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He's Got The Capital And The Businesshead...

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Just been on the phone to a friend I met a couple of months ago who loved his first trip to Thailand (for all the right reasons) and before returning home, thanked me for guiding him and giving him the lowdown on life in Bangkok and expressed a keen interest in setting up a business venture here, asking me to be his 'ear to the ground' and keep my eyes open for any oppertunity we could collaberate on.

He's a rich businessman based in England and I'm an expat who despite improving his situation in many ways, is still struggling financially.

Being based in England (he visits again in Dec) I can't really see how he could make anything that would be profitable to him, although maybe I'm not thinking far enough outside of the bar/cafe circle - areas which couldn't be further from his line of work which is concert pyrotechnics of all things.

What I lack in confidence I make up for in charisma, ideas and communication skills and I would love the oppertunity to do better for myself and to be happier and live a fuller life, but the question is What Can I Do For Him, what can he do for Thailand and where do I/we start???

He's not the only contact I have who has lots of capital and has shown interest in my own potential, and without putting all my eggs in one basket I do want to try every option that has come my way since I have become part of the expat fraternity.

Any suggestions?



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Become his guide in Bangkok for finding "pearls" in the bars while paying for your drinks ? seriously, this is not a bad plan

The only think you can do in Thailand for quick money is play Casino at the Laos or Cambodian border, or invest into the SET

Don't be bother with the bar scene, you will lose your shirt

My best advice ? blow the money on girls and booze, and you will be both satisfied in terms of investment opportunities

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There is one very valuable skill that you have.... You have survived in Thailand.

You could be his Thailand representative here to basically find him what he needs. You are familiar with the ways and pitfalls in Thailand and that is a valuable commodity.

Call yourself a sales rep, gofor, branch manager, personal assistant, whatever. Sell your knowledge.

If he is seriously thinking of a venture here he will need lawyers, accountants, staff premises etc. You can find these for him.

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There is one very valuable skill that you have.... You have survived in Thailand.

You could be his Thailand representative here to basically find him what he needs. You are familiar with the ways and pitfalls in Thailand and that is a valuable commodity.

Call yourself a sales rep, gofor, branch manager, personal assistant, whatever. Sell your knowledge.

If he is seriously thinking of a venture here he will need lawyers, accountants, staff premises etc. You can find these for him.

This is a good sugestion but it still doesn't answer the question which is what kind of business would benifit him and ultimatly me too?

I know that owning a bar is at best non profitable and at worst, a way to lose all your money so I'm trying to think of something a little more original.

Keep the replies coming anyway.

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I doubt that you are going to get many useful ideas from nameless, faceless characters on a web discussion board.

Your introduction does not appear to have a disciplined business focus - otherwise, your statement of position would sound something like:

1. I have an individual who wishes to put 1,000,000 Euros to work in Thailand. He wishes to get the money invested by March 30, 2005, and beginning in October 2005, he wishes to be receiving an income stream of 100,000 Euros per month from this investment.


2. He wishes to put "X" amount to work in Thailand for a period of five years, at the end of which period he wishesto sell his investment for a minimun of 1.5 x "X". The investor expects no interim income.

There has to be a description of the desired business outcome.

If I interpret your personal position correctly, it is (stripped of all fluff):

"I wish to put someone else's money to work in Thailand in a way that provides me maximum personal income, in a justifiable role, for the longest possible period of time, with the lowest risk of collapse, while still requiring only moderate effort - and while providing whatever minimal level of reward will keep the investor from pulling the plug on the venture." Lots of unquantified values in there.

'Nice gig, I suppose, if you can pull it off.

Here are some ideas:

1. Open a costume rental shop, catering to embassies, international schools, resprts/hotels/bars - there is presently no such thing in Bangkok.

2. Open a low-budget serviced office building on the inland side of Patong Beach in Phuket - my own company will likley become one of your first tenants.

3. Open a Haagen Dazs franchise along Sukhumvit, somewhere between Soi 5 and Soi 19.

4. Buy land suitable for establishing wharehouse operations in vicinity of Mukdahan, in advance of early 2006 opening of the Savanakhet-Mukdahan bridge across the Mekong River.

5. Establish a business to systematically catalogue all businesses occupying each major office building in Bangkok. For each building, publish and distribute to each occupying business a building directory that tells everyone in a building what every other company in the building is about, and providing contact and website details. Then, sell advertising space in each directory - so that busineseeswithin a building can offer services to each other. Then, expand advertising to local, regional, or city-wide advertisers. This business could be expanded many ways - put info on-line, and offer subscription access to anyone. Tie this in with a personnel recruiting service. Tie-in to building management offices to advertise available officec space. On and on.

There are just a few mediocre ideas.

Once you find something that fits your needs, my company would welcome a chance to help you set up the actual business identity to carry out you intended activities.

Good luck!

Steve Sykes

Managing Director

Indo-Siam Group


[email protected]



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" I have everything else"

"What I lack in confidence I make up for in charisma, ideas and communication skills"

"Any suggestions?"

Sounds to me as if all you have is that you know this guy and you are here in Thailand.

The only idea you seem willing to share is the bar idea. I certainly hope that you can come up with somehting better than that.

I am sure that many would be prepared to assist if a piece of the ownership would be involved.

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Scamp if I were you I would be a bit guarded. This businessman, like most businessmen, is looking for a way to use someone for his benefit. If you have no capital to invest along with him, he will see you simply as a useful tool to get himself in the scene in thaialnd. He may offer up grand plans and promises in the beginning, but after he has himself established in Thailand and has the business running, most likely he will say, "Thanks old Scamp. You can run along now."

This is because you will have no controlling capital in the business. If you are going to work for him as some kind of advisor or consultant, then make sure you work out how much you will be PAID. Don't go for the old BS, "Scamp old friend, once things are rolling, I'll make you a partner, but right now there are just a lot of set up costs and other expenses that are eating into the capital. So, if you can hold on for awhile the ball will be in your court." Rubbish! Don't fall for it. Make sure you get your due.

Sorry I'm short on the business ideas; I'm thinking.

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Scamp if I were you I would be a bit guarded. This businessman, like most businessmen, is looking for a way to use someone for his benefit. If you have no capital to invest along with him, he will see you simply as a useful tool to get himself in the scene in thaialnd. He may offer up grand plans and promises in the beginning, but after he has himself established in Thailand and has the business running, most likely he will say, "Thanks old Scamp. You can run along now."

This is because you will have no controlling capital in the business. If you are going to work for him as some kind of advisor or consultant, then make sure you work out how much you will be PAID. Don't go for the old BS, "Scamp old friend, once things are rolling, I'll make you a partner, but right now there are just a lot of set up costs and other expenses that are eating into the capital. So, if you can hold on for awhile the ball will be in your court." Rubbish! Don't fall for it. Make sure you get your due.

Sorry I'm short on the business ideas; I'm thinking.

Appreciate your concern Mbkudu but I've met the type you are refering to several times in my life, mainly back home and once over here and have taken it all with a pinch of salt.

This guy is a good, genuine guy who does want to use me to help him set something up by his own admission but he also values me as a friend and contact.

One ability I've got is good judge of character.

Qwertiop-What??? I have more to offer than that, you sound to conservative, cynical and critical to be in a position to give any constructive advice, unlike Indio-Siam who has offered the best post so far - that's the kind of feedback I'm after here.

I e-mail Mr.Big in the U.K. with a link to this post, he should become a member himself.

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Watch out - this forum, humble though it may be - is itself a resource to which you offer access. To the extent that you turn access to this resource over to someone far away - you slightly diminish your own added value.

What I finally figured out - after being in business for a while - was that my company is not actually selling business services. What we actually sell is time - our client's own time - back to them. If client can spend four hours interacting with us over a 30 day period - and we then accomplish a task for that client that would have taken him 80 hours to accomplish on his own (including climbing the learning curve) - we can then charge client the value of 60 hours of his own time - and everybody wins.

Client can use that time to earn money profitably - instead of spending that time accomplishing something that he can buy from us at a significant discount.

We sell the opportunity cost of our client's time.

Think about that.




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One ability I've got is good judge of character.

Qwertiop-What??? I have more to offer than that, you sound to conservative, cynical and critical to be in a position to give any constructive advice, unlike Indio-Siam who has offered the best post so far - that's the kind of feedback I'm after here.

I e-mail Mr.Big in the U.K. with a link to this post, he should become a member himself.

Well Scamp there you go again. Someone is slightly critical and whoosh you either become defensive or criticise the individual not the message . Exactly as I suspected.

You state in the heading that your contact has the money and the business head and you have everything else.

You also state that you are an ideas man, though lacking in confidence. Ha!.

One thing would seem evident from your posts and that is you do not lack confidence in your own ability.

You would have been a gret proof reader if only given the chance. You are a good teacher but it is not something that you wish to pursue. You can judge character well etc.

Perhaps the confidence is overstated

As an ideas man you have come up with 'open a bar' and outside of that nothing. Some ideas man. Instead you want everyone else to come up with ideas with which you will use to improve your life

Nothing wrong in that per se.

But please ask yourself why would anyone wish to give up their ideas to someone for no return. Usually what is stopping them from putting their ideas into practice is lack of capital. Yes you might get the odd one or two people to put forward their thoughts.

Indo-Siam is indeed a nice man. I know him quite well. Perhaps he is too nice for his own good.

I think that most guys with the serious ideas would rather not post them on the internet for the world to see and would not give them away for free either. They may however be very happy to be put in contact with a serious money man who would not be hands on. They would be happier in many instances with a part ownership of a working business rather than a 100% owner of only an idea.

If you can not see that as constructive criticism them so be it.

If you are such a good judge of character and are good friends with the money man then i would tend to agree with you that he would not cut you out of the business once up an running but only you know that. However he might not be so friendly or helpful if you were to take his capital and piss it down the drain on some hair brianed scheme. Money can make enemies out of good friends Remember this is a business venture put it on a business footing on day one

Oh and before I dash another thought pops into my head. Why not pop along to our favourite sponsors Sunbelt and look through their portfolio of businesses for sale. Something there might grab your fancy or at least give you an alternative idea to propose other than opening a bar

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One ability I've got is good judge of character.

Qwertiop-What??? I have more to offer than that, you sound to conservative, cynical and critical to be in a position to give any constructive advice, unlike Indio-Siam who has offered the best post so far - that's the kind of feedback I'm after here.

I e-mail Mr.Big in the U.K. with a link to this post, he should become a member himself.

Well Scamp there you go again. Someone is slightly critical and whoosh you either become defensive or criticise the individual not the message . Exactly as I suspected.

You state in the heading that your contact has the money and the business head and you have everything else.

You also state that you are an ideas man, though lacking in confidence. Ha!.

One thing would seem evident from your posts and that is you do not lack confidence in your own ability.

You would have been a gret proof reader if only given the chance. You are a good teacher but it is not something that you wish to pursue. You can judge character well etc.

Perhaps the confidence is overstated

As an ideas man you have come up with 'open a bar' and outside of that nothing. Some ideas man. Instead you want everyone else to come up with ideas with which you will use to improve your life

Nothing wrong in that per se.

But please ask yourself why would anyone wish to give up their ideas to someone for no return. Usually what is stopping them from putting their ideas into practice is lack of capital. Yes you might get the odd one or two people to put forward their thoughts.

Indo-Siam is indeed a nice man. I know him quite well. Perhaps he is too nice for his own good.

I think that most guys with the serious ideas would rather not post them on the internet for the world to see and would not give them away for free either. They may however be very happy to be put in contact with a serious money man who would not be hands on. They would be happier in many instances with a part ownership of a working business rather than a 100% owner of only an idea.

If you can not see that as constructive criticism them so be it.

If you are such a good judge of character and are good friends with the money man then i would tend to agree with you that he would not cut you out of the business once up an running but only you know that. However he might not be so friendly or helpful if you were to take his capital and piss it down the drain on some hair brianed scheme. Money can make enemies out of good friends Remember this is a business venture put it on a business footing on day one

Oh and before I dash another thought pops into my head. Why not pop along to our favourite sponsors Sunbelt and look through their portfolio of businesses for sale. Something there might grab your fancy or at least give you an alternative idea to propose other than opening a bar

Thanks, and apologies if I jumped to the defensive a little fast - your second post is a lot more valid and, granted, you're not wrong.

I still don't like your nickname though. :o

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Indo-Siam is indeed a nice man. I know him quite well. Perhaps he is too nice for his own good.

I think that most guys with the serious ideas would rather not post them on the internet for the world to see and would not give them away for free either. They may however be very happy to be put in contact with a serious money man who would not be hands on. They would be happier in many instances with a part ownership of a working business rather than a 100% owner of only an idea.

yes he is a good man...

and extremely clever.

great ideas and obviously the man to contact if any of them are interest to somebody on TV.


i will be.. if i come up with a money making idea.

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a few weeks with ning and you've found another new identity.  Pulling your hair out huh?


get your pal to buy a restaurant or something and then hire you to manage it.

It's something that I had thought of about a year ago but wasn't made possible due to the climate and the fact that it's not yet developed.

With the boom in low cost airlines though, I'd say the oppertunity isn't that far ahead.

Well done Falong. :o

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Hey Scamp,

Indo Siam (again) touched on a natural user/interest business concept.

Maybe I could expand- Set up a Nationwide distribution network of said publication(s) and then expand into advertising sales....there are some co's out there but they're mostly limited in focus (ignoring the larger REAL market) extremely protective of established relationships or exclusively 'Hi So' ...:o yawn

(boring posers all- jest for one example, what the heck is this silly metrosexual 'trend' we read about anywayz???)

If you accomplish this 'small' task, then I'll be your first client!

(hold the modem, maybe I'll take that on myself!) :D

Hang in Scamp and proceed with 'realistic' enthusiasm, assess both your seeming detractors and admirers (they both offer some nuggets) then apply your own best instincts, is my best (trial by fire) advice.

You've captured some imagination here via your 'real life' posts and I'm certain (apart from running for Governor;) some amazing results await. Imho, cut qwerty a bit o' slack. He seemed to be giving you a 'devils advocate' view which was perhaps meant to assist, rather than narccisist.

Keep us posted then and we'll meet up again in HH on my rounds in a couple weeks for an update.

what is right always prevails over whom is right (eventually;)

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a few weeks with ning and you've found another new identity.  Pulling your hair out huh?


get your pal to buy a restaurant or something and then hire you to manage it.

With the boom in low cost airlines though, I'd say the oppertunity isn't that far ahead.

Well done Falong. :D

So I guess your avatar represents someone who has completely lost their mind :o

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Falong, If being a smug, interfering ######wit was an Olympic sport you'd do your country very proud. :o

The term "######wit" may now be used quite easily in non-technical circles and probably applies just as equally to many people we meet in everyday life. Rude people, devoid of manners. Loud people, especially those who use their mobile telephone in totally inappropriate environments and only know two voice volumes ('silent' and 'shouting').

Many ######wits drive buses. Actually, many ######wits just 'drive' - badly.

However, not all drivers, of buses or otherwise, are ######wits.

######wits park on pavements and in disabled parking spaces when they are not entitled to do so.

######wits always believe they have 'right of way'.

######wits drop litter in the street.

######wits only generally care about themselves and this is evident in their overall attitude toward everything and everyone else.

######wits always know absolutely everything in the history of everythingness.

######wits talk lots and listen little.

######wits never allow evidence to prevent them continuing to be a ######wit.

######wits, basically, are ######wits.

There is no cure.

You'll know when you meet a ######wit.


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Running a business is not easy lots of research has to be done if this person wants to invest in a enterprise which you are to find for him get your skates on mate and do the foot work below is a start if you need more information pm me

Indo Siam gave you the groundwork now do the legwork trees do not grow money.

I have run my own business for the last 15 years and each day, you have to put in the work and it is not 8 hour days its 12-16 a day some days.

Make a start now if you truly believe this person is for real act on it do the legwork now.


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Being based in England (he visits again in Dec) I can't really see how he could make anything that would be profitable to him, although maybe I'm not thinking far enough outside of the bar/cafe circle - areas which couldn't be further from his line of work which is concert pyrotechnics of all things.

What I lack in confidence I make up for in charisma, ideas and communication skills and I would love the oppertunity to do better for myself and to be happier and live a fuller life, but the question is What Can I Do For Him, what can he do for Thailand and where do I/we start???

Best advice is to not invest in Thailand after his first trip, or IMO any trip. If he has the smarts you say he will eventually decide not to invest, the deck is stacked against him.

You may be able to make some money for yourself (from him), however it is unlikely there is a business opportunity you can offer this guy which will benefit him.

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Apologies for the distractions all of you who are responding as was intended, I have passed on the info so far and am awaiting feedback.


First off, I like you, so please don't take what I'm going to say the wrong way.

The thread you have started here shows me one thing - you act in a manner little different to a mail man. You've asked people for their opinion(s) on what is a good investment, you've received some good (and generous) responses and you've sent the responses back to the guy in the UK (along with the link to this site).

Can I ask, have you looked at any of these ideas any further than the response post? Did you check out what the competition might be? Any BoI investment/tax/etc. advantages? Did you dress this all up in a nice little report?

Or, did you simply say, my mates said investing in Tiger Beer next week is a good idea?

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Gotta agree with other people here Scamp, you need to put a lot of work in to run your own business, 12 hrs somedays, even more, just ask the likes of Simon43 and Bizz and many others in this forum.

You know what I think your main problem is, and don't take this badly, this problem affects all of us, sheer laziness. I don't see you putting the effort in to improve your situation 9posting here about it doesn't count) :D . Walk don't talk mate.

When you was in Bangkok you was earning, what, 25 K a month teaching? If you had put more work in and got some privates etc you should be able to pull in 40-50 K, and it's this lack of effort which is going to kill any business you might want before you start.

Did you seriously research the ideas Simon43 gave you before?

What happened to the business plans you was going to make for the people from this forum that said they would financially back you before? Can't you use them or did you not make any? :o

Do you think this guy is serious? I hear a lot of people talk about setting up business here after a 2 weeks of holiday.

Do you think the guy if he is serious, will make you a part of his business with his financial backing, especially when he can access a wealth of knowledge here now you have gave him the link? (Kind of threw away one of your ace cards there).

If you want ideas then Im sure people will be happy to suggest some, but first we need to know what kind of capital he wants to invest? what kind of returns is he expecting? does he want you to run the whole show?

Bear in mind people here are not going to give you their best ideas, as they will be doing them themselves so you will get only so much help from here on the ideas stage.

Also, you need to be really really realistic about yourself, you have charisma and you are good at communication, but I think an ideas man you are not. Don't waste your time trying to utilize a skill that you don't have, often using what you have already is enough.

Good luck, keep the posts coming.

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I dont own a business in LOS (my wife's rental propertys dont really count),I earn a wage, so my input might be a little irrelevant, but nevertheless I'll add my 2 cents.

I am friends with 2 western expats who have been very successful in their Thailand based businesses they started.They have the following traits in common, which should be observed,AFAIC, as pre-requisites to doing business in LOS :

1) they both speak,read and write thai very well

2) they both spent a lot of time in LOS(2 yrs), living, exploring, travelling, adapting, researching, observing, connecting, networking, etc.... before formulating their business plans and executing them.

3) they are both very focussed on their MAIN objective for being here..business.They do indulge from time to time in various lifestyles and leisures, but can switch off the hedonisms and refocus in a split second.

4) they both have a very trustworthy, well educated(thai and western tertiary level) male thai business partner

5) they are both very hands on and work long hours

6) they both understand thai law, business/tax law quite well, but do outsource most of that to local thai experts.

7) They both understand the differing dynamics of thai society/culture and operate with the uttermost respect to achieve an ideal balance between local culture and effective business.

I think 1,2 and 7 are most important.

Just my observations of real world successes.

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