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Expats Under Attack (re Spain) Itv1 Now


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'cotambear', elucidate, please.

good word :o

apart from the predictable subtext of `trouble in paradise` allied with the schaudenfreude (sp) of lucky bastards in resort idyll get their comeuppance, and the bitter irony of those fleeing a perceived crime ridden britain being themselves victims of crime, the prog had some interesting ponder points;

1.With the background of the concern at rising knife crime in the uk, a number of uk young men have been stabbed in Spain, often to death, in part due to the local culture of young men almost invariably carrying knifes.

2. uk expats perceive themselves as targetted by criminal gangs of bulgars, albanians or latin americans (armed with machettes) who raid houses, often with occupants in, and strip them of cash and valuables.

3. despite police pointing out that crime levels in spain are lower than in the uk, expats feel that doesnt reflect their personal experience of being disproportionately targetted.

I think they may be some interesting parallels with farang perception of crime in los, certainly food for thought.

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most thai's carry knives and will rob you

I do hate generalisations.

Most people in the USA carry guns and they will kill you.

Is that correct?

I don't think so.

As cotam bear pointed out the similarity is in the community where you live.

Out here in the boonies there is little sign of expats being under attack and there must be 40 or 50 of us in a 50km radius.

I spent 4 months in Papua New Guinea last year and "most" people there including children as young as 10 carry machetes openly in the streets but very few white expats have been attacked.

Does that mean that they target farangs?

I got stopped by about 50 at one place and I was getting nervous as they surrounded the pickup (though not as nervous as my security guard as he was from a different tribe) but they only wanted to talk and get me to take a letter back to the company for them.

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