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Eat More To Lose Weight?


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http://en.acutimes.com/news.asp?liststate=1&class=185It is said that the surplus body energy will be stored to become excess that causes obesity. This idea is popular but not necessarily right. The new idea is that the obesity is caused by energy deficiency because there is no enough energy to get the wastes out of the body. From this point of view, obesity is not due to energy excess but energy deficiency.

l Eat too much? Too little excretion.

Observe the pork from the supermarket you can see that the fat is not connected with muscles. In the same way, if we pinch the fat of a fat person, we can feel that his fat is separated from his muscles.

The lipoma can change its location and it gives the feeling that it is separated from body tissues. It means these remnants are not body tissues but the materials piling in the tissue gaps. These materials may comprise energy, but more likely to be rubbish that body is unable to discharge out.

l New idea about obesity is based on the Chinese medicine diagnosis

“People become fat gradually when the Qi and blood of body is too deficient of to discharge the wastes which accumulate in the body tissue gaps.”

Obesity is not due to accumulation of energy; instead, it is the manifestation of deficiency of energy.

In the daily life, the constitution of the slim is usually stronger than that of the fat, though they are at the same age. To the old, their Qi and blood are decreasing. At the same time, more and more rubbish in the body is accumulated. The result seems obvious --- they become fat without choice.

Then how to lose weight healthily and effectively? In the next article, we will solve this problem upon the new idea of weight-loss above.

【Tips】: What is Qi and blood?

They are described as useful materials to human body in the theory of Chinese medicine. Qi can be regarded as body energy. It includes manifold kinds, such as inherent Qi that exists congenitally, acquired Qi that is converted from what we eat and the air that is inhaled etc... Basically, blood conforms to the concept of that in modern medicine. Blood carrying Qi circulates in the meridians and provides nutrition to the whole body.

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I don't understand the "Eat More To Lose Weight," part.

Weight gain, maintenance, or loss is related to caloric surplus and caloric deficits.


That is it.

Frequency of meals will spead up metalbolism: eating about every 3.5 to 4 hours a days is a good idea. Eating about 5-6 small meals is a good idea.

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I can agree with the article's title, on condition we eat vegetables and fruits and not rise, meat, sugar and fat.

the rest of article is rubbish - can only suspect that in the next article from this series some tiger bone medicines will be pushed as a cure for an obesity

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the rest of article is rubbish - can only suspect that in the next article from this series some tiger bone medicines will be pushed as a cure for an obesity

I wrote these articles upon the traditional Chinese medicine, no medicines or products are recommended. If you think it makes sense,enjoy it. If not, neglect it. :o

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
If someone eats not enough his body will go into starvation mode. That means all it will slow down and store calories into fat. Its something that used to benefit us long ago.

This might be true if you consistently eat a low calorie diet day in and day out; however, our ancestors didn't eat "three squares" a day or do the many small meals a day. But spending some time being hungry can have some health benefits. Search on "intermittent fasting"--lots of interesting info.

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I had a job back in blighty that took me all over the coutry. One night in a small village pub I got talking to a retired professor of medicine. We got talking about diets. He explained that to loose weight you need to eat fat and protien. Isnt that the wrong thing to do said I :o . He went on to explain that the body has evolved through time to survive. When we diet the body thinks that hard times have happened and it retains the fat we have built up. Because the body is designed to survive it will retain the fat till the very last moment before using it, even at the expense of muscle. :D Whilst when we eat lots of fat and protien the body thinks the good times are back and so will burn off any excess fat built up as it knows plenty more are available :D . I tried to explain to Mrs H2o about it but she decided to stick with weightwatchers. :D

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If someone eats not enough his body will go into starvation mode. That means all it will slow down and store calories into fat. Its something that used to benefit us long ago.

This might be true if you consistently eat a low calorie diet day in and day out; however, our ancestors didn't eat "three squares" a day or do the many small meals a day. But spending some time being hungry can have some health benefits. Search on "intermittent fasting"--lots of interesting info.

The reason why i brought it up is because many ppl do if tor a long time.. using apitite supressors. I agree with what your saying for the rest.

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I can agree with the article's title, on condition we eat vegetables and fruits and not rise, meat, sugar and fat.

I eat plenty of meat and healthy fats...and I've lost 45 pounds over the last 9 months.

I can agree with this. A few years ago still in UK,I used the ATKINS diet for 2 weeks and lost 7 lbs.

Life was great....loads of butter,cream and meats....and nothing Carbohydrate loaded.

It was expensive and dispite sweeteners I missed sugar and milk. and potatoes..and chocolates ..but it worked for me.I can see that because you dont eat much veg or fruit a vitamin supliment makes sense and it was reccomended that you did not stay with the diet longterm...but as I said it did reduce my weight quickly and enjoyably...it would probably be more difficult to follow the Atkins diet in Thailand

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I can see that because you dont eat much veg or fruit a vitamin supliment makes sense and it was reccomended that you did not stay with the diet longterm...but as I said it did reduce my weight quickly and enjoyably...it would probably be more difficult to follow the Atkins diet in Thailand

I eat plenty of vegetables. My lunch every day is large salad that contains several cups of leafy and cruciferous vegetables. It might contain spinach, romaine, red leaf, brocolli, onions, etc. I also add some protien like eggs, chicken, tuna, etc. I usually use olive oil and vinegar as a dressing.

Breakfast is usually a couple of eggs with ham or Canadian bacon, and a small serving of Greek-style yogurt. My evening meal is beef, pork or fish with a couple of vegetable. Sometimes I'll eat squash but not too often. If I snack it will be almonds or perhaps an apple cut up with some almond butter.

What I do avoid are grains and anything with added sugar. I'm convinced excess carbs are the main culprit in the obesity explosion in the U.S. (and the corresponding illnesses like type 2 diabetes).

I couple all this with a varied exercise program. I play a vigorous racquetball match twice a week, and also lift weights a couple times. I do compound lifts like squats, cleans, presses etc. And I do a lot of lower level cardio-long walks and bike rides at a comfortable pace. I figure my weekly golf game is a good replica of our hunter-gatherer ancestors foraging on the plains of Africa. I walk the course, carry my clubs, and spend time searching for my ball!! :-)

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Eating about 5-6 small meals is a good idea.

Just don't take this as gospel. There's a school of thought that says this is a bad idea.

Doesn't work for me - I end up eating 5-6 LARGE meals instead! :o:D

For me it's a big brekkie and/or two bananas mid-morning, gym at lunchtime (90 mins) followed by moderate lunch (Subway or pasta as often as not), then just fruit in the evening ... this seems to be working for me.

Oh yes, and I allow myself a "few" beers during the week :D BUT I have really laid off the greasy bar snacks (potato crisps / chips etc) that tend to go with the beer - I feel like this has helped too.

Ain't losing much weight on the scales but noticeably toning up and bodyfat % is steadily reducing according to some clever machine they have at the gym... even lost 2" around the waist :D

So try a few things, and find whatever works for you - then do it!


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So try a few things, and find whatever works for you - then do it!


Good point. I'm convinced that excess carbohydrates are the culprit in most cases of obesity, but what is excess? We all have different tolerances and varied insulin response, so you have to find the level that's right for you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We cannot say that eat more. But we shold say eat more often and take care low energy good for example low fat and low carbohydrate. Most important You will never ignor the excercise life style if you want to be loss weight with healthy.

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There are ppl who eat not enough. You can calculate how much you need. If you go under that need for a long time and with a large percentage you can slow your metabolic rate down. I dont say that everyone eats not enough. I know i did for a long time and i whatever i tried i could not loose any weight. The moment i started eating a lot more and after that decreasing that amount i started loosing weight.

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I don't understand the "Eat More To Lose Weight," part.

Weight gain, maintenance, or loss is related to caloric surplus and caloric deficits.


That is it.

Frequency of meals will spead up metalbolism: eating about every 3.5 to 4 hours a days is a good idea. Eating about 5-6 small meals is a good idea.

dam_n! I knew there was something not working. I thought it was 5-6 small meals lasting 3.5 to 4 hours per day. :o

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Our brain control the feeling of hungry, and the blood sugar control our brain. When less blood sugar, then our brain tell ourselves to find something to eat. Therefore, we have to keep mentanace of sugar in our blood. If we are still young not necessary to eat often because our insulin is function very good, but if we are getting old. It is good to eat more often. Most important we have to choose the right food for our body.


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  • 6 months later...
If someone eats not enough his body will go into starvation mode. That means all it will slow down and store calories into fat. Its something that used to benefit us long ago.

This might be true if you consistently eat a low calorie diet day in and day out; however, our ancestors didn't eat "three squares" a day or do the many small meals a day. But spending some time being hungry can have some health benefits. Search on "intermittent fasting"--lots of interesting info.

IF is the bomb! but it is hard to convince any of my friends how good it is.

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This is a great topic guys, so I'll add some...

Eat light, eat often is the equivalent of eating 5-6 smaller meals a day.

Benefits for this are:

* Manage you energy levels and your blood sugar levels!! When we dont eat, our blood sugars levels drops, as wellness rightly states, triggers the brain to tell us to eat - usually hi fat, high sugar foods that will dramatically increase our blood sugar. When blood sugar increases, so does insulin, which is secreted to take the sugar in the blood to be used as energy rather than fat, and in turn anything in excess wil be directly stored as fat.

* Burn more calories through the Thermic Effect of Food (TEF) - up to 15% of our Basal Metabaolic Rate (BMR) - which is the minimum amount of energy/calories our body requires to sustain life. BMR is determined by our age, weight, activity levels and the essentially the amount of lean tissue or muscle that we have.

* Prevents the body moving into 'starvation mode' - Which happens when we eat below our BMR - The bodys natural response to conserving energy for periods without food.

* Allow the food you consume to used as energy rather than stored as fat.

Make sure you eat something every 3 hours, combine your proteins and carbs together to minimise the blood sugar spike and force the body to use more energy to digest and break down the foods therefore releasing energy over a longer preiod of time. Exercise regularly, ESPECIALLY strength training to increase your lean tissie mass, increase your metabolic rate and increase.

When you manage your energy, you also perform better with your training, achieve more in less time, recover faster, so you are better prepared for your next training session and the cycle continues.

This is just as basic overview.

Other important factors to ensure FAT LOSS, not weight loss successful include:

Combining your foods

Pre and post workoutmeals

Sleep and recovery

Training and Exercise.

We can cover more in additional posts.

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Weight loss is calories in vs calories out. You can reduce your energy intake, or do more exercise, or both.

The new idea is that the obesity is caused by energy deficiency because there is no enough energy to get the wastes out of the body. From this point of view, obesity is not due to energy excess but energy deficiency....

I take it you are talking about 'Qi' energy and not calories here.

“People become fat gradually when the Qi and blood of body is too deficient of to discharge the wastes which accumulate in the body tissue gaps.”

Maybe, but personally I believe people become fat because they eat (or drink) too much.

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Weight loss is calories in vs calories out. You can reduce your energy intake, or do more exercise, or both.

Unfortuntely it is not quite as simple as this. Although 'calories in, calories out' needs to be understood, and recognised, if it was as simple as this, then people who reduce their food intake, dont eat enough or under eat would automatically lose weight/fat. They dont lose weight because they are under eating and not eating enough!

Many over weight individuals are over weight for the simple fact they dont eat enough!!

We have run and do run successful fat loss programs over the last 12 years I have worked with too many clients to count.

Under eating has been a critical factor in peoples weight gain. So of course the thought of having to eat more astounds some, however the results speak for themselves. Take one of our current clients. 6 month, lost 18 kilograms of fat, thats fat not weight. She is 5 feet tall, and over 50 years of age. It must be a lifestyle change.

Yes in a sense you are correct in that exercise and managing energy consumption is essential for successful fat loss.

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Unfortuntely it is not quite as simple as this. Although 'calories in, calories out' needs to be understood, and recognised, if it was as simple as this, then people who reduce their food intake, dont eat enough or under eat would automatically lose weight/fat. They dont lose weight because they are under eating and not eating enough!

Many over weight individuals are over weight for the simple fact they dont eat enough!!

Well I'm afraid I don't agree! If your calorie intake is less than your calorie expenditure, then your body has to draw on stored reserves and you have to lose weight. It's physics, the energy has to come from somewhere. But of course people could eat larger quantities of low energy food and still lose weight. Or smaller quantities of high-energy food and gain weight.

Just to be clear, I am talking about energy and weight, not food consumption and fat.

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Unfortuntely it is not quite as simple as this. Although 'calories in, calories out' needs to be understood, and recognised, if it was as simple as this, then people who reduce their food intake, dont eat enough or under eat would automatically lose weight/fat. They dont lose weight because they are under eating and not eating enough!

Many over weight individuals are over weight for the simple fact they dont eat enough!!

Well I'm afraid I don't agree! If your calorie intake is less than your calorie expenditure, then your body has to draw on stored reserves and you have to lose weight. It's physics, the energy has to come from somewhere. But of course people could eat larger quantities of low energy food and still lose weight. Or smaller quantities of high-energy food and gain weight.

Just to be clear, I am talking about energy and weight, not food consumption and fat.

Crush I think you are misunderstanding the concept Fitcorpasia is stating. I agree it is not as simple as cutting calories, there are many more factors that play into the game of weight loss. Eating too little is just as dangerous and counterproductive as overeating. The problem of fat loss and weight control is much more complex then caloric intakes. The types of food being eaten and also the type of exercise being performed can completely alter the reaction of your body.

So yes you do need to eat less calories then you use but that is not the whole picture or what fitcorpasia is saying. I believe he is trying to say that most tend to eat to little when trying to cut weight which tends to counter act the energy requirements throwing a person into calorie deprivation which leads the energy systems to start breaking down muscle, which slows the metabolism, which leads to more fat storage. The goal should be to create a well functioning body through correct eating and correct exercise and if the food is truly healthy and the right type of exercise is being participated in the body will get to where it needs to be without having to worry about counting calories.

Over all it is simply much more complicated then Calorie in Calorie out. There is plenty of research to show that few people get the long term results they want by simply eating less calories, look at weight watcher clients for example. As a large picture, a large percentage relapse and end up gaining more fat then when they started due to muscle loss, leading to metabolism slow down, all because calorie deprivation.

Over all many tend to rev up their metabolisms with added caloric intake of the right foods, especially women. Once more this is truly all relative to each individuals situation. If someone is eating 2 pizzas a day, they probably do not have the problem of under eating!

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