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Border Means Test Confirmed By Imm

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use a credit card.

Cash, no cards, no banknotes, no atm slips, no bankbooks. Easy, just cash.

If you can't provide 20k (cash) for 3months touristvisa in Thailand, you have nothing to do in Thailand. Just check out how much a Thai need to get a visa to europe.

but be aware that a tourist visa enables a SIXTY 60 DAY STAY only. That visa is extendable by another 30 days inside Thailand. The fee is 1900 baht.

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I had a long talk with the man in charge of immigration at Mai Sai border last week. He gave me several reasons not to be concerned with the new rules srating next month.

1) They are going to profile people. If you are poorly dressed and carry a large back pack yo will probably be asked to show the money. If you don't fit the profile you will not be asked.

2) If you have a home here they are not concerned with you as you have a place to sleep and don't require a hotel. He told me there are people crossing into Thailand with bt 400 in their pocket.

3) If you have a work permit you don't need to show any money.

If this is the case then it is clearly a good thing for everyone. I would have to personally support this effort based on this info. Thank you sansai sam for your inquisition and report.

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I have a multi entry tourist visa. This allows me to enter LOS four times for a duration of 60 days each time. Is it possible to extend each 60 day stay by a further 30 days and to do so does this have to be done in Bangkok or is it possible to do in Chiang Mai?

yes it is possible, though you are asked on the form for a reason why you needed the 'emergency' extension as they call it I think. So it is not guarranteed, but last time I did it they allowed me to apply for the extension before my 60 days was up without losing out, so I had time for a rush trip to Malaysia if needed! I'm near Chiang Mai myself, and it's an easy trip to immigration on the left almost immediately before you drive into the airport.

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"The Nation" is a good paper to have on a Friday because it has Farang Affairs which is an interesting read.

Also "The Nation" seems to report more information on what is actually going on in Thailand as opposed to the "Bangkok Post" which is scared to be critical of the government.

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the sleeping dogs are woken up now

i had been yesterday to mae sot:

no statement right now waiting for answer from bkk

money and time

taxi to moh shit 80b

22:30 vip bus bkk mae sot 5:30 480b

5:45 taxi to the market 5:50 15b

breakfast at the market 100b

6:30 taxi to the bridge 20b

7:00 leaving thailand

7:15 leaving myanmar 500b

7:30 taxi to hill bus stop 7:50 50b

8:00 bus to bkk 16:00 320b

taxi back home 100b

20 hour 1665 b

that is why it is laughable when people say "i don't mind border hopping" "its only every three months" "its a small price to pay" etc, etc.

Its a <deleted> huge disruption in our lives. And its a regular occurance. and its ###### expensive. just take the cost of all this trips and visas and bribes and other crap, divide by 12 and add it to your rent. you'll be pissed I assure you. its costs money to work here, let alone being able to save a few bucks.

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I have a multi entry tourist visa. This allows me to enter LOS four times for a duration of 60 days each time. Is it possible to extend each 60 day stay by a further 30 days and to do so does this have to be done in Bangkok or is it possible to do in Chiang Mai?

FOUR entries? I thought that three is the most one can get?

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Living here is a priviledge not a right

I guess it’s a spell check failure, and that you mean it’s not a right for Thailand to have us here, but a privilege!Just check out how much a Thai need to get a visa to europe.

Well my wife need transportation to Bangkok for submit the application. That`s all.

That`s a privilege. :D

I’m here husband and together with many others, sidelined with a buffalo.That’s not a privilege. :D

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I have a multi entry tourist visa. This allows me to enter LOS four times for a duration of 60 days each time. Is it possible to extend each 60 day stay by a further 30 days and to do so does this have to be done in Bangkok or is it possible to do in Chiang Mai?

FOUR entries? I thought that three is the most one can get?

Alas, the legal period of validity of a tourist visa is still 6 months of the date of issue. With extensions it is kinda hard to even use three entries without any sort of curtailment of a stay.

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use a credit card.

Cash, no cards, no banknotes, no atm slips, no bankbooks. Easy, just cash.

If you can't provide 20k (cash) for 3months touristvisa in Thailand, you have nothing to do in Thailand. Just check out how much a Thai need to get a visa to europe.

Got to agree with Royar on this one. 20k baht is not a lot of cash, perhaps a week expenses. the key here is to avoid getting ripped off at all costs

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I have a multi entry tourist visa. This allows me to enter LOS four times for a duration of 60 days each time. Is it possible to extend each 60 day stay by a further 30 days and to do so does this have to be done in Bangkok or is it possible to do in Chiang Mai?

FOUR entries? I thought that three is the most one can get?

Alas, the legal period of validity of a tourist visa is still 6 months of the date of issue. With extensions it is kinda hard to even use three entries without any sort of curtailment of a stay.

Got to agree with you here, Dr, days are always getting shaved off here and there trying to cram in all the entries and extensions during that 6 month validity period. And if you have to leave the country in the middle somewhere, you toss away an entry or extension

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I have a multi entry tourist visa. This allows me to enter LOS four times for a duration of 60 days each time. Is it possible to extend each 60 day stay by a further 30 days and to do so does this have to be done in Bangkok or is it possible to do in Chiang Mai?

FOUR entries? I thought that three is the most one can get?

A couple of months ago it was possible to get from some consulates in Germany 4 entries and the visa was valid for 1 year.

Double checked consular informations at Berlin,


they changed and 'offer' now only single and double TR-visa, but forgot to take the remark for triples out :o (Point 3 price list)

Some members reported having multiple-entry tourist visa. So seems still possible?

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I have a multi entry tourist visa. This allows me to enter LOS four times for a duration of 60 days each time. Is it possible to extend each 60 day stay by a further 30 days and to do so does this have to be done in Bangkok or is it possible to do in Chiang Mai?

FOUR entries? I thought that three is the most one can get?

A couple of months ago it was possible to get from some consulates in Germany 4 entries and the visa was valid for 1 year.

Double checked consular informations at Berlin,


they changed and 'offer' now only single and double TR-visa, but forgot to take the remark for triples out :o (Point 3 price list)

Some members reported having multiple-entry tourist visa. So seems still possible?

Even with my limited German Axel, it is clear that the validity period is 6 months only, and seemingly that is the maximum period, irrespective of the number of entries granted. The 6 month validity for more than one entry is prescribed by MFA regulations.

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Even with my limited German Axel, it is clear that the validity period is 6 months only, and seemingly that is the maximum period, irrespective of the number of entries granted. The 6 month validity for more than one entry is prescribed by MFA regulations.

Right Dr., but in the past they had 3 entries + 270 days, 4 entries 365 days.

Now the last two options have been taken out, albeit sloppily. I searched as well in Frankfurt and Karlsruhe, two very nice consulates. triples and quadriples are gone.

In Zurich only a remark, to the effect you should contact the consulate if you need more than 2 entries...

Anway, same as Hull and some others in the States, the consulates and especially the Honorary ones in Germany, Switzerland and Denmark do remarkably what they want.

Remeber my son? non-imm B refused but non-imm Ed granted, based on my company's sponsor letter. :o (That was Frankfurt)

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Even with my limited German Axel, it is clear that the validity period is 6 months only, and seemingly that is the maximum period, irrespective of the number of entries granted. The 6 month validity for more than one entry is prescribed by MFA regulations.

I have a non imm myself, so I don't know too much about tourist visas. But if you get to the border just before the one-year multiple entries non imm visa expires, you will be granted three more months. So actually you will get 15 months, not 12, before you have to go to Penang again.

Is this possible to do if I have a three entries tourist visa, but valid only for six months? First, I will get two months, then extension one month at immigration, two more months, one more extension and that's six months totally. But then I will travel to the border once more, the day before the visa expires. I will actually get two more months, which I can extend a last time. In total nine months. Or...?

Maybe this scenario isn't possible? I mean if three entries tourist visas are still issued or not? Actually, if it's valid for only six months doesn't matter as long as you can get to the border before it expires.



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"The Nation" is a good paper to have on a Friday because it has Farang Affairs which is an interesting read.

Also "The Nation" seems to report more information on what is actually going on in Thailand as opposed to the "Bangkok Post" which is scared to be critical of the government.

Goodness...where else is that true?????


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I have a multi entry tourist visa. This allows me to enter LOS four times for a duration of 60 days each time. Is it possible to extend each 60 day stay by a further 30 days and to do so does this have to be done in Bangkok or is it possible to do in Chiang Mai?

There is no multi entry tourist visa for Thailand. You may have paid for greater than one entry because that is how it works. You have 6 months of the date of issue to make ALL entries. It might pay to take a look at the visa in question.

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Heard it on the grapevine that a cruise company is going to start visaruns from somewhere in tha Mapthaput area

Transfer starting in Pattaya and back there, supposedly they gurantee back in 6 hours

Will post if I can find out more


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I have a multi entry tourist visa. This allows me to enter LOS four times for a duration of 60 days each time. Is it possible to extend each 60 day stay by a further 30 days and to do so does this have to be done in Bangkok or is it possible to do in Chiang Mai?

FOUR entries? I thought that three is the most one can get?

Alas, the legal period of validity of a tourist visa is still 6 months of the date of issue. With extensions it is kinda hard to even use three entries without any sort of curtailment of a stay.

Got to agree with you here, Dr, days are always getting shaved off here and there trying to cram in all the entries and extensions during that 6 month validity period. And if you have to leave the country in the middle somewhere, you toss away an entry or extension

Might be useful if you planned to be in and out a lot during the trip, but you can get a re-entry permit on a tourist visa, so not really worth the bother.

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Even with my limited German Axel, it is clear that the validity period is 6 months only, and seemingly that is the maximum period, irrespective of the number of entries granted. The 6 month validity for more than one entry is prescribed by MFA regulations.

I have a non imm myself, so I don't know too much about tourist visas. But if you get to the border just before the one-year multiple entries non imm visa expires, you will be granted three more months. So actually you will get 15 months, not 12, before you have to go to Penang again.

Is this possible to do if I have a three entries tourist visa, but valid only for six months? First, I will get two months, then extension one month at immigration, two more months, one more extension and that's six months totally. But then I will travel to the border once more, the day before the visa expires. I will actually get two more months, which I can extend a last time. In total nine months. Or...?

Maybe this scenario isn't possible? I mean if three entries tourist visas are still issued or not? Actually, if it's valid for only six months doesn't matter as long as you can get to the border before it expires.



Only Astral could give me the answer I wanted. Thanks!


If you are over 50 you can apply for a Non Immigrant O visa and say you want to retire here. Show your house lease when applying.

Hull may be willing to give you a multi-entry.  That will allow you to stay, 90 days, then do a border hop to get a new 90 days.

Under 50 the Tourist visa is the way to go.

Try for a triple entry, and apply at the very last minute before you travel.

The visa is valid for 6 months, but with careful use you can stay the best part of 9 months.

First entry 60 days.

Apply for 30 day extension, at immigration office 1900 baht

Border hop.

60 day entry stamp

Apply for 30 day extension at immigration office 1900 baht

Now the good bit.  You may not use all your extension, but watch the expiry date of the visa stamped in your passport.  On or before the last day, do a border hop and come back to get the third 60 days.  By the time you have used another 30 day extension you will have been here the best part of 9 months

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Even with my limited German Axel, it is clear that the validity period is 6 months only, and seemingly that is the maximum period, irrespective of the number of entries granted. The 6 month validity for more than one entry is prescribed by MFA regulations.

I have a non imm myself, so I don't know too much about tourist visas. But if you get to the border just before the one-year multiple entries non imm visa expires, you will be granted three more months. So actually you will get 15 months, not 12, before you have to go to Penang again.

Is this possible to do if I have a three entries tourist visa, but valid only for six months? First, I will get two months, then extension one month at immigration, two more months, one more extension and that's six months totally. But then I will travel to the border once more, the day before the visa expires. I will actually get two more months, which I can extend a last time. In total nine months. Or...?

Maybe this scenario isn't possible? I mean if three entries tourist visas are still issued or not? Actually, if it's valid for only six months doesn't matter as long as you can get to the border before it expires.



correct me if I'm wrong anyone but I would think and I believe the Dr stated that all entries must be used within the 6 month validity period of the visa. So if you are entering Thailand a few days before the end of the visa expiry, even if it is 3rd entry on a triple, your visa would be valid for 60 more days. Then you should also be able to extend that for 30. At least that is what makes sense.

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thanks to ...

normaly after the 1.oktober every alien have to show some money ONLY at the border on mai sai!!! maybe to many visarunners there?? :D now >> thanks to soo many "posteners" specially to the bangkok post >> soon in every border.oh soo thanks :o

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Even with my limited German Axel, it is clear that the validity period is 6 months only, and seemingly that is the maximum period, irrespective of the number of entries granted. The 6 month validity for more than one entry is prescribed by MFA regulations.

I have a non imm myself, so I don't know too much about tourist visas. But if you get to the border just before the one-year multiple entries non imm visa expires, you will be granted three more months. So actually you will get 15 months, not 12, before you have to go to Penang again.

Is this possible to do if I have a three entries tourist visa, but valid only for six months? First, I will get two months, then extension one month at immigration, two more months, one more extension and that's six months totally. But then I will travel to the border once more, the day before the visa expires. I will actually get two more months, which I can extend a last time. In total nine months. Or...?

Maybe this scenario isn't possible? I mean if three entries tourist visas are still issued or not? Actually, if it's valid for only six months doesn't matter as long as you can get to the border before it expires.



correct me if I'm wrong anyone but I would think and I believe the Dr stated that all entries must be used within the 6 month validity period of the visa. So if you are entering Thailand a few days before the end of the visa expiry, even if it is 3rd entry on a triple, your visa would be valid for 60 more days. Then you should also be able to extend that for 30. At least that is what makes sense.

If one enters within the validity period, albeit at the end, another stay should be permitted Bob.

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Hi all; this just in from Phuket.com

PHUKET: Immigration checkpoints nationwide are free to enforce minimum currency requirements on foreigners entering Thailand at their own discretion, a top Immigration official confirmed on Friday.

Commenting on the posting of notices at several Immigration checkpoints in the north of Thailand, Pol Col Chalermpong Vadhanasukha, Deputy Superintendent of Immigration Division 3, in Bangkok, said, “[The rule] has been in effect since May 8, 2000, when it was signed into law by the then-Interior Minister, Banyat Bantadtan,” he said.

The notices in the North warn that the regulation will be enforced from Friday (October 1), and specify the following minimum amounts in cash, or equivalent, to be brought in by foreigners, according to type of visa:

• 30-day “on arrival” visa: 10,000 baht (20,000 baht for families traveling together);

• 60 day tourist visa or non-immigrant visa: 20,000 baht (40,000 baht per family);

Children under 12 are exempted from the requirement.

Col Chalermpong said, “It’s an old law, but not every Immigration checkpoint enforces it strictly … It is up to each office how it enforces this regulation.

“Real tourists do not have to worry about this, but people who repeatedly enter Thailand on 30-day or 60-day visas will come under scrutiny,” he added.

Asked if bank statements or ATM receipts would be accepted, Col Chalermpong said that this, too, would be up to the discretion of each checkpoint.

He added, however, that any officer who refused to accept valid traveler’s checks as proof of financial status would be liable to prosecution.

Pol Col Sa’ngob Sun-udorn, Superintendent of Mae Sai Immigration, said that his office was simply following ministerial regulations in enforcing the rule.

“Mae Sai Immigration was criticized by the Chi ang Rai Governor, who asked us why there are are so many strange cases of people stamping in and out of Thailand on tourist visas – some for as long as 15 years. What are [such people] still doing in Chiang Rai?

“We have to enforce this rule strictly in such cases, and we will begin to do so on October 1,” he confirmed.

However, Pol Capt Krissarat Nuesen of Phuket Provincial Immigration Office (PPIO) told the Gazette, “We have not strictly enforced this regulation because [doing so] would cause long queues and we would be criticized.”

He added, however, that PPIO officers would not rule out using the regulation in cases involving foreigners staying in the country for a long time on a string of tourist visas.

Pol Col Chawalit Busayarat, Superintendent of Ranong Immigration, has a similiar view of how the rules will be applied. “We do not enforce this regulation on all foreigners. We mainly check for people on Immi gration’s blacklist,” he said.

“We also check foreigners staying on tourist visas, who apply repeatedly for extensions to stay. If they continue applying for extensions, then we send their documents to Bangkok to be checked.

“Most of these people are Europeans and Americans. They keep applying because they have Thai wives and families here to support,” Col Chawalit added.

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