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Sometimes You Don’t Smell The Rat


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Wow, hearing stories like this really makes me count my lucky stars. I'm married to a wonderful Thai woman who can certainly drive me crazy at times. The cultural differences aree brutal at times, but hearing stories like these really puts things in perspective. If I had a dime to my name I might be worried, I get by ok but truth be told I ain't got sh$t. Thats the key guys; if you haven't got anything to take then nobody can take anything from you. I purchased the gold for the sin sot (100 k baht worth) which we kept. Her mom and dad paid for the party (another 100 k) got 50 back and we'll pay it back with a couple of thousand a month.

Its easy to fall under the spell; I spent six years here messing around until I met my wife; in any case there is a difference between being trusting and being foolish.

Always put things in perspective :o

He shots HE SCORES !!!!!! Holly cow someone finally knows what they are talkin about. You ROCK dude.

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I had exactly the same type of thing happen to me, but with a twist, my second wife was german and as I have mentioned in previous threads she turned out to be a real bad one :D I think she was the instigator of most of the nightmare stories you read in the forum,we got married in 1970 put our wills in the family book as per custom she said, at that time my german was not so good, so we did all this with a solicitor who was also an interpreter(but un beknowing to me an ex boyfriend of hers)It took me a couple of years to catch her out cheating and frittering my savings away, so we separated ,at that time divorce was out of the Question(thats another story :o )eventually she died, contrary to belief I didnt touch her honest :D at the reading of the will imagine my surprise everything house and land joint bank account went to her illegitimate son, who I never knew existed and she had been supporting for over 20 years. To cut along story short I was left with what I stood up in,please dont try and give me advice on what I should have done to get everything back, I tried for 4 years in the german courts to no avail so I cut my losses and started again, but I got a little bit of satisfaction no burial plot or niche for her ashes, I had them put in Hour Glass which I keep on my desk, and my grandchildren love giving the burnt witch as they call her a shake when they come to visit, and a certain gentleman in germany always seems to be having bad luck :D Nignoy

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Topic Title:

Sometimes You Don’t Smell The Rat

The point is that if you can't smell the rats you need Professionals i.e. International Accountants and Lawyers (preferred with offices in your own country and contracts written/translated in your OWN language) and only trust your own guts and if you smell a tiny little rat-fart...double check with your advisors.

Sigh....love is blind...


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I still live in that "love is blind" world.... I have not been slapped in the face with such ugliness. I think I want to live in this world... until I maybe forced into the blinding bitterness that this other world feels like.....

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I still live in that "love is blind" world.... I have not been slapped in the face with such ugliness. I think I want to live in this world... until I maybe forced into the blinding bitterness that this other world feels like.....

The line between love and hate is extremely thin.

Nothing wrong with being a realist and protect your loved one and yourself wit precautions.

Most of the time the <deleted> hits the ceiling when NOTHING has been arranged....


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Remember folks:

The only experience of Thailand you are allowed to have is that sanctioned by Maigo6

The only views on life in Thailand you are allowed to express is that sanctioned by Maigo6

The only justifiable reason for being in Thailand is that sanctioned by Maigo6

Makes one wonder, given his fixation with how other people feel about Thailand and his apparent need to instruct others on what is acceptable, where on earth he gets time time enjoy being in Thailand himself.


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If your going to buy a house in Thailand, Put the house and the Loan in her name.

That is what I learned from TV

That's some protection, but in the end, there's nothing to stop her from upgrading her bank and walking atm. And as you can see, there are thousands getting off the planes everyday... and even if she's over the hill and pulled more trains than the Flying Scotsman, to some other guy she's 'different and not like the other girls... so new, innocent, and fresh...-ish'


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Well Balo the OP has Baloed out of the discussion leaving everyone here flaming each other.101 posts later does anyone else smell a rat then?

Whether true or not the story has the making of a good Thai soapie.How will it end I wonder.

Edited by Momo8
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I have always believed in renting in Thailand and this story just reinforces my belief. :o

Whether the story is true or not there are many similar variations of this story going on in Thailand on a regular basis.

It is a combination of farang stupidity, vulnerability,loneliness, cultural ignorance which in many cases leads to these unfortunate circumstances.

Most of the girls in these stories come from rural peasant backgrounds where life is hard and brutal and your average farang has no real conception of what sort of life these girls have lived and what they have been through.

I dont think the girls should escape reprimand as they often go into these relationships with the expressed intention of milking and/or stealing as much as they can from the farang. That is a judgement from the luxury of my middle class western values and a lot of these girls would reckon they don;'t have such a luxury and that they need to do whatever it takes to get out of poverty.

It doesn't say a lot about their character but in saying that the girls here have a very limited shelf life and no social security to depend on so they are brought up knowing that if they don;t get something quick they will probably never get it. It is a very hard school of knocks and they have to daily deal with all sorts of rubbish.

In the end really the odds are stacked completely against these sort of relationships surviving much more than the initial sexual euphoria that comes with a new woman. That is why the girls go in hard early as they know if they hang around for a few years without getting married or without getting something it is probably not going to happen.

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I have always believed in renting in Thailand and this story just reinforces my belief. :o

I thought the same thing... at first... then I was able to BUY into a bigger house and pay the same amount to buy as I was paying for rent for the smaller house. Sure, by USA standards both are very cheap (but not as cheap as they used to be). But with the payment on the house my wife is getting equity. SO I could pay rent or buy a house and I am about in the same place. This seems like the way to go because even if all the cynics are right and my pretty little world falls apart I would have had to pay rent anyway. For me ... there is no loss.. except of my world.... but money ... and my business is in the USA... She would be much more exposed than I would be and at my mercy. How many other women are in this situation.. We are talking about the farangs that have been duped by some back water bargirl.. What about the good little girls who go into this blindly trusting and then take a swan dive out an apartment window when the man pulls a disappearing act.

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What about the good little girls who go into this blindly trusting and then take a swan dive out an apartment window when the man pulls a disappearing act.

Swain, I could tell many a tale of a Thai women that has been left in the lumber by a Farang. One case is of a very nice lady who had stayed with a Farang for a number of years in rented accomodation, he came home one day, packed his clothes up and walked out cos he had met a young girl who had just come to Pattaya from up - country.

This Farang lost nothing, the Thai woman lost 5 years of her life and was left with the rent to pay. :o

Most stories we read on this Forum are about how bad Thai women are, but there are also other sides of the Thai coin too.

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What about the good little girls who go into this blindly trusting and then take a swan dive out an apartment window when the man pulls a disappearing act.

Swain, I could tell many a tale of a Thai women that has been left in the lumber by a Farang. One case is of a very nice lady who had stayed with a Farang for a number of years in rented accomodation, he came home one day, packed his clothes up and walked out cos he had met a young girl who had just come to Pattaya from up - country.

This Farang lost nothing, the Thai woman lost 5 years of her life and was left with the rent to pay. :o

Most stories we read on this Forum are about how bad Thai women are, but there are also other sides of the Thai coin too.


I know its wrong but i admit I get a little perverted pleasure out of hearng this story.

Just a leeetle bit... :D

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What about the good little girls who go into this blindly trusting and then take a swan dive out an apartment window when the man pulls a disappearing act.

Swain, I could tell many a tale of a Thai women that has been left in the lumber by a Farang. One case is of a very nice lady who had stayed with a Farang for a number of years in rented accomodation, he came home one day, packed his clothes up and walked out cos he had met a young girl who had just come to Pattaya from up - country.

This Farang lost nothing, the Thai woman lost 5 years of her life and was left with the rent to pay. :o

Most stories we read on this Forum are about how bad Thai women are, but there are also other sides of the Thai coin too.

Hmm. The farang lost 5 years of his life too. If the farang was paying all the rent himself then she got 5 years rent-free on top of that, and probably numerous other improvements of lifestyle. It isn't as if the farang lost nothing in the deal. He should certainly have handled the break up differently, but I think a more balanced view of the situation is appropriate.

Edited by way2muchcoffee
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Having read through this thread, I have lost count of how many times I have seen the words “farang” and “stupidity” strung together. We only regard this guy as being stupid from a Thailand perspective.

In the West it’s perfectly normal for people to fall in love, have joint bank accounts, property in both names, share everything and trust each other. I don’t think this is stupid. This is what civilised people do in civilised countries.

In the story it said they had been together for two years. Was he really being stupid or was he just behaving in a civilised way? So if we want to be non-stupid in Thailand, do we have to keep our credit cards, cash, bank books and valuables locked away from our Thai wives and GFs? Maybe it’s being sensible. It’s also very sad.

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Having read through this thread, I have lost count of how many times I have seen the words “farang” and “stupidity” strung together. We only regard this guy as being stupid from a Thailand perspective.

In the West it’s perfectly normal for people to fall in love, have joint bank accounts, property in both names, share everything and trust each other. I don’t think this is stupid. This is what civilised people do in civilised countries.

It's perfectly normal here as well.

There's nothing stupid about waking up in the morning either... but as to who you choose to wake up with, that's another issue. IMO the farangs who fail in relationships here are those who make poor choices in partner/wife/husband. Yeah, it's a given, but I think a lot of people still maintain that "I'm on vacation" attitude when making even those more important life choices.


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This Farang lost nothing, the Thai woman lost 5 years of her life and was left with the rent to pay. :o

The farang lost the same 5 years. And I imagine he still has rent to pay. So they both spent 5 years on the relationship and have to support themselves after it is over. Don't see a problem here.

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Having read through this thread, I have lost count of how many times I have seen the words “farang” and “stupidity” strung together. We only regard this guy as being stupid from a Thailand perspective.

In the West it’s perfectly normal for people to fall in love, have joint bank accounts, property in both names, share everything and trust each other. I don’t think this is stupid. This is what civilised people do in civilised countries.

It's perfectly normal here as well.

There's nothing stupid about waking up in the morning either... but as to who you choose to wake up with, that's another issue. IMO the farangs who fail in relationships here are those who make poor choices in partner/wife/husband. Yeah, it's a given, but I think a lot of people still maintain that "I'm on vacation" attitude when making even those more important life choices.


How about the story of a young good looking foreigner with a good job and very good character meets the love of his lifetime in his working enviroment.

They are together for 3 years, engage and finally promise to take care eachother untill death will seperate them.

Buy a nice house, car, dog and have a baby.

Sounds good right?

About a month after she delivered the baby the guy finds out she is having an affair with a Thai guy and she had it long before their marriage.

The girl seemed to be (in my opinion) a very conservative traditional Thai lady and when I recieved the news he kicked her out of the house as she refused to to a DNA test to see if the baby was his I was shocked.

I only hope he will not suffer too much from it as I can imagine the impact on someone's mental state it could have.

Did this guy fail in his relationship because of making the wrong choice of partner?

I know of a few other similair story's from friends in the West that married with their farang girls but to my feeling it happens a bit more in Asia (not only Thailand).

Other comments ventilated here about foreigners hooking up with BG's are doomed to end up in disaster I disagree.

I know a few that are perfectly happy and have a good life together already for many years.

How you know you have met your lifetime partner, well you don't.

There are more then 5 Billion people on this planet and it would take more then a lifetime to sample all of them.

Just be happy together and take care eachother, talk a lot about how you feel and what you think, what you want, what you like and what you not like.

Peace to you all!

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Having read through this thread, I have lost count of how many times I have seen the words “farang” and “stupidity” strung together. We only regard this guy as being stupid from a Thailand perspective.

In the West it’s perfectly normal for people to fall in love, have joint bank accounts, property in both names, share everything and trust each other. I don’t think this is stupid. This is what civilised people do in civilised countries.

It's perfectly normal here as well.

There's nothing stupid about waking up in the morning either... but as to who you choose to wake up with, that's another issue. IMO the farangs who fail in relationships here are those who make poor choices in partner/wife/husband. Yeah, it's a given, but I think a lot of people still maintain that "I'm on vacation" attitude when making even those more important life choices.


How about the story of a young good looking foreigner with a good job and very good character meets the love of his lifetime in his working enviroment.

They are together for 3 years, engage and finally promise to take care eachother untill death will seperate them.

Buy a nice house, car, dog and have a baby.

Sounds good right?

About a month after she delivered the baby the guy finds out she is having an affair with a Thai guy and she had it long before their marriage.

The girl seemed to be (in my opinion) a very conservative traditional Thai lady and when I recieved the news he kicked her out of the house as she refused to to a DNA test to see if the baby was his I was shocked.

I only hope he will not suffer too much from it as I can imagine the impact on someone's mental state it could have.

Did this guy fail in his relationship because of making the wrong choice of partner?

I know of a few other similair story's from friends in the West that married with their farang girls but to my feeling it happens a bit more in Asia (not only Thailand).

Other comments ventilated here about foreigners hooking up with BG's are doomed to end up in disaster I disagree.

I know a few that are perfectly happy and have a good life together already for many years.

How you know you have met your lifetime partner, well you don't.

There are more then 5 Billion people on this planet and it would take more then a lifetime to sample all of them.

Just be happy together and take care eachother, talk a lot about how you feel and what you think, what you want, what you like and what you not like.

Peace to you all!

Ah yes, forgot to add my trademark "IMO most but not all" clause.


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Having read through this thread, I have lost count of how many times I have seen the words “farang” and “stupidity” strung together. We only regard this guy as being stupid from a Thailand perspective.

In the West it’s perfectly normal for people to fall in love, have joint bank accounts, property in both names, share everything and trust each other. I don’t think this is stupid. This is what civilised people do in civilised countries.


That was nicely said Alex. IMO... :D

It's perfectly normal here as well.

There's nothing stupid about waking up in the morning either... but as to who you choose to wake up with, that's another issue. IMO the farangs who fail in relationships here are those who make poor choices in partner/wife/husband. Yeah, it's a given, but I think a lot of people still maintain that "I'm on vacation" attitude when making even those more important life choices.


How about the story of a young good looking foreigner with a good job and very good character meets the love of his lifetime in his working enviroment.

They are together for 3 years, engage and finally promise to take care eachother untill death will seperate them.

Buy a nice house, car, dog and have a baby.

Sounds good right?

About a month after she delivered the baby the guy finds out she is having an affair with a Thai guy and she had it long before their marriage.

The girl seemed to be (in my opinion) a very conservative traditional Thai lady and when I recieved the news he kicked her out of the house as she refused to to a DNA test to see if the baby was his I was shocked.

I only hope he will not suffer too much from it as I can imagine the impact on someone's mental state it could have.

Did this guy fail in his relationship because of making the wrong choice of partner?

I know of a few other similair story's from friends in the West that married with their farang girls but to my feeling it happens a bit more in Asia (not only Thailand).

Other comments ventilated here about foreigners hooking up with BG's are doomed to end up in disaster I disagree.

I know a few that are perfectly happy and have a good life together already for many years.

How you know you have met your lifetime partner, well you don't.

There are more then 5 Billion people on this planet and it would take more then a lifetime to sample all of them.

Just be happy together and take care eachother, talk a lot about how you feel and what you think, what you want, what you like and what you not like.

Peace to you all!

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I dont want to experience anything like this . But I think I worry too much ! :o

After all Thailand is not the worst country in the world , most thais are honest but poor.

So I have a plan now. When I settle down in Thailand with my future wife, I will open 2 bank accounts . One for me (my hard earned reserves) and one shared account with enough money in it to live a happy life. I need to trust her completely and if anything goes wrong I'll survive anyway.

And I will never buy land unless I can walk away from it.....

Edited by balo
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Having read through this thread, I have lost count of how many times I have seen the words "farang" and "stupidity" strung together. We only regard this guy as being stupid from a Thailand perspective.

In the West it's perfectly normal for people to fall in love, have joint bank accounts, property in both names, share everything and trust each other. I don't think this is stupid. This is what civilised people do in civilised countries.

In the story it said they had been together for two years. Was he really being stupid or was he just behaving in a civilised way? So if we want to be non-stupid in Thailand, do we have to keep our credit cards, cash, bank books and valuables locked away from our Thai wives and GFs? Maybe it's being sensible. It's also very sad.

Abolutely right.

Surely one of the reasons you have a long term relationship with someone, apart from love, is trust. If there is no trust then there can be no relationship.

What sort of relationship is it when a man can say " Honey, I love you, but I don't trust you with any of my money".

OK, I can understand the man being hesitant if the couple have only been together only a few months, but after a year or two, trust should be 100%.

Obviously Thai girls have been singled out in this thread because this is a Thai forum, but this topic could be discussed in almost any country in the world.

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Having read through this thread, I have lost count of how many times I have seen the words "farang" and "stupidity" strung together. We only regard this guy as being stupid from a Thailand perspective.

In the West it's perfectly normal for people to fall in love, have joint bank accounts, property in both names, share everything and trust each other. I don't think this is stupid. This is what civilised people do in civilised countries.

In the story it said they had been together for two years. Was he really being stupid or was he just behaving in a civilised way? So if we want to be non-stupid in Thailand, do we have to keep our credit cards, cash, bank books and valuables locked away from our Thai wives and GFs? Maybe it's being sensible. It's also very sad.

Abolutely right.

Surely one of the reasons you have a long term relationship with someone, apart from love, is trust. If there is no trust then there can be no relationship.

What sort of relationship is it when a man can say " Honey, I love you, but I don't trust you with any of my money".

OK, I can understand the man being hesitant if the couple have only been together only a few months, but after a year or two, trust should be 100%.

Obviously Thai girls have been singled out in this thread because this is a Thai forum, but this topic could be discussed in almost any country in the world.

Well anyone with any sense has a pre-nuptial agreement. These are a matter of neccessity to protect the person who contributes the largest share of financial resources. If the couple are both earning the same and have the same amount of savings intially then a prenup is superfluous. The idea that trust should be 100% after a year is bizarre- do you think no one has affairs, changes their opinion, gets greedy etc after one year?

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What about the good little girls who go into this blindly trusting and then take a swan dive out an apartment window when the man pulls a disappearing act.

Swain, I could tell many a tale of a Thai women that has been left in the lumber by a Farang. One case is of a very nice lady who had stayed with a Farang for a number of years in rented accomodation, he came home one day, packed his clothes up and walked out cos he had met a young girl who had just come to Pattaya from up - country.

This Farang lost nothing, the Thai woman lost 5 years of her life and was left with the rent to pay. :o

Most stories we read on this Forum are about how bad Thai women are, but there are also other sides of the Thai coin too.


I know its wrong but i admit I get a little perverted pleasure out of hearng this story.

Just a leeetle bit... :D

Pleasure in any form is good to hear, goosd for him. :D:D

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Having read through this thread, I have lost count of how many times I have seen the words "farang" and "stupidity" strung together. We only regard this guy as being stupid from a Thailand perspective.

In the West it's perfectly normal for people to fall in love, have joint bank accounts, property in both names, share everything and trust each other. I don't think this is stupid. This is what civilised people do in civilised countries.

In the story it said they had been together for two years. Was he really being stupid or was he just behaving in a civilised way? So if we want to be non-stupid in Thailand, do we have to keep our credit cards, cash, bank books and valuables locked away from our Thai wives and GFs? Maybe it's being sensible. It's also very sad.

Abolutely right.

Surely one of the reasons you have a long term relationship with someone, apart from love, is trust. If there is no trust then there can be no relationship.

What sort of relationship is it when a man can say " Honey, I love you, but I don't trust you with any of my money".

OK, I can understand the man being hesitant if the couple have only been together only a few months, but after a year or two, trust should be 100%.

Obviously Thai girls have been singled out in this thread because this is a Thai forum, but this topic could be discussed in almost any country in the world.

Well anyone with any sense has a pre-nuptial agreement. These are a matter of neccessity to protect the person who contributes the largest share of financial resources. If the couple are both earning the same and have the same amount of savings initially then a prenup is superfluous. The idea that trust should be 100% after a year is bizarre- do you think no one has affairs, changes their opinion, gets greedy etc after one year?

Since the prenup would most likely be by a Thai lawyer She would still win most likely. If you don't trust who your with why be with the significant other. With a prenup attitude you might as well get a rich western women so you wouldn't have to worry about the money....Eh? I doubt if Thailand would give any credence to a house bout in her name or a car.

since you can't own the house legitimately in your name you can't claim any rights as you cannot own land- house on land Hers prenup--- you lose, only works in western countries on most issues. Discussed many occasions in the Real estate section. And I do have 1st hand dealings with Thai lawyers , they are diligent in making sure that the Thai is protected.

I think most would agree this to be true!

Pick your best mate .. roll the bones if it does not work REMEMBER Never put it any more than your willing to walk away from.

Best Prenup your ever going to get in Thailand- Unless you are taking her home to your home country- A totaly different story. Prenup if you are not sure.


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What about the good little girls who go into this blindly trusting and then take a swan dive out an apartment window when the man pulls a disappearing act.

Swain, I could tell many a tale of a Thai women that has been left in the lumber by a Farang. One case is of a very nice lady who had stayed with a Farang for a number of years in rented accomodation, he came home one day, packed his clothes up and walked out cos he had met a young girl who had just come to Pattaya from up - country.

This Farang lost nothing, the Thai woman lost 5 years of her life and was left with the rent to pay. :o

Most stories we read on this Forum are about how bad Thai women are, but there are also other sides of the Thai coin too.

Hmm. The farang lost 5 years of his life too. If the farang was paying all the rent himself then she got 5 years rent-free on top of that, and probably numerous other improvements of lifestyle. It isn't as if the farang lost nothing in the deal. He should certainly have handled the break up differently, but I think a more balanced view of the situation is appropriate.

I don't know the circumstances of the breakup they were in so I cant comment. But I do know the circumstances of many other relationship endings. I wont mention here as they are users. Some of you guys must have a heart of stone ... or have been burned so bad in the past that you have to punish ever woman that crosses your path...

I have been burned as well... I was partners with a woman in a business in the USA .... the business did well and we got huge orders.. the money looked like we were home free. But getting a factor to give us a credit line looked impossible. My partner jumped into bed (literally) with the first big wallet she could find. Where we were sleeping together two days before... she showed up at my place telling me she had cleaned out the bank account and moved all our assets and business equipment into hiding. She handed me a contract that said she was buying me out for next to nothing ... about 1/10th of what it was worth at the moment. She said I could sign it or not but the result would be the same... I bought a gun... but luckily enough I gained my senses back and was able to shut her down until we worked out a fair settlement.. I loved her and she not only dumped me but tried to steal the business as well...

The only reason I mentioned this was to point out that I have had my share of bitches from hel_l... but I didn't punish the next woman that came into my life for the hel_l the last one put me through.

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What about the good little girls who go into this blindly trusting and then take a swan dive out an apartment window when the man pulls a disappearing act.

Swain, I could tell many a tale of a Thai women that has been left in the lumber by a Farang. One case is of a very nice lady who had stayed with a Farang for a number of years in rented accomodation, he came home one day, packed his clothes up and walked out cos he had met a young girl who had just come to Pattaya from up - country.

This Farang lost nothing, the Thai woman lost 5 years of her life and was left with the rent to pay. :o

Most stories we read on this Forum are about how bad Thai women are, but there are also other sides of the Thai coin too.

Hmm. The farang lost 5 years of his life too. If the farang was paying all the rent himself then she got 5 years rent-free on top of that, and probably numerous other improvements of lifestyle. It isn't as if the farang lost nothing in the deal. He should certainly have handled the break up differently, but I think a more balanced view of the situation is appropriate.

I don't know the circumstances of the breakup they were in so I cant comment. But I do know the circumstances of many other relationship endings. I wont mention here as they are users. Some of you guys must have a heart of stone ... or have been burned so bad in the past that you have to punish ever woman that crosses your path...

I have been burned as well... I was partners with a woman in a business in the USA .... the business did well and we got huge orders.. the money looked like we were home free. But getting a factor to give us a credit line looked impossible. My partner jumped into bed (literally) with the first big wallet she could find. Where we were sleeping together two days before... she showed up at my place telling me she had cleaned out the bank account and moved all our assets and business equipment into hiding. She handed me a contract that said she was buying me out for next to nothing ... about 1/10th of what it was worth at the moment. She said I could sign it or not but the result would be the same... I bought a gun... but luckily enough I gained my senses back and was able to shut her down until we worked out a fair settlement.. I loved her and she not only dumped me but tried to steal the business as well...

The only reason I mentioned this was to point out that I have had my share of bitches from hel_l... but I didn't punish the next woman that came into my life for the hel_l the last one put me through.


Wow! Sorry you went through that and glad you didn't shoot here. I think that beats my worst experience... :D

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