang out in the boyz town areas. I wonder how all the smokers of the world feel about that comment. :D

Now give everyone a break, stop going on :o

Is that the best you can come up with? Well, I'll just leave you to do what you like doing best, supporting law breakers.


Mightymouse, your pompous prevaricating is exactly what makes me want to go and smoke everywhere that I am not supposed to, just to wind up whinging gits like yourself.

You seem to want to turn this into a battle between 'us' and 'them', you cannot seem to accept the fact that the majority of smokers are normal people, and without being wound up and labelled as ignorant, smelly luddites by the likes of yourself, would probably take the law as it is, and go outside quietly.

It's a bit like Songkran, he who whinges loudest generally gets the wettest.


cough , cough , splutter

good job im typing and not talking this fags killin me throat :o

never mind goes well with the beer :D

Please adhere to the forum rules when posting. Flaming of other members is not allowed.

Some posts have been deleted.

question concerning forum rules: is calling other members "idiots" not flaming and therefore allowed?


Is that the best you can come up with? Well, I'll just leave you to do what you like doing best, supporting law breakers.

They are both a dying breed

I havent said I support law breakers, I just dont have any issues regarding smokers, if they want a smoke, let them, they know the law (or should do after the prattling on you have given them) and they know what cigarettes can do

You asked the question, why cant cigarette smoker s go out side, I thought asking someone would have been the easy way to answer that question

More quality posts.

. :o:D:D

Sorry to see you go.

I will miss your intellectual posts, well at least they were more "Oink Oink" than "Grunt Grunt".

I am always upset when other posters poke fun at spelling and grammar mistakes, not just because some members may be dyslexic but for many members English is not their first language.

As for being dyslexic, diagnosis of such affliction was not recognized when I was at School and so I was never tested for it, but all I read and hear on the subject I can relate to myself, for me my school days were the un-happiest days of my life.


Mightymouse, your pompous prevaricating is exactly what makes me want to go and smoke everywhere that I am not supposed to, just to wind up whinging gits like yourself.

Is this debate getting too much for you. Perhaps that is why you didn't want anti-smokers posting in this thread. Can't handle a bit of opposition to you own view. How boring would this thread be if all posters were kissing your feet telling you what a great tin god you are.

Let's go right back to your opening post in this thread when you wrote this : So, like I said, don't name the places you were allowed to smoke, but the places you were not. The tambourine bashers reading this will phone their special hotline and grass up any venues allowing smoking, and subsequently there will be less places we can smoke.

Read that in conjunction with the above line from your latest post. It is quite obvious that your real intention was to "smoke everywhere that (you are) not supposed to." You haven't changed that stance throughout this thread.

You really need to sit yourself down and take a long hard look at your poor attitude, not only to the law but also to others who just happen to hate the smell of cigarette smoke and who expect the law to be enforced.

If and when can assure everybody that in future you will take yourself outside to smoke, then I will probably congratulate you on your change of attitude and leave this thread alone.


I am not quite sure who you think you are Mr 'Mighty'mouse. If anybody spoke to me in such a condescending manner face to face then I would not be responsible for my actions.

You really are not helping the non-smokers cause on this thread, just hope for the rest of you that smokers aren't as quick to judge, and tar all anti's with the same brush.

If nothing else you (and a few others) have given other members of this forum an insight into your true character, and made me realise what the ignore function is for.

Please adhere to the forum rules when posting. Flaming of other members is not allowed.

Some posts have been deleted.

question concerning forum rules: is calling other members "idiots" not flaming and therefore allowed?

Thank you for your question.

Yes it can be constued as such and it was dealt with yesterday.

I also considered the waste of a good cigar could be classed by some as offensive but I noted that it was said in jest. :o

Now no further discussion of moderation issues. :D

I am not quite sure who you think you are Mr 'Mighty'mouse. If anybody spoke to me in such a condescending manner face to face then I would not be responsible for my actions.

Now that is a laugh. I'm really frightened of being hit with a handbag. :D

I suppose you'd employ the same non-responsible attitude as you do when smoking in establishments where you know smoking has been banned.

....and just to set the record straight, I have many friends who smoke. They, unlike you, are considerate smokers who do their best to ensure that their second hand smoke doesn't impact too much on others in the near vicinity.

If the bar/restaurant is enclosed, they walk outside to have a smoke. It the bar is open, they sit as close as possible to the perimeter of the premises so that their second hand smoke flows out.

If the bar is deemed to be 'no smoking', they adhere to the rules.

The vast majority of smokers are decent, law abiding human beings. They make great company and are always welcome to join my crowd for a night of social activity.

I do however, object to dissident renegades like yourself, who don't possess sufficient moral fibre necessary for acceptance of changes in the law which have been introduced to benefit the majority of the population.

....and to make matters worse, you are openly encouraging other smokers to join with you in intimidating bar staff to provide ashtrays so that you can openly defy the law.

Wake up to yourself. :o

I am not quite sure who you think you are Mr 'Mighty'mouse. If anybody spoke to me in such a condescending manner face to face then I would not be responsible for my actions.

Now that is a laugh. I'm really frightened of being hit with a handbag. :o

I suppose you'd employ the same non-responsible attitude as you do when smoking in establishments where you know smoking has been banned.

....and just to set the record straight, I have many friends who smoke. They, unlike you, are considerate smokers who do their best to ensure that their second hand smoke doesn't impact too much on others in the near vicinity.

If the bar/restaurant is enclosed, they walk outside to have a smoke. It the bar is open, they sit as close as possible to the perimeter of the premises so that their second hand smoke flows out.

If the bar is deemed to be 'no smoking', they adhere to the rules.

The vast majority of smokers are decent, law abiding human beings. They make great company and are always welcome to join my crowd for a night of social activity.

I do however, object to dissident renegades like yourself, who don't possess sufficient moral fibre necessary for acceptance of changes in the law which have been introduced to benefit the majority of the population.

....and to make matters worse, you are openly encouraging other smokers to join with you in intimidating bar staff to provide ashtrays so that you can openly defy the law.

Now I wonder how I would fit into this, I dont smoke, I prefer to eat my meals outside, I dont like A/C, I dont have a problem with anyone having a cigarette when he's having a pint (I dont know any smoker that smokes while eating) and at my table or next to me, I like the smell of a GOOD cigar, even though I dont use them

I dont ask for an ashtray, but have asked for a clean table cloth

I really dont care where a smoker lights up, inside or out, I wont be reminding him its against the law (there are enough signs here in the UK, telling them that) I have friends who do smoke, but I dont treat them like lepers, (as I have said, they dont smoke in my car or house and when I'm around their houses, they do what they like)

I dont have a handbag, BUT I do have a very good starting handle (from my first car) a Morris Oxford, that usually works in stopping a conversation

This smoking ban is ludicrous, as are all bans worldwide. The decision should be up to the establishment and NOT the city, state or national powers. No it shouldn't. Governments have a duty of care towards the health of their citizens & where smoking is concerned, they're are finally starting to take responsibility - something they should have done years ago. Smoking bans are a very positive piece of legislation & they are here to stay whether you like it or not, welcome to the 21st century.
This smoking ban is ludicrous, as are all bans worldwide. The decision should be up to the establishment and NOT the city, state or national powers. No it shouldn't. Governments have a duty of care towards the health of their citizens & where smoking is concerned, they're are finally starting to take responsibility - something they should have done years ago. Smoking bans are a very positive piece of legislation & they are here to stay whether you like it or not, welcome to the 21st century.

Not forgetting those who have to work in such enviroments...



Sorry I’m a bit late in saying my piece in what has been an interesting and amusing thread. BTW plasticpig your posts are sooo funny, come back!

Anyway after reading all the wingers complaints about us smokers and our smoke being a health hazard that should be banned, what about banning ALL the health hazards which include,,

Motorbikes heading for you on the wrong side of the road, or pulling out of side roads in your path without looking causing you to brake so as to miss these fools!

What about the bikers who persist in riding along with no lights on?

Or can someone be really in control of a bike with 3 other passengers on it?

I know its been mentioned but what about the thick black smoke belching out of the exhausts on baht buses, lorries, motorbikes etc etc?

What about the dust pollution floating around in the air, why isn’t that cleaned up and stopped?

What about the crazy dogs that chase after motorbikes and even cars on occasion.

Surely these things are ALL health hazards so why not ban them too?

I was out in an open air bar complex in Pattaya last night. The bar had no ashtrays to be seen. Then I noticed the Thai lady owner puffing away along with a few of the other bar staff. So I asked for an ashtray, great no probs. The bar next door also had customers smoking too. Banning smoking in open air places is absolutely crazy!

Early on in this thread it was suggested mentioning all the bars where you can’t smoke. Why don’t all of us smokers meet up for a few beers, write down on a piece of paper all the bars each of us know who allow smoking then pass the paper round the group and when your paper comes back to you, you will have a nice long list of all the bars & gogo’s where you can smoke! Of course everyone must have smoked at least 10 cigs before exchanging lists to be sure there are no anti’s there!

Also in combat to those who wish to drop us smokers in and boycott venues that still allow smoking. While making our list of smoking venues why don’t we have a pub crawl and ask if they allow smoking at various bars. If they say it’s no smoking we all move on to the next venue. When they see that they just lost a large group (depending how many forum members come along) of customers thanks to this law they will soon either change their policy or complain to the government about scrapping this ridiculous law. Imagine how they would feel seeing maybe 20, 30 customers or more walking away!

Right, I’m off for a cig. :o

So who’s up for this night out?

Sorry I'm a bit late in saying my piece in what has been an interesting and amusing thread. BTW plasticpig your posts are sooo funny, come back!

Anyway after reading all the wingers complaints about us smokers and our smoke being a health hazard that should be banned, what about banning ALL the health hazards which include,,

Motorbikes heading for you on the wrong side of the road, or pulling out of side roads in your path without looking causing you to brake so as to miss these fools!

What about the bikers who persist in riding along with no lights on?

Or can someone be really in control of a bike with 3 other passengers on it?

I know its been mentioned but what about the thick black smoke belching out of the exhausts on baht buses, lorries, motorbikes etc etc?

What about the dust pollution floating around in the air, why isn't that cleaned up and stopped?

What about the crazy dogs that chase after motorbikes and even cars on occasion.

Surely these things are ALL health hazards so why not ban them too?

I was out in an open air bar complex in Pattaya last night. The bar had no ashtrays to be seen. Then I noticed the Thai lady owner puffing away along with a few of the other bar staff. So I asked for an ashtray, great no probs. The bar next door also had customers smoking too. Banning smoking in open air places is absolutely crazy!

Early on in this thread it was suggested mentioning all the bars where you can't smoke. Why don't all of us smokers meet up for a few beers, write down on a piece of paper all the bars each of us know who allow smoking then pass the paper round the group and when your paper comes back to you, you will have a nice long list of all the bars & gogo's where you can smoke! Of course everyone must have smoked at least 10 cigs before exchanging lists to be sure there are no anti's there!

Also in combat to those who wish to drop us smokers in and boycott venues that still allow smoking. While making our list of smoking venues why don't we have a pub crawl and ask if they allow smoking at various bars. If they say it's no smoking we all move on to the next venue. When they see that they just lost a large group (depending how many forum members come along) of customers thanks to this law they will soon either change their policy or complain to the government about scrapping this ridiculous law. Imagine how they would feel seeing maybe 20, 30 customers or more walking away!

Right, I'm off for a cig. :o

So who's up for this night out?

Another selfish smoker, yet again unable to offer sensible & reasonable arguments as to why they should be allowed to continue killing themselves & more importantly others with their vile addiction.


Out for a few quiet beers tonight, I was amazed at the number of bars that had gone smoke free, and then reverted back to smoking.

Spoke to 2 Mamasans who both said 'no problem until June, but Thaksin finish'.

Surprised that they actually knew about current affairs, I asked for clarification, and they were both convinced - they had read somewhere - that the new government will quash this draconian legislation.

Smoke on...



Another selfish smoker, yet again unable to offer sensible & reasonable arguments as to why they should be allowed to continue killing themselves & more importantly others with their vile addiction.

How very strange, you never mentioned the things that really mattered in that post, I would think more people are killed or injured by the above than a bloke having a smoke

How long have you been hanging about smokers ?

Are you suffering any affects from them ?

How many of the above have you put up with ?

NOW get off your soap box and give it a break, we all know about the no samoking ban now, it is up to the individual now and the bar owners,

AND I would be up for the night out, but would I be allowed as I'm a non smoker :o but not a whinger :D


Pepsi666, you posts are like a voice of reason in a sea of insanity. If only all non smokers were as tolerant.

Sadly they think that villification, belittlement, and outright discrimination will win their cause, but it only makes them appear rather bitter and twisted.

We will be smoking in the bars of Thailand long after they have passed from stressing about it, traffic pollution, meteor strikes etc.

Pepsi666, you posts are like a voice of reason in a sea of insanity. If only all non smokers were as tolerant.

Sadly they think that villification, belittlement, and outright discrimination will win their cause, but it only makes them appear rather bitter and twisted.

We will be smoking in the bars of Thailand long after they have passed from stressing about it, traffic pollution, meteor strikes etc.

Life is too short to worry about some bloke having a smoke and doing what he wants to do, (probably minding his own business) the last thing he wants or needs is me berating him for smoking,

one of the best lines I ever heard was from the blokes at work was, 'Del, as a passive smoker, would you mind chipping in for a packlet of fags, every so often? NOW that was a great line :o (and I have to be honest, I did, just to surprise them)

There is a lot worse in the world than smoking

Sorry I'm a bit late in saying my piece in what has been an interesting and amusing thread. BTW plasticpig your posts are sooo funny, come back!

Anyway after reading all the wingers complaints about us smokers and our smoke being a health hazard that should be banned, what about banning ALL the health hazards which include,,

Motorbikes heading for you on the wrong side of the road, or pulling out of side roads in your path without looking causing you to brake so as to miss these fools!

What about the bikers who persist in riding along with no lights on?

Or can someone be really in control of a bike with 3 other passengers on it?

I know its been mentioned but what about the thick black smoke belching out of the exhausts on baht buses, lorries, motorbikes etc etc?

What about the dust pollution floating around in the air, why isn't that cleaned up and stopped?

What about the crazy dogs that chase after motorbikes and even cars on occasion.

Surely these things are ALL health hazards so why not ban them too?

I was out in an open air bar complex in Pattaya last night. The bar had no ashtrays to be seen. Then I noticed the Thai lady owner puffing away along with a few of the other bar staff. So I asked for an ashtray, great no probs. The bar next door also had customers smoking too. Banning smoking in open air places is absolutely crazy!

Early on in this thread it was suggested mentioning all the bars where you can't smoke. Why don't all of us smokers meet up for a few beers, write down on a piece of paper all the bars each of us know who allow smoking then pass the paper round the group and when your paper comes back to you, you will have a nice long list of all the bars & gogo's where you can smoke! Of course everyone must have smoked at least 10 cigs before exchanging lists to be sure there are no anti's there!

Also in combat to those who wish to drop us smokers in and boycott venues that still allow smoking. While making our list of smoking venues why don't we have a pub crawl and ask if they allow smoking at various bars. If they say it's no smoking we all move on to the next venue. When they see that they just lost a large group (depending how many forum members come along) of customers thanks to this law they will soon either change their policy or complain to the government about scrapping this ridiculous law. Imagine how they would feel seeing maybe 20, 30 customers or more walking away!

Right, I'm off for a cig. :D

So who's up for this night out?

I'm game !!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o

As for your other issues re. health hazards; I also consider them to be much MORE onerous than tobacco !!!!!!!!

The UK has a hotline (08005871667) for reporting those not observing/enforcing the smoking ban. I have saved it in my mobile; I wont hesitate to report any establishment failing to enforce the smoking ban.

Do the Thai authorities have/plan a similar hotline? If so please advise, I'll save the number & I'll then be able to do my duty in both countries.

How is this working out? Have you found the number yet? I would be interested in an update.

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