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Shock Horror Bib Busted Me


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Got stopped today by the BIB police driving back from Hua Hin to Bangkok (first time for me) in fact it was a busy day for them out in force saw 6 road blocks in3 hours.

Anyway pulled over policeman asks in English for driving licence (very polite) I hand over my international driving licence a quick discussion on the fact my car is covered in Liverpool logos (borrowed car from friend fully insured) policeman commented "hmmmmmm not so good" (Liverpool) slight smile and on my way I went.

just so anyone looking in thinks they are permanently after "tea money" He was extremely professional so well done BIB Hua Hin.

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Been pulled over dozens of times at road blocks and never any suggestion that they were after a quid. Totally different story if they catch you without a licence or doing something wrong; often your choice, proper fine or tea money.


Edited by Ping
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There is definitely (in Bangkok at least) a sharp increase of road blocks since a few weeks.

It looks to me like... seasonal.

2 years too, but it was more at dark, like security controls.

But now, it's in full day light. And it's obviously more "cashiers" stuff... :o

And with always the good old spots : like on the tollway toward Don Muang for instance... At the toll both. The rats start to work after the rush hours (better to keep a relative low profile) around 10 AM.

Everybody knows it. Everybody can see it. But of course, the police is still wondering if there is some corruption within the force...

My taxi was arrested, 2 weeks ago, sunday near Sanam Luang ! A dozen of cops ready to shoot the fine, handling the papers.

The driver was like 70 years old. The cop was young. The driver started to tell him that when he was young he worked for the... government.... The cop backed away.


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I got stopped just before Christmas enroute to Phuket down Route 4. The Thai motorcyclists were being more than helpful in providing lots of tea money. Dead straight road, so the must have seen the police, and they carry on withhout helmets. I just showed my Thai licence and was wasved on while the next idiot was waiting behind.

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Been pulled over dozens of times at road blocks and never any suggestion that they were after a quid. Totally different story if they catch you without a licence or doing something wrong; often your choice, proper fine or tea money.

Agreed, and even if you ARE doing something wrong (for me it was 140 in a 90 zone), a little polite patience, and having appropriate licence, got me a verbal "caution" and sent on my way.

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