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Caucasian Women Dating Asian Guys


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Lots of Western girls are going for Thai guys and there are many reasons. For me I like the fact that they are not so caught up in image and bravado and obsessed on the size of their wares trying to prove they are the biggest and best.

Also my thai bf makes double what I do however looking at him you wouldnt think so.

He is much more a family man and less selfish towards his family then anyone I have met.

He is calm and patient and quiet happy to be with a farang girl.

I have no kids, no sick buffalo, dont like gold and am happy to work and make my own money. My family has health insurance and my father is not interested in his Baht. Also growing up in Thailand means that Thai girls are not so exotic for him.

My boyfriend pays the rent, and lends me his car when I need it but appreciates my independence and the my openness about sek.

His last girlfriend was Thai, had kids she never saw, a shit job, gambled and drank to much. She was not a bar girl. Sure she cooked and clipped his nails for him.. but she sure came with a lot of baggage.

Admittedly I dont cook or clip his nails but I will pick up dinner on the way home.

Also my boyfriend his HOT! Masculine and very polite.

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Lots of Western girls are going for Thai guys and there are many reasons. For me I like the fact that they are not so caught up in image and bravado and obsessed on the size of their wares trying to prove they are the biggest and best.

I don't know where in Thailand you live but I beg to differ! :o

my thai bf makes double what I do however looking at him you wouldnt think so.

He is much more a family man and less selfish towards his family then anyone I have met.

He is calm and patient and quiet happy to be with a farang girl.

I have no kids, no sick buffalo, dont like gold and am happy to work and make my own money. My family has health insurance and my father is not interested in his Baht. Also growing up in Thailand means that Thai girls are not so exotic for him.

My boyfriend pays the rent, and lends me his car when I need it but appreciates my independence and the my openness about sek.

hmm, are you sure you don't want to give him to me?!??

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Ladies I don't envy you one bit! I think it must be hard to be a single Farang lady in LOS. First off, there are alot more farang men then women, just because single women in general don't plan on taking off to a foreign country. Lot's of ladies here on this forum do, but I think they are more the exception than the rule. More likely it's a man transferred on business or something like that.

But there are alot of factors involved. One factor may be height, because Western do tend to be a wee bit taller. Another factor is, well I can say this because I am Thai, but I don't think alot of the Thai men make an effort to look real attractive. First off, I am not gay, and I am saying this in a spirit of insight, and openess and all that other stuff. But think about this, in the states, most men will go to the gym, work out, wear nice clothes, etc., and all try to look real attractive to the women. Straight men don't do that as much in Thailand. Just as a mental exercise, think about the vanity of american men, because they really are vain and do care about their appearance. In thailand, I don't think it is as much...alot of the guys I see around just generally dress like slobs. Keep in mind that this is merely my opinion...and I am an idiot. :D

I thing single women everywhere should experience traveling. :D But a lot of my girl friends have fears about travelling, especially alone and in countries that are less developed. I cant blame them...but I think they're missing out on a lot of amazing things that you can see in the world....True, I don't see a lot of Thai men at the gym. I have seen Thai guys look in mirrors A LOT though. But maybe thats just me...some of them even care a small comb with them! :o

Well, if you want to see some vain Thai men competing with the farang spend a day or two in Pattaya.. :D

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Yes, so I definitely speak from experience.

I have had many a Thai cutie boys that oh so nice on the outside but oh so little on the inside :o

I am sure for some this is certainly an issue.

i beg to differ JonnieB. maybe you are hanging around with the wrong men! the misconception that all asian men are on the smallish side is not accurate in my experience. and i have to also add that the misconception that all western men are hung like horses is quite inaccurate too.

it takes all kinds, i guess.

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Don't know about most of the women here but maybe "equipment" issues may be the reason. Trying to find a satisfyingly large one in Thailand can be a real challenge!!
I have had many a Thai cutie boys that oh so nice on the outside but oh so little on the inside :o

ALTERNATIVE EXPLANATION: maybe they're just not that 'excited' with the prospect of getting it on with you. Just a thought.

...Perhaps as just plausable as the explanation that all Thai men are hung like hamsters.

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my asian dad married my caucasian mom, then he divorced her and married my caucasian step mom. it seems pretty normal, at least back in the US.

but, regarding LOS, women are generally less driven by sex than men and are more hesitant to start relationships if there are language/culture barriers. and western women put a high premium on "communication" (well, i know i do). being in a relationship with someone from another culture (thai, french, kenyan, whatever), whose first language is not your own, is very challenging even if your partner and you share a fluent language together. western women may be less inclined to take the plunge and do the extra work required because they are less driven by the sex involved.

anyway, i've been here for a few years now and think the ideas that thai men don't find caucasian women attractive and that thai men aren't attractive are rubbish. i have a couple of caucausian friends who will only date thai men, they seem to do pretty well!

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Completely agree. I don't know where "all the farang men are hung like horses" myth started, but it is a myth.

Thirded. It is a myth usually perpetuated by straight farang men I find. Complete load of bull. Same as the "all Asian men are small" theory. Just aint true. Of course a 5'3'' Thai men will be smaller than a 6'5'' nordic giant - it's all proportional innit??

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I must have been hanging around with the right kind of thai men in my single carefree days cause I never found a problem, the worst was in thailand but was an english guy, anyone ever seen those little pencils they give you in IKEA,!!! yep about that length & width, not good & poor guy really didn't know what to do with it either!!! But on a whole I haven't noticed any change in size between the nationalities at all. :D

just to add, I actually don't know what jonnieB considers big or small though so maybe they have grand expectations, it's all about personal preference :o

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Yes, so I definitely speak from experience.

I have had many a Thai cutie boys that oh so nice on the outside but oh so little on the inside :o

the misconception that all asian men are on the smallish side is not accurate in my experience...

Come on girl...where did I say that ALL Thai/Asian guys were small down there...if that were the case, I would've been out of here years ago :D I mean, you only have to see some of the shows in Patters or Bangkok to see that it definitely IS NOT the case :D

However, I would say based on my sample that it's about 50/50...but it is still easy enough to find one that is "just right."

One funny thing I find, however, is the many that are "bent" to the left or right during liftoff :D

Edited by JonnieB
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No, I don't think is is a proportion thing. :o

Ummm, not to go into too many details but no, IME, it is not proportional at all. :D

Have to agree! My husband's shorter then me but not short changed down below :D

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all have a bend to them; my son really bent left as a little boy that aiming for the toilet was difficult... the mohel (circumciser/rabbi) whom we showed it to (so was about three then), said; 'dont vorry, he'll be making babies soon enough'... i.e. no prob there; it will work anyways...

i think i prefer the thai style do to the fact that they are less 'furry' everywhere.... smooth chocolate...

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I'm sure my man will be thrilled to hear I'm broadcasting to the world...no equipment issues here folks :o

I think my friends fall into two categories. The ones who haven't travelled can't really process the idea of cross-cultural relationships. Coming from a rural area they haven't seen many examples.

Then the second group have travelled, some lived and worked overseas and have seen that cross-cultural relationship can work. They also appreciate that there is a lot more out there than the stereotype white man/bar girl scene.

But...Most of my girlfriends - in both groups - still seem to think the farang girl/Thai guy scenario is somehow more exotic and exciting. Independently neither of us would be considered anything special in our own communities. We are Mr and Mrs Normal. Mid-30s, chubby, hard-working, love kids. But throw the colour/culture factors in and suddenly people see us as something more than two ordinary people. It's pretty weird to be looked at like we have achieved something out of the ordinary.

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all have a bend to them; my son really bent left as a little boy that aiming for the toilet was difficult... the mohel (circumciser/rabbi) whom we showed it to (so was about three then), said; 'dont vorry, he'll be making babies soon enough'... i.e. no prob there; it will work anyways...

i think i prefer the thai style do to the fact that they are less 'furry' everywhere.... smooth chocolate...

Bina, your words paint a vivid picture... :o

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But throw the colour/culture factors in and suddenly people see us as something more than two ordinary people

It's pretty weird to be looked at like we have achieved something out of the ordinary.

haha, yes we get that too, also as happens on here a lot, people feel they have a right to put my relationship under scrutiny or analys (SP) it becuase we are thai man/brit women. I never see farang/farang couples get the same kind of offensive comments or stupid generalisations made either but some how being this mix, we have to be eXposed to it.

I don't need a pat on the back for having a happy marriage but I also don't need to explain continually to other people that their predjuces & silly ideas play no part in my marriage or what they think happens in a thai man/farang women relationship.

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But...Most of my girlfriends - in both groups - still seem to think the farang girl/Thai guy scenario is somehow more exotic and exciting. Independently neither of us would be considered anything special in our own communities. We are Mr and Mrs Normal. Mid-30s, chubby, hard-working, love kids. But throw the colour/culture factors in and suddenly people see us as something more than two ordinary people. It's pretty weird to be looked at like we have achieved something out of the ordinary.

This is so true! Get it from Thai people as well, I have to add.

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For me it all depends on the guy.... and not the nationality or colour of skin.

If I am honest, I was attracted to the man first, and the eyes and smile were the first things I looked at. Then I would discreetly check out the body and ass :D I'm a sucker for a nice firm chest and tight butt! But just looks don't cut it......

Next, the chat and what kind of conversation we have and if he makes me laugh and if we can talk about stuff and what kind of things we talk about.

(Although I do love a sexy accent, which might be why I don't tend to go for English, American guys and tend to go for more European & North African guys) :o (My definition of what constitutes a 'sexy' accent may well be different than other peoples!).

Personally I have never been out with an Asian guy but am very happy with my partner who was born in North Africa although lived most of his life in Europe, therefore we tend to communicate in both English and French.

Different strikes for different folks methinks.

IMO, ultimately it is the whole person and package we are attracted to, and not just the race/nationality of the guy. Love (and lust :D ) can strike when we least expect it! One should never say never.

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But...Most of my girlfriends - in both groups - still seem to think the farang girl/Thai guy scenario is somehow more exotic and exciting. Independently neither of us would be considered anything special in our own communities. We are Mr and Mrs Normal. Mid-30s, chubby, hard-working, love kids. But throw the colour/culture factors in and suddenly people see us as something more than two ordinary people. It's pretty weird to be looked at like we have achieved something out of the ordinary.

This is so true! Get it from Thai people as well, I have to add.

Yep! This may also be because people like things to 'fit into their box' of what is considered 'normal'.

Anything different, like Goinghome soon wrote, is considered 'exotic' and people wanna question you. Where did you meet? What do you do? Are you married? But you have different religions... Are you gonna convert? Imagine the colour of your babies, so cute, etc etc...

Maybe we just seem more 'adventurous' in their eyes! :D I always think, BLESS, what boring lives they must lead if they think our lives are so much more exciting! :o If only they knew! :D

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No sir, bring on the warning. This is the ladies forum and we do have certain rules regarding polite behavior and attitude. You call it PC, I call it good manners. If you can't follow those rules then please do not post in this forum. Do so in contravention of those rules and you will find yourself in trouble.

So, mind your manners, behave like you come from polite society and you will be listened to. Post like a misogynistic bigot and you will have problems.

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isn't it sad for some guys when they can't accept that thai men are just as good as them in any area. :o boo hoo, cry me a river. :D

positiveaction, if you don't accept what is written then post in a civil manner or stay away & take your attitdue elsewhere. I have deleted your post as it is not something we have to tolerate on this forum. Read the rules & abide or don't post. It really is that simple.

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Andiamo, Just so you know & not to delete & run :o but although I agreed with everything in your reply to the rude positiveaction I feel it best to remove your post as I don't want to give such an unpleasant person the time of day on this forum, so please understand why I had to remove your reply to him.

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OP here. Thanks everyone for your input. Looks like Female Caucasian and Male Asian relationships are alive and well in Thailand (even if with one or two cultural issues).

Now I am wondering even more why (according to the Straits Times) Caucasian women are leaving Singapore in their droves in search of lurve. Are the sort of women that go to live in LOS somehow different, and with different expectations, to those who go to Singers?

I don’t expect you to be able to answer that and perhaps I should have posted this question in a Singapore forum. Incidentally, the reason I didn’t was that I have seen similar threads in Singapore forums and they all ignore the cultural issues in favour of, obsessive discussions about, you guessed it, size of genitalia. Thankfully, as I suspected, the conversation has been more well balanced here.

Oh and while we are on the subject, Thai condoms are the smallest in the world, even smaller than those available in Singapore. Many Western hotels in Thailand, so I have been told, have to especially import Caucasian size condoms. Not that this is, in my view, very important.

OK my last thought is that maybe Western women come to Thailand not to look for love, money or career but for quality of life so maybe they are just more open to whatever may come along. Perhaps Singapore attracts women looking for the materialist dream. I’m not sure. I have more questions than answers.

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Oh and while we are on the subject, Thai condoms are the smallest in the world, even smaller than those available in Singapore. Many Western hotels in Thailand, so I have been told, have to especially import Caucasian size condoms....

????? Must I whip it out and beat the farangs over the head with it?

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What is interesting is how Thai men are fully aware of the rumor! Check out my thread in the Heath forum (sorry I dont know how to post a link ) just search "snip snip" in the health forum and my thread will come up. Lots of Men mutilate their members in order not to live up to the Asians are smaller rumor..Pretty full on!

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anyway, getting back to the main subject, i didnt have very good experiences dating thai men. i seemed to pick the wrong ones all the time. i am not, in any way, saying that ALL thai men are not good, but the experiences i had werent so good.

i have a couple of friends who are in very successful and happy marriages with thai men, so i do know that there are some out there.

yes, there are some fine looking thai men.

yes, there are some not so fine looking thai men.

same goes for western.

but looks have never been a big motivator for me.

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