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Attention Young People In Chiang Mai


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Hello Everyone,

I have been in Chiang Mai for nearly a year. It has been quite hard to get in contact with the younger people here. I am 25. There are a lot of clubs and associations for the older people, but there is really no where younger people can get together to discussing things or organise activities.

So I thought it would be a good idea to create such a place. So for anyone who is young and living in Chiang Mai, ***email removed per forum rules***this will subscribe you to a email list in which you can talk/discuss/joke with all other young people in Chiang Mai and organise outings.

When I say young, I kinda mean under 40ish but there are no restrictions.

Thank you for your time.

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Just wait, you'll soon become an Old Fart, like the rest of us ! I could tell you some tales, about when I was younger & everything was better or cheaper, but my glass seems to be empty ... your shout ... mine's a pint, very good of you squire ... ! :D:D

Regarding places to meet, discuss things & arrange activities, when I was a Young Fart, we used to call these Bars or Discos but never Karaoke, visited only on pain of death-of-good-taste.

They are also good places to meet friendly young ladies, who will help you to pour your beer, and drink tea-disguised-as-whisky. :o These ladies are especially good at arranging 'activities', but we won't go into that, as the actress said to the bishop, because it's against forum-rules ... the discussion, not the activities. :D Also, don't attempt to beat these sweet young things at pool, or connect-4, as they are all world-champions ! :D

If desperate, you might also try joining a strange sub-tribe of farangs, who call themselves 'Hashers' ?

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Thank you for the replies. I though an Email group would be good because eveyone has access to email. Eveyone knows how to send an email.

Well got about 8 people joined up? Surely there has to be some more younger people here. And when I mean young. I kinda mean less than retired. So if your young join up. The more friends the better right?


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I thought having the need to find ladies who arrange activites was a sign of getting old in Thailand :D

Hey BlArt, do you know the story of the young bull and the old bull?

Now but it probably deals with which ever one has more money getting the cow

and subsequently a nasty rash :o:D :D

Edited by BlackArtemis
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Hey BlArt, do you know the story of the young bull and the old bull?

Now but it probably deals with which ever one has more money getting the cow

and subsequently a nasty rash :o:D :D

Noooooooo. It has something to do with the young bull and the old bull standing on a hill overlooking a herd of young heifers. The young bull says to the older "I'm gonna run down there and have my way with one of those heifers!" Then the old bull turns around and says to the younger, "I gonna walk down there and have my way with all of those heifers."

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There was a thread about this - "Young People in Chiang Mai" although I never got invited to a meet up :o

I also started a new one and was advised of a few places to go etc. I shall send you a PM for the email list. I've only been here two months.


Oh and I'm 29 so I hope that still counts as young!! :D

Edited by Krupnik
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The oldies are the goodies, eh ? :o

Or are they just the only jokes we can still remember ? :D

Remember what?

Search me ! I forgot !! :D

How about the three hard-of-hearing Old Farts on a train, let's make it a Thai train, to keep this relevant & within forum-rules.

So the 1st Old Fart asks, 'Is this Wembley ?'

The 2nd responds, 'No, it's Thursday'

So the 3rd one says, 'So am I - Let's go for a Drink !'. :D

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This mailing group idea sounds good.

I'm up for it. Would be good to find someone who isn't retired and spends all day sitting here going offtopic ruining all thaivisa threads just cuz they are so boring and worthless that they have nothing better to do.

Now who could that be WoOz?

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Would be good to find someone who isn't retired and spends all day sitting here going offtopic ruining all thaivisa threads just cuz they are so boring and worthless that they have nothing better to do.

c'mon WOZ don't dick around lets have some names of all the hapless retirees that ruin all the threads :o

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Would be good to find someone who isn't retired and spends all day sitting here going offtopic ruining all thaivisa threads just cuz they are so boring and worthless that they have nothing better to do.

c'mon WOZ don't dick around lets have some names of all the hapless retirees that ruin all the threads :o

Do you know John Gabriel's Greater internet Dickwad Theory?

not saying anyone is being a dickwad :D

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yeah, chill out, dudes and dudettes.

Sound to me the focus of the OP to get together a group of young people. Though he said up to 40, or really no restrictions, just to be polite (and politically correct as well, perhaps) the truth is we ALL know in our heart of hearts (snigger) that this is for young people. As in genuinely young people. The old gits have enough of their own haunts and groups. And I can include myself there often, as well!

Let the kids get their collective self together.

I applaud them.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi there, thought I'd bump this thread in an effort to get the same information but updated. My girlfriend (22) and I (25) have been in Chiang Mai for 6 weeks and have tried most areas. What we're really struggling to find is "legit" karaoke, where you can go and sing a few songs with a crowd and not have a massively padded bill, or a prostitute angling for drinks and 'room fees' (even when you're in a couple, which seems odd). We found one place near Heaven Beach (Old City) which had a decent atmosphere, but all the English songs were Thai remixes, and the bill was still padded to about double. Chas told us that he occasionally does one in Tuskers, and we seem to be hitting there about every 2 weeks (alternating between quiz or happy hour Friday). Just like the OP a year ago, there aren't very many young people around - either farangs or Thais who speak enough English so that I don't have to speak Thai. Obviously we still enjoy CM and love that we're meeting loads of new amazing people (perhaps even ones we'd not bother getting to know at home), but just want to meet a few like minded souls. We've tried:

Warm Up (virtually all Thais who aren't interested in talking to foreigners, or at least they were 2 weeks ago);

Heaven Beach/Rasta area (mainly backpackers, but awesome atmosphere - generally people who aren't staying long though);

THC Rooftop (good atmosphere and pleasant mix, though a lot mainly on the pull);

Guitarman (good atmosphere, friendly - keep meaning to go back but it seems shut quite a lot of the time lately);

obviously Tuskers (really super friendly and welcoming, but seems only busy when something is on);

Jackie's van (recommended by Tuskers' Rachel, and a good tip - only went here once at the end of a night when the powerful cocktails sent us straight into a tuktuk home - defo one to try again tho);

Monkey Club (good mix, but didn't seem to "get going" while we were there);

Peppermint Cafe (great staff, good food. Only been here on business so far so not tried the company much, but seems like nice long-stayers);

Gekko Garden (recent find - great cocktails, friendly atmosphere, some farang chat - one to go back to again);

Rannakosin Hotel Entertainment Complex (good range and reasonable steak, but bars and karaoke are just prostitute venues).

We're taking a fun group of gap year volunteers we met in Chiang Rai out around CM next weekend, and would love to find somewhere new to try - although with about 10 of us I guess we could easily "make" a scene if any forum members wish to join in! If you have any tips for somewhere you can have a drink/chat/dance/sing without being a major novelty or cash cow, I'd love to hear it!

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