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Farang Men In Thailand


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It seems like most of the farang men are here for the Thai women or for Thai prostitutes.
Seems like so many of the farang men on this board are very hostile towards farang women because they cannot attract one where they come from.
Also it seems even worse that most men have been with a prostitute here.
...by the way guys, you are not really 'handsome' man

monkeygirl: Judging from your quotes above, its clear that you have something against farang men. Maybe from bad experiences? There surely must be a reason for the above things you wrote. Just like you may have had bad experiences with farang men (except your farang husband), some of us may have had bad experiences with farang women and therefor date/marry thai women. Where's the problem? I fail to see the point in your posts, other than ranting, which is fine with me by the way. "Up to you".

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...I didn't read [Monkeygirl's post] as you saying that all Thai women were prostitutes, and don't know why your post was interpreted in such a way...


I didn't interpret it in that way either when I first read this thread a couple of days ago.

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I'm not going to fan the fires, but some of you really give me a chuckle! Khun Larry, you are just too cute!

Thanks ladies for your posts. This whole thing actually came from a single Aussie girl I met. She's a stunner, tall, blonde, blue eyes, but she says she has difficulty dating in Asia because of the above reasons I won't mention again here. She actually prefers Thai men. And I thought it was an interesting topic. I think Farang ladies here are a really special set, I have never met so many strong and intelligent women as the ones who have traveled here and are doing some really amazing things with volunteer work or in business - true assets to the country.

Anyway, I'm certainly not bitter over anyone, lol, although somehow someone will find a way to think I am attacking them or just keep on repeating what has already been said, lol, but this was good entertainment while I had a cold and I think I'm just not getting anything worthwhile out of it so I'm turning over the post to Khun Larry because he's so sweet and smart and I know all the farang ladies want to fall at his feet! :o

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first of all i am a thai woman and a farang woman. a prostitute is a prostitute in any country. second of all, i would appreciate posts from women only or i would have posted in the general forum.

Just listen to your own word's monkey girl, Hostile farang male's ? I wonder why ?

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I've got nothing against "falang" women here or in "falangland" about half of my family are women (inc my mother and sister :o )

I've never actually met a female falang expat it would be really interesting we have regular meet ups in BKK why not come along its not all blokes.

I think some of you earlier post were sort of generalisine all expat men as "whore mongers", which while is true for some it is'nt true for all.

Can we all come to the meet , or is it just "falang" females, can thai women go or do they have to be at least part falang? :D

Cheers RC

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To all,

As stated many times before, this section of thaivisa is dedicated to western women in thailand (have still to get the name change to happen but hope it will be soon, changing this to all women in,of & visiting thailand) but all are welcome to post, comment & express themselves, providing that they play nice & remember to be respectful to each other.

Now, to monkeygirls post, I can't actually see anything where she states all thai women are prostitues but her post probably could have done with rephrasing & came across to some of you guys as generalising (which some was).

What I can see is that she is saying that a single farang women in LOS has a hard time because most single farang guys that come here end up dating thai women. Now this is true cause most of you on here are testiment to this fact. there are the odd few that don't like thai giirls but they are few & far between. Whether this is because of attraction or circumstance or just having so much choice I don't know or care, but it tends to be true in nearly all cases.

It is also true that a lot (not all) of single farang men are also interested only in the thai bar girl scene & for a lot of women (regardless of nationality) this is a major turn off for us. I also admit that I probably wouldn't pursue a relationship with any guy if I had known he had been with a prostitue. Sorry if that offends some of you but it's your choice to do it & my choice to feel that way.

Thought i'd just put my thought on that part of the topic.

Carry on :o

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I do agree with SOME of the things said by monkeygirl and boo. I am a non-Thai nor a farang. Whether the men want to admit it or not, its up to them. We cant force them so why try!!!

Not every man in TH is bad, but it sure is hard to find ONE let alone a handful.

Still note the "free ticket" offers going around ..............hehehehe........

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BTW, Khun Larry..............are you a 50-60 year old farang with a 25-35 year old Thai gf? Seems like it, only those kind gets very sensitive about what other women have to say about the Thai women. Monkeygirl has a right to say anything she wants as she IS Thai.

KL, Do you really hate farang women so much?? From some bad experience? Is that why you came to TH? P/S This forum is FOR Farang women.....do you have confusion about your sexuality??

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SK1972- actually love, the forum is open to both genders. The prevailing topics are female related. Boo correct me if I am wrong! :D

I do sympathize with western ladies in Thailand- definitely hard being the minority. Personally I didn't come to Thailand to meet a gf it just sort of happened. :o

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Hi Britmaveric................yes a lot of things seem to "just happen" in TH doesnt it?

It does help that the Thai women are very receptive towards newbie farang guys in TH................go figure!

P/S I meant if the guy is unable to be more matured than to keep hinting that the person who has a differing opinion from him, the person is "offered an air ticket" to go home...............

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SK1972- yes dare say "it happens alot" and by sheer numbers of Thai ladies and men alone - statistically its safe to say a western lad/lady in Thailand would end up with a Thai. :D

As for airfare tickets rubbish- best to ignore such comments- if he was serious might be worth taking up- always good to blag free airfare. :o

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There is a certain group who prefer farang, just as many of us farang (here) prefer the Thais (I'm NOT referring mainly to the Thais and farang who hang out working at or patronizing dodgy bars). It's not ALL of us, and not ALL of them. But aren't we (both groups) lucky that it's so? There's someone out there for everyone, I think, even a shambling bear like me. I don't think there's much point either in disputing this or in getting upset about it. It's quite likely that a lot of people LEAVE their own country partly because of a distaste for the people there, and if a farang woman really, really wants to date a farang man then back home would be the easiest place to look. Here, it's the foreigner seeking Thais who has the comparative advantage in odds.

A few times, I've met some gay American Asian guys who were really disoriented coming here and talked with me about discovering with great disappointment that in Thailand they were no longer the rarer hot item they had always been in the bars back in SF! It's always luckiest, dating-wise, to be in a place where your "type" is rarer, and higher value, as long as you don't let it go to your head and behave badly, or mistake the financial kind of interest for the genuine kind.

On the other hand, if you're on the other end of the stick (like my Japanese friend chasing farang/gaijin in Osaka) then if you're not Mr./Ms. Super Cutie [by general standards] then it's best to distinguish yourself with things like Personality, Humor, Kindness, and Serenity, and also not to be too particular yourself about the surface beauty of the ones you seek. It's not right for Mr. SuperFarangCutieOrNot to take advantage of you either, but remember that you have to LET him take advantage of you.

Some of the most bitter people I've met are those who were envious of the foreigner's (whatever type, whatever country) comparative advantage in attracting romantic interest due to his "exotic" characteristics (of whatever type). I imagine this bitterness comes from being someone "spoiled" by being the desired type somewhere moving into an area where they are just one of the crowd- believe me, it's much easier (and more character-forming) to start out for a long time learning how to behave in an area where you are just one of the crowd and then moving somewhere your type is rarer [though there are some folks who botch this, too]. This kind of bitterness in people does nothing, incidentally, to attract those foreigners to them. The universe isn't very fair, but it rewards constructive action a lot more than whining.


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Fortunately I'm married to a farang and we came here together. But I always freak out that if it hadn't worked out that I would just spend the rest of my days alone here.


That's sweet, but save it for yourself, I am a Thai citizen, so I have more right to be here than you... :o

First you say you came here with a farang, now you say you're a Thai citizen .. sorry but you don't make sense.

I am a Earthling. I have just as much right to walk this earth as you. BS!

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BTW, Khun Larry..............are you a 50-60 year old farang with a 25-35 year old Thai gf? Seems like it, only those kind gets very sensitive about what other women have to say about the Thai women.  Monkeygirl has a right to say anything she wants as she IS Thai.

Sorry not 50 for a while yet. Your assumptions are likely based more on the terseness of my comments than their validity. Actually my GF is from NYC and is not Thai. She is over 40 thank you.

I had a 2 year relationship with a Puying Thai. Would not be interested in another relationship with a Thai woman at this time.

Your comment "Monkeygirl has a right to say anything she wants as she IS Thai" is mindboggling.

Here is a link to a BS article about blissfully single women. :o



Chookdee na krup

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Thats actually an interesting article KL, I know a lot of women of my mums age (mid 50's) who regret staying married to men they no longer want to be with just because it's expected or for convenience sake. In fact my aunt who has been married for nearly 40 years recently let her husband go to thailand with a married couple (thai lady/farang man) & expressed the thought (joyfully) that he might even in fact meet a new women & would the kids (35 & 39 years old) mind having a thai step mum. When it didn't happen she was quite disapointed & it turned out that he did nothing more risque than have a few too many beers one night. She's now trying to persuade him to go out on his own in the hope that her master plan will come about! :o

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KL, well I think it is more "mindboggling" for you to think you know more about the Thai people as you and your lady are non-Thais. As monkeygirl seems to be Thai, I would think she would know more about her own country's culture and etc than you would. I must say I do agree with some of her comments, having seen it happen in REALITY more often that I would like to. :D

I do agree with your comments that you would not want to date another Thai girl from experience.........see, some do learn from it instead of going on to the next one blindly!! Kudos for that! Unfortunately some never learn........ :o

There are 2 kinds of farang men here.............one that denies he has ever been "conned" and go on thinking the next one may be different (which usually are not) ........................and the other who learn from it and stay way clear of the Thai women's antics :D

As for someone's comments about foreign women preferring Thai men...........not me. I cant even imagine getting close to one let alone having a relationship with them. Well, thats my opinion.......I may get slated for this. :D

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There are 2 kinds of farang men here.............one that denies he has ever been "conned" and go on thinking the next one may be different (which usually are not) ........................and the other who learn from it and stay way clear of the Thai women's antics 

Only two kinds ??

Not sure which one I am, spoiled for choice :o

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As for someone's comments about foreign women preferring Thai men...........not me. I cant even imagine getting close to one let alone having a relationship with them. Well, thats my opinion.......I may get slated for this. :o

SK... never say never... :D:D

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There are 2 kinds of farang men here.............one that denies he has ever been "conned" and go on thinking the next one may be different (which usually are not) ........................and the other who learn from it and stay way clear of the Thai women's antics 

Only two kinds ??

Not sure which one I am, spoiled for choice :o

Either way RC ,your a male farang who has been "conned" by a thai woman.

says alot for thai women then dosnt it :D:D:D

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RC and Splitlid - I never said there were ONLY 2 kinds......but from what I see, thats how it seems. There are farang men who prefer farang women too. Who knows, you two could be unique!!! :D

Every country has its "black sheep" but it just seems more prominent in the less developed countries. :D

Elfe - I say NEVER as I am already happily married so no way....they dont appeal to me. Too narrow minded and old fashioned for my taste. Even the overseas educated ones.........they tend to fall back to their roots/upbringing sooner or later. :o Not from experience but from observation.....

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RC and Splitlid - I never said there were ONLY 2 kinds......but from what I see, thats how it seems. There are farang men who prefer farang women too. Who knows, you two could be unique!!! :o


im sure we know what you meant.

only playing on your words.

RC ask the wife about the milk that went missing from the fridge last week....i bet she gets all defensive and feeds you a pack of lies.


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