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Russian Women


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i always wonder how people from russia who tend to be rude get on in business.....surely some are in the service industry and have to be courteous at some point or lose custom....or maybe not if its a cultural thing,it seems a bit like going back to caveman days. :o

They are some of the least service minded people I've ever met...in most cafes, supermarkets, reception desks, etc. they act like they're doing you some kind of favor by servicing your request. Their international businesspeople are quite professional though, the main issue is with these kind of front-line employees.

And this is in the private sector...in government offices where you have fat-assed civil servants who have been sitting in the same chair for the past 30 years, they nitpick with every single thing and make you come back repeatedly, nearly 15 years later the Soviet mentality has not departed at all for the people that were adults at the time.

It's amazing however how effective the Western Propaganda machine worked since WWII and the Cold War period...

It's still effective and all Russians are bad people...right ?

Well then it's amazing how many Russians live up to the propaganda! I happen to also come from behind the Iron Curtain, but most Eastern European countries have moved on from this kind of irritating stuff, it's only the former USSR countries where you can still feel it very much...the funny thing is, the Russians themselves are the first to complain about this kind of antisocial behavior amongst their people, but given the opportunity they will generally do exactly this...and this even happens with the young "new Russians", who also add a nice dose of nouveau riche self-importance to the mix.

A Russian can be an excellent colleague, friend or spouse once you get to know him/her, but in public I am often shocked at their logic and behavior, considering that they do have centuries of advanced civilization behind them.

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I HAD A similar thing happen to me last year when i was leaving the airport.

As i got thru the scanner thing,a couple of young Indian,bangladeshi i presume young guys just so ever without hesitation walked up to me and pushed in front of me,im 6ft and 150kg but that didnt bother them.

I told them to get out of the way until a lady customs officer come up to me and told me to stop shouting so i left the 3 idiots in front of me.

Funnily enough they were getting on the same plane as me back to Australia.

When the plane arrived in Sydney the next morning i followed the 3 amigos to customs and showed my Australian Govt ID Badge to the customs officer reporting the 3 males as suspicious,they were all taken to a room i presume to be searched,i waved and smiled at them as they were led away to receive the gloved finger.

Classic case of abuse of authority ! well done :o
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A quote from an old novel (I can't remember the name.)

I went to Russia in the Glasnot period. I flew via Intourist to Leningrad and Moscow. I visited GUM in Red Square and was amazed. I saw sheets of cloth that were for sale as material for ordinary citizens to buy and turn into their clothes. Pen-knives and other essentials where one went to a cash-register to be given a receipt, then to another till to produce said receipt and receive another; to a third till to show the new receipt and receive the pen-knife one had originally requested. And as I went around I was shoved. Not maliciously, but just par for the course - shoved. Buffeted, blustered past, bumped into and generally walked through as if I was invisible. I stood back and observed. I learnt. I walked forwards and just rammed into people as I walked in a straight line. It was bliss. I could smash into people without them confronting me! At last. A place where I didn't have to queue. I could be a fast-moving iceberg in a sea of Titanics...

(Reason for edit: read while browsing the web so no knowledge of author - mea culpa)

Edited by Caecilius
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Common courtesy dictates that if someone is in front they are in front, pushing into a queue is simple bad manners nothing else. It would wind me up.

For the guy to used his Aussie official ID to work for him as revenge, yes its harsh, but I love it…..sweet…. That would certainly make a lot of people reading this forum to think twice before pushing in…

And the Russian women, gosh - I wouldn't like to have an arguement with them - experience has shown that Russian women overseas can be quite surly and catty.... I'm scared of them, I'd have to tuck my tail between my legs and let them push in...

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so are the russian women in thailand alone all hookers then? would that be the same for of all those thai women in UK or Australia then? :o Seems to me that the same argument made using the latter would cause a furore & be no more true than the former so lets not be silly now. They may well have been but they could also be some of the growing breed of independantly wealthy women from the former USSR who like to display their wealth with designer clothes & foreign holidays :D Doesn't excuse them for being rude but does'nt automatically make them on the game either.

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so are the russian women in thailand alone all hookers then? would that be the same for of all those thai women in UK or Australia then? :o Seems to me that the same argument made using the latter would cause a furore & be no more true than the former so lets not be silly now.

I get propositioned by Russian women almost every time I walk near sukumvit. Yet have never seen an australian or Uk hooker in the 20+ years I've bben visiting thailand.

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I find I am the 'victim' of reverse discrimination in Bangkok. Being a tourist, I am in no hurry when I go into a shop - usually a 7-Eleven to get a cool drink and take advantage of their cool air-conditioning.

When I head towards the cash register/checkout, I am invariable served BEFORE a Thai person, who was at the checkout before me. Because the Thai person is usually a worker, grabbing something during a break, I insist they be served first. I am happy to wait.

It's a different story at Suvarnabhumi Airport - queues are there for a reason.


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Immigration lines on arrival are total mess at Suvarnbhumi airport, authorities must to do something about it. Officers are slow, people skip lines, there is no officer to maintain order.

So me and my wife were in immigration line. For some reason our line started moving quicker. Ahead of us just 4 Russian ladies. Seeing our line moving faster three other russian ladies joined them. Then two more and again two more came and started talking to one older lady. So I told them politely, I hope you are not cutting line. They said she is our mom. I said it doesn't mean you have to skip line. Their answer was, yes we will and what you are going to do about it? Well, I had no intention of getting into fist fight 9 women and there was no officer in sight to complain so I kept quiet.

Why there are so many Russian women groups in BKK. I noticed most of them were not accompnied by men. Do these women work in sex industry?

I've also noticed Russians don't queue up well, but neither do the Chinese, no reason to slam the whole race.

A Russian couple I know here in Phuket, very nice, very polite, great people.

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Why the assumption that they're whores?

l came to the same conclusion ,rude yes but whores is strong unless you know for sure

Russian whores are a fact of life in todays thailand - not english, german, american, french, japanese etc. - russian

You seem to be quite an expert :o


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Personally I don't give way and had a similar situation when a group of pakistani(s) tried to jump the line and join their one mate. 6 of em. I wouldn't give way and made my intent known - one of the officials caught wind on what they were trying to do and sent them all to the back of the line. :o

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so are the russian women in thailand alone all hookers then? would that be the same for of all those thai women in UK or Australia then? :o Seems to me that the same argument made using the latter would cause a furore & be no more true than the former so lets not be silly now.

I get propositioned by Russian women almost every time I walk near sukumvit. Yet have never seen an australian or Uk hooker in the 20+ years I've bben visiting thailand.

Plenty of Russians go to Thailand (and Turkey) because it's relatively cheap and they don't need visas.

I know a Russian girl who goes there and as far as I know, she's not on the game.

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I get propositioned by Russian women almost every time I walk near sukumvit.

And proposition by kinky boys when you walk at Silom 4 area ?

Man, You do walkin' !

On behalf of all russians and russian speaking visitors, I appologize for such an experience to OP and will issue coupon for free (YES FREE!!) tour over Chechnya with free (YES FREE!!!) accommodation at very kind locals. (disclaimer - they might ask you politely to share little wealth with them, say half a mil, so don't be rude,after all - its better to give $, then receive [axe in the melon]).

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Immigration lines on arrival are total mess at Suvarnbhumi airport, authorities must to do something about it. Officers are slow, people skip lines, there is no officer to maintain order.

So me and my wife were in immigration line. For some reason our line started moving quicker. Ahead of us just 4 Russian ladies. Seeing our line moving faster three other russian ladies joined them.

yoo snooze you lose immigration is about Que jumping its the new extreme sport :o

Why there are so many Russian women groups in BKK. I noticed most of them were not accompnied by men. Do these women work in sex industry?

a tap on the shoulder and a thousand baht should have you sorted in every department :D

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so are the russian women in thailand alone all hookers then? would that be the same for of all those thai women in UK or Australia then? :o Seems to me that the same argument made using the latter would cause a furore & be no more true than the former so lets not be silly now.

I get propositioned by Russian women almost every time I walk near sukumvit. Yet have never seen an australian or Uk hooker in the 20+ years I've bben visiting thailand.

Plenty of Russians go to Thailand (and Turkey) because it's relatively cheap and they don't need visas.

I know a Russian girl who goes there and as far as I know, she's not on the game.

I know her well, and she is.

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I HAD A similar thing happen to me last year when i was leaving the airport.

As i got thru the scanner thing,a couple of young Indian,bangladeshi i presume young guys just so ever without hesitation walked up to me and pushed in front of me,im 6ft and 150kg but that didnt bother them.

I told them to get out of the way until a lady customs officer come up to me and told me to stop shouting so i left the 3 idiots in front of me.

Funnily enough they were getting on the same plane as me back to Australia.

When the plane arrived in Sydney the next morning i followed the 3 amigos to customs and showed my Australian Govt ID Badge to the customs officer reporting the 3 males as suspicious,they were all taken to a room i presume to be searched,i waved and smiled at them as they were led away to receive the gloved finger.

Serves them right!

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I HAD A similar thing happen to me last year when i was leaving the airport.

As i got thru the scanner thing,a couple of young Indian,bangladeshi i presume young guys just so ever without hesitation walked up to me and pushed in front of me,im 6ft and 150kg but that didnt bother them.

I told them to get out of the way until a lady customs officer come up to me and told me to stop shouting so i left the 3 idiots in front of me.

Funnily enough they were getting on the same plane as me back to Australia.

When the plane arrived in Sydney the next morning i followed the 3 amigos to customs and showed my Australian Govt ID Badge to the customs officer reporting the 3 males as suspicious,they were all taken to a room i presume to be searched,i waved and smiled at them as they were led away to receive the gloved finger.

Serves them right!

I agree, it's fair. Either that or a good smack upside the head.

Que jumpers can be annoying. My remedy? I like to step on their heels..... try to pull them out of their shoes. Try it.... it's fun... you'll feel better.

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I HAD A similar thing happen to me last year when i was leaving the airport.

As i got thru the scanner thing,a couple of young Indian,bangladeshi i presume young guys just so ever without hesitation walked up to me and pushed in front of me,im 6ft and 150kg but that didnt bother them.

I told them to get out of the way until a lady customs officer come up to me and told me to stop shouting so i left the 3 idiots in front of me.

Funnily enough they were getting on the same plane as me back to Australia.

When the plane arrived in Sydney the next morning i followed the 3 amigos to customs and showed my Australian Govt ID Badge to the customs officer reporting the 3 males as suspicious,they were all taken to a room i presume to be searched,i waved and smiled at them as they were led away to receive the gloved finger.

Serves them right!

I agree, it's fair. Either that or a good smack upside the head.

Que jumpers can be annoying. My remedy? I like to step on their heels..... try to pull them out of their shoes. Try it.... it's fun... you'll feel better.

Calmly push back infront of them. Stand on their toes. After all, as for as you're concerned, they aren't really there.

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I HAD A similar thing happen to me last year when i was leaving the airport.

As i got thru the scanner thing,a couple of young Indian,bangladeshi i presume young guys just so ever without hesitation walked up to me and pushed in front of me,im 6ft and 150kg but that didnt bother them.

I told them to get out of the way until a lady customs officer come up to me and told me to stop shouting so i left the 3 idiots in front of me.

Funnily enough they were getting on the same plane as me back to Australia.

When the plane arrived in Sydney the next morning i followed the 3 amigos to customs and showed my Australian Govt ID Badge to the customs officer reporting the 3 males as suspicious,they were all taken to a room i presume to be searched,i waved and smiled at them as they were led away to receive the gloved finger.

Serves them right!

I disagree.

Whatever nasty things the 3 guys did, it doesn't give 'philliphn' the same nasty right to mis-use his power (via his Australian Govt. ID Badge... :o what an important guy...right ?) and report to the Customs that these 3 males were SUSPICIOUS... :D

That's abuse of power.

I certainly hope it will NEVER happen to him on BKK airport; if someone accuses him (wrongly) to Thai Customs, he's in deep <deleted>...


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What bugs me is that many people like to leave no airspace between you and the usually guy directly in back of you. If it were a girl, that might not be so bad, but to have a guy pressed up right against your backside, is a bit much. One other time, there were about 10 people in the queue in front of me, and when the line in front moved up a bit, I was slow in closing the gap, so this guy in back of me told me to please hurry up and close the gap, as if doing that, would help get to the immigration counter any quicker. So I assumed the racing starting position stance, and bounded the 2 steps to close the gap. I don't think this guy even noticed the absurdity of immediately closing the gap in front.

Chinese from mainland enjoy the one upmanship game by outsmarting you if they were able to leapfrog you by even one spot. They would edge up closer and closer to you, then be level/even with you, and eventually slide ahead of you. Older Chinese women like doing that, and to think I'm Chinese from Hong Kong. Drivers in HK are another breed that like to squeeze even one car space ahead of whoever they are contending with.

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There is a problem with Russians and it's related to the fact that traveling is a new experience for many of them. Unlike many other nations, the Russians have not had the opportunity to travel and what you see is what they do back home. As well, many are nouveau rich and believe that with their money comes the right to do as they want. One does not see this behaviour from russians that have had the opportunity to travel and those russians are as polite as anyone else.

With time, they will change. Until then, you can expect to see more of the Russians doing their best english lager lout impressions courtesy of the ToT's decision to increase tourism from Russia.

Now if you want really line jumpers and not the junior league stuff at BKK, try an airport in Karachi or New Delhi. For real excitement, try a "line" for a railcar in India. If you are lucky, someone will relieve himself in the crowd and you either walk through it as I did or pay attention and do a nice OMFG jump over it as my friend did. After a trip to India, I was less picky about Thailand.

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A Russian can be an excellent colleague, friend or spouse once you get to know him/her, but in public I am often shocked at their logic and behavior, considering that they do have centuries of advanced civilization behind them.

please enlighten me, what are these centuries of advanced civilization.

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so are the russian women in thailand alone all hookers then? would that be the same for of all those thai women in UK or Australia then? :o Seems to me that the same argument made using the latter would cause a furore & be no more true than the former so lets not be silly now.

I get propositioned by Russian women almost every time I walk near sukumvit. Yet have never seen an australian or Uk hooker in the 20+ years I've bben visiting thailand.

yep , sorry boo have to agree with this one, and say it how i see it.

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l came to the same conclusion ,rude yes but whores is strong unless you know for sure

Russian whores are a fact of life in todays thailand - not english, german, american, french, japanese etc. - russian

You seem to be quite an expert :o

i cant say i find you close minded lao, i dont, but i think your being too politicaly correct for your own inteligence here. patters is crawling with unsavoury russians. morso than the western falangs, russians have a touch of animalistic tendencies not overly seen in normal caucasions. brits apart.

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I HAD A similar thing happen to me last year when i was leaving the airport.

As i got thru the scanner thing,a couple of young Indian,bangladeshi i presume young guys just so ever without hesitation walked up to me and pushed in front of me,im 6ft and 150kg but that didnt bother them.

I told them to get out of the way until a lady customs officer come up to me and told me to stop shouting so i left the 3 idiots in front of me.

Funnily enough they were getting on the same plane as me back to Australia.

When the plane arrived in Sydney the next morning i followed the 3 amigos to customs and showed my Australian Govt ID Badge to the customs officer reporting the 3 males as suspicious,they were all taken to a room i presume to be searched,i waved and smiled at them as they were led away to receive the gloved finger.

Serves them right!

I disagree.

Whatever nasty things the 3 guys did, it doesn't give 'philliphn' the same nasty right to mis-use his power (via his Australian Govt. ID Badge... :o what an important guy...right ?) and report to the Customs that these 3 males were SUSPICIOUS... :D

That's abuse of power.

I certainly hope it will NEVER happen to him on BKK airport; if someone accuses him (wrongly) to Thai Customs, he's in deep <deleted>...


abuse of power is something ive realy had to come to terms with in los. the battle is not over yet, i hate it. however i must say digger you did well son. goodonya.

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