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He's Got The Capital And The Businesshead...

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Scamp --

Good advice from a lot of folk on this thread, especially Indo-Siam, Penelope and even Qwerty. The main success factor in business today is planning and being able to position your business better than the other guy. Developing a real business plan will require you to think through all of the elements of cost, competition, market demand, etc. A very worthwhile exercise that can save you (or your friend) tons of money.

Most of the advice I saw was well-rooted in the teachings of most MBA programs, certainly in mine. Careful, small steps in the planning stages -- save the risky, quick decisions for reacting to market shifts once underway.

Good luck!

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I dont own a business in LOS (my wife's rental propertys dont really count),I earn a wage, so my input might be a little irrelevant, but nevertheless I'll add my 2 cents.

I am friends with 2 western expats who have been very successful in their Thailand based businesses they started.They have the following traits in common, which should be observed,AFAIC, as pre-requisites to doing business in LOS :

1) they both speak,read and write thai very well

2) they both spent a lot of time in LOS(2 yrs), living, exploring, travelling, adapting, researching, observing, connecting, networking, etc.... before formulating their business plans and executing them.

3) they are both very focussed on their MAIN objective for being here..business.They do indulge from time to time in various lifestyles and leisures, but can switch off the hedonisms and refocus in a split second.

4) they both have a very trustworthy, well educated(thai and western tertiary level) male thai business partner

5) they are both very hands on and work long hours

6) they both understand thai law, business/tax law quite well, but do outsource most of that to local thai experts.

7) They both understand the differing dynamics of thai society/culture and operate with the uttermost respect to achieve an ideal balance between local culture and effective business.

I think 1,2 and 7 are most important.

Just my observations of real world successes.

and I'll bet neither one of them spend any time on this board playing with their avatars.

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I've got a sucsessful buissness, and spend lots of time on this board playing with my avatar.

How about setting up a web site where people can talk about Thailand and then sell advertising space on it, oh i think its been done already :o

Seriously how many people run businesses here and are fully self seficent, i.e live just from the buissinss, out of what 12,000 members I bet its not that many.

A few different ideas for you.

Builders merchant, gold shop, egg farm(make about 1bht/chicken/day), charolay beef (good market for it), fish/prawn farm (if done right very profitable) massage palour/spa, buchers ( make your own ham, bacon,sausages ect and sell localy)

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To Sumitr Man & BkkMadness among others, regarding the 'help' post from a few months back, again there were several options to consider and I eventually went for the one that one member suggested in a PM which has reulted in me now living in Hua Hin in an apartment between the beach and the mountains, however, I'm doing a much better job but one that doesn't pay any better tha what I was earning in Bangers.

I did put my neck out to find extra work back in Bangers but most of my day was spent traveling, not earning, and I also went for the wrong agencies instead of having the guts to go it alone.

Anyway, here and now - the whole krux of this post is that a contact from the U.K. wants me to 'look in' to potential business ventures here and since most of my spare time is put into improving my situation as it is now, I don't have the time to research and look into somebody elses plans with all my efforts, weather they involve me or not because this may never happen, he just wants to know what the score is and 6,000 expats know more than I do.

Like I said in the original post, I'm not putting all my eggs in one basket with this guy and my own situation now has to be my main goal and I've made some good contacts, though I don't want to give away too much on the forum about myself, I will let you know when I am earning 50K or more.

I have not used the forum to get what I'm curretly aiming for - I've done my plea for help and it was very fruitful and I've had the leg up I needed and am hopefully on the way to a better life.

This post is nothing more than a 'This mate I know has some capital and wants me to look into a possible business venture in Thailand but I'm no businessman so I'm asking the forum what the options are so I can pass the information and suggestions onto my contact and he can tell me what he wants to do and which one he wants to go for and then and ionly then will I be able to say "thanks guys" to the forum and concentrate on his chosen plan if it's one I can help with and one that is suitable' Can't fit all that into the subject box though. :o

There are some very helpful, decent and good hearted people on this forum and it's great to see the expat community, from all their different backgrounds helping and guiding each other - one of the things I love about life here and not in England - and yes, it's something I have used to my advantage and I'm very grateful for the help recieved.

Were it not for this website I could be back home by now, and if being open and honest creates detractors such as Falong, then so be it, one thing I've learned the hard way over the years is that it doesn't matter how nice a guy you are, not everyone will nesscessarily like you. But in the case of Falong, who's age I have no idea - I'm guessing late 20's early 30's - I'd rather he keep out of the grown ups forum to criticise, of all things, the avatar I chose to represent myself.

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I dont own a business in LOS (my wife's rental propertys dont really count),I earn a wage, so my input might be a little irrelevant, but nevertheless I'll add my 2 cents.

I am friends with 2 western expats who have been very successful in their Thailand based businesses they started.They have the following traits in common, which should be observed,AFAIC, as pre-requisites to doing business in LOS :

1) they both speak,read and write thai very well

2) they both spent a lot of time in LOS(2 yrs), living, exploring, travelling, adapting, researching, observing, connecting, networking, etc.... before formulating their business plans and executing them.

3) they are both very focussed on their MAIN objective for being here..business.They do indulge from time to time in various lifestyles and leisures, but can switch off the hedonisms and refocus in a split second.

4) they both have a very trustworthy, well educated(thai and western tertiary level) male thai business partner

5) they are both very hands on and work long hours

6) they both understand thai law, business/tax law quite well, but do outsource most of that to local thai experts.

7) They both understand the differing dynamics of thai society/culture and operate with the uttermost respect to achieve an ideal balance between local culture and effective business.

I think 1,2 and 7 are most important.

Just my observations of real world successes.

As you are so observant Penelope maybe, you should run your own Business.

You most certainly answered all of the requirements for setting up a successful business in Thailand.

Speaking Thai and reading Thai are no required but would help a great deal.

There are and I know this many expats running very successful businesses here in Thailand that cannot speak fluent Thai.

That said you did hit the nail on the head very aptly.

Scamp do your research did you ever hear about the school kid who asked his father why do I have to go to school, Well the father replied its like building a house, without the foundation the house falls down.

Scamps do the groundwork first; you will reap the rewards

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To Sumitr Man & BkkMadness among others, regarding the 'help' post from a few months back, again there were several options to consider and I eventually went for the one that one member suggested in a PM which has reulted in me now living in Hua Hin in an apartment between the beach and the mountains, however, I'm doing a much better job but one that doesn't pay any better tha what I was earning in Bangers.

I did put my neck out to find extra work back in Bangers but most of my day was spent traveling, not earning, and I also went for the wrong agencies instead of having the guts to go it alone.

Anyway, here and now - the whole krux of this post is that a contact from the U.K. wants me to 'look in' to potential business ventures here and since most of my spare time is put into improving my situation as it is now, I don't have the time to research and look into somebody elses plans with all my efforts, weather they involve me or not because this may never happen, he just wants to know what the score is and 6,000 expats know more than I do.

Like I said in the original post, I'm not putting all my eggs in one basket with this guy and my own situation now has to be my main goal and I've made some good contacts, though I don't want to give away too much on the forum about myself, I will let you know when I am earning 50K or more.

I have not used the forum to get what I'm curretly aiming for - I've done my plea for help and it was very fruitful and I've had the leg up I needed and am hopefully on the way to a better life.

This post is nothing more than a 'This mate I know has some capital and wants me to look into a possible business venture in Thailand but I'm no businessman so I'm asking the forum what the options are so I can pass the information and suggestions onto my contact and he can tell me what he wants to do and which one he wants to go for and then and ionly then will I be able to say "thanks guys" to the forum and concentrate on his chosen plan if it's one I can help with and one that is suitable' Can't fit all that into the subject box though. :o

There are some very helpful, decent and good hearted people on this forum and it's great to see the expat community, from all their different backgrounds helping and guiding each other - one of the things I love about life here and not in England - and yes, it's something I have used to my advantage and I'm very grateful for the help recieved.

Were it not for this website I could be back home by now, and if being open and honest creates detractors such as Falong, then so be it, one thing I've learned the hard way over the years is that it doesn't matter how nice a guy you are, not everyone will nesscessarily like you. But in the case of Falong, who's age I have no idea - I'm guessing late 20's early 30's - I'd rather he keep out of the grown ups forum to criticise, of all things, the avatar I chose to represent myself.

Holy F***

I'm just having some fun. I hope you havn't taken anything seriously :D

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I think he does take things a bit seriously; that's why he has posted this topic.

Exactly, this is the job search/economy/business forum which is read by many businesses and companies and therefore not the place to 'having some fun' we have Hong Klay Whatsit for that.

Maybe I'll start a post in there especially for Falong.

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As you are so observant Penelope maybe, you should run your own Business.

never been my objective.

was transferred to LOS with my company and am quite content with my situation.

maybe speaking,reading and writing thai isn't totally necessary but definately can't hurt, esp. if you like to keep in the loop on everything as the owner and establish relationships/contacts with other thai business folk.

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maybe speaking,reading and writing thai isn't totally necessary but definately can't hurt, esp. if you like to keep in the loop on everything as the owner and establish relationships/contacts with other thai business folk.

totally agree..

speaking Thai is very important.

i hate starting a meeting in english only for it to very quickly turn into Thai.

wish i could understand what they were saying...probably talking about me :o:D

yer thats it.

right im off to the school to sign up today,

next time they do it ..ill shock em with my fluent thai.


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regarding the 'help' post from a few months back, again there were several options to consider

What were the options? What business ideas did you come up with them and why can't you apply them now?

Did you simply take the easiest chance of the job offered to you?

What did you think were the advantages and disadvantages of the ideas simon43 put to you?

Did you glance through them on a google search or did you thoroughly research ideas that everybody pout time and effort in to give you?

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I think he does take things a bit seriously; that's why he has posted this topic.

Exactly, this is the job search/economy/business forum which is read by many businesses and companies and therefore not the place to 'having some fun' we have Hong Klay Whatsit for that.

Maybe I'll start a post in there especially for Falong.

Exactly. So why are you asking others to do the work for you? Some of those who responded to you are paid an awful lot of money for their opinion(s) on good investment ideas in Thailand. However, they gave their time to you for free. And how do you respond? Basically by saying that you're too busy improving your lot to research any of the ideas that were given to you.

Am I only one who thinks that's a bit of a slap in the face? Maybe I'm wrong - but I cannot see how I can take you seriously in this forum...

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Lots of people come here for a holiday and think they see an opportunity. But there is a big difference between the pal of scamp and scamp himself - the success. No offence meant, but the people that make money in this world do so by investing hard in their future by putting the work in - there is a definite correlation between the amount of work you put in and the amount of wealth you get out.

Scamp, I have to agree with other detractors that your idea of being an ideas man does not match with your responses on this forum, and if you are not prepared or don't have the time to put in the effort to investigate business ideas then you might as well stick to buying lottery tickets - you stand more chance.

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I think everybody here knows the score, he asked for help before, no doubt didn't put the effort in when people really tried to help him. Few weeks down the line, decides to give it another go, asks for more help which I doubt he'll put an effort into unless there is an easy option, then no doubt in a few more weeks he will be posting another idea he needs help with.

To set up a good business, you cannot take the easy option I'm afraid, takes a lot of thought and hard work and it doesn't look like to be in the Scamps personaily, seems like he's more of a "hope well" person who is waiting for it all to drop into his lap.

Harsh maybe, but I think most people will agree is true. Let's stop handling him with kid gloves now.

I notice Simon43 hasn't got involved with this thread and he's a very helpful guy from what I have seen of his postings. Perhaps he knows already it's waste of his time.

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Scamp, the bottom line is you need some capital to start a business. People have little respect for people who have no money to put into a project. That's just the way it is. When I first started out in Thailand, I was a toiling English teacher like you were (are). It was very hard to put money away. The more experience I gained the better work I got. It took me eight years of that to save enough money and really get a sense of the business climate in Thailand before I was ready to make a go at a business of my own ( Wife and I are co-owners). You might consider working as hard as possible at something you might not like for awhile and get some money together and then do it. You're no fool; you know how much teachers can pull in if they work hard at the right kind of private work and work as little as possible for the BS schools that pay peanuts. Just a thought. Hope I'm not pissing on your dream.

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I think he does take things a bit seriously; that's why he has posted this topic.

Exactly, this is the job search/economy/business forum which is read by many businesses and companies and therefore not the place to 'having some fun' we have Hong Klay Whatsit for that.

Maybe I'll start a post in there especially for Falong.

Exactly. So why are you asking others to do the work for you? Some of those who responded to you are paid an awful lot of money for their opinion(s) on good investment ideas in Thailand. However, they gave their time to you for free. And how do you respond? Basically by saying that you're too busy improving your lot to research any of the ideas that were given to you.

Am I only one who thinks that's a bit of a slap in the face? Maybe I'm wrong - but I cannot see how I can take you seriously in this forum...

Youre not the only one :o

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Scamp, the bottom line is you need some capital to start a business.

Well that's just it, I don't but I know somebody who has.

Regarding help from this forum in the past, I did look into most of the ideas and I went for what I thought was the safest option which lead to the job I am in now and my departure from Bangkok.

I have made some good friends as a result of that last post, a couple of which I may be able to work for in the future.

I tried several times to arange a meeting with Simon 43 and it didn't happen, Ironically, and with all due respect, he first contacted me about a meeting long before about a girl he knew who he would be willing to fix me up with but at the time I didn't have enough money to meet anyone for a drink and didn't want to 'sponge' off a stranger I'd only just met so that meeting never hapened.

Maybe it's because I never followed that up that he never got back to me regarding a meeting to discuss his ideas.

Every day I'm here I'm looking into getting extra work, with the local paper, with the hotels, and I am trying to improve my life the only way I know how - by getting myself out there, being very well presented, well spoken and confident.

Confidence is something I lacked with some of the ideas thrown my way in the past, running or starting a business is alien to me and yes I do like a safe option and don't like to take risks, or buy lottery tickets for that matter - I've bought four in my entire life.

Any sucess I have will be down to my natural abilities and persona and it's easy for somebody who's a businessman to ask why I haven't taken on board this that or the other but it's just never been my thing - I'd rather work for or with somebody to make a decent wage.

This is what this thread is about, working with somebody who IS a businessman and DOES have the capital.

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Incedentally I am very grateful for the advice and suggestions posted to me and yes, I even understand the criticism and would probably criticise the same.

Remember when I started that help post there were some saying that I should stop getting drunk and feeling sorry for myself? Yes?

That was somebody's assumption from reading my posts, that I was wasting the little money I had on booze. I wasn't, I was spending most of my time on the internet during the evenings.

People can only judge from what they've read which is one of the reasons I was dissapointed that I never did meet Simon43.

Perhaps I should have persisted but I didn't, I didn't want to be a pest.

Perhaps it's that attitude that is wrong?

This is going a little off topic, but I am trying here I really am... I just want the same quality of life as many of you have, to not have to worry if I have enough money to buy a top up card for my mobile AND 20 L&M Menthol.

I have probably wasted a lot of my potential over the years by being a misguided fool and being distracted or simply avoiding hard work and believing I would end up making a living in writing or music, but just because I was capable of it, doesn't mean to say that it would have happened - though I tried and tried and tried and put in lots and lots of effort and was let down, VERY let down by people who encouraged me, a couple of them were very famous people who's word and belief in me I wrongly saw as a guarantee.

I believed it couldn't NOT happen but it didn't and I put all my eggs in one basket and didn't have a back up plan.

Looking back I was pretty stupid not to, but I also remember how convinced I was at the time that I would be producing pop songs, possibly my own, or writing jingles for Tv or scriptwriting.

It never happened and I got depressed and tired of the dissapointment and feared that like my biological mother, I would end up a wasted talent living alone with nothing to show for my life.

She died in 2001, I sold her flat in the Isle Of Wight, came to Thailand as recommended by my foster brother and his girlfriend and the rest you can figure out.

I don't wish to be any more open than that at this stage but it's partly the reason I am in the situation I am in.

Some of it is my own fault - for example, I first came to Thailand and travelled the eastern hemisphere with 22 U.K. grand in my pocket. I could have gone home after eight months, after Fiji, and saved several grand but no, I had to prove my detractors wrong back home, I had to complete the 1 YEAR and prove wrong those who said I wouldn't last a month overseas. Also, I was having too much fun, why would I want to go back to the U.K. just to save a few grand?

Sometimes I wish I had done.

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scamp you were a loser at home and a loser,in thailand.why are you not teaching english to up your income at present,because your lazy and a dreamer,why would anyone want to go into business with you is beyond me,because your a nice guy?get real,stay a few nights off this forum and just do it. :o

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Incedentally I am very grateful for the advice and suggestions posted to me and yes, I even understand the criticism and would probably criticise the same.

Remember when I started that help post there were some saying that I should stop getting drunk and feeling sorry for myself? Yes?

That was somebody's assumption from reading my posts, that I was wasting the little money I had on booze. I wasn't, I was spending most of my time on the internet during the evenings.

People can only judge from what they've read which is one of the reasons I was dissapointed that I never did meet Simon43.

Perhaps I should have persisted but I didn't, I didn't want to be a pest.

Perhaps it's that attitude that is wrong?

This is going a little off topic, but I am trying here I really am... I just want the same quality of life as many of you have, to not have to worry if I have enough money to buy a top up card for my mobile AND 20 L&M Menthol.

I have probably wasted a lot of my potential over the years by being a misguided fool and being distracted or simply avoiding hard work and believing I would end up making a living in writing or music, but just because I was capable of it, doesn't mean to say that it would have happened - though I tried and tried and tried and put in lots and lots of effort and was let down, VERY let down by people who encouraged me, a couple of them were very famous people who's word and belief in me I wrongly saw as a guarantee.

I believed it couldn't NOT happen but it didn't and I put all my eggs in one basket and didn't have a back up plan.

Looking back I was pretty stupid not to, but I also remember how convinced I was at the time that I would be producing pop songs, possibly my own, or writing jingles for Tv or scriptwriting.

It never happened and I got depressed and tired of the dissapointment and feared that like my biological mother, I would end up a wasted talent living alone with nothing to show for my life.

She died in 2001, I sold her flat in the Isle Of Wight, came to Thailand as recommended by my foster brother and his girlfriend and the rest you can figure out.

I don't wish to be any more open than that at this stage but it's partly the reason I am in the situation I am in.

Some of it is my own fault - for example, I first came to Thailand and travelled the eastern hemisphere with 22 U.K. grand in my pocket. I could have gone home after eight months, after Fiji, and saved several grand but no, I had to prove my detractors wrong back home, I had to complete the 1 YEAR and prove wrong those who said I wouldn't last a month overseas. Also, I was having too much fun, why would I want to go back to the U.K. just to save a few grand?

Sometimes I wish I had done.

Anyone have a hankerchief? sniff sniff

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falong, myfriendu.

Much as I hate to slag anyone off here, as its far too easy when you are on the end of a keyboard.

If your friend was asking for advice would you take the same stance?

Scampy good or bad is just trying to do the best for himself, if you have nothing constructive to say, dont read it, dont post in it and just F#ck OFF

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Hi Scamp.

I am sure i noticed before that you are based in hua hin, same as me.

I started my company in England five years ago and have now registered one in Thailand.

When people out there asked what i was exporting and i told them i was mocked and told no way will it ever work.

Five years later some still try until they see my order book, it has been really hard and i have been working in my garage from 0600 until 0400 the next morning with my head buried in my hands asking myself what the ###### have i got myself into.

The moral, never ever give up.

When you stop dreaming you are dead.

And if you work hard enough the dream can become a reality.

Good luck, Mike.

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Decent post Mike, kudos.

I might add, Never give up AFTER you've done professional market surveys or business plan acid tests and listen ONLY and equally to BOTH detractors or success stories who've ACTUALLY done it in LOS... not just forum 'armchair modem quarterbacks'... (you can sometimes but not always, divide the # of posts, by date of joining, as a really rough rule;)

Scamp, try to listen equally, as well as talking, then once that's settled,

formulate a plan, test it first, make SURE you're up to it as the responsible nominee/operator on the ground, add a lot o' elbow grease, then you'll either know, or no go (be ready for a bollocking from your mate should you fail tho).

When you find something good, it'll just 'fit' and you'll know... like most things in life, n'est ce pas? If it don't fit, don't 'wear' it, or seek it...

You're niche may well be starting your own 'Surviving Thailand Forum' with daily 'live' updates, as you sometimes do here. You have a demonstrated audience already, just for a start. You'll need to apply some commercial intelligence and find a way to make it evolve and eventually pay tho.

Geez, 3 a.m. already and my day started at 8 a.m...yesterday...guess my short break's over and back to MY project now!:o

See what you have to look forward to? But I LOVE it! (jing jing :D )

Best of luck Scampy, cheering for ya!

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You're niche may well be starting your own 'Surviving Thailand Forum' with daily 'live' updates, as you sometimes do here. You have a demonstrated audience already, just for a start. You'll need to apply some commercial intelligence and find a way to make it evolve and eventually pay tho.

That is a great idea and something I would be very happy doing.

But if George makes no money from this, Thailand's leading expat forum, then how would or could I make money from my own?

If you have the answer to that, PM me. :o

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